As someone who's only played a few sessions of Pathfinder and a few years of 5e, what other games should I try without having to go too far out of my comfort zone? Should I go back and try Pathfinder again? 3.5? 4e?
As someone who's only played a few sessions of Pathfinder and a few years of 5e...
If you're not going to go out of your comfort zone, you might as well not move at all.
Everyone should try warhammer fantasy
Fuck this guy, play whatever you can get your group to play even if its only marginally different
If you haven't yet, give 4e a go.
Also maybe branch out to some lighter stuff? PbtA and the like.
13th age.
3.5 is Pathfinder, mechanically-wise. 4E is different, not necessarily in the good way, in fact, most agree that for but a few gems such as Sorcerers it was utter garbage.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay and Dark Heresy are a must if you're a fan of respective Warhammer setting.
Storyteller systems are pretty easy to get into, if you don't count having to roll a handful of dice for every action.
Also try Star Wars Roleplaying Game, Mutants & Masterminds and d20 Apocalypse, they all derived from D&D 3.5.
13 age is also decent, but demands a lot from the GM.
>4E is different, not necessarily in the good way, in fact, most agree that for but a few gems such as Sorcerers it was utter garbage.
You should absolutely play 4E. I've got to run so I can't go into detail but you should check out the 4th ed general thread for help getting started.
You can try to shill it user, but it was GARBAGE.
Your game fu is shit, acept it.
Maybe in the wider scope of all RPGs ever, 4e is sorta middling.
But calling 4e garbage in the same sentence as recommending WFRP and DH? Fucking Storyteller?
Get some fucking perspective brah.
Sotyteller is garbave imho, Wh and DH, the core mechanics aren't bad, and the setting at least is expansive.
>WFRP and DH? Fucking Storyteller
They are worse mechanically than 4e, no balance whatsoever to speak of, but bear a lot of flavour, a great fun for novice group if you aren't utter shit for a GM and loads easier to get your players into.
4e wasn't FATAL-tier, but still it was a let-down after a line of great games. Some very good ideas, some bad, but it loses every comparison with AD&D, 3.5, 5e, and Pathfinder.
>but bear a lot of flavour, a great fun for novice group if you aren't utter shit for a GM
So just like 4e?
> and loads easier to get your players into.
I guess? I had no problem getting players into all sorts of weird shit, 4e is still D&D enough that it's not even a problem... the worst it got was that one guy who memed hard on it, and he still sat down to play.
>4E is different, not necessarily in the good way, in fact, most agree that for but a few gems such as Sorcerers it was utter garbage
You fell for the memes user. Go read a book.
Compared to 5e, 4e is in general worse for new players
Better for new DMs though
>So just like 4e?
4e doesn't have shit for mechanics. Mind you, I think that fifth is best for new to RPG players wanting to get into D&D.
>4e wasn't FATAL-tier, but still it was a let-down after a line of great games. Some very good ideas, some bad, but it loses every comparison with AD&D, 3.5, 5e, and Pathfinder.
3.x brain damage in action.
I could agree to that. There's a lot of bloat, especially if you just go "here's the CBLoader, enjoy!". Still, Essentials classes that effectively build themselves exist. And keep in mind that it's being compared to AD&D and 3.x.
>4e doesn't have shit for mechanics.
I... what? Compared to its predecessor at least as mechanical, and absolutely blows 5e out of the water in that department, for better or worse (honestly, probably worse).
Personally I would say one of the good OSR, Barbarians of Lemuria, or a BRP variant.
But I prefer gritty, high mortality games with fast combat so I'm biased. HP bloat kind of games, I tend to hate them.
Define your comfort zone.
If it's mechanics then go look at any of the 500+ settings and pick one. Dragonstar being a hilarious one. Or even Mutants and Masterminds. Starwars D20 is alright if you want space wizards shitting up the game.
If it's mid-level fantasy settings then Warhammer 1st or 2nd edition. Alternatively reskin Starwars and make your own home brew.
Even heroclix can offer an rpg element.
Honestly you need to bite the bullet and try a range of things. Gaming comfort zones never made sense to me because it stifles rather encourages creativity.
Play B/X, 2e, 4e, Shadow of the Demon Lord or 13th Age