What are you building in the garden of your mind, Veeky Forums?

What are you building in the garden of your mind, Veeky Forums?

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Right now? A greatspear wielding ranger in 4e, it really falls off late paragon which is disappointing but probably doable since I dont thing we'll make it that far.

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I really want to ripoff Resident Evil 4's castle segment for a game/campaign but I'm stuck running Tomb of Annhilation and I've realized I don't like running hex crawls.

My next session for the Persona campaign I'm running. Shit's gonna be a gamechanger.

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a cesspit to oblivion I can throw myself into

That shit's not even a proper hexcrawl. 5e keeps talking about how it's trying to get back to "classic" playstyles and miserably failing. Everything's too far apart.

vampire, ghoul, and werewolf analogs.

I remember when I was a little kid and Mr. Roger's was the shit.

And I feel sad, because I'm not the person now he knew I could be then.

I failed you, Fred, and I'm sorry.

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It's okay user, you can still try to be better.

A siege on a desert fortress, PCs get inside and may or may not save the hostage at the last moment then find out enemy reinforcements are arriving and they have to GTFO or die

please do tell more? I am interested. How'd you do a persona campaign? What's the game changer?

I'm building stories.

Hang on, today was his birthday. We didn't have the annual thread.

My Not!European Latino nation, but I keep pigeonholing them into spicy and promiscuous people who love to trade and pray.

My first true dungeon crawl and a back story for a golden dragon turned tiamat worshipper

I used an RP system as a base, then homebrewed the parts that weren't present within the PDF Which is a lot of it, and took a bit of trial and error to balance.

As for the game changer, some buffs to physical skills and the current arc is going to surprise my players. I don't want to say too much, since one of them miiiight be lurking.


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Friends who will sit down and play a campaign with me, instead of sitting in my basement alone, painting figures that will never be used and creating characters and NPCs that will never see play.

Sweet, good surprise or bad surprise or is that too much for said lurker?

What the hell we were born the same day

Porque no los dos?

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Niiice I hope that is

OSR system to actually get my players off of Pathfinder. I don't think it will work though.
Also an OSR game based in a modern zombie apocalypse. A bit like if GURPS met AD&D.

It's even better b/c none of my players are autists, can roleplay, and everyone is enjoying themselves.

I'm living the fucking Veeky Forums dream.

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I really hope that works for you, user. I had a group that refused to try anything besides 3.pf for quite a while and it was excruciating.

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Currently working on balancing creatures for my Monster Hunter RPG. Also still developing more talents to pick from for PC's, as those are the bread and butter of leveling.

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A wonderful, beautiful, carefully designed world for my players to burn to the ground

You uh, you'll tell me when that is done right? And maybe share with a shit dm who constantly puts off attempting to make the same?

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well i want to essentialy write a shounen anime but in word form because i can't just instantly cause an anime to appear, featuring a female imp.

It would be in a devil esk world, with their being multiple worlds to travel to and power level being an actual real life thing people have to take into account. While also hitting on the more adult topics a lot of shows about power like to gloss over.

In classic fashion, the main character starts with the lowest power level of them all, 1.

But the world currently doesn't make sense and I'm not feeling too up to writing it. It'd be a lot like one piece, but on land, in hell, with hopefully a little bit more depth.

pic semi-related.

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Campaign about ogre clan getting cursed with some kind of debuff and trying to restore their power by making half dragon monstrosities with a trapped Yu-Lung dragon.

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A half-elf ranger character deified by his dying clan as a Marchstepper, an agent of balance for the natural world and the flow of the spirits. He's been sent to find a holy tree, which may hold the key to letting his ancestors pass on peacefully.

Unfortunately for him, he's suffering deeply under the effects of three decades of intertribal war and starvation, which has left him depressed and shell-shocked. He holds on to the concept of fate religiously, justifying what he's done and seen as the end result of an unchangeable, inevitable force. As a result, he has a difficult time seeing outsiders as human, or worth getting to know at all. He's also heavily socially stunted.

Stars Without Number Hexcrawl. The party has had a good seven or eight sessions of very specific missions and now have the sandbox open to them. I need to plan for that shit.

...plus some shady shit is happening with the Mega-corps theyve already encountered.

