How competent is your party when it comes to split-second reactions?
How competent is your party when it comes to split-second reactions?
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I can reliably count on myself and the others to make the wrong decisions in any circumstance
It usually takes about ten full seconds of silence for someone to say "What do you guys think?"
Shouting over one another, absolute chaos, Schroedingers encounter, quantum part members, doppelgangers, sudden death. I think my party is an eldtricth horror of it's own making.
Unexpectedly logical and reasonable.
What is that thing she's threatening to pull?
Rape alarm
It's a thing in japan
>She's got a weapon! Shoot her in the head!
Depends on how witty my players are. Most usually aren't.
Pedo alarm. Makes a whistle-like sound.
my party isn't competent ever.
One of them stalls while he thinks of a plan
Another tries to flex their authority and tries to intimidate
The third stabs what they're reacting to
The last pc waits to see which of the other pc's had the most positive result and provides support
Every time
Depends on the dice
Just a note, it's VERY LOUD.
Almost like a personal car alarm and the only way to shut it off is to precisely put the pin back on.
It's also very difficult to completely dampen the sound effectively even by clasping the object with your hands.
Lastly, do you see that circular button?
It absolutely does nothing and is meant to trick people in frustration into pressing it to shut the sound grenade off.
dealt with things before, have ya?
What makes you say that?
And they entrust these to children?
Soulless children yes.
You ever been threatened by a child before, user?
Are you in my group?
suicide bomb, it's connected to the backpack full of high explosives.
Whenever I see a child their default action is to attack me. Whether I know them or not they will attack me with no provocation.
>Watching younger brother's soccer game
>Some five year old kid walks up to me carrying a large stick
>Suddenly whacks my shins for no reason
>Cousin visiting with his step kids
>Joke that they will probably attack me
>Oh no they are well behaved
>See first kid, he instantly jumps onto my leg and tries to tackle me
>His older sisters join in
>>His older sisters join in
They're defending their turf, user.
>the only way to shut it off is to precisely put the pin back on.
What about smashing it with a hammer ?
I've never tested that but I'm pretty sure these things can take some damage before being utterly destroyed.
Simple circuit and rather hard plastic shell means that you'll have to have a strong arm to go with that hammer.
I mean, wouldn't this backfire? If the dude is going to prison for being a pedo anyways he probably figures might as well earn it, if you catch my drift.
Really good with our reaction time.
We once spent half an hour arguing over initiative order when it was written right in front of us.
Pretty competent, as long as the correct reaction is "shoot it."
This device is mainly used as a distress signal not as a weapon (although blowing out your eardrums is possible).
Since young kids are not really suitable for weaponry this is their primary defense.
Children always wind up hurting themselves around me, and the action instantly endears them to me.
>decade or two ago
>playing with younger cousins
>one’s only five
>I’m kicking this big beach ball around
>he walks into the path and gets laid out by it
>cries for a bit and then puppy dogs me for weeks afterward
>some girl in my senior class’ graduation party
>some unknown family member kid there
>runs into me, falls down, hurts the back of her head on one of those hair pins girls wear
>cries for a bit and then is all smiles and cutesy shy around me
Fucking hell, I don’t get it.
Aura of Masochism (Ex)
Children make poor combat candidates because of their poor strength and lack of dexterity. They're much better suited to mounted weapons because these weapons require little in the way of strength and dexterity to use, relying instead on volume of fire or explosive ordinance to do the job accuracy can't. They are also safer for children since their mountings shoulder the weight and reduce recoil, while the gun itself is wheeled to reduce the need for strength to carry, and they're meant to be crewed by two operators which teaches valuable teamwork and cooperative skills.
Of course, a mounted maxim gun isn't really viable for personal anti-pedophilic defense, unless of course these children have ample preparation time and can establish an effective firing lane to catch a would-be pedophile in.
> not following the Belgian practice of having the gun carriage pulled by a medium sized dog
> not training the dog as an additional line of defence
That's pretty good as well. Including a third line of defense as a guardian to the team as well as dedicated workhorse.
Of course, without proper setup time they might as well just have the dog and not have the maxim gun. Unless, of course, the dog can smell out pedophiles from a distance which gets our operators a short while to prepare a proper defensive emplacement. As Rogal Dorn says, "The best offense is a good defense."
>City random encounter table
What the heck is wrong with her hand?
it's still empty
That's actually copypasta.
And also sound advice.
Dogs love kids.
Im the dm. What race/classes are in your group?
Get some miniature hourglasses, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, and one minute.
Make then look almost the same so only you can tell them apart.
Use them to signal you players that, if the glass runs down they let things go their natural way and stand there like the gaping idiots they are.
