Women in tabletop

I confess I only want this to continue so femanons can post more Magical Realm shit that archeologist one was great. also the fact most were pissanons

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>archeologist one was great.
Tell me more


I'm gonna need a link to the previous thread, user.

So tell me...

Do you catan?

Playing with a group of all women except myself. It's actually great, they give a shit about the story and think up actually creative solutions to things.

>I'm gonna need a link to the previous thread, user.

What's stopping you from clicking the archive link at the bottom of this page and searching for threads with the word "women" in the OP?

I honestly think if we had a thread like these ones and one for posting softcore Veeky Forums lewd art as consistent generals then the board as a whole would be a lot better.

Probably the fact that the archive link is not at the bottom of this page, dumbfuck.

>All softcore Veeky Forums lewd art in one thread.

Softcore Veeky Forums lewd art is the lifeblood of Veeky Forums. You might as well have a text general.


Let's not continue this please

You're welcome to close the tab at any time.

Didn't we used to have those before people got incredibly bitchy about them?

user, this isn’t 1995. Remember:

There are no girls on the internet.

Generally you provide a thread prompt to get discussions started OP

Smut threads were a gift. They contained the loonies and provided content of varying merit

I liked the ERP threads when they were discussing game ideas, shame it was 90% posting f-list profiles and preening.

>Softcore Veeky Forums lewd art is the lifeblood of Veeky Forums.
I don't mind somebody tacking a cute Sister of Battle on their 40k post. But the constant thinly veiled fetish threads are a little grating and putting them all under one roof would probably make everyone happy.

As a general rule of thumb for women at the table. If they constantly bring up the fact that they're female then they're there for attention not the game, if they just play the game like everyone else then they're like everyone else and should be treated as such.

My group is exactly 50/50

Why can't we have a traps and trannies of Veeky Forums thread?

because there's already way too many of them on /v/ and we don't need to be more like /v/

But /v/ is awful and everyone that visits it is awful, while Veeky Forums is wonderful and all its visitors are wonderful

>Why can't we have a traps and trannies of Veeky Forums thread?
We used to have a lot of traps on Veeky Forums. Some of them were even cute.

Now it would cause too much shitposting.

>traps and trannies of Veeky Forums thread
I mean, they all either were or are now a woman of Veeky Forums, so isn't this that?

Even the visitors from /v/?

Male DM, and all I know is that I ended up running a lewd game and to start it was mainly guys playing, mostly female PCs but they took all the precautions they could, avoided getting knocked up, sometimes seduced NPCs they liked, etc.
Then rl stuff took most if them out, recruited new players. All but one girl now. Magical realm to the nth power now. Also, you can apply the half fiend template for kids from hell hounds, right?

RIP /wst/.

>kids from hell hounds
Why the fuck are women so into bestiality and being gang raped by monsters? I try my best as an ERPG DM but I can't get interest because I want consent between non-athro characters because I'M NOT A GODDAMNED DEGENERATE. FUCKING ANIMALS IS NOT GOOD OR NORMAL OR SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF, YOU FUCK!

>this mad that women prefer literal beasts to human men


Where did you recruit new players?

Something I wanted to ask the women last thread but was too tired to write out .
What kind of intervention, if any, would be appropriate when some guy is is being sleazy, rude or otherwise making you feel unwelcome? I haven't witnessed anything that I've felt like deserved more than a head shake and eye-roll, but I'd like to hear from women how they think this kind of stuff should be dealt with, or just let them handle it themselves.

user you realize you're on 4chin right. On Veeky Forums.

There are no women here, unless timestamped proff of otherwise has been posted.

Wow user that's so problematic.

>There are no women here

Or maybe you wish there were no women here so there would be more dicks for your ass

As a woman, I like monster on girl fun. It's the exotic \ manly factor. More, it's also that you don't have to bother with a relationship, you can just fuck.

As an addenum, I say this as a woman whose Paladin recently fell because of a death-pit orgy with undead monsters.

Totally worth it.

So you want to be raped?

You'd get along well with my girlfriend.

I dont really know how to address the guy part of it, but if youre not sure asking during a non-tabletop time to see if it's bothering them.

If it's not then it's not an issue and you can let them handle it if there's a problem or not.

It's usually better for us to stick up for ourselves anyway with that, so you dont get called a whiteknight or something. But support if we bring up anything is always really good, from my perspective

We used to have the weekend smut threads.
Used to

I'm sure about as many women are into weird monsters/furries/whatever like guys are.

But not me

No, I just want to have good sex.

Yeah and they weren't in any way a containment or pressure valve like people ITT are claiming.

What kind of monsters are you into?

Mostly humanoid creatures, but beastiality and insects just creep me out. I think orcs are overdone, too.

