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What was the most terrifying experience you've had in one of your games?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
What was the most terrifying experience you've had in one of your games?
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>What was the most terrifying experience you've had in one of your games?
So I need help friends! I am going to be running a campaign soon where one of the main goals is collecting NPCs to join the party's fledgling mercenary company. I have a lot of ideas of what kind of NPCs I want to add to the campaign to give the player's options, but I want your guy's ideas too.
What sort of NPCs would you want to recruit? Some ideas I am thinking are the following:
>son of a deceased gravedigger ridiculed by the town
>three brothers with barely a wit between them, but strong as Oxs
>town crier out of a job for drunkenness
>accomplished con artist and scrounger
>chef who dreams of creating a 'mass produced poor man's food' (essentially trying to invent fast food)
I need a ton more though. What others should I add?
>>chef who dreams of creating a 'mass produced poor man's food' (essentially trying to invent fast food)
Only worth it if he's dressed like a clown.
Pic related, obviously
What's funny is that this is the same group that now in a current session we're playing, all of my allies are conspiring to make my necromancer into the MC of a harem anime. They've even conscripted the help of my character's my undead brother to do so, and it's safe to say that even more than the threat of being completely obliterated by Queen Abrogail, THIS is the most terrifying thing he's facing right now.
Reporting in from same session to say that it was one time we assisted other than the DM. Your brother said you fucked up the date, we wanted to help.
Besides, mine sees it as good payment for you to cast restoration on the halfling so we have a good blood supply.
>all of my allies are conspiring to make my necromancer into the MC of a harem anime.
But... How? Can't you just cut this Gordian Knot by sticking your dick in one of the girls?
I once turned the tone of the campaign around from 'heroes beat every villain' to a situation where they were chased down a small corridor by a corrupted legendary warrior.
It was a short corridor, but after the session my players said they were scared shitless when their attacks were easily shrugged off.
I ALREADY DID. This is apparently the kind of harem that isn't bothered by silly things like "children" or "this character has already boned one of the girls".
You're gonna have to pay me the gold needed to cast Restoration you know, it's not gonna be a LOT but you will have to.
one of our campaigns had something like that. It was a bone devil, and none of us had our equipment
Hey, ok, the blood drinking is a necessity in the first place because you sold urgathoa to my character when it turns out what you were selling wasn't guaranteed.
That and playing matchmaker, I think a few freebies are in order
>This is apparently the kind of harem that isn't bothered by silly things like "children" or "this character has already boned one of the girls".
They're building you a bog-standard harem, then. Nothing anime about it. Beware, user, for these people will not rest until they get ever stronger, ever stranger, ever more terrifying beings into the harem. You will be subsisting on a steady diet of Nymph ass and Dragon blowjobs before long.
So when are we getting the pact worlds pdf?
Okay fine, a few freebies are in order, but you're gonna have to pay for them after we leave the capital, deal?
Using pathfinder's random generator for some ideas. How do these sound:
1. Cavalier, LE. Young Arsonist with a brand on his face, now a beggar after several years hidden away in house arrest as an embarrassment. Embittered over his parent's deaths he eventually burned down the home of who he felt responsible. Grew up in a lavish lifestyle with his adopted parents, the ones who he decided were the perpetrators.
Companion 1 - Gaming or gambling associates, loses all his money there.
Companion 2 - Last living relative, wealthy merchant councilman
2. Inquisitor, CG. Failed cleric, brought back to life suddenly and violently by a superior when a lie of his went sour and he was killed in a duel publicly. He only did so due to lies told to him by another student. Grew up poor in the big city, but now lived in obscurity. He lives with his regrets quietly in a parish far from others. Closet racist.
Companion 1 - The adventurer who killed him.
Companion 2 - The head monk of the parish he now belongs to.
Is he at odds with a smug redhead?
Nah nah nah, obviously they all need to be in a party together, along with a Druid who specializes in birds and the chef's wife who makes the best dairy confections with cold magic you've ever seen.
Thanks m8, had a good ol' laugh at that one. In any case, my character has no idea why this is happening to him and to him these ladies are basically falling over themselves to approach HIM, so we're just going to see how this goes and hope for the best.
