What are some of your best "Oh shit" moments from games you've played or DM'd?
What are some of your best "Oh shit" moments from games you've played or DM'd?
Probably when the mummified corpse in the dungeon's central antechamber suddenly sprung to life, after roughly six visits to the same room where it remained, motionless..
Off topic, but I really hope that we get to see some of the old lady martial arts that Abaddon promised on his Tumblr now that Mottom's officially back directly in the storyline.
shill thread, sage, report, hide.
They didn't burn it the first time and pour the ashes to a bottle with a dose of holy water?
Bad move on our part, but by the first time we reached it, the dungeon was already full of static, unmoving corpses, so we assumed it was more of the same.
There's literally a Broken Worlds thread in the catalog right now, bro.
Oh, my bad friendo.
At the closure of a three year campaign, the campaign's penultimate villain, a mad elven cleric who was a player character from a previous campaign, had managed to knock one of the setting's two moons off course, sending it careening into the planet. However, before it could hit, the party's sorcerer and wizard both used the same artifact the cleric had used to cause the satellite to plummet in order to cast Disintegrate on the moon.
The large, planet-spanning desert the event created would later be known as the Argent Expanse in-setting. Otherwise, the cleric died for his efforts shortly before the party's casters blew up one of their world's neighbouring celestial bodies, nearly bisected through the abdomen by the party's paladin at the end of their final confrontation.
Got into a wishing battle with another player. Got mad enough i wished for all the players wishes, not the characters.
One of the best “Oh Shit” moments in one of my recent 5e games was when I shoved Vecna and a portable hole into the same Bag of Holding.
That doesn't make sense or work on so many levels. Never mind the fact that I'm pretty sure that's not even a thing in 5e, explicitly.
When my players realized they had vastly miscalculated the enemy forces and they found their army outnumbered 5 to 1.
You doing ok there? Both items are in 5e.
God this art is terrible
Is there a story there?
The monster looks nice but yeah the people are awful
Convinced a player to burn a horde of goblin noncoms (offspring and females) alive with a Molotov cocktail. Rolled a Nat 20, the Saladin arguing against it rolled a nat 1.
She immediately threw the cocktail
We also inadvertently released an ancient evil vampire into the world.
I think he's referring to the interaction between extradimensional spaces
The time I convinced my party member to cut me free from the villagers-turned-murderous-psychos that I was tied to. While we were on the outskirts of the village they were from.
Long story short - we ran and the village burned down.
>Last night
>Level 8 party
>Shadow Monk
>Lore Bard (me)
>Be on an airship
>Encounter giant-ass Roc (gargantuan)
>Try to Polymorph it thrice
>Somehow makes all its saves despite not-that-special WIS
>Goes for the flight mechanism
>We go into a tail spin
>Monk and Paladin jump onto Roc and start beating it
>Ranger shoots at it
>Bird eventually goes down
>But we're all going down
>Very fucking quick
>I cast Fly on myself through my Canaith Mandolin (Magical Secrets taken at level 6 are Counterspell and Haste)
>Stuff the halfling ranger into the party's bag of holding
>Fly to the monk
>Heal him
>Brake his fall a bit
>Then drop him when 150 feet or so above the ground due to his ability to negate 40 falling damage
>Rush over to paladin
>Grab onto him and brake his fall a little
>Then he Misty Steps 30ft down to not pull me with him into a super-damaging fall
>He still takes 15d6 damage, but at least it wasn't Terminal Velocity (20d6)
>Land all nice
>Dump halfling out of Bag of Holding
>Monk and Paladin slam into the ground
>Both still conscious
>Heal them up
>Still have Fly up
>Look around for Ranger's pony companion
>Find it splattered on the ground somewhere nearby
>Briefly regret not having taken Feather Fall
>Then remember that'd have been a serious waste of a Spell Known seeing as this is the first time it's been relevant
This was the same session where we barely managed to prevent me turning into a werewolf too.
Putting a bunch of overconfident players against a Beholder Mage in 3rd edition.
It countering every one of their attempts to take it out and then hitting back with 3-4 spells per turn nearly annihilated them.
Hey at least your party doesn't have to worry about dinner.
When the illithid assassin activated the post hypnotic suggestion he'd left in the party rogue's mind about 2 months before hand, compelling him to backstab another party member during the climatic battle between the PCs and a rival monstrous adventuring band.
It was the moment we realized the orphans and werewolves we were trying to stop were one and the same and it was our fault for unwittingly putting patent zero in their midst.
>playing DKT
>one of the PCs dies to duke zalto in a fight with his hell hounds
>the second PC rages and continues to fight Zalto so the other weaker PC, a goblin, can escape
>runs to the elevator and peers down the hallway into the kitchen
>"What do I see in the room north of the elevator? With all of the tables?"
>"Uh, you see... oh shit... 30 goblins, cleaning tables in this feasting hall."
>player begins persuading the goblins they'll be able to escape if they all help defeat Zalto
> 24 on persuasion
> long story short, Zalto was slain by 30+ goblins wielding small forks and the goblin PC ended up trying to fuck his wife
by god where did i go wrong
When after a hard and exhausting mental battle Big Robot Moe Sister decided to pay a personal visit and started a round two of confrontation in the physical realm. Her opening move was to kill all the NPCs around my character with missile barrage - which covered around 100x100 meters and killed the best part of my supporting cast.