Recently, it's been weird undead monsters a lot.

Niggers and muslims.

>Why the fuck are women so into bestiality and being gang raped by monsters?
Wait, which part are you surprised by?
Being raped is, IIRC, one of the most common fetishes out there. And it's not like women have a monopoly on wanting to fuck monsters.

>Recently, it's been weird undead monsters a lot.

Sounds... unsanitary desu

It's fantasy. Not getting horrific diseases and / or being devoured by basically zombies is part of it.

For what it's worth, my PC got knocked up by something that was basically a spinal centipede, and I'm pretty sure the offspring is some kind of abdomination.

spinal centipede sounds like it replaces your spine. please tell me this isn't the case and it's just a centipede :3

Fair enough I suppose, how do you find these kinds of ERP groups anyway? Roll20?

It's more, like, a human centipede thing without the extra heads. Multiple torsos fused into one and given horrid life.

Darkest corners of the Internet. But if you're a guy, I suggest not bothering.

>But if you're a guy, I suggest not bothering.
Sausage fest?

No, I mean more that if you play a male character, there's not much for you to do. My ERP group is all-female, or at least they can claim convincingly to be female.

A gothic-horror setting doesn't really have female rape-mpnsters.

that's somehow so much worse.
I feel like I'm the only femanon who's not into macabre body horror...Why don't people like nice things. Like... a cuddly snake snuggling all the way through your body and kissing your lips nose on the other end.

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>RIP /wst/.
>We used to have the weekend smut threads.
>Used to
Those were the days~!

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Something like this, but male? Does it have like a row of dicks? Are there stats for a normal combat encounter?

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Ahh, very well then.

Is it banned now?
Could we revive it?

>Is it banned now?
Supposedly, there is a refugee on /trash/ but the general opinion is it's not the same...

>Could we revive it?
Perhaps one day we will!

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>not being a female player with a gay male character

Sooner than later I hope.

Scuse me I need to go.. because..

That's almost literally every other female player I've played with. Except one girl I was with briefly who was a hardcore lesbian that wouldn't even use a dick if she was cursed with it.
can't believe I fell so hard for her.

Sure, like that. I don't know about combat stats, you'd have to check with the DM. My Paladin spent like, three days mating with it and other creatures before she was rescued.

Are you a real femanon though?
I feel like the only person left on earth who is into love and affection, every woman I've ever met was into being raped and impregnated by the biggest, ugliest monsters and then pissed on by the end.

Dear lord. Any other standout creatures? Not really for fucking, just for general use in a bestiary. Okay and maybe fucking.

Undead fucker from earlier, here. I can get love and affection from my boyfriend. When I'm into ERP, it's all about the 'meat' and lust aspect of things.

Also, on a meta-sense, I don't want people to get too attached. I don't want relationship drama by proxy. In a non-ERP group, I had one player get incredibly clingy because he thought my Sorceress had a thing for him. I only got him to back off after fucking his PC's personal nemesis, and being explicit that I liked the other guy better.

Checked.. also curious about what else your character fucked.

>I can get love and affection from my boyfriend.
That makes it even worse.

I mean... I like some of that I guess, but the monsters I like I'd say are more alien than ugly. Like Slug's stuff but the thing is I like it to be.. forceful but wanted? I guess... Hard to put it into the right terms. Semicon I guess.
I like snuggling but I also like rough animalistic breedings, oviposition and 'parasticism' but none that actually harms the parties involved in any permanent capacity. So really more like symbiosis.

I don't like blood or bruising or pain, I like it when everyone gets their ahego moment. But also gets gaped and stretched and gushed in/on/around.pee optional depending on mood

I want everyone to snuggle afterward.

But yeah, every other woman Ive been with or around is weird and mean. The lesbian I briefly dated was okay but in the end just wanted to use me, for my herm dick. Before hitting and quitting to be a real lesbian.
So... *shrug*... rambles....

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All the other girls in my group have female characters. My character wasn't intended to be gay but the rest of the group decided he, poor wizard.

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Why? You need a clear line between RL and your own amusement.

*he is

Do you ever feel like you're kind of messed up for not being into all of these weird things?

Like, being ultra kink seems to be so in vogue, but what happened to just good vanilla stuff?

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Off the top of my head, there was an undead creature that trapped women in it's chest to use as a power source.

There was an undead hulk with hands carved into bone axes, with a massive amount of sexual frustration.

There was a hanged-man-esque creature that floated above the ground with the noose around it's neck, so that encounter was standing up, too.

My favorite one was the encounter with the remains of a corrupted saint. The idea was that his 'higher soul' had ascended and left his perverted 'lower soul' behind, which animated and warped his remains. It also had a way to grant indulgences - i.e. a blind spot in the eyes of the Gods. I'm pretty sure that my PC's 'child' may have been sired by it instead.