The final few clues for my upcoming murder mystery session. Gotta make up a few red herrings to trip up my players.

(not my idea, a friends) A lizardman druid who only wildshapes into other lizards and dinosaurs

Various factions for a post-apoc game based around a mutually-destructive human-android war. So far there's skeevy traders, an invading force who descended from a military unit, a cult worshiping bionics with some interesting views on death and technology, and town of androids built in a nuclear silo run by android veterans of the war. Still thinking up a few more settlements and factions, then need to make a map of some kind.

Im wondering if it would be possible to make a character in D&D (or some medieval set) who is actually an Alien who comes to that world as a prospector, his ship breaks or because of some miscalculation he ends up with no fuel to return to his galaxy/time. So he is stranded there, he gets some disguise and tries to merge with the locals and begins his adventure in that land. Also along the quest he is writing/recording stuff on his space log (solar powered) and he owns a tazer gun that can hold 2 charges and needs like 1 day to fully charge again, and his exo suit who gives him camo and resistance to some elements. Dude may be squishy, but super intelligent as well.


A wall.

I have a mind city which is an expansion of my mind castle. No joke, either. I have legitimate Aspergers though so I need to "recharge" after stuff so I will go to my mind city. I also use it as a meeting place of imagined different parts of me if I have a big decision to make or really need to think on something. It's like a council and debate club.

It has a literal garden where potatoes are farmed. Infrastructure is a thing. Housing. Military. Etc, etc. I've done this since I was around ten or so, so that is why it's expansive.

I am aware I have issues.

I'm working on art for my setting (and for my environments class) and trying to fix the issues with the current art I have done so I can pass class and maybe collate all I have into a mini book.

A brand new ocean themed setting for 5e from the ground up. I've got most of the bones laid down, though I am still trying to find a satisfying way to represent 3d aquatic movement. I've got Tabletop Simulator, maybe there's something there that I can use.

An island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean housing a Bond villain and his schemes.

I'm currently working on a comprehensive list of traits a human might have for a health simulation I am trying to create.
Once I have people with enough health systems, then I get to throw things at them that damage the health systems.

Weeds and mold.

>a health simulation I am trying to create
What is it for? That sounds like an exceptionally difficult task.

You really don't want to know.

A race of modular beings who created a sort of biological singularity on their home planet in which all life is beholden to the same unity of being.

But we do, and your post shows that you want us to know, or at least that you want us to want to know.

Badass and pretty pictures of fightan'

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An ai that emrges from a social media predictive advertising algorithm.

Oh, I'm working on making vidya games.
One of the vidya games I want to make is an umbrella/weyland yutani simulator.
One of the most important parts of that, if I want mechanical depth beyond surface level, is going to be how people act, and how their parts act.
Once I have an appropriate health system with the right amount of moving parts, then I can start seeing what happens when basic diseases like respiratory colds happen.
From there, I can start experimenting with more advanced behavior modifying diseases, various vectors of infection, and things like that.

>modern disease dorf fort
You can do it. The world needs this.

See you in 2-8 years of simulated physiology and AI research!

I'm trying to build a soundproof cube so I can't hear all my thoughts telling me I'm inferior and there's no hope for me.

It's not going well.

A street sam that sounds like Tony Jay

No Man's Sky but fantasy.

The PCs keep their clan of people (a stand-in for the ship) fed as they trek across an infinite world (a stand-in for space), encountering wildlife, strange people and ancient ruins with hovering, glowy relics that dispense knowledge and material wealth.

Having the clan settle down into a stronghold for the party would definitely be an option.

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Draw it.

>I am aware I have issues.
>My imagination is an issue
The absolute state of Veeky Forums.

Designing a MtG set based loosely around the core concepts behind Toriko, Battle Chef Brigade, Dungeon Meshi, and most importantly Iron Chef. I just spent the past couple hours writing about the ecology of hydras, which work like cicadas only the size of buildings and gorge their way through the countryside before returning to hibernation, where their ambient magic re-enriches the soil to grow for their next gorge. It's gonna be so much fun.

Also Chairman Kaga is a vedalken.

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No point when you're so low that "better" still isn't good enough.

