>9th edition
>eromacs still control all of ethilia
>rethalic empire still standing strong somehow(seriously how did they survive getting spitroasted by ilaics and river tribes for 3 whole centuries)
>but the ilaics can't find a new homeland because fuck you
Seriously the nomad rules fucking suck when will they finally settle? Its been 5 editions sense they got forced out of ethilia and im getting tired of having my army handicapped by the pariah modifiers
And don't give any of that bullshit about aliniean thoroughbred calvary being OP
ITT: We talk about a wargame that doesn't exist
>Endroglamu still sealed
>5 years of Ichorfel expansions
>They've had the tablet to unseal him since Gates of Bolag
>Just been fucking around doing nothing I guess
>complaing about based keyman and his buttbuddies
Bolag did nothing wrong
Endroglamu got what he deserved after he tried to back stab bolag
>aliniean thoroughbred calvary being OP
>hur dur just ambush flank
Do you know how much Overwhelm you need to even STOP them during a charge?
Do you know how much DF they get when they're in Glacier formation? +1 per model. PER. MODEL. Not detachment, not lance... model.
just use pikewalls, faggot
niggas aint got shit on a Withould pikewall
Lmao just wait a turn for them to blow the load there armor is literally made out of paper
Speaking of eromacs, how come nobody has hopped on a boat to kick their shit in?
Those fucks have been doing nothing but fucking sheep and killing each other for at least 6 editions by now
>Be me, Bolagragrograx, infinitely powerful master of the fourth gate of Abyson
>Drink 9,000-person soul slushies every two hours
>My upstart chad lieutenant Endroglamu makes a deal with some soyboy warlock to overthrow me
>Imprison him, continue chugging slushies
Endroglamu would have led the 4th gate to actually do stuff but Bolag wants to sit on his pit fiend ass and do bugger all. Even in the worst case scenario that Endroglamu leads as a tyrannical Despot the Ichorfel would have gotten shit done for Abyson instead of the thousand years of stagnation it's been in.
There is no reality where Bolag is a good guy. Best case scenario he's upholding his duty, which is a flimsy excuse when he seems so willing to bend the rules around his gluttonous flabber and consume so many souls compared to his contemporaries.
>9th edition
new ilaics models are nice tho
Looks like it's time to start up another batch for the slush machine.
>The new Orionim models
Remember when all the angel models had muscle mass? Now they're going the Paizo soyboy route. For fucks sake, the Orionim are meant to be the warriors of the Celestial Sphere. Still, at least they didn't nerf them like they did with the Aurigim and their Fusion Chariots. Fusion Chariot rushes were baller.
>archmagus still useless
>primari still useless
>miniori still OP
still shilling horde models I see
I'm thinking about putting together a 500-point Shaxandi army, am I better off going full sorcerer-monks or are spearmen really necessary for dealing with charges?
Also, when the fuck is the Golden Lady going to lay down the law and reclaim Ankalba from the River Tribes? Those mud-covered savages have defied Shaxan long enough.
>does his job
>upstart son tries to overthrow him
>put son in time out corner in one of your gorillion prisons
>continue to do job
Its like you expect the warden of eternity and tormenter of souls not to imprison and torment you when you try to overthrow him
This shit ain't the 9 rings of heaven you can't pull that coup shit in the abysal gates just cause you got bordered with raiding the material plane
>River tribe archers got a straight up buff
Pack it in lads, they're gonna be broken for another 5 years now.
>wins games by him self
Rethalic fags everyone
>9th ed thread with 13 replies
>nobody's posted Scream Wizards yet
come on, Veeky Forums. Scream Wizard convocations are the new hotness.
>double dubs
I'm obliged to reply. Depends on who you play, honestly. Considering the current Horde focus, noobs are going to gravitate toward rushing, so you'll want some trash units to keep your sorcerer-monks alive. Go full sorcerer-monks against anyone else.
>The Golden Lady
>Doing anything while the Saffron Chamber is still part of the Shaxandi fluff
>wins games by himself
>dies to a decanter 9/10 times
if your archmagus is winning your games then you could win by fielding nothing but disruptors- your opponent is clearly braindead
They might as well get the buff, since River Tribes can't into magic.
when will Dragon Guard get new models?
>cant into magic
>when thaximanar and convocations exist
just grab an aestian via ally rules
I dropped that game when they reworked the Eternal Empire of Kang, so I haven't been keeping track.
