>He has Not!Roman Empire in his setting
Is there a more overused rl ripoff?
Other urls found in this thread:
Historically speaking? Japan. Japan finds its way into every fictional setting, it seems. Just this far east land with pagoda-esque buildings, samurai, oni, etc.
It seems ubiquitous.
Either Japanese or Chinese culture.
Mostly Japanese.
Fantasy Japan and China is more overused. Damn near every setting has "the Orient"
Japan, Mongols (just the nomad and kahn part), all barbarians being celts or germanic, and "The Wall' Seriously most settings have this one super fortification.
It's fun when the game takes place in the Not!Roman Empire during its most interesting time period .Its collapse.
>>He has Not!Roman Empire in his setting
>Is there a more overused real life ripoff?
Real life confirmed for overused ripoff of real life.
>Is there a more overused rl ripoff?
Blatant Nazi allegories. Holy fuck am I sick of seeing this in fantasy settings. Especially when it's with elves.
Call the cops, OP, I don't give a fuck.
Want to destroy the world
Want to create a long reigning hegemony by uniting the aryan race.
>My thalmor are nazi meme
It's not our fault Nazis did literally all the evil shit
Not!Roman Empire, Not!Mongols,and a Not! Great Wall where you get to be Not!300 all in one mediocre ass game.
They're trying to BECOME AS GODS, dude.
My kin of dark skin.
It is always fun beat these kind of jerks.
Is this a reference to something not related to ES?
He's making a Nier Automata reference about suicidal robots. It kind of fits.
I knew it!....Just needed to be sure.
>A more overused ripoff
Not!Medieval Western Europe. Except there's no black powder. Or jewish bankers. And no Not!Medieval Africa across the mediterranean. Basically they take the medieval setting from Monty Python's the Holy Grail.
>I don't like the medieval european aesthetic unless there's (((Jews))) in it for me to larp about ethnic cleansing
Not!Feudal Britain-or-Thereabouts, I guess?
>The good-aligned church is secretly evil/worshipping a Lovecraftian horror.
>All religion is evil/anti-technology for some reason.
>Characters doing stupid things/being shitty characters in the name of "satire"
>most settings have this one super fortification
I can only think of two off the top of my head.
Inserting social justice warrior horseshit into things, at all really, triggers me.
"diversifying" the setting for absolutely no reason other than to put blacks and browns in it (aside from the ones who are already in it), frustrates me too.
I don't care if this triggers you lot, but D&D-verse is -already- one of the most diverse (as in actually diverse, not the absolutely-no-whiteys-allowed "diverse") settings out there.
Dros Delnoch is best fort
Nazis. They are more overused than Romans and Japan combined. Also, Egypt. Also, Scandinavia. Also, medieval Europe and medieval Britain - more overused than Rome, Japan and Nazis combined.
> Hey look! I've made a straw man! Now see how I will defeat it!
Read the mother fucking post before yo mother fucking reply!
I am guilty of it in my setting, but it is unique at least. An ancient empire infused an entire mountain range with levitation magic, and then blew them up into sedan sized jagged chunks. There is now a swirling shifting wall of flying stone that makes airship travel suicidal.
>There are nazis on the moon!
"But this is a fantasy setting!"
Fuck you.
not!Roman Republic is clearly a more interesting setting than not!Roman Empire
>not having glorious ancient empire in his setting
Why do you even live?
Depending on the terrain every "violent raider" is either Viking, Germanic or Mongol.
Vikings on horseback wearing nazi armbands.
not egyptians, not nazis, not japanese, not greek, not england
all that shit is everywhere
I have literally seen it once and it was in skyrim.
That sounds cool as fuck
pic related is you
>Plate armor
>No firearms
Is there a more tired, anti-historical cliche?
Yes, there is.
> Guys, guys! Fantay with firearms!!!
Yeah, people thinking fantasy should mirror our reality to the T.
>Fantasy settings with humans are ripping of reality!
Correct. It's one thing to be inspired by it and it's another when it's basically the same thing.
>He has Not!Roman Empire in his setting
>literally stated that they were attempting to copy the Roman empire
Can you get anymore daft?
Nah, its more that WW2 has become the West's foundation myth.
Vikings. There is always some kind of viking/northmen/sea people shit.
>be the 300
Or shittalk the horde away like a true cunt.
Nazis make for excellent villains though, the eugenics angle gets more pronounced in settings with multiple races, and the fashion is admittedly excellent.
I wonder why so many people would use a highly influential real life civilization as the basis for a fictional one!!! It really makes you think!!!
stg persuasion is so op and ridiculous it doesn't make any fucking sense
yes, anglocentrism
You never played New Vegas did you? Caesar’s Legion was founded by a man who wasn’t born as Caesar, but as Edward Swallow. A member of the Followers of the Apocalypse, he had rare access to education. After burrying himself in history books, he came to the conclusion that democracy was the ideology that had lead to the world’s destruction in atomic fire, and that only a brutal dictatorship could save humanity. He renamed himself Caesar and set about conquering the wild tribes of the wasteland, fusing them into a cohesive whole with cruelty and brutality. He didn’t establis Not!Rome because he was a fanboy, but because he saw it as the only way to save humanity from itself.
>All the tropes leading up to this one are in mine.
Honestly I thought it was a shame Skyrim did not do more with these guys. The Nazi elves were a way better villain than the random ass dragon.