Right now I'm writing a short fantastic story about weird steppe nation that worships old mechanical clocks, about two labyrints (one of which is tiny, consists of a single line and cannot be escaped) and about depression.
It needs to be finalized in a few days, and I'm quite panicking and being paralyzed.

I'm also trying to figure out the outlines of a new world-building project, designed to salvage (or canibalize) and expand my older ideas. Currently I'm still pretty much at the brain-storming phase, and trying to come up with basic landscape layout of the particular continent I want to focus on.
The problem with it is that I want to follow basic climate knowledge, but I also already have pretty much a list of main types of biomes that I really want to include and have them be in a reasonably packed space.
If anyone has some clever idea for a how to cleverly pack giant steppes and Himalaya-esque mountains, deserts, Upper-Nile (Sudan) like rivers (dry grasslands periodically completely flooded during the winter, but being bone-dry at the height of summer), and some interesting mangroove forests into a region that does not make you IMMEDIATELY think "you just copied central asia/north africa junction!", I'd be very grateful.

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Shit. He would have been 90 yesterday.

A small video game built in maker mv that allows you to play through a significant event in one of my characters backstory. It has some interesting mechanics and I might release it when it’s done.

A happy little city where it's always night because someone owns the moon, ratcatchers do a whole lot more than catch rats, and wizards are highly irresponsible.

are you the same dude that posts this shuna pic like every fucking thread and always talks about his setting based on shuna and wierd plant people that kidnap humans to run their ancient technology?

Parents have asked me to run a game of d&d for them as they're interested in the concept but have no real understanding of the rules. I decided to give them four basic options for a setting, and I'm trying to think of some striking imagery and problems to put in front of them that can be solved either in combat or a number of other ways, as I'm fairly sure neither of them would be interested in any type of mechanics-based dungeon crawl. Options are as follows:

You are employed by a trading company and have boarded a ship with the task of charting a new trade route through a newly discovered archipelago.

You are members of a small city's town guard given the assignment to find out why a new lumber camp in a rural part of the kingdom has not made contact in 2 weeks.

You are grave robbers, and you have just learned that a local noble house has lost its patriarch and will be interring him in the family mausoleum tonight.

You are agents of a major city's council, and you have just been asked to infiltrate a thieves' guild that has been expanding its operations recently.

Just in the preliminary stage so far, since they haven't yet chosen which route they want to go.

>All them tight and concise but interesting adventure hooks.
I like you. Paired with the fact you're lucky enough to have parents who WANT to try the game.

What system? I've been working on that in FATE, but I'm not quite sure how to handle a crafting system yet.

When you've hit bottom, that means the only way left to go is up. The hardest part is making that first step, but that first step is the one leads you up.

Custom system. d8 dice pool. It's all success based. I'll end up sharing it with tg once I feel it's player ready.

A novelization of a Stars Without Number setting game my old DM ran several years back. He was good at crafting individual story arcs, and I enjoy crafting other bits that arose from gameplay that can be fitted rather nicely into a genuine story arc.

For example, my character, a diplomat and sole inheritor of an influential corporation, and my friend's character, a pretty potent psychic were established during character creation to have known each other a long time due to diplomat's high contacts skill. The psychic had a lot of psuedonyms he used, so I immediately name him Alias, and it sticks. A character that joined later was one of those minimal backstory mercenary characters, who happened to be from a death world, because that's where we were at when the new player came in. He had a low personality stat, and claimed to have no knowledge of his father, so I use my diplomat's nearly max level persuade skill to convince him that I'm his father, to make fun of the player, more than anything.

So now I have a bit of groundwork to handle. Diplomat and psychic meet when diplomat is on a trade expedition spear headed by his father. Psychic is an urchin from a sort of psychic gypsy clan, gets rescued from a mob by diplomat and company, they take him with them. Next jump is to the deathworld, party gets separated, diplomat winds up with local human colony, has a love at first sight romance with a local. Father lands elsewhere, meets native sapient species, brokers a truce between them and humans, encounters recurring antagonist, a species of psychic aliens who mind control people to murder or otherwise give into darkest desires. Kills one with native's help, second one escapes. Party is forced to leave early, diplomat has to leave lover behind. Ship leaves, enters FTL, in which a minor mistake strands you between gravity wells without chance of getting home before you starve.