They got BTFO by Bolag and based keyman at the end of 7th edition
They're now locked up in one of Bolags prisons
>dies to decanter
Lmao at getting killed by a fucking river tribes magus
Just take runes of protection bro its not that hard
>Corrupted Dragon Guard Abyson models when
>Ytava tribe archers gets 2 more meters add to their range
>Threll tribe archers deal two free wounds on a 6 when attack non-human targets
>Wrekle tribe archers get free rerolls
What does everyone think of the rumor about the crashed spaceship aliens faction?
>runes of protection
to make your Archamagus a worse and more expensive epicurean? face it, hes an over-costed piece of trash hat will never make its points back
fake and gay
what kind of retarded company would so blatantly shift the tone of the setting?
>adding even more expensive units to abyssals
It sounds like a shit idea but the thouht of keymans intimidation aura+ blood of the great drake+ best of the best+ finger bone of bolag gets me hard
>collect Lunarians
>excited for new armybook in 9th, haven't had an update since 6th
>reread old fluff, neat descriptions of lunar crater lakes surrounded by purple forests
>now the 3rd moon is apparently just a rocky gray like our moon and none of all those rich old descriptions are canon
>new lunarian models have space helmets(because apparently they can't breath on Lunaria anymore)
makes no sense
even worse they show in the army book them fighting against other planetborn species on their moon and disregard that they don't have space helmets.
fits with the fluff.
We know that stars over the dor'th plains move , So it seems likel they've been building up to aliens .
Remember that scenario where you had to gather brak stone from a fallen star back in 5th ed? seems like they might be making brak stone into a key part of the fluff .
>Finger Bone of Bolag
>14 Inch pie plate of fucking death, raising any death's door enemy units as Felspawn
>Blood of the Great Drake
>Up to two formations can't die this turn and are put on Death's Door instead
6th was a mess user. Lunarians were always supposed to be retrofuturistic, in 6th they were an incoherent mess.
How have you guys been representing Aeonix Flux on the tabletop? I've been placing rolling a d10 to represent Era counters on each piece of terrain, and when they hit 1 I replace it with a ruin.
yeah but 6th was easily the most varied in army playstyle.
I remember when Lunarians could play hopper rush or brick wall formations and they were both viable.7th edition made every army into anti grav spawners and virtually killed soul hacking as a turn.
What I'd give to face an army using ras'gar rush instead of endless fucking aeril corps.
>have to do morale check whenever felspawn is raised
>keymans intimidation aura makes you reroll 6s on morale checks
>tfw BTFO eroman hordes in a single fucking round
lol gtfo .
>not using sand glasses instead of repositioning a d10 every minute
>adding even more expensive units to abyssals
>Abyson Gold Lancer
>Has higher stats if the figure is made of gold and not just painted like gold
not sure if they're retarded or geniuses
Have you tried a Cannon of the 2nd Moon? It let's you interrupt when an aerial unit enters sight and gets 4+ shots on them. Sure they take up the arty slot, but still.
>playing with countervalence rules
Kek, I hope you have a good Game Arbiter, or you'll be counting grains of sand to determine whether or not you're in the Pyroclastic Age or the Time of Awakening
>not a single Relic Vale mention
Why would they release new Wayfarer and Hornet Queen models if they're just going to end up squatting the whole faction?
Promo units don't count user. The PAX treasure hunt for those gold models only turned up 13 out of 25, the rest were smelted for that years trophy, which means only 13 buffed Lancers actually exist and none are tournament legal.
Though I've always wondered if someone actually cast one of those anew and fielded a full army what the reaction would be.
>muh sand counters
>muh pyronic fury
Brainlets shouldn't play this game, you should try Shelftesson instead.
I was tempted to cast a bunch in bronze when i was running the foundry for a week but I would have lost the gold in the burnout.
On the bright side you could cast them in pewter and cover them in gold leaf.
if you wanted to be a dick.
Or you could just run arrelian cavalry . I know they haven't been GREAT since 3rd edition but you can run 2 units for the points of 1 lancer and pairing them with a vibro sergeant gives you a free flanking move.
>Brass Caliphate munchkin claiming that both rules are fair and balanced
Every goddamn time. does TableSaga pay you guys to shill?
>shit basic infantry
>cavalry point cost is way too high
>no artillery and insect magic doesn't make up the difference
>"but muh jungle waifus"
Relicfags just need to pick an army that isn't shit. Wayfarer, Insect Adepts and Journeymen should all just be River Tribes models.
>nobody is questioning the massive amount of celestial activity
What are those faggots up too? Didn't they decide to give up on the material realm after they got BTFO by the Great Drake and Hornet Queen?
It happens everytime sales are down. Remember when Drozahl kicked them out? Or the hero of Abelson? It's a big nothingburger.
