Asking Veeky Forums for relationship advice

i know, i know... Why ask Veeky Forums?
--She's a Gamer Girl...supposedly.
--She comes to my games religiously...she's made herself part of my hobby

Veeky Forums, i am a shitty person for being this off topic but i need YOUR advice.
judge me and tell me: should i end my relationship?

i met her 4 months ago, of all places, at the game-store.
she's actually pretty nice (appearance 7, very kind personality)
i just have these issues with her. i just want a second opinion, i am okay if this thread gets floored after you all hear me out.
so: if i may:
--she's very much a "doormat"....she has no sense of agency and will almost do what i say.
--her parents are atrociously disgusting, lifestyle wise. they are just dense and believe the dumbest stuff.and their house smells awful.
--she's very closed off. i have been very kind to her, but i get almost nothing in return. she holds my arm / hand at times, and will kiss me occasionally. she rarely says 'i love you'...i started that mess.
--she's...well, she's not willing to expand her game folio. Pathfinder is the game she plays. she's looked at Age of Sigmar, but i've walked her through why almost any other Fantasy Wargame would be better.

this is really the basics above.
--Critical Role Fan
--/mlp/ fan
--says she finds asian culture boring
--has had previous bad experiences with other guys (could be a huge factor, but i've opened up my supportive affection to her)

Veeky Forums, lend me your advice, as rough or as golden as it may be.
>pic unrelated

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I'm going to ask you one simple question and it will give you the asnwer you need. Don't bother answering right away, this is something you need to think on, that question is are you happy? Do you enjoy spending time with her despite the little things that bother you? Also have you talked to her about your concerns and tried to present your point of view? Now I want you to go and think about these things, but above all figure out, are you happy?

>4 months
be patient
>says she finds asian culture boring
>critical role fan
grills like that shit.
You realize her religion literally forbids doing much more than kissing and holdings hands unless you get married, right?

Maybe this is just me misunderstanding you, but I gotta ask: do you respect her? Like I don't mean that as an accusation or an insult. It sounds like you want more push back from your relationship and she's just very chill and submissive.

2 things brother.

1: find out if she likes the game because she likes the game, or because she likes YOU.

2: Rome wasn't built in a day, steady slow relationship growth is healthy, and pressure to have sex early can really 'fuck' any chance of a more serious relationship.

Talk to her about it? If what you want in a relationship just isnt compatable theres nothing you can do

thank you guys.
i can't believe you were all so civil.


I'm going to assume you're relatively young for no other reason than you're obviously not very bright, user. Moreover, you clearly don't respect her a woman or as an individual human being, else most of the shit on your list wouldn't matter in the slightest.

I'd personally love to meet a girl like this, and the fact that you think she, her personality, or her upbringing is somehow a 'problem' just shows you don't know what you have.

Also: four bloody months? That means you've been dating for even less than that. That isn't a relationship, period, let alone grounds for a sexual one. Ask again when it lasts more than a year or two, dingus.

my dude its been 4 months. give it time. take things slow give he time to open up. dont push too soon and dont act like you dont care. find that middle ground

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>four bloody months? That means you've been dating for even less than that.
OP here,
no, i was ballsy enough to ask her out on first contact.
we've just been dating.
i can't get women who are on friends level to consider a date.

also: proof of lack of intelligence?

Well, again, there's your problem. You literally jumped on this girl the first chance you got. How on Earth could you possibly know what she's like without first spending some bloody time with her? But despite that, you have the balls to go complain to on the internet about your demure, potentially abused, and no-nonsense 'girlfriend'.

Seriously, how old are you? Are you even old enough to be on this website? Jesus.

>holdings hands
Dude. Blue board.

holding hands is utterly legit
i guess i'm too new, but that has always been Anne of Green Gables tier G-rated romance.

holding hands is something kids can do

>met her 4 months ago
>said I love you already
Oh boy. You must be very young

The running joke is that holding hands is some degenerate fetish hardcore shit.

Dude, go jerk off and then think about. Sounds like your penis is doing to much thinking right now or else YOU WOULDN'T HAVE COME TO Veeky Forums FOR RELATIONSHIP ADVICE.

That last part is important. You need to jerk off and probably rethink everything tbqh.

>four months
>not enough grounds for a sexual relationship
Dont listen to this guy, user. He reeks of beta.