Evil alien has snuck on board, father is mindcontrolled, stand off with diplomat guarding the pilot. Only other survivor of the adventures is kid psychic, who has find the alien and kill it before it kills them all. He does so, reaches a new level of mastery with his teleportation abilities by spacing the alien. Realizing that he literally used his powers to kill the boogeyman, kidpsychic starts on his way from scared kid on the run towards his personality during the actual story, as a confident, rather fearless and effective adult.

Diplomat and father however, shoot eachother before mindcontroller is killed. Father, even though mind controlled, shoots diplomat in the arm, causing lasting injury. Diplomat shoots father in the face, killing him. Crew makes it back to homeworld, is grounded because of unconfirmable story about space boogeymen, with father's carcass in the hold.

Story gets covered up, but crew gets grounded. Diplomat has to live with the fact that he shot to kill, even though his father, who was possessed by all the evil in the world, only shot to wound, as well as the fact that he left his lover to a tormented existence on a deathworld. This leads into a deep self-loathing and fear of what little family he can find left, as well as an aversion to weapons.

Cut forward 2 decades, during which diplomat spends first few years deep int he bottle, but next 15 or so slowly working the system to get his secret grounding lifted, and push for a new wave of exploration, to go back to the deathworld, which kicks off the first book. He gets there, finds lover dead a few years back, and a young adult in her place, their son. Son has deep reservations against forming personal connections, since his mother taught him that that's just another way for people to hurt you. Diplomat invites him onto the ship, but never tells him that he's his father for fear of what his response may be.

A multibook story arc for the diplomat will be based around his fear further ruining relationships of his.

One of my biggest goals with this series is to emphasize character motivations, which has been a fun mental exercise of taking events which happen in game, and random chance events, and molding them into a coherent storyline.

One of my biggest inspirations is Firefly, primarily the moments of levity, which show the characters between major events, such as how they act when they're simply eating dinner, which not enough writers capture.

Of course, between fire season, college work, and regular winter work, with a dash of poor time management, I have not gotten nearly enough work down on paper yet.

Weird West campaign setting

You've missed the point. You're not supposed to not fail, you're supposed to fail and surmount it. The man was a minister, I'm sure he knew very well the Bible story of the shepherd seeking his one missing sheep.

You think you've lost, but you haven't. You might be in the darkest hour before the dawn, you might not even be there yet. And you can stay there, if you want to. Or you can strive for better.

Don't reject it because it's not what you think you should have been. That was, and remains, a product of your shallow foresight. Let all those images and expectations go. You're trying to watch your feet and it's making you stumble. Put your eyes on the horizon instead. You're good enough if you want to be.

>how they act when they're simply eating dinner, which not enough writers capture.
Yep, nothing's better than an eating chapter, except maybe a pooping chapter. Seriously bro, there's a reason authors don't do it.

This garden mostly cultivates perversions.

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I like 3.5. When I ran games for my dad he played a bard/rogue and a barbarian/ranger who were basically Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser but lawful good heroes. He also played interesting stuff like druid/wizard combos going for prestige classes.

Now with Pathfinder I have all this shit with summoners and all the psychic classes doing ridiculous antics, constant memeing, multiclassing into 3 different classes to get 65 hp by level 4 and AC in the high 20s, as well as +9 on all saving throws. Even the weak characters have +19 to some random shit at level 8. It's just fucking ridiculous. I am currently working on a dungeon to hopefully wipe them all out and frustrate them as much as possible with tightly-wound corridors that will force them to actually maneuver and also be too small for their giant fucking animal companions they bring everywhere. And there are rules for squeezing in corridors so they have no right to complain.

If the Illuminate were to set up a special school for future members, what would it look like? What would they teach their pupils?

I’ve got two irons in the fire atm. A 5e alchemist class and a high fantasy setting. The alchemist class is more of an experiment, I’m making it before I look at any other homebrew alchemists posted to the internet so when I finish I can see how different mine turns out.

The setting is designed to work with 5e and strike a balance between high fantasy and scifi. Kind of like Eberron but with a greater emphasis on high fantasy themes. The setting is a ringworld constructed by ancient elves with magitech, but their civilization is long dead and the ring inhabited by younger races.