>he doesn't like Virago waifus
Who cares if the basic infantry is shit when every sane Vale player is bringing Viragos + Hellcats instead? Sneaky infantry plus high point cost cavalry is literally their whole thing. Sorry you can't handle thinking instead of just spamming sorcerer-monks or Orionim.
>Remember when all the angel models had muscle mass?
Yeah, and it was fucking stupid. Why would energy beings have abs?
>energy beings
>getting the lore this wrong
>River Tribes
>Very Shooter-based faction, ranging from flecetting blowdarters to basically Tribe Archers supermen, covered by shit-tier infantry, meant to die to either protect the archers or to fuel the shamans' magic pool.
>Inseact Adepts
>Only ranged unit is the Bettle Squad with the Bombardier upgrade, which costs 1000 points total and only tickles units, even ilaics Rabble; while their Bee Swarm is literally 1 point per ten models (granted with a suicide attack) and their Fire Ants can go toe-to-toe against fucking Bolag Quartermasters, all while costing 150 points each.
Yeah, sure, totally the same.
Be happy that the Ilaics even have a lore and some rules. The Ghirzs don't even get that, only a couple of mercenary units tha nobody ever plays anymore because, surprise surprise, an army meant to be strong when all units could support each other (instead of forcing players to rely on one or two units) fucking suck when you put them in armies that go for a "trash units-important units" composition.
At least they still sell the old models, albeit under the "Collection&Vintage" section of the website, and at least I have the old edition to play with, but that doesn't meant that I'm not mad that my Persian bois got thrown out.
why are all the novels so shit
Because they don't outsoruce shit
The only good novels are the ones where bolag fucks aound with mortals or when Jeff snuk is writting
You should try mixing them in as allies with River Tribes. Some of their support units work really well as screens. And their freaking objective pass makes them OP is any kind of carry mission. I’m surprised more people done play them desu
Does nobody care that none of this would work irl medieval warfare?
Guys I need some help here
My friends twisted my arm into trying the new RPG while our Ichorfelbro is on duty and one of them wants to play a Draar.
What the fuck am I supposed to do
>The First Brasslord II: Sands of the Second Moon
Let him play the Draar and punish him for it
You don't get to play a monster wihout people wanting to kill you
Send some clan threll hunters or something after him and have them pop up every other session
Stuckermann is a decent writer I guess but he shits all over the lore.
^ this, honestly. They're a lot less overpowered than you might initially think because of how the race bonuses don't play well with the things that are good in the tabletop, e.g. Beast Reflexes and Natural Lethality are really great passives if you want to slap people into oblivion at low levels but once people start actually expanding their Relic Grids and accumulating wealth they fall off hard, especially because they can't qualify for a lot of the options that would synergize with their base features.
Also, yeah, most socializing is gonna be impossible and he's lucky if he isn't full of River Tribe arrows by the end of the fourth session. Tell him he's free to do it, but that he probably shouldn't for his own sake.
>all these scrubs can't deal with River Tribe
Cavalry still exists in 9th. Use it.
Probably why all the people who want to fold Relic Vale into the River Tribes happen to be salty River Tribe players. A few Chasmosaur Daffadars will roll over archers. Add some Viragos to go for Tribe Shamans and you can wreck the archerspam lists most Tribe players are running.
>use calvary
>they get cock bkocked by meat shields infantry men and dakir tribe beat tamers
>two rounds later half your army gets BTFO by tribe archers
>inb4 just use wizards :^)
>wizards get sniped halfway across the battle field by ytava tribe archers or assassinated at the start of the game by camouflaged blowgunners
>spent all of those points for nothing
>hard countered Lunarian Spirit Lions, River Tribe Decanters, and any Endless Empire magic unit running a Writ of Celestial Concordance
>soft countered by Shaxandi archers with kurotai poison, Brass Caliphate disbelievers, Ilaic cannoneers running Fireshot, and Rethalic Storm Dragoons with an attached Carnage Priest
>40 Gateshield Phalanx: 389
Passive Portalshield, Pike, Shortsword, Medium Armor
>40 Gateshield Legion: 428
Passive Portalshield, Moonsword, 2x Javelin, Medium Armor
>20 Laser Longbows: 260
Laser Longbow, Hand weapon, Moonleather Armor
>20 Laser Longbows: 260
Laser Longbow, Hand weapon, Moonleather Armor
>15 Rayguns: 221
Raygun, hand weapon, light armour, double-handed weapon; Skirmishers
>1 Gate of the Lost Moon: 488
Gatesinger, GravWheels, 2 Darkside Horror Mules
>8 Planetborn Paladins: 300
Moonglaives, Heavy Armor, Gravboots
>12 Knights of the True Moon: 286
Lance, Heavy Armor, 3rd Moon Horses, sword
>12 Knights of the First Moon: 296
Lance, Heavy Armor, Planetborn Horses, sword
not sure what to go for artillery, don't really want a Gravtank, might skip one set of Knights and go for Gliders.
