sum up last session in 1 (one) file
Sum up last session in 1 (one) file
Last session, we learned of one of our antagonists motivations.
A sexy NPC goblin bat lady was tempting you the whole session?
So, it turns out a sniper rifle that can shoot through virtually any obstacles, aimed by a psychic who can track a person with great precision across basically any distance, makes it really hard for the bad guys to have a hidden base to regroup and plan at.
When the main badguy is an npc party member manipulating this whole time
erp with gf over skype text chat
bad idea, left me with a massively unsatisfying boner that I couldn't attend to due to being busy typing.
Found the image I think
Does it count if we made the image ourselves?
We killed our first dragon last session
That might work better if you didn't have to use Titanium twice. Sadly there is no T, St, or Ut.
Why are humans like this?
Well, mostly they're too dumb to notice what they're grabbing onto before it's too
Oh you meant the person who put them there? I dunno lol.
I think I get what's happening in the image, but not the joke.
Our ship hit a rock in the middle of the night. I went below to try and stop it sinking while not drowning while the other fast thinking PC's grabbed their personal belongings and 2-3 of the 25ish crew and took the only life boat to shore.
Actually, this fits perfectly.
What crazy system is this? Sounds so powergamey
Maybe they don't want screaming and annoying kids near where they live?
>i don't like [Blank] so i must maim/seriously injure them.
It's the only method that would work. For some inexplicable reason, people like kids and want to bring them everwhere where they annoy the most amount of people, like public transportation.
I look at the picture above and I see acts of a person who had no other choice.
Or a sociopath.
Feels like the type of guy who would give out actual razor apples to trick or treating children.
>For some inexplicable reason, people like kids
basic human instinct. it's not that hard to understand that people want to raise a child with their significant other.
>bring them everwhere where they annoy the most amount of people, like public transportation.
because they have to take care of the god damned kid. leaving the fucker alone in the house is actual child abuse.
>acts of a person who had no other choice
if the sounds of children playing in the park is enough to make you consider child murder then you need to seek help.
get help.
>For some inexplicable reason, people like kids
Hoooooooooooooo am I glad 95% of this site is unable to breed. You keep ridin' that edge, pudgy.
>Feels like the type of guy who would give out actual razor apples to trick or treating children.
High chance of getting caught, though. Bad Idea.
>basic human instinct. it's not that hard to understand that people want to raise a child with their significant other.
Selfishness of people is not anything new, true. That, or they enjoy spreading misery. Who the fuck enjoys a screaming kid in a bus when you're just trying to get to work to put food on the table? It should be illegal to bring children outside until they learn how to shut up.
>because they have to take care of the god damned kid. leaving the fucker alone in the house is actual child abuse.
Laws are biased, arbitrary, and riddled with double standards. This isn't anything new either.
>if the sounds of children playing in the park is enough to make you consider child murder then you need to seek help.
Luckily, my apartment is high enough and has good soundproofing, so I don't have to deal with them. I was putting myself in the person's shoes who glued razors to the bars.
Veeky Forums is an 18+ board
when you are playing Black crusade seeing just one of these guys is a "pants to be darkened" moment, GM threw 2 at us with IG support.
>>Hoooooooooooooo am I glad 95% of this site is unable to breed.
If only 95% of the planet would be similarly unable to breed. But what can you do when people are retarded rabbits? Glueing razors to objects is nowhere near enough.
Europeans were getting the idea and stopped breeding, but then in their great retardation they decided to import millions of shitskins who again breed like rats. Human idiocy never ceases to amaze.
My players have realized this is the start of the finale of the 6 year game we've been playing, and they also just realized I have handed them the equivalent of a shaky debug menu with all the event flags listed.
ok, i'm not adressing your other edgy points.
>Laws are biased, arbitrary, and riddled with double standards. This isn't anything new either.
let's see this from a moral standpoint rather than a law based one. say you leave a kid alone, scared and not cared for in a house. The kid might get injured and no one can help them, they might get hungry but their mother wont hear them. if they have to take public transport then it's likely they don't have car, so it's unreasonable to believe they would be able to take them to a daycare without using public transport.
Hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo am I glad YOU ain't gonna breed either, babyboy.
Keep ragin' bout them browns from the safety of your bed, chunklord. You're winnin'!