>Druid who specializes in birds
Anyone with personal experience with a Spheres of Might character? How was it?
Spheres of Might is stinky and clutters an already crowded 3pp.
It felt weaker then a PoW character, but felt good alongside Spheres of Power characters.
And what's your opinion on Path of War?
The thing that made 3pp crowded.
Fair enough.
Hmm, that's good.
Had issues when the party was PoW and SoP. Wanted to tone down PoW because it got really absurd after level 7, but couldn't find a good substitute.
Several threads ago
Why are we back to /pfg/ and not /pgg/?
OP, faggot, etc.
Reminder that Starfinder will always be welcome here no matter the name.
Reminder that constantly trying to push Starfinder out of the general's name will always make it seem as if it's not welcome.
Oh, I know. I'm just reminding people for faggot OPs like the guy who made this thread late at night.
>Realizing that at level 8 I get poison immunity.
>Alcohols are poisons
>Can't crack open a cold one with the girls
False, alcohols are categorized as drugs.
That just means you can't express your true feelings and cuck your bf
This is the worst forced meme yet.
To cast sneakily you just need silent and still spells on an arcane or divine caster because it eliminates all movement and sound. Psychic casting has neither, it''s just you concentrating really hard. Does this mean that you can cast psychic spells stealthily, as in while sneaking and not without somebody using spellcraft on you, without any need for metamagic?
Yeah, he's forcing it harder than the sex.
Which are, by their effect, filed under diseases
Even with silent and still, magic in the pathfinder universe has obvious, flashy signs. You need something like the conceal spell feat to hide the fact that you're casting a spell.
>It's an episode of "Everyone apps with adults"
The GM's own buddy did it, and on top of that he's a nolife NEET running it at 1 in the morning. Why would you maintain any expectations after knowing that?
Unfortunately, the act of using magic is obvious and detectable - otherwise monsters with spell-like abilities would never have to worry about using them and getting hit by AoOs - which spell-like abilities specifically invoke. All silent and still does is remove gestures and mouth noises. Which, while bypassing the sound may make it more stealthy, does not remove the telltale "concentrating really hard and generating magical force" that indicates you are casting a spell.
>as in while sneaking
Sure! Somebody has to be paying attention to you to notice.
>he's a nolife NEET running it at 1 in the morning
He said that's simply the cutoff date/time
Sort of, drugs cause addiction which is classified as a disease, but that's a side-effect and more of a function of the drug rules than any particular drug.
>April 6th will be used as a deadline for applications, Sessions will begin around that time though a specific date/time will be arranged based on player availability. On that note, I should edit the Chargen to include when people are available.
>Sessions will begin around that time though a specific date/time will be arranged based on player availability
>Atlantic, my sleeping has been out of whack lately so I've decided to put it to good use.
I'm still gonna app because I already finished the character sheet but this might be a red flag of a campaign
Don't do it man. I tried to ignore the GM's spelling and grammatical errors, I tried to immerse myself in the world, and I think I had a pretty decent app going. But look, his own fucking buddy doesn't care about the premise, and he had a guaranteed slot, which means the GM himself probably doesn't give a damn. The guy doesn't care at all about his, or other people's time on multiple levels.
Save the app for something else. Let those creative energies disperse until they find a proper home, don't waste it on this trash.
Yeah you're right, it seems like he's a fucking retard who can't worldbuild for the life of him anyways
I'm having enough troubles fitting my theatrical roleplay style into one game so far, I doubt it's even really viable outside of an in person game
Smart move. Let's talk about something better.
How's your game going?
In person game hasn't had a real session in like 3 weeks since people keep getting busy and we don't have the full group
Online game has come screeching to a halt because nobody feels like posting
Shame. I can see why you'd be tempted to a bad game in that case. But remember, better to have no game than put up with a bad game.
But drugs follow very similar rules as poisons don't they? I'd assume they're poisons
Similar, but they are distinct things. Case in point, Hallucinist Investigator and Fermenter Alchemist specifically trade out poison resistance for drug resistance.
Isn't that one coming out next week?
>She doesn’t have men in the party
Laugh at this poor soul.
Anyone have thoughts?
