Remember FFG Murdered the best CCG and used it's corpse for a cash grab

Remember FFG Murdered the best CCG and used it's corpse for a cash grab.

The LCG is dead and likely to be canceled by the end of the year. Has less active players then fucking Star Wars LCG.

Fuck FFG the fucking game murders!

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What did they change

"Murdered the best CCG"

lol what

literally no part of that sentence is true as far as I can tell

The entire game. They gutted 90% of the game and replaced it with a shitty clone of the Game of Thrones LCG conflict system.

The game is awfully balanced to the point only 2 of the clans really matter.

They knew it was going to be awful so they rushed a bunch of product out for people to grab up at the start then have released nothing since early December of last year. Nothing will be released till the start of May, meaning most groups have already moved on entirely.

OG L5R was the best CCG ever created.

The first run of L5R sounds like it was pretty epic, but that was a long time ago

It was really fun, way better than Magic which feels like a game for retards in comparison.

Nigga it was already dead and buried by the time FFG got the rights to it.

>OG L5R was the best CCG ever created.

That's not the DBZ card game.

True but it was on the road to recovery with the later sets. The story had gotten out of control but the final years had some great game play.

I fucking loved old L5R and went all in on the new game hoping it;d be good. Now with 3+ months of no new content, a meta that has been solved almost for that entire time as there is no real depth to the game, and the only active online community for it being a super SJW focused discord me and my entire local group have sold out before the cards become entirely worthless.

Just another shitty LCG disappearing into the mist. All Fantasy Flight cares about is selling a ton of core sets and moving on to the next game. There is little to no support for any of the LCGs post core release, Netrunner is the closest and that was from it's fans more or less forcing it on FFG.

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>me and my entire local group have sold out before the cards become entirely worthless
I don't get this... surely they're not supposed to be worth a whole lot anyway? I thought the whole point of LCGs was avoiding the collectible part.

>there is no real depth to the game
That, on the other hand, sounds like a problem.

Is this card saying "point down on your enemy"?

>This thread
>Suddenly miss my Yogo Towers deck.

Those were the times.

>They gutted 90% of the game
Wait. So no provinces? No duels? No events? No Rings? WTF

>The game is awfully balanced
Game's not been a champion of balance anyway. I still remember the fucking Shadow Dragon years.

It's honestly better balanced than the ccg was most of the time.
Provinces/rings/events/duels exist, but broken provs refill, duels can cost honor to win, events are just strategy cards, rings are claimed by winning battles.

Depth is there, but meta solvings happening faster than the old ccg is because the games alive and its not 1996 anymore.

for shame

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L5R LCG is about as deep and complex as a single cog in a puddle.

kek, pretty good

Rings got degraded into a cookie you fighter over each round for a effect when you claim them. They have no lasting value.
They removed the enlightenment victory entirely.

They removed the econ play from the game and now you just get "fate" each turn to spend at a flat rate.
All chars have "fading" from MTG so they slowly leave play after you play them.

All the soul of L5R has been removed and what is left is just a shitty corporate tried down and stabilized clone.


Were you even around for Lotus, Emperor or Celestial. Game was fucking broken and a lot of bans and errata were issued.

The truth is that the CCG only stuck around because players were really loyal due to flavor shit but the game itself had a lot of awful design. Cards were almost yugioh tier in terms of wording, one win condition led to near endless games against another (honor vs dishonor was a nightmare) while being useless against a whole faction (Shadowlands), military victory led to snowball effect and enlightenment was either a gimmick or broken.

FFG's game has its problems too (mostly how fiddly their games are with tokens up the ass) but it fixes a lot, maybe all, of those flaws and the transient characters add a lot of depth. The problem is that the LCG model is good for the individual buyer but terrible at making games that grow.

>I did not know the way.
I am sorry you failed to see the truth behind the veil.

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Oh god. That was a fucking mess but I still remember fondly that era. It was the only time nezumi got to be good and it was nice to see clan players buttmad about that.

Here are the problems I've seen so far:
1. They have reset the story back to before the Scorpion Coup [only an issue if you like the books really]
2. It is not really a casual-friendly game. You have to keep up on everything [you have to rebuild your deck everytime you clan's role changes], 1 card can change the whole meta, if you don't buy 1 of the packs, you are at a serious disadvantage.
3. Due to the limited cards released so far and the limits on cross-clan card inclusions, there are only a few viable ways to build a deck [lots of net-decking]
4. Bastards left out the glorious [and undoubtedly best] Mantis Clan. Its hard to get involved with another clan...

1) Not a problem, L5R lore suffered some really retarded shit later on

2) Not really a problem. I played it with my rather casual friend and it only took a few games for him to pick it up

3) A problem now but hopefully not for the future

4) Not a problem, Mantis were over rated anyways. And they could add them in later.