>let's see this from a moral standpoint rather than a law based one. say you leave a kid alone, scared and not cared for in a house. The kid might get injured and no one can help them, they might get hungry but their mother wont hear them. if they have to take public transport then it's likely they don't have car, so it's unreasonable to believe they would be able to take them to a daycare without using public transport.
They can hire a babysitter if they're worried for the kid's safety.
that's true, but that's not the only reason someone would take their kid to public transport.
>I'll rape you because you asked nicely
Wait, what?
Good job, user.
I'd bitch about low-test edgy trolling, but it's working. I guess if it's stupid and it works it's not stupid.
And then the baby sitter takes them on public transport, to take them to the park, where the little shit will slice his hands open on some razors that some schmuck glued to his monkeybars. After he screams at you on the bus, of course.
not this session, but next session involves the PCs assaulting a dungeon-tavern used by a large evil cult.
A PC death happened during the session and after some scheming on our part to save him we decided to end the session a little early, to allow for planing on the part of the DM and the player getting a new character.
While the image manages to sum up my reaction to the anticlimactic death of the only man in the party capable of bringing back a dead character, after he exclaimed in the previous session rather prophetically that there no risk of anyone dying as long as it wasn't him, it also sums up what happened next.
Since we ended the session early we hung out and talked about stuff, at first philosophy but that turned into a discussion on religious beliefs.
We've all be friends for years now and this conversation was not difficult to have we realized that there are a lot of different beliefs present at our table.
The picture sums up our collective faces when the player who's character had died announced that he was a young earth creationist, Adam and Eve, Noah's flood, 7 days, all that stuff.
None of us could believe it, most of us are some kind of Christian but this guy actually takes everything in the bible literally, I for one never thought I would meet one turns out i'v been friends with one for years.
People are not impressed by you; people are laughing at you.
Whats this from?
The Fall, a 2006 film. It's okay. Really depressing.
But at least you get some satisfaction from seeing the little shit cut up.
You just gave me an amazing idea and also they should totally join the party, become insanely popular, and then end it in fire and violence when they least expect.
Also ridiculously pretty
well the evil cult already sent a small army of assassins into to town to try and stop the players and failed.
The tavern has 90+ foes in it, plus 1 allied npc
if the party doesn't make good use of area effect spells, barrier spells, and overall good targeting decisions they'll get their asses kicked.
Put together a playlist just for the battle.
>first song:
Jesus Christ, you sound more autistic then I am and I got diagnosed by multiple doctors with Asperger's syndrome.
Nice. Use some Hotline too. Next week my players are raiding the offices of an MC&D expy, at the culmination of this enormous religious event, and the entire deal is set up like a Hotline Miami level. Maybe they'll go social to kill their 100, or maybe they'll just room to room with a sword n' shotgun.
>giant ridiculous bar fight
Cool. If you haven't already, maybe consider throwing Sweet's Ballroom Blitz in there.
Hate to newfag but
What is that from?
Robot Girls Z
>Playing Kingdom Death: Monster
>Friend literally tears off giant lions balls
>Lion gets +1 to strength an proceeds to kill three characters
Good game
>Human idiocy never ceases to amaze
Just wait till you're over 18 and try to interact with the real world.
The healer tried to kill his Fiance's character in the middle of a battle for reasons we don't know. We finished the battle then ended the session.
I seriously can't be arsed to find it, but Neil Cicierega under the Lemon Demon name had an animated music video about falling and falling and falling.
Pretty appropriate given last session was half the airship we chartered going down like a hooker paid a bag of holding full of platinum.
You're amazing me right now
>everyone look at me, I'm being an edgy 13-year-old on an anonymous imageboard!
Have another (You).
I introduced a couple of friends to roleplaying and they turned out to be fucking amazing at it.
That's the one, thanks my dude
yea this was my session too
I don't think I have an image in my collection that adequately portrays the despair and existential crisis that my Kenku Hexblade is going through now that he's discovered his powers do not come from his Goddess, like he thought. The person he thought was his Goddess, the person that he swore to serve as a knight and the source of all his powers, is actually Queen Mab.
mental illness~~
did you die, tho?
In his defense, anyone probably would if they tried playing devils advocate for people who put razors on monkey bars. That's just too fucked a proposition to come out of without coming off like a stunted individual yourself.
are you using ed to compose Skype messages lol?