>Implying I'm playing a girl
I'm actually playing one of two males. The other one is a extremely feminine boy. Thankfully it hasn't turned into harem shit
Like any backstory it's the execution that counts unless the set up itself is already a literary suicide. Generally the generator has very few literary suicides due to being so open or vague.
I am mainly wondering if these sound like the kind of people you would want to recruit or could see yourself recruiting. Also what kind of NPCs you'd want around to recruit.
Oh, this is Dragons 2. In that case, fuck off Rory. You're scum.
That's rude of you
>F-fuck... so tight.
Hey guys.
So I'm starting to DM this sequence of one-shots(they're truly beautiful) and wanted to ask if you have some fanmade maps, arts, handouts, music you can advice etc.
Everything that is connected to We B4 Goblins, We Be Goblins, We Be Goblins, Too! , ad we be Goblins free.
Thx in advance :)
How likely is an encounter consisting of either
>a ghoul
>a ghoul with some CR 1/3 help
>2 ghouls
>a single vargouille
to TPK a level 1 party of three? I'm looking for a final boss sorta thing.
Just 1 ghoul stands a fair chance of it
I'm worried that the half-orc barbarian with his Greataxe and Power Attack might wipe out the Ghoul in one hit. I also want to overwhelm my players in numbers a tiny bit because beating just a single dude might not be that inspiring or interesting. Maybe I will just give a Skeleton some Cleric levels to channel some negative energy for fun and profit?
Level 1 combat is supposed to be underwhelming and shitty. You don't get bosses at level 1, you get fodder that levels them to 2 or 3 then throw a kinda impressive interesting enemy at them.
>You don't get bosses at level 1
Rise of the Runelords has you fight a boss at level 1.
And then another one at level 2.
Not it didn't and if you're referring to the quasit, that's a shitty encounter for several reasons and is often criticized as being unfair and poorly thought out unless players metagame it happening.
If you want a challenging/interesting boss encounter at level 1, don't throw creatures with save or die. Drop a template like giant onto an appropriate creature to buff them up to last a few rounds and give the feeling of danger without putting them at risk just because of a bad will save roll.
I remember half my party getting paralyzed by three ghouls at level 2 or 3 and having a TPK. Don't fuck around with ghouls, especially at low levels when everyone's saves are ass and you can't dispel paralysis.
> Drop a template like giant onto an appropriate creature to buff them up to last a few rounds and give the feeling of danger without putting them at risk just because of a bad will save roll.
A creature with that the Giant Template wouldn't actively be debuffing will kill players on a hit at level 1.
serves you well non-elf lesser races
>playing elves instead of dwarves, or even humans
>Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
A ghoul's paralysis is neither
Dwarves are one-note dingledorks who lack the ability to get the top shelf liquor, much less an intriguing backstory.
It's stupid and inconsistent, but this is Pathfinder we're talking about.
Goodness, that's a relief. Games with a glut of girls have a poor reputation for becoming such things. How's the campaign going, anyway? Do anything cool?
Elves are immune to ghoul paralysis dumbass
God you're shit
I am retard. Go about your business.
Elves live 600 years and still can't find the time to get off their asses and do anything with their lives
I don't think the harem situation actually happens very often. I think usually it ends up with lesbians and NPC love interests
all my female characters are lesbians
tho they make exeptions for cute feminine boys
Dwarves spend hundreds of years folding a Sky Citadel a thousand times, only to lose it to an Orc in 10 days.
Feels more versatile than non-SoM character in party, and more interesting to play.
another 3pp crutch for people who cant make interesting characters with already billion options presented
It's good. An improvement over 1PP martials, at least. Two steps forward, one step back; maneuvers are still a bitch and a half to get off, and all it really is is just a second set of not!feats that you get as you level up. Frees up the feat taxes from 1pp by replacing them with combat talents, which lets you actually take multiple interesting feats.
I prefer 1pp only myself, but even I can say that this shit is bait.
I have a pet dog now.
Do you fuck it?
Why not?
No I do not fuck it, that's degeneracy
Arent there actually 3 males
Not if you are a dog yourself ;)
All my female characters end up as lesbians because people that play tabletop make invariably disgusting males