what are some alternative races for "small, beastly creatures" instead of using kobolds all the time?
What are some alternative races for "small, beastly creatures" instead of using kobolds all the time?
Goblins, fairies, pixies, imps, draphs
I have tiny cactus people in my setting, if you don't mind deviating away from a strictly "beastly" race.
Define "beastly creatures"? But...
>Fairies (Sprites, Pixies)
They're like cats who are your pals.
A Skaven-like race. It can even be used as an enemy to mid-level partie. for example throwing a rat ogre or something like that at your players.
Good lord, this. The Skaven can be put into any campaign and become instant classics.
They don't even have to be an evil race either. I for one wouldn't mind seeing a neutral or good rat race.
Skaven kinda don't work if they're not irredeemably evil. I get what you're saying and it would work for rat-folk, but not the Skaven.
This. Skaven are Skaven because they're small malicious, cunning pieces of shit.
I'm making up a sloth race for my game. Gonna be fun!
Do they get horrible maluses to all skills except Intelligence and Wisdom?
Felyne, technically. Palico is just the name of the ones specifically hired through the guild as partners, like a title
Bullywugs, Svarts, Bobbits
The "Man-tis", 3 foot tall mantis capable of rough speech and the use of basic tools.
Imps? Imps are pretty good. And whatever those things Val Salia made.
>sloth race
It's gonna be a long affair.
Xvart and gibberling.
>good rat race
That's a paladin.
We need more good ratfolk races in D&D. Pathfinder has them, D&D had them in 3e courtesy of Oriental Adventures being Rokugan D20 mk 1, Hasbro still owns Kamigawa, we should get Nezumi back.
Veeky Forums is actually pretty imaginative when it comes to fantasy races.
>ratfolk, goblin, goblin, orc, satyr, pixie
Pretty low standards, to be honest.
ratfolk, halflings, halflings, half orcs, teiflings, pixies and moth people. Real fucking imaginative.
Burning Wheel has them in the form of Roden
We have a very different take on originality user. Adding a human culture plus an animal isn't that imaginative, you could do that with any random generator talbe.
The quality of the line art is dope tough.
I'd really like to understand your logic behind using such a terrible example for your point
Of course my enlightened fellows. Everyone knows that taking a fantasy archetype and changing it up a bit, or combining two things that already exist into a fantasy race and making it believable in a setting isn't original or creative at all! Only brainlets believe that.
Of course, we TRULY original people can create some truly original races and cultures in fantasy settings. Such as sentient radiation or magical time traveling octopuses that swing from trees on three tentacles with eyeballs on the end. That's REAL originality right there.
Oh, you are only fishing for yous, for a moment I tough you where serious. Pull the trigger faggot.
Sentient radiation? Obviously a rip-off from Command and Conquer's Tiberium.
Please just try to be more original next time.
personally I don't think "original" is something you should brag about, the only way to really be original in the information age is to basically describe things as if you are pulling words out from a hat. don't make things to be "original" because they won't be. Make things because you like them.
So what are these guys from? All I know is there are lewds of the third from the left.
>Tiny cactus people
Tell me more.
Cat people that are just bipedal cats with the height of hobbits.
Goblins. But not the usual guys, these guys.
So boggarts then.
Is Tiberium sentient? I don't know much about the backstory. Was Kane actually a Soviet, or was that just the Red Alert people having fun with it?
I think Scarred Lands made slitherin one of the "redeemed" titanspawn races in the 5e book.
I'm not I thought they were original through how Veeky Forums gave emphasis to their backgrounds (lending onto how they're made)
Fionnuala = Ratfolk with Celtic culture (they also are renowned mercenaries). Fionnuala sets out to be a sellsword as per her race's tradition to truly earn her ranks among the legendary ratlfolks of lore.
Gribbles = Young pyromancer gobbo novice that uses his innate goblin affinity for fire in almost savant levels of fixation. He doesn't mind that his colleagues and superiors look down on him as long he gets to be with fire.
Grippa= Adult goblin watchwoman with a no-nonsense attitude for her job. She values her career over anything else which has built her a tough tolerance against the people who are against goblins in the force.
(Although I do admit that Grippa and Gribbles were conceptualized by me so you may ignore them)
Hamma= Mountain orc that has decided to live within the confines of the city's walls. He still carries his customs with him to an extent while managing to be the captain of the watch.
Kalyna= Part of a race of ovinid people that value freedom as their highest tenets, these sheepfolk have grown to be a well-respected political and military faction. Do not let them fool you with their hearty sword dancing and festive songs, the Ovinid people are said to be the most skilled with the blade.
Marasmius and Oreades = Two pixies that torment the world in their own little ways for their personal amusement. Together, they both utilize a sort of makeshift war balloon that is capable of launching crossbow bolts and handy as an explosive missile when the event calls for a fiery spectacle.
I'd say that's pretty creative in my opinion.
...I guess? I mean, at this point we're mostly discussing linguistics.