>Bastards left out the glorious Mantis Clan
Game has quite the story of making and dropping factions at the drop of a hat. I quit when they took out nezumi. Which made sense, but it was too much of a bother to start a new deck. That being said not even Shadowlands are a thing now?

My local group is fuckhuge. Easily 16 players 2x a week, and we're a small town.

How FFG fucked up was in making it too complex and gametime too long. I didn't expect anything to replace ANR as best competitive card game. But it didn't even come close.

There is a goblin card, but Shadowlands and Spider are no where to be seen as the current game is concerned for actual factions.

AEG killed L5R. FFG just bought the corpse.

>The entire game. They gutted 90% of the game and replaced it with a shitty clone of the Game of Thrones LCG conflict system.
IN all fairness the GoT LCG conflict system was a simplification of the GoT TCG conflict system, which was a rip-off of the B5 TCG conflict system, which was a rip-off of the Dune CCG Kanly-Rites system, which was a total rip-off of the original L5R mechanics. So, if you go far back enough, it's really a shitty clone of itself.

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Anyone saying it is dead clearly does not play it.
There is a huge new pack coming April 5th, and a new type of event bridging Koteis and smaller events is being prepared.

The new game is better than the old and only gaining popularity.

>All this arguing about who/what killed L5R/Rokugan

Y'all bitches don't even know.

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You need to play it around 5 times to get used to the process.
Obviously if you're IQ and attention span can't keep up then you should stick to ANR.

That actually helped it.

FFG still 100% dropped the hype ball. They needed at least a small OP kit during Feb instead of nothing, and after the PHX, we're currently hearing nothing but OP kits instead getting a normal pack schedule after a clan gets infused with cards.

Lotus was pretty well balanced after enlightenment got nerfed. I played a lot in Lotus and there were so many viable decks. I could go to a Kotei and there were 20-30 viable decks with lots of variation in how to build the decks. Lotus had batshit insane power level but man was there a lot of variety of good cards and decks.

Per FFG, we can expect new packs every 3-4 months (Boo) and the next announcement just after the phoenix pack launches.

But yes, they dropped the ball.

What's more complex:

New LotFR or MTG?

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L5R by far.

In what way, friend?

The number of decision points you need to make and plan for throughout a turn far exceed MTG.

I've played Magic for most of my life and love the game, so this isn't some fanboy bias: nuL5R is significantly more complex, difficult and skill-based.

What sort of decisions do you need to make? I've not played it, but I know enough about the rules to understand whatever you'd tell me.

Right from the getgo you have more spending power than the first turn land drop of MTG, so you've got more decisions in terms of what you're spending your Fate on, and for every character the additional planning of adding Fate to keep them around for subsequent turns, as well is keeping some in hand for conflict deck cards. Then you've got the honor bid. Then you've got a potential 4 conflicts in a single turn, and for your first one you've got the choice of whether or not to attack and which character(s) to attack with, like with Magic, but also, where to attack, whether to go military or political, which Ring to go for, and all the additional considerations that go into the conflict, while keeping in mind your opponent will have two opportunities in the same turn to attack you.

There's a fuckton going on at once. Piloting a deck well in L5R is much harder than in MtG.

This is all true, and it's not even the full extent of the complexity of the first turn of the game. There's still the imperial favor to consider, and the tricks each clan can do to manipulate the several resources of the game.

Which brings me to my point that the game is so convoluted it's nearly unplayable. There are simply too many moving parts to have an enjoyable experience for the average player. I'm a ten-year L5R veteran with a sword I won at an event, and I have a tremendous distaste for the new game.

>I'm a ten-year L5R veteran with a sword I won at an event, and I have a tremendous distaste for the new game.
Pics! Hell, a more complex game sounds more appealing to me. If you have such a distaste for it, why do you keep playing it?

>You don't get a discount for buying LotFR as a triple-core pack.
sasuga, goy-chan

L5R's complexity always charmed me. The new game though - each choice you make can have impacts down the line for several turns, and there's no accounting for it because you can't predict your draws. Spent all your funbucks on dudes, and then drew your most expensive cards? Well, you've lost, but you've got another four turns to play before it becomes obvious to both players. The game is pretty much won or lost in the first two turns, usually from making an economic fuck-up, but it may not be noticed for a while.

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Ah heck, I was gonna pick up a core set but you've put me off it. I'll no doubt end up getting Warhammer Conquest instead.

If you really like playing out dozens of eventualities for every single action you take, you might like it. It tends to give me a headache so I haven't played since December.

I would say play a game if you can find a demo of it. A big issue I have with it is how different it is from the old L5R, while still having enough of the old trappings to deceive me into thinking the old rules should still apply. Not having the rules of presence and location really throws me for a loop but a new player wouldn't even know it's gone. It might be better to fresh eyes.

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>Celestial was broken
Mid Celestial was statistically the most balanced edition in all of L5R.