My roommate is constantly lamenting the fact that he can't just find a nice virginal girl to settle down and raise an obnoxiously large brood with, so there's someone out there for you, I'm sure. I can't imagine he's the only one.

I clearly need to get into ERP games, because honestly these are cooler encounter ideas than anything from like the last two campaigns I was in, sex aside.

I've got a fiance, but talking to other women in gaming groups when making friends and this stuff comes up it's always like
>user you must try being choked sometime!
>What do you mean you guys just do it.. like...boring... missionary stuff? Oh, honey...

My gf straddles the line. She likes monsters and shit, but like... nice monsters that want loving monogamous relationships, Beauty and the Beast shit. I've met more chicks into that kind of shit than not, though, but I attribute a lot of that to the company I keep, especially online.

my recent group was 3 couples with a female dm. worked great. minimal sketchiness, stuff got done on time...

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Those sound like legit monsters, but I can't understand what you find fuckable about them. 2 and 3 actually made me uncomfortable.

I don't exactly feel messed up, more sad than anything. As you can see by those two other femanon replies, they'd cuck their boyfriends with monsters if it were possible, then crawl back home to him for snuggles. I'm perfectly willing to try kinky stuff, but what if I don't like it / it's just not possible for me? Then she's gonna be dissatisfied and will jump ship as soon as opportunity arises.
Lastly, love and affection will carry you through life, kinks on the other hand will either get boring or push you to even more extreme ends.

Bear with me here: the monsters are not real. It's harmless. My boyfriend probably jerked off to, I dunno, JAV stars in the past or something. I don't hold that against him.

I don't really judge them because I know I feel uncomfortable when people judge me for being Vanilla.

I'm lucky I've found someone who's only a bit 'French Vanilla', so he doesn't make me feel judged about it.

But looking at my single friends and the kind of stuff they do or is normal for them, I'd be completely lost dating in these circles.

I don't understand what furries find fuckable about fursuits. Fetish is what fetish is. Part of why it's a fetish is that it isn't understandable by the people who don't have it.

as from earlier I have to say I fucking hate these people. Kinkier than thou, "you poor deluded fool being able to enjoy simple things" motherfuckers.
Like jesus, consider yourself lucky if you can get off to simple stuff.
I like doing weird stuff in the bedroom but I wish it wasn't so damn hard sometimes. It's like having a high alcohol tolerance. Oooh, I can brag sure, but it takes way more money to get drunk.

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>the monsters are not real. It's harmless
But what if one day they are? You are in a relationship and fantasize about something else fucking you, to me this is a breach of loyalty. But if you and your bf are okay with this, then good luck to you.

user, you are putting a lot on a fantasy.

That's autistic as hell, and seems like a pretty bad attitude to have on a traditional games board of all things. We spend a large portion of our free time fantasizing about things here. Some of us play clerics of imaginary gods. Should they be denied entry to heaven

a girl schlicking to monster cock is the same thing as you fapping to anime tiddy.

Good luck getting and keeping a significant other if you're so autistic and controlling that fake, imaginary, and therefore harmless, zombie cock threatens you.

As an aside, I'd be willing to bet you don't see anything wrong with you jacking off to a fantasy if you were in a relationship.

>As an aside, I'd be willing to bet you don't see anything wrong with you jacking off to a fantasy if you were in a relationship.
Wrong. I live what I preach.
I'm not though, I'm not forcing my view on others, you on the other hand seem very agitated that there's somebody who doesn't agree with you.
>fake, imaginary
Until it is not. Sure, in your case it's something very unlikely to happen IRL, but rape and brutality fantasies are so common that I haven't yet found a woman without them, and since I cannot fulfill these desires, she will get them fulfilled elsewhere. Maybe I have already had that experience, which has formed my current opinion, but instead you jump on the "lel virgin" train.

Yes, but unlike the zombie fucker, I'd want to experience these fantastical scenarios with my S.O. if it were possible. I also used to play TTRPG with her. There's a big difference between wanting to get raped by monsters and masturbating to it, and wanting to be/play a different person and experience adventures.

See, monsters don't exist. They're not sexually threatening because, you know, those fantasies are impossible.

The lelvirgin just agreed that people who role play as clerics of fake gods are sinners. I don't think we're dealing with a rational individual that understands the difference between fantasy and reality.

if you're this insecure, you deserve to get cucked by monstercock.

imma frankendracuthulu and im coming to fuck yer bitch

Virginanon, I don't think sex fantasies are why women go elsewhere when you're involved. In my experience, people who wear their insecurity like a straight jacket like you just tend to ward off males and females alike.