Probably getting Sorceress.
I need that many Gateshields to have a chance against river shitters
If you can't roll over River Tribe's shit light infantry in one turn with literally any factions heavy cavalry, you're retarded.
>not realizing that the shamans would BTFO you calvary after eating the remaining light infantry
>not realizing that this is when the elite raiders come into play ajd shield wall to protect the rest of your archer
>not realizing that you just entered the meat grinder
He now wants to play a FEMALE Draar wtf
The other players are waveling truebirthed, River Tribe battle machinist (is this even possible?), and a scar-cursed Fenik. No idea how I'm supposed to tie this all together.
Just fuck my shit up please
The female Draar and River Tribe battle machinist are both viable RAW if you make both of them take the Blaspheme trait.
Lay down the law and ban the shit you don't want
It's a viable party, as I pointed out in the Draar and River Tribal just need a specific trait to work, and the scar-cursed Fenik would need either cursed lineage, wayfarer, or banished background. The real kicker is the Waveling Truebirthed, who has zero reason to ever associate with the other three and is probably being played by a powergamer.
>The real kicker is the Waveling Truebirthed, who has zero reason to ever associate with the other three and is probably being played by a powergamer.
He plays Dark Riders in our regular game
I'm tired of this meme about the Longsword-Class Bethuras.
They are stupidly fast, yes. They have that sweet morale reroll boost on all friendlies, yes.
But they still sink after a few hits. They have no armor whatsoever unless you hit them with a Brass weapon. And who the fuck ever does. It's not a unit you can deploy unless you are doing it for the smug of actually painting it all.
Ragamnifags and people with mixed Bethura lists are fucking entitled mouthbreathers.
>tfw the naval combat expansion is still cancelled
Why does Exemplar hate us?
>put together a new Kdarzi army
>nothing tier one, just trying to make a fun homebrew army
>three Tedrozi Scarmaidens, two Jabolars, five Trixis Hierophants
>plenty of Mortal Anima cheesing
>bring it to my LGS
>powergaming melvin Draar player is there
>thought he'd been banned, turns out the owner let him back because he buys a lot of merch
>fuck it, i'll test my army against him i guess
>go 3/1 in a BoT
feels good to be Kdarzi master race. Draarfags on suicide watch.
Snuk's work has been going downhill since the Romance of Alakar quadrilogy. Miss me with the fucking K'dirz and River Tribe series.
He's a shitbag, got it. Tell him to change it to a Falsebirth and you'd be good to go.
>longswordbabby doesn't think there's any problem with his pet units re-rolling Incontinence Checks
colour me fucking surprised.
Lol I'm sorry that your fapbait actually looks realistic now. I'd say just start collecting the Golden Lady's Warmaidens, but you'd probably think those have gross cooties.
Oldfag here, I remember when they teased the Naval expansion back in '92. Owner of my local mom and pop FLGS sold his El Camino to buy a sea combat table. I think it's still in the basement with the movie teaser ads that were going around in '01-'02.
>moonswords on gateshields
go with psyglaives or TeraBills, much better CC options for river tribe Pockskin cheese
psyglaives got nerfed, Daggers of Teshura or Bleakgate Chakrams are the way to go.
if you can stack the Daggers with a lich Red Throne Elf you'll fucking steamroll everything because the lich modifier makes Red Throne Elves fucking RIDICULOUS. AGAIN.
Also when the fuck is Kethen going to be reunited with Lalena? Red Throne Elves are supposed to be these fucking badasses but their leader can't find a little human girl whose been frozen in crystal for 400 years?
Kethen for worst king, I hope his brother overthrows him so he can actually find Lalena and advance the Moon Glory storyline.
please make Lalena a buff only character when that happens, she's nine she shouldn't be fighting anything
>Be dread legions player
>entire army runs on rng bullshit
> most gameS my artillery decides to eat their handlers and do a suicide charge into the opponent's front lines.
>most of my heroes end up with their heads exploding or being turned into gibbering horrors
> most units have armor like wet tissue and end up dying in droves
> units that don't die to the enemy end up exterminating themselves during spell casting... Because blood magic.
