after a long day of painting I like to treat myself to a snack
After a long day of painting I like to treat myself to a snack
You eat your miniatures? You dirty little vore fetishist
Nothing wrong with a corpse starch ration, Guardsman.
GTFO of the hobby and go back to gurgling man mayo. You posted this solely to get a reaction, Well you got one you shitposting maniac.
Truly an example unto us all. Glory to Slaanesh!
Soylent isn't even bad, doubt the people talking shit about it have tried it and it's just a shitposting reflex based entirely on the fact it has soy in the name.
Enjoy being an easily controlled retard who develops a dislike for things just because you developed a mental association between it and something you dislike.
its called SOYLENT. there is no way no shady shit is in that.
Did you not see the movie?
>Soylent isn't even bad
It's not good either. It's an overpriced product for gullible faggots who enjoy the smell of their own farts.
Take your soyboi posting back to Veeky Forums.
see Corpse starch is an accepted form of sustenance in this here Emperors armed forces!
Soylent Red is commies!
Corpse starch is blatent with what it is. by calling itself soylent, it must be trying to hide its properties. I believe these corpses had the taint of chaos.
Soylent sucks. It tastes pretty bad, and it sorta fucks with biome in your stomach.
>based entirely on the fact it has soy in the name.
Other way around: the term "soyboy" exists due to soylent/zuckerberg memes and cringe threads of twitter posts of "just got my soylent 8D [big bang theory shirt]"
You're so wrong it hurts. The "Soyboy" thing comes from conspiracy circles by way of /pol/. It comes from the mistaken idea that phytoestrogen is making people feminine and gay.
>Posting a drink hurts his feefees
t. Soyboy
That's a post-hoc association.
40K is the most soylent miniature game now
Except, it provably is making men more feminine. They literally treat women who have gone through menopause with a soy treatment to boost estrogen levels lost because of menopause.
Aren't there several different types of estrogen, like the ones in dairy or the ones in soy?
There are, but soy natually produces a chemical that will mimic estorgen in the body and in a much higher dose. Thats why its suggested for women who have estrogen problems to eat more soy products because its boosts estrogen.
It doesn't, and you don't know what you're talking about.
So phytoestrogens are named that because they come plants and they have a similar structure to estrogen. However, despite this similar structure, the different composition of them means that they interact with the body different, and in fact phytoestrogens are antagonistic to estrogen, as the similar structure allows for phytoestrogen to move into an estrogen receptor and physically block estrogen from the receptors.
Yes, Estrone (e1), Estradiol (e2) and Estriol (E3), with e2 being the most common. These are all things that are naturally synthesized inside of the body of vertebrates and a few select insects.
However, plants do not produce this hormone. Certain plants (soy, clover, oats, barley, hops, carrots, mint, coffee, licorice, apples etc) do not produce estrogen. They produce a hormone with similar structure but different chemical composition called phytoestrogen.
Of course, the alternative take on this is to ignore the actual science, latch onto that a chemical contains the word "estrogen" must itself be estrogen, and deciding that you can't eat anything that contains soybeans, most legumes, tempeh, flax, sesame, wheat, oats, barley, beans, lentils, yams, rice, alfalfa, mung, apples, carrots, pomegranates, coffee, licorice, mint, ginseng and hops.
So just remember. if you genuinely believe that phytoestrogen is feminizing, you can no longer eat bread, oatmeal, or drink beer. It makes you feminine and gay.
You're kinda right but still retarded
Phytoestrogens are both agonists and antagonists.
Infact, according to osteoporosis guidelines for physicians, phytoestrogens are recommended for women who are not at risk of breast cancer to consume if they have osteoporosis because they help artificially increase estrogen levels.
t. actual med professional
You know the soy meme is not actually true, right Veeky Forums?
>t. actual med professional
We've been over this, being a cook at a hospital cafeteria does not make you a medical professional.
Should I watch Soylent Green if everybody already knows exactly what soylent green is? Like everyone knows the Se7en twist, but the buildup and atmosphere still make it worth watching- could the same be said here?
Where do you work and what do you do, user? All I can see googling your post is some inconclusive studies, so the other user sounds a hell of a lot more legit.
He works inside his ass, same place he found that information.
