>Local game store installs "hygiene handles" on all the doors.
>Game players all have slippery dripping goop hands.
Local game store installs "hygiene handles" on all the doors
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Just imagine what kind of fun, productive, and engaging threads you could have made.
Our community center tried one of these for a few months and got rid of it after it made the room fucking reek of rubbing alcohol.
It would get rid of me, that shit makes me break out in hives. Soap and water are good enough for me.
I'd start bringing a coat hanger to open the doors.
Lotion/hand gel is a scam designed to cause long term dehydration in the skin so you'll keep buying it.
Use soap and water.
I would applaude my lgs if this happened, as I would any attempt to improve the terrible hygiene of greasy neckbeards.
Fluoridation of water is a scam designed to pollute your precious bodily fluids.
Drink your pee.
Sleeve your cards.
And you thought it was hand sanitiser in that thing.
It's fast-acting glue.
>rub hands together
I wonder who could be behind this.
Wouldn't I just be recycling the fluoride too? I eat my own shit for moisture.
>perverts start masturbating into the lotion container
>not owning a water distiller
Enjoy your secondhand medication.
I understand and appreciate that reference
Hydration is a meme, you dip.
Imagine sneaking there after the store closes and dumping the contents of your semen bottles inside all handles.
*piss bottles
Dare you exit my magical realm?
>happen to read the label on my toothpaste tube
>"contains fluorine, do not swallow"
Go back to TF2 Sniper
Like a birdlime trap for people?
Mandrake have you ever seen a commie drink a glass of water?
>alcohol on hands
>touch miniatures painted with acrylic paint
That sore is going out of business in a month.
Top tier reference
fucking hell, i wish they would put these in the hospital I work at, if you think gamers have bad hygienic you should see most doctors.
It's insane. You'd think doctors of all people would understand the concept of sanitation.
Really makes you think.
Shoot! A feller could have a good time in Vegas with this.
no I can't say I have
>tfw the East Coast has a heightened concentration of shit particles in the water because the pooinloos shart so bad half a world away
we're all like, connected maaaaaan
>hand sanitizer
>anywhere near enough to fix the problem of fatbeards
Pretty sure you'd have to dissolve some of my local guys in acid to get rid of the stank 2bh
>allergic to most hand sanitizers and wipes
>instant automatic kidnapping
I'm pretty sure, legally, you'd need the equivalent of handicap access buttons
Plus, it's a massive fire hazard, let's make egress only possible through a layer of alcohol.
Holy shit, Australia actually serves a purpose!
>entering a local game store without gloves on
If asked, tell them you have burns, eczema or hypersensitive skin.
No, because of crippling shortages there's no water except for the party elite and if you question this you're shot for being a counterrevolutionary.
>have sensitive skin
>alcohol burns like hell
>Sanitize everything
>Super-viruses are born
Nice job doctors.
No fucking way, this can’t be real.
India holy fuck
It's a bit exaggerated since it's from after that tsunami that washed out all the shit in the streets and any sewers they might have.
I doubt India has any streets.
Make sure to touch all the merchandize in the store as well as the staff after grabbing such a handle. Bonus points if you can touch books this way. Just look at how quickly these things will be removed.
I would sue the fuck outta them, i cant use most hand sanitizes because the chemicals in them cause horrible outbreaks on my hands in a matter of hours after contact.
Why do so many of you suffer from weakness of the flesh? Poor weaning?
This. The soft skinned neckbeard’s natural habitat is slowly being destroyed by sanitation.
>he fell for the jewpaste
Don't be silly, if India didn't have streets they wouldn't have any place to shit. Think, man.
How do you check fecal concentrations from space?
Legitimately curious.
You turn on the poop emoji filter on your satellite. Duh.
Take a few thousand water samples around the world and visualise them without space ever playing a role in it.
Their flesh is comprised of bacon grease arranged around a rigid, fractal, cheeto-like structure. This stuff simply dissolves them.
It can also be done by measuring algal blooms, which can be measured from space due to increased chlorophyll and therefore different degrees of light reflection