Do you like swords?
Do you like swords?
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I think they're neat.
I prefer knives
I'm an axe man myself.
That's cool and all, but what if you could make a HUNDRED swords?
That's a messer.
nay m'lord, that's just a big knife, a peasant can't own a sword
Which translates as what?
One think I always have found interesting about swords is their special role as defensive instruments in many cultures that very few other weapons fill. You cant really carry a spear around on a day to day routine and a knife is usualy a multitool or hidden. Swords on the other hand can and have been carried around by those of rank as a purpose built weapon. They are not the most effective weapons in the world, but what they represent as a badge of honor from longswords, to katanas, to tulwars gives them a special place in most cultures' psyche.
Could you say a big knife is just a grosse messer? or if its used for war a kriegsmesser?
>Do you like swords?
I want to, but they feel so played out. A sword is a sharp metal bar. The importance placed on them in media never made much sense to me given that they were almost never a main weapon of war.
I'm a spear person.
>Do you like swords?
Only curved swords
>mace was here, sword is a faggot
I enjoy S words of all variety.
His character is genuinely autistic, isn't he ?
yes, hes an autist with a martyr complex and is surrounded by fairly terrible people
>just one blade
I don't think that word means what he thinks it means.
Cú Chulainn and Gilgamesh seen to be alright.
No, I like warhammers
honestly for both of their respective flaws they arent the worst of it
Rin is a sociopathic manipulator who would kill for the holy grail/her pride
Shinji is a rapey abusive maniac who attempts to torture the entire school to death the first chance he gets
his sister is a mentally unstable prodigy with abandonment issues
sakura is a wreck of a person with satan shoved up her butt
his future self is a backstabbing cowardly traitor who spends eternity bemoaning a fate of his own choosing
kuzuki is an emotionally stunted murderer
kuzukis fiance is an emotionally abused witch with trust issues and a fragile mind
>a peasant can't own a sword
peasants and especially burghers were expected to be proficient when it comes to weapons in late medieval germany though. the "common folk couldn't own swords" thing is a meme.
Yes. Great side arms.
And it's not like a good made couldn't just fuck your shit up just as good.
It's mostly renaissance faggotry where the facts where obscured by Romanticism.
Also brought us shit like horned Viking helmets or the idea that the groove on a sword is for bleeding your enemy out.
As a Mess, Ser!
>the groove on a sword is for bleeding your enemy out.
Never heard that myth but makes sense that it isn't true. What's it actually for?
its just the fuller
its basically just a stylistic choice, sometimes used to lighten the blade and sometimes used as to strengthen it
blood had nothing to do with their creation or use
>It's mostly renaissance faggotry where the facts where obscured by Romanticism.
>when messers actually were invented
You are thinking Victorian, nigger
I do love me a messer. Are there messers with two edges near the tip, or was that too sword like?
just male power fantasy garbage and euro-fapping bullshit. People need to get over themselves.
What. The. Fuck.
God damnit Japan, we have been over this.
Also why the heck is King Arthur a girl?
Is there a in setting reason or couldn't the author be bothered to look for any female heroes?
>Also why the heck is King Arthur a girl?
They decided the game would sell better if the main character was a dude romancing girls, and not the reverse
Look up Fate/Prototype for the original version where Arthur is a guy
Maybe if you weren't a sexists piece of shit you wouldn't care.
Shit bait
>Forcing a female into a role of a male figure instead of not using a female EXSISTING heroine like
>Jean, who is also best girl
>Anne Bonny
>Grainne O'Malley
Replacing a male characters gender isn't showing progression, rather it undermines the idea that a woman can do anything he can, therefore also undermines the idea of equality.
Adding a channel makes the blade stiffer.
I have a certain fondness for them
Most of those chicks are also in the setting, and remain female. Saber is a chick because otherwise you couldn't fuck her, and they decided that the LN would sell better with ero.
The reason every other girl looks the same is because they made a deal with the waifufag animator to put her face in every series back when they figured the franchise wouldn't last.
Didn't say they weren't, just pointing out that wondering why King Arthur got tits doesn't make me a "Wyomen are icky" guy.
Why is Mordret a waifu
Why is the leader of the Templars a trap waifu
Why is Frankensteins monster a handicapped waifu
Not like I don't know that they try to cater to sad neets, but they can't have run out of female heroines, or is this too a fetish?
I like elven court blades.
I like intelligent dragon-slaying swords forged of meteoric iron by dark elves.
So basically special snowflake magic items?
I like it when they have slight curves and glowing energy/crystal blades.
>>Anne Bonny
>>Grainne O'Malley
Please tell me they are in there and rading, magical tomboys.
Girls sell. Fate is gatcha bait now, plot and story are unimportant. All that matters is making waifus that people will 20x roll for.
Doesn't blade specifically refer to the side that has the edge?
some messers had straight blades with two edges towards the tips
I like it when they have pleasing shapes.