You're correct in the sense that isoflavones, given to low estrogen women, does help offset osteoporosis and heart disease. However, in doing so, you're missing the main thrust of the argument: the idea that phytoestrogen acts just like estrogen in the human body and that phytoestrogens are feminizing.
The reason that isoflavones are being used instead of actual estrogen in treatments is because of the fact that isoflavones act differently in the body than estrogen. They do NOT increase the actual estrogen levels, but instead can serve some of the same function as the estrogen in certain cases. Their bodies are not producing more estrogen as a result.
Truly the offical soy beverage of 40k
isoflavones is just a conspiracy to hide the fact that phytoestrogen is just estrogen with a fancy name and that there is a serious effort to force men to consume vast quantities of phytoestrogen to become more feminine.
Isoflavones are just a type of phytoestrogen.
Also, see
Garbage incarnate
the actual SCIENCE says phytoestrogens are exactly the same as estrogen.
No, it doesn't.
Even fucking wikipedia thinks you are wrong brainlet
I'm not the one who believes SJW claims that phytoestrogen isn't just estrogen.
Where are you getting your real science from though user? Links?
Whatever you say, smoothbrain.
*furious googling sounds intensify*
Phyto. See that word? It means "plant", as anyone with a smattering of Latin will tell you.
Another word for "phytoestrogens" would be "plant estrogens". Now tell me, do you see plants sporting the same features as mammals? No? That'd be because they're not the same thing, because plants and animals are real fuckin' different, and your body wouldn't process phytoestrogens like regular animal ones, which it would process differently from human ones.
If phytoestrogens could make you into a girl I'd be chugging those rather than receiving medical treatment.
So i take it that you think that nacl and cl are the same thing because they are very similar?
No I'm not stupid! There's a difference between real science and SJW 'my feelings trump your reason and logic' science.
absolutely delicious
It's not fefes idiot, it's fact.
, People gave you a reason based on facts why you are a idiot. You did no counter argument aside from "it Has estrogen in it's name so it is the same thing"
Lads I legitimately don't believe anyone is this stupid, at least not in the case of being battered over the head with all these posts and just flat refusing to accept it, counter-argue or even move the goalposts.
I think we've been 'ad.
Lmao @ all the soy boys trying to defend their decision to drink human product/eat Chinky food. So insecure. And you wonder why the term soy boy stuck.
Post bicep
That's a meal replacement drink, user.
Milhouse is not a meme
>If phytoestrogens could make you into a girl I'd be chugging those rather than receiving medical treatment
Not that user. But you will never be a girl. You will always have a Y chromosome in every one of your cells, except ironically some sperm cells. Your neurology will always be that of a male.
There are no girls with dicks, only guys with tits.
All you're doing is increasing the chance of attempting suicide to about 45%. whether you get surgery, hormone treatment, or both. Being a girl isn't all that amazing. Trust me. It won't magically make you better than you are now, even if you could make yourself into one.
That one on the far left legit looks like a neanderthal or some near-human relative. That face is not human.
Nobody cares about your fee-fees, go back to fapping over amazons.
She's already a girl, user.
Bet you fap to Felix
Actually there's suggestion that some elements of parts of the brain in trannies do resemble that more of the gender they identify as - the BTSc, the INAH3, the grey matter of the right putamen, and that with hormone treatment the hypothalamus shifts toward whichever way the person is going, and a few other things.
Shit ain't definitive, but it's at least interesting and worth considering.
Heh, melons with melons...
Even if that's true, the fact that it still results in a 45% attempted suicide rate, which is unprecedented in ANY group in recorded history(Other than jews in nazi germany maybe), shows that it needs to be treated as a mental illness. I don't think that they're inherently bad people, or abominations or anything, but this is something that needs correction, 45% attempted suicide rate cannot be reasonably defended in any way.
Yes, they should be treated. Transitioning is the treatment.
Maybe, just maybe, the reason that trans suicide rates are so high not because transitioning causes it, but maybe that our culture might actually be the blame for why trans people feel the need to kill themselves.
>Yes, they should be treated. Transitioning is the treatment.
No. You don't give a gun to a paranoid and tell him to kill all the people that conspire against him. That isn't how you treat a paranoid. All you do is helping his delusions, and making the backlash when reality asserts itself even more destructive.