> generally end the game with only one or two models on the table
Though really, all of that is worth it due to being able to counter anything my opponent says with the words "fuck you, I have a giant."
>the virgin brass caliphate
>"coarse, rough, and it gets everywhere"
>autistic harem mechanics
>needs to bring a calculator to play
>memorizes sand types of eras
>avoids op steampunk items because it interferes with the lore of his subfaction
>measuring movement with a ruler takes longer than chads entire turn
>obsesses about lore, has every Brasslord novel signed
>the chad river tribe
>water nymph babes
>just roll the dice and let the arrows rain
>has never even heard of sand and age mechanics, game arbiter always argues in favor of him
>eyeballs movement every time
>when he plays everyone gathers around and joins in on the river tribe warcry
>only lore component he has outside of his army is a poster of a Lunarian Princess, which he still thinks is from Warcraft or Avatar
look, Kethen froze Lalena for her own good and with the Dread Legion still around there's no way he's going to reveal where she's hidden. He's not going to put the ONLY person who loves him in danger like that. Holy shit, didn't you ever bother reading The Sundering of the Brass Caliphate where he EXPLICITLY says that he's not going to reveal where he's put her until he's sure she'll be safe?
>go with psyglaives or TeraBills
>psyglaives got nerfed, Daggers of Teshura or Bleakgate Chakrams are the way to go.
I'll look into that.
I honestly didn't really know what do go for with weapons with the gateshield legions, or if I should just go for more phalanx, but figured some legions would offer more versatility.
Remember they showed off a couple Eromac battleship models in that december issue of the Exemplar games catalog?
>Chakrams on Legionnaires
practically pissing away the +/-4 Laryngeal Sweep bonus and their +2 to Quashing Blow when assisting in formation. Psyglaives are still great for dealing with trash and TeraBills are better than ever with the new Quarzic Addendum rules.
I'll give you daggers though, friend of mine built this nasty RTE list
Legionnaires are perfectly fine now they got rid of the Sarcophagus of Tzeris modifier. With the amount of ranged your army has more Phalanx might serve you better though, those +2 Podiatry Wards are just amazing against Draar mass inf cheese.
Personally I'd go more Phalanx, are you using Red Throne Elf reavers or River Tribe mercs to pad things out though? If River Tribe, use Chakrams.
btw did you see the new Kethen model? Holy shit they actually got someone decent to sculpt his face. But why the fuck is he so expensive, did they use the blood of virgins to paint his armor? His brother Ratehe is cheaper and has shit rules, but at least I'm not paying $120 for a single model.
Ratehefag confirmed. We all know what happens to people who ally with Ratehe, look at what happened to the Draar and Hamid from the Brass Caliphate.
Fuck you're right. I forgot about the Laryngeal Sweep bonus. I thought it only applied to Lunarian units.
So Chad gets his shit pushed in every time as even a rather basic Brass Caliphate setup will stand up to River Tribe arrow spam well.
Of course, going by the description you're explicitly referring to the Ruins of Drakomir event tournament, in which case not only did the River Tribes player running a full tourney cheese list lose to the Brass Caliphate player, but the Brass Caliphate player was running an unoptimized fluff army. And that's including the fact that he was later revealed to be friends with the game arbiter, who resolved all calls in his favor and helped cover his cheating.
They also showed those in a Blood and Fire in the same issue as that retarded scenario with the River Tribe courtship
>btw did you see the new Kethen model? Holy shit they actually got someone decent to sculpt his face. But why the fuck is he so expensive, did they use the blood of virgins to paint his armor? His brother Ratehe is cheaper and has shit rules, but at least I'm not paying $120 for a single model.
Looks great and yeah I don't think I'll use any lore characters for quite a while. I'm fine with just personalizing my own Sorceress, Skald-Lord with Spirit Lion or whatever and use it as a leader for my army though.
I think I still have the clippings somewhere in the loft man. old navy buddy from gulf one kitbashed this awesome replica of it using Draar Warwagon and Kdarzi Skittercraft parts, he spent like $2400 on that thing and nearby stores would hire it out for birthday parties and shit. this was back when Exemplar had a fucking sense of humour and didn't sue every piece of derivative work.
think i'll give him a call and post some pics if its still in one piece
>he spent three weeks sculpting the Eromac Legate's Command Deck out of papier maché and candle wax
>River Tribe courtship
why did you remind me? every novel and RPG corebook for 3 editions had some bullshit mary sue star crossed lovers clearly inspired by Waranda and Mayhew. Snuk must've been hitting the meth particularly hard when he wrote that travesty.