Yeah I got that, I just had a last she of hope that it wouldn't be completely without effort or reason.
Thanks for opening my eyes.
But then it's a dagger...
But it's not like categorizing weapons is an actual science and people tend to mid and match
ye i liek suerds
An arming sword man, I see.
More of an Estoc guy myself.
how does chopping out part of the sword make it harder
wouldn't you want the perimeter hard so it'll keep an edge and the middle springier so it gives a bit instead of snapping on impact?
We are mostly talking about double edged blades here.
You aren't simply taking something out. The Fuller is forged into the blade and offers static reinforcement.
You can remove material from the sword to get a lighter sword that is still strong and forcible without bending.
Or you can keep the material and have a sword that could double as a crowbar.
Again, this isn't simply "remove stuff" Ave requires quite some understanding in metallurgy.
Just gonna drop this here to educate you guy's
Edges give strength. Creating more edges gives more strength. You can see this very easily with, for example, a cardboard box. Consider how easily it bends pressing against the center of a side, compared to the center of an edge or against the corner.
>Rin is a sociopathic manipulator who would kill for the holy grail/her pride
That's what she's trying to be, but ultimately she's too nice a person to go through with it.
I bet you're some sophomoric snowflake who would havr us play with stupid meme weapons like flails or macuahuitl even though they're ugly and shit
It's important to remember that the Fate series was originally a porn game, where the point was to end up having sex with one of the girls (namely Saber, Rin, or Sakura). That's why Saber was a girl.
Now that the series has gone away from it's pornographic routes, it still needs to rely on waifus in order to sell, so it just turns all the heroes of legend into girls so you can waifu them and spend money on their gatcha game.
I'm an edgy motherfucker so I like cleavers first and formost. Long, straight blades without a stabbing point.
Then mauls. Big rectangles of crushing concussive force
Regular swords are nice. I just prefer them in the midpoint between HEMAfag and high/weeb fantasy
Do you think that asking the crusaders there was that one guy REALLY excited about taking back the holy Land and would to all those impulse buys.
Till one day he brought a goal to show off and his friend is walking up to him, putting hand on his shoulder and looks deep into his eyes with a deep inner sadness.
"sir Peter, my brethren, we have been thinking and thou might have a problem'
only if they have detachable pommels
>pommel grenade
user you might be into something
>leader of the Templars
Learn to google
Do I sound like I care enough about your weeb shit ?
Yeah, but in the case of pic related, I don’t like a sword that’s better at smack talk than me directing it at me. Anglachel has all the bantz.
You cared enough to ask in the first place
You've said the magic words.
not usually, but when I do I prefer them short and curved.
a dagger is just a knife, and besides that a messer is still a sword
Hey guys, can I join in?
"I like sword; that's a personal weapon!"
The kopesh is aesthetic as fuck.
Pata swords are cool too.
fuck off lautrec
I like trains.
yeah, I mean what kind of absolute madman would do that fucking thing?
3c through 4d are best messers.
I personally have a 5 and a 3c for training.
technically speaking and if we look at how it is produced the dagger has way more things common with a sword than with a knife. And the messer has way more things in common with a knife than with a dagger.
Now if we look at how they are actually used the sword and a messer doesn't have too much differences. The knife and the daggeris kind of the same in this regard too
>do you like swords?
What kind of question is that?
>meteoric iron
Isn't really forgeable without a decent smelting setup. And if you have that, any iron works.
>when you realize Fate was less of a waifu-bait dick-pandering shit series when it was literally porn
As a backup weapon they are excellent but as a primary weapon not so great, im a pole weapon man myself. Also halfswording gets my dick hard, busting knights in the face with the crossguard is the best.
Also rings on crossgaurds are the best things ever, too bad they are rare.
Forgot pic
After some googeling I know know that this is called having a false edge. I found curved examples on the internet that had false edges.
The reason I thought about it is because you need to have a false edge to use long sword techniques with a messer. Messers are my favorite type of "sword", and german long sword fighting is my favorite weapon fighting style, so I'm pleased they could work together.
This is a SHOTEL! Get it right! Id never settle for some beta ass Khopesh, they arent even a sword, theyre an AXE!
oh man i just came a little.
ah lak sawds tu
Alright, fuckit. POST YO SORDS tg.
A lot of "longsowrd techniques" have equivalents for messers. Althogh thouse "longsword techniques" are actually just principles on the german fencing with any kind of weapon and if you know those then you can basically use every melee weapon to some degree, from dagger to halberd.
And then if you want to specilaize you can learn the stuff that is unique to specific weapons.
it does in this context, but its inappropriate in almost every normal context.
unfortunately I don't use these much anymore. The rapier I can use pretty well in cut and thrust but the daggers shitty guard doesn't do much. Looking to get a new rapier/dagger and maybe a messer or dusack