>Maybe, just maybe, the reason that trans suicide rates are so high not because transitioning causes it, but maybe that our culture might actually be the blame for why trans people feel the need to kill themselves.
Our culture loves trans. That is why so many ills people decide to transition, because this is lauded by the culture, a "courageous" endeavor that makes you the star of the day. Unfortunately, cutting your genitals off to become the star of the day isn't sustainable in the long term. And they kill themselves. Of course they kill themselves. Why wouldn't they.
Do you know the difference between transgenderism and gender dysphoria?
There's a few things to consider here rather than just treatment.
The first is "What's their suicide rate before?". If they're on the path to killing themselves because of it, some form of treatment is necessary, because lowering from a much higher chance down to 45% is still a drastic improvement.
The second is if it's treatment that causes this. Those same studies will also show incredibly high rates of sexual violence, homelessness etc among those people (to the extent some groups have comparable suicide rates, homeless females who suffer sexual violence have an attempted suicide rate hovering around 50% or so if memory serves), all of which would needless to say contribute to the attempted suicides separate from the transgender issue.
There's the effectiveness of actual psychological treatment. Reasonable trans people should tell you that gender dysphoria is a mental illness, just that transition is the best form of treatment for them personally.
Finally, there's the issue of age - older people transitioning aren't going to do it well most of the time, and that sucks for them. Younger people might be part of the tumblr crowd that don't actually have gender dysphoria really and fuck their lives up because it's a bandwagon they jumped on.
I think alternatives should definitely be considered, but to say that transition is never right for any individual seems to me to be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. People need to seriously, SERIOUSLY assess whether it's right for them, as do medical professionals, and see if there's not some other issue at play that could be causing that - depression, anxiety, self-esteem issues with one's body generally, etc. Essentially, you need a clean bill of mental health to remove any other cause - if you have depression, that needs curing first etc; and then transition should be considered an option, not the only one.
I just wish the issue wasn't so politicised either way.
>but maybe that our culture might actually be the blame for why trans people feel the need to kill themselves.
I'm sorry but no, the evidence doesn't support that theory in any way. The only known comparative suicide rate recorded is, like I said, Jews in Nazi germany, and even they weren't that high. And I don't care what your politics or beliefs are, you'd have to be insane to think we treat transgenders as bad as the Nazis treated Jews, even before the camps. A huge portion of the country is celebrating transgenders because they're seen as "brave" or "special", despite the fact that they're really no different from anyone else in all other respects. Caitlyn Jenner was even named woman of the year.
Even the hospital that originally started using transitioning as treatment refuses to do so now because it's simply not effective. It doesn't work. The attempted suicide rate is still 45% regardless if the person has completed transition or not.
It's cruel and immoral to continue encouraging people down a path that will lead to an extremely high risk of attempted suicide. No matter the reason for doing so.
Transitioning needn't be the only treatment. It can be A treatment, but in the same way you treat other mental illnesses other ways you should have a range of treatments for gender dysphoria. Some need CBT, some have other life issues they need to sort out that cause this kind of thing, and yes, some need medication in the form of a social transition.
To say transition is perspective to every individual with how complex humans are is harmful, just like refusing transition to every individual would be.
Two in five trans people in the UK are physically assaulted every year.
The media loves trans people, but the media also loves Hillary Clinton; people aren't their media.
Why would a company name itself after something that makes the person drinking it think of a movie where a similarly named product is made from people?
>try soy out of curiosity
>tastes like shit
I don't get it.
You do know that the 45% rate is mostly corelated with the fact that even the west dislikes trannies right?
>Two in five trans people in the UK are physically assaulted every year.
They're poor, don't have cars, have to walk everywhere, and the UK is a wasteland of drunks and savages.
>A huge portion of the country is celebrating transgenders because they're seen as "brave" or "special"
What exactly do you consider a huge portion, because I saw a huge portion of the country (which I assume is USA in this case) vote for Donald Trump, and I have a hard time seeing a lot of those people celebrating transgender people.
Furthermore, this survey says that "27% are not open to being friends with anyone who identifies as a transgender man or woman."
Also, see:
Yeah, "trans" people.
I think /lgbt/ calls them "transtrenders" or something. The kind of tumblrites that shriek about their identity all day every day and push for all kinds of wacky crap and enforced language and probably don't even have gender dysphoria at all.