It’s scary that you are so knowlegeable on this, user
>Point out what kind of little girl wears string panties
>Police know she's a slut now
>Get out perfectly fine
Nice try, jailbait
We can make a decision pretty quickly, that decision usually being "shoot it until it stops moving."
It may not be the best decision, but it's a fast one.
Closed circuit cameras are a must these days.
>looking at loli’s pantsu
Double jailtime nerd
That's one of those situations where you just gotta take one for the species and mash the kid's head into a thin paste on the floor. You'll get the death sentence, but what other option is there that doesn't allow a monster to reach maturity?
jokes on the little girl, I'm broke.
because I spent all my money on this 24 hour petrification spell, if she's done this before I can sell her off to some rich fag she screwed over.
You're a goddamn harem protag.
Crew-served, not mounted.
I will make sure to revise my choice of words in future. Thank you for the correction.
Transmutation spells
Time Stop (AD&D 2E)
Beast form VI(custom spell)
game over kiddo
Fucking awful. My character has been coming up with half-baked plans assuming they'll go to shit and we'll have to improvise anyway, and that is consistently what happens, but he catches no end of shit for making it up as he goes along. then, the one time another member of the party made up the plan, it went terribly from basically go, and he refused to change gears or adapt to what was going on around him resulting in two members of the party going down, one going suicide bomber and nearly a full wipe. I have never met a group of roleplayers so bad at improvising in my life.
Boner no!
There are limits to masochism, man. Control yourself.
They're Japanese.
What happens if a child tries to rape another child and they both activate the pedo alarm?
Lolis blackmailing man. It get me going but also makes me feel like the piece of shit I am.
Bring in Sherlock Holmes
>Of course, a mounted maxim gun isn't really viable for personal anti-pedophilic defense
The NRA says otherwise.
I don't trust them with regular decisions that they have ample time to consider, since they've proven time and again that they have zero ability to not do retarded shit.
My players hate split second decisions because, "The character is supposed to be stressed not the player."
>Why are you making this difficult, user? I'm playing to have fun, not to work!
I've always thought that it was a bad idea to put time limits on PCs?
Are you kidding? While obviously not a thing you should to constantly, slapping an hourglass on the table and telling them to think fast occasionally can lead to some real fun.
It's a necessity at times, it's entirely dependent on your group.
It just sounds like a recipe for frustration.
>Only in America
Well, there's a difference between time limits for drama and time limits for gameplay. Generally speaking, you can't use both for a group, if a group needs one they probably don't need the other.
Oh ok.
The way I usually do it is usually "round-based" instead of real-time where another event will occur (reinforcements, etc.).
It puts less pressure on the players that may get frustrated that they weren't able to do what they wanted for their turn if they weren't able to conceive it in the supposed real-time limit.
>Sorry user, I dont have an idea on what to do, it might take a good half hour of thinking.
It all depends on the group
They're Japanese children. If you're a Japanese child and can't defend yourself against pedophiles, excel at your coursework and go on adventures to save the world, your parents would prefer you just die to spare them the shame.
I consider putting time limits on the players themselves to be a bad idea.
That said, just because I give the players ample time to think how to react it doesn't mean the PCs can do it in a way that doesn't fit their personality and abilities.
Like, if a PC is extremely sharp then it makes sense for him to be able to make a logical and properly thought decision in a second and forcing a player with averahe intelligence to do that with little time seems stupid.
On the other hand, if the PC isn't particularly sharp then I expect his split-second decision to be a split-second decision and not something he would come up with after analyzing his situation for 5 minutes like the player did.
Can’t reverse image search because I’m phone posting, can I get sauce?
Rondo Duo
Call the cops
Whatever she does, my call will be my perfect alibi.
fucking paypiggies.
isn't it some futa shit
Give her the money then pull it myself.
They're going to wonder what the fuck a 8 year old is doing with both string panties and 100 dollars.
That artist does a lot of it, so probably.
You don't even need a weapon. Just like you've got a weapon and you're about to draw it, and then next thing you know you're in a mexican standoff in the wendy's parking lot with a pair of soccer moms, some old guy, and a baseball team full of children.
In Texas you are absolutely correct
>Yell allula snackbar and pull the pin on my own backpack bomb
>Get her as one of my 72 virgins
>Only in western europe
In spite of 3 character deaths already, my party is still coming to terms with the fact that deadly things can happen to them. Except for the party face, who actually thinks, and desperately tries to get them to not be retards. In character, of course.
Was the right answer 'kill it'?
Then we did fine.
Was the right answer 'not kill it'?
Well, hope me or the face started speaking first.