For a Christian girl who's not an inherent slut — yeah, four months is a little fast for that sort of thing. Hell, while there are clear exceptions in all cultures, most stable relationships do not, in fact, advance that quickly, regardless of your partner's proclivity for sexual acts. But maybe I'm making the mistake of assuming that OP is looking for a stable relationship with this girl, and not just simply looking to get his dick wet.

Ask her to marry you. Seriously. Not even joking.

>also: proof of lack of intelligence?
Well for starters, you're asking for relationship advice on the traditional games board of fucking Veeky Forums.

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>marry after 4 months of dating, not even living together
Yeah, that's something that never backfired on anyone

>pressure to have sex early can really 'fuck' any chance of a more serious relationship.
Especially when 1. She says she's had bad experiences already and 2. she's Christian and from the sounds of it her family probably fully embraces the mythology (hence Ops comment about them believing 'the dumbest things', Christianity often undergoes syncreticism with local folk beliefs in places like the American south)

Hand holding with someone you love is cool, no matter what your age is.
Also, the meme is that Veeky Forums users have been so desensitized by shitting dick nipples-tier fetish porn that the utterly vanilla hand-holding both seems to be offensive and the only thing that makes them feel something anymore.

I dated and married my Christian girl so listen up OP.

>She's a doormat
Buddy a lot of people are like that, and a lot of them are women. Whether it bothers you or not is irrelevant, that is something they need to work on. If you see someone taking advantage of their nature, make a comment but do not attack them for it. Something simple like "why do you allow this?" To get them to think. It took my wife the entirety of our relationship to grow a spine and not do what she was told.

>I get nothing in return for my affection
Some people are very reticent with their affection. Mine was all about kissing and hand holding but sex? It didn't happen til we married 7 years in. Everyone develops at their own pace of comfort and it's best that you find the bounds of what she's comfortable with and stick with them. Occasionally brush the edges to see how she reacts but let her lead. Push too much and either she will capitulate and regret it, or resist and resent you.

>Her interests aren't that great or are subjectively shit.
Everyone has their tastes and part of a relationship is tolerating your partner's quirks as they do yours. Explore their interests to see why they like them and introduce them to yours.

TLDR stop overthinking this you underage mook. Also this respectable Mongolian hair-trimming easel is for people that have finished puberty.

My experience, if you're having your doubts now, jump shit. The kind of problems your having with her can be solved with a LOT of work and a lot of patience, but there's no guarantee she won't still be a cold fish doormat by the time you're finished.

Sounds like you jumped into this one quick. Good on you for asking a gal out, but it's not your responsibility to save her, and you deserve to find somebody with self respect and personality - who can stand up for herself and not freak out over holding hands after 4 months. I know this is Veeky Forums but that tsundere shit doesn't fly in the real world. Break up immediately. You deserve an adult relationship.

Good luck op, remember to always look out for #1

user, Reddit will probably be more your speed until you finish high school. Your complaints sound very nitpicky, have you examined yourself as thoroughly? You came to Veeky Forums for relationship advice instead of family or friends.
>--she's very much a "doormat"
She's a woman, that's not a shock.
>--her parents are atrociously disgusting, lifestyle wise. they are just dense and believe the dumbest stuff.and their house smells awful.
Are they degenerates or something? You're really showing your age with this post.
>--she's very closed off. i have been very kind to her, but i get almost nothing in return.
It's been four months and you're both sixteen. Slow down there, Casanova
>--she's...well, she's not willing to expand her game folio.
>--Critical Role Fan
It sounds like she's more interested in you than RPGs, dipshit. She is probably just passively interested in them and is trying this to have something in common with you.
>--says she finds asian culture boring
Who literally gives a fuck?
>--has had previous bad experiences with other guys (could be a huge factor, but i've opened up my supportive affection to her
Teenage drama on both your end and hers.
That's a positive. Degenerates make horrible girlfriends.

My advice is that you should wait until your balls drop before you try dating. It's nice to share your hobbies with your girlfriend to any degree, and you're upset she's not one of the guys. You don't really need anything in common when it comes to hobbies with your girlfriend, that's the niche friends fill. Be grateful she's tried to make such an effort to connect with you.

I love that traditional games!

I love traditional dames!