The media doesn't talk with normal (well, 'normal') trannies because there's no story there, only with the crazies. If you're into vidja look at AGDQ, some normal tranny (Cyberdemon or something? Doom speedrunner, transitioned quite well all things considered) got kicked off the thing a while back and yet all the tumblrite shit remains because that's the image those kinds of people want to project.
I feel fucking sorry for actual trannies, they have so many shit people claiming they speak for them.
Can confirm, it's like a very drunk Fallout here. I had to beat away 3 people for a bottle of milk this morning, and then attempt to navigate speaking with a Scotsman who was one set of clothing and some blue paint away from yelling about the Romans.
Because simply by doing so, people will start talking about it. It's free marketing. "Hey, did you hear about that drink called 'soylent'?" "What? you mean like the movie soylent green?"
The word gets out, a certain number of people will start trying it regardless.
>Our culture loves trans
You are part of "our culture", user.
Gender ≠ Sex ≠ Orientation
And user doesn't dislike trans people, they're genuinely concerned over their treatment and trying to make their lives better, their perspective on how to do that is just different to yours.
Because "full liquid replacement for your food intake" was naturally going to invite Soylent Green jokes and comparisons. It's like if the military decided to network all their computer functions under an AI- all the articles would mention "Skynet" somewhere. Actually naming the product that gets them out ahead of all that, plus it shows they're not too self-serious (lessening the corporate cyberpunk angle of "non-food sustenance for computer programmers in dark spaces") and gets people talking about it.
Doesn't the NSA actually have a program called Skynet?
Also I've always kind of wanted some kind of cybperunk media where the corps do control everything but focus on putting out a really good self image and being "hip" for want of a better word so everything is actually pretty happy and chill on the surface rather than being openly bleak and depressing.
Wether the soy increases estrogen levels or not, it is irrefutable fact that a lot of women and effiminate males consume soy. Therefor the meme makes sense
Except, understandably, telling people that what they're doing is wrong and they can never achieve the goals on the path they've set themselves doesn't "help" them more than it causes them distress. Whatever you feel is the "best" solution is irrelevant, the train is already rolling.
And that's discounting the number of people who try to reconcile the antipathy they feel towards trans people with the fact that they're actually decent human beings with functioning empathy by pushing the solution that is least distasteful in their minds as "the best way to help them."
Take a marketing course, this is entry level shit. Advertisers will say and do anything to sell you their shit.
>the train is already rolling
Hopefully over the corpse of the tranny when they inevitably kill themselves.
Telling somebody what they're doing isn't the best way to help is something people might need to hear. Not in a "You stupid prick" kind of way but in a "You sure?" kind of way is something that is really helpful to people.
A trans person should ask themselves if transition is the right treatment for them; and somebody else asking if it is and offering reasons why it might not be is helpful to considering if it is because it's an outsider perspective, which can be very helpful.
Yeah, it might cause someone distress to say that they might not be on the right track; but before you take that step and cross that threshold, a little distress to consider something is a small price to pay if it does walk someone back from making a mistake. If someone saying "Are you sure? Consider the alternative." is enough to break you, your issues go way deeper than dysphoria.
One brings the other.
user, don't say things like that.
Using a train disrupts the public transport system, someone considering suicide should be considerate and try to minimise impact to others. You shouldn't hope for train suicides, hope for home suicides.
So am I to take that as a no?
No you dipshit you're to take it as recognition.
user is saying gender dysphoria causes transgenderism, thus with the implication of understanding that gender dysphoria is the shit in your head and transgenderism is the shit done to the body.
How autistic are you that even I'M less autistic to understand user's implication?
You have to take it as you are being disingenous.
>Telling somebody what they're doing isn't the best way to help is something people might need to hear.
Giving someone multiple options for a problem they are facing is a reasonable action. Telling someone who's already committed to a course of action after their own deliberation that they were wrong to do so because you personally feel distaste on a cultural level for the decisions they're making on a personal one is a dick move.
Good, maybe then people will realize trannies are a problem that need a Vernichtungskrieg.
I could have guessed that was the implication, but when discussing these subjects I prefer people to explicitly state what they perceive words to mean so that we can work from there rather than have a potential misunderstanding on the founding part of the argument.
>trannies are a problem
How do they impact your life, really?
What's up with all the Soy stuff everywhere?