Hatred to humanity, mostly.

A bretonnian lake.
I like to go there when I feel too much self-pity and think of the words of the questing vow.

Humanity is strange, it’s capable of such horrors like genocide and rednecks existing but also capable of such great good like Jamaican style meat pies and eradicating tropical parasites in poor countries for free because pharmaceutical companies just decided it was the right thing to do.

found the city-slicker
eat shit maggot

Nah man. Fuck rednecks. Where I work, every time someone comes in and tries to steal shit, it’s a redneck. Every time a customer makes a huge fuss and is rude to the employees, it’s a redneck. Every time someone leaves their trash(particularly soda bottles full of dip spit) lying around on the shelves, it’s fucking rednecks. They make the South, my home, look bad when half of them aren’t even from the South. Fuck I hate rednecks.

You're talking about the rednecks who are basically just niggers, and not the other kind of rednecks who are just really creative poor people.

Is Kentucky part of the South?

>When you've hit bottom, that means the only way left to go is up.
That doesn't mean you can go up far enough. If you've fallen a thousand feet and you can only climb up a hundred feet, you're fucked.

>You're not supposed to not fail, you're supposed to fail and surmount it.
You can't surmount age. Unless you know a way for me to get younger.

>You think you've lost
No. I *know* I've lost.

>Don't reject it because it's not what you think you should have been. That was, and remains, a product of your shallow foresight. Let all those images and expectations go.
You don't get to fucking tell me what I'm supposed to want. I've had enough people try to pull that shit on me already.

Where I work, every time someone comes in and tries to steal shit, it's a nigger. I also live in the South

You know how you can mount a howitzer to a train flat bed cart and how there is normally box car with troops inside it. Right to say the least I am working on setting up my party's siege of this train and the sub heist of stealing all of the daggers used to stab Ceaser. Basically these things are magical throwing knifes and my party thinks they can be used to stop Eclipse (as in berserk eclipse). Honestly it's looking bad as my party rolls like shit.

Then fuck off. Commit to being at the bottom and don't whine about it.
>If you've fallen a thousand feet and you can only climb up a hundred feet, you're fucked.
In the end I'd rather have that fall marked as 900 feet than 1,000.

>creating psy-fi hollow earth with underdark vril-pulp world
>probably get b& from Veeky Forums for nan-zi
>probably get deleted from /pol/ for not being a materialist
>no idea what board to share it on

I just wanna fly in UFOs with German refugees, raptormen, bigfoot and ant people; slaying intergalactic vampires that are hiding in the moon matrix with swastika disk launchers.

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You know what, you're right. I ought to relegate all characterization and development to snappy one liners mid combat.

One of the reasons that Firefly got as popular as it did was because it knew how to balance intense sequences with lighter moments, which was used to show the interpersonal and private interactions in a meaningful way.

Sounds like quitter talk to me. You're right, you're not being the person Mr. Rogers knew you could be. He didn't care if you were rock bottom or on top of the world, only that you tried your best. Which you aren't. You sack of shit.

Figuring out new ways to creep out my players in a horror game.

It's overgrown.

>Then fuck off. Commit to being at the bottom and don't whine about it.
Don't think I will. Asshole.

>In the end I'd rather have that fall marked as 900 feet than 1,000.
Fine. You can care about shit that doesn't matter. I can't.

I already have tried my best, and it didn't do shit. You're going to tell me that I didn't, because you think you know me, and you fucking don't.

>You sack of shit.
Somehow I doubt Mr. Rogers would approve of you talking to people like that, you hypocritical fuck.

Everyone I've ever met who's defense is 'you don't know me' has not tried their hardest. You've given up, and therefor you are not trying your hardest.

That's badass user. I don't have Aspergers, but I might try and make my own mind castle.

Sometimes I think about how Rogers encouraged us to grow anything in the garden of our minds, urging us to pursue our dreams. And here I am letting my life stagnate and daydreaming about waifus.

You sound like a 14 year old

Lobsters, and also mind flaring with Children of a Dead Earth designs and how I'm just not smart enough to figure out how to design a nuclear reactor. But also Lobsters.