Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion

Goblins Took My Jerb Edition

Discuss the lore and story of the Warcraft franchise and its application in and around traditional games.

>Document compendium: Contains official (ex-canon) DnD 3.x variants and a fan made DnD 5e version! Also contains the official Warcraft Chronicles volumes 1 and 2.

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Eredar playble race when?

Warrior, Warlock, Mage, Hunter, Rogue and Demon Hunter

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Who is your favorite Draenei character and why?

Whats Perenholde thinking about?

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The Triumvirate sounded pretty cool in Bloodmyst.

user, I did not crop that picture just so you could spam it every thread after. Stop that.

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>what would be the best way to go about ruining everything forever?

she has benis :DDDD

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>how can i get that shiny crystal on Antonidas' staff?

"Big mean green chicks, mmm... I have a plan."

I wouldn't mind eredar provided we also get broken in some capacity.
There used to be a draenei and a blood elf that showed up. First in Dalaran sewers and then outside ToTC, years ago I would have said Velen. Now? Quite like the Lightforged draenei commanders. Even if I have a special place for the Hang of Argus questline.

He looks so smug

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>Will my wife mind taking Grakha to bed with us.

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This is the face of a man who inspires trust. The face of a man with a plan that cannot fail.

>I wonder what I should have for dinner...

>Trollbane is too loud
>my economy hurts
>I'm hungry
>I wish I was at home playing Hearthstone


Is that not a Mogu?

Oh, sweetie

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I find this image silly. Allods orcs tend to be bigger and meaner looking than Warcraft, but for some reason this maid is all dainty and hot while serving a beaten pig head to orc hitler. In an crack campaign with spelljamming ideas thrown in that I made, the Allods orcs were migrating all to Azeroth because "The great magus was born thre (Thrall), causing a influx of crazy greenskins that even Azerothian orcs were annoyed about.

>He heard it again, and again, and realized the sounds were coming from over the rise, on the far side of the city. Near the bar¬racks the Alliance forces had commandeered. He knew then what the sounds must mean, and began laughing again.
The dragons had begun their attack.
Alidcn stared at him, then toward the sounds, then back at him again, comprehension and horror slowly washing across his face. "What have you done to us, Fa¬ther?" he demanded. "What have you done?"
But Perenolde could not control himself enough to answer. Instead he slumped to the ground and sat there in a heap, shaking with mixed chortles and sobs.
as he listened to the sounds of death and destruction. He had never heard anything so lovely in all his life

Fixed it for you, no need to thank me. By the Holy Light, we're devolving into shitposting fast

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>ywn be Monara younger sister that goes around with her in her adventures, but due to Draenei long life shenanigans, looks as develloped as her


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>tfw you never got a go at her

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Eredar are playable though.
You mean man'ari.I'm autistic like that.

Now that the Mag'har will be an Horde race, how they will handwave the war with the alliance draeneis? The AU races are friends and fuckbuddies.

>as develloped as
>not wanting to be a more developed younger sister

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Better then cropped porn posters
that's some Veeky Forums shit

why have puss when you can have dubs?

Make them like Neverwinter's tieflings with varied body types cause I fucking hate the male draenei model.

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Thats cool too

Not really. The Draenei genocide had already began when Garrosh came to the AU, so there is bad blood. Especially since that cuck Velen is dead in the AU, so the Draenei are not fettered by his peace and forgiveness bullshit

Turalyon. He is a badass, who is now leading an Army of the Light.


Why fur on his coat? Is he gay?

It gets cold up in the mountains.

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He lives in a cold, mountainous climate.

>I wish I was at home playing Hearthstone
There was no Hearthstone in the 90s, user.

He and Garithos are the only characters, who never appeared in wow (either in vision or in form of ghosts). I wonder why...

>Expecting Blizzard to have Garithos in game
Old Blizzard might have eventually but nu Blizzard wouldn't risk it.

We already have mentions of Garithos in-game.


I am still hoping that Isiden Perenolde will appear in some capacity to restore Alterac to it's former glory.

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>We already have mentions of Garithos in-game.
No one cares about mentions. We are talking about flashbacks, visions or ghost of Garithos.

Fareeya and what's-his-name-snobby-vigilant are also ok.

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Griselda and Turok?

I like how Blizzard also forgot about Syndicate. Poor alteraci people, they will never have a chance to avenge their kingdom.

Heres hoping he fares better the Aliden Perenolde
They removed the his faction rep, made him a random quest mob, gave him a fucking stormwind tabard and then removed him in Cataclysm without a trace

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>Griselda and Turok?
Well, Garithos or Aiden at least mentioned in game, but those two...
At least there are some ogres in Deadmines, that are probably were originally from Turok's band. But that's my headcanon.

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We need to find his ghost and shw him the error of his ways so he can have a calm death. WHile it happens, the horde tries to come by the order of their warchief to find the spirit and torture it for wathever enjoyment Sylvanas will take from that.

>Griselda and Turok
Wow, I am not the only one who knows about them.

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>Lothar gets lost in the same mine

youtube.com/watch?v=P1CpVjR4Xvg important lor

definitely core lore

Did Neverwinter give its tieflings their fingernails back?

Perenolde nearly won the war for the Horde. If he fought them for every inch of mountain pass the Horde walked through, Lordaeron would've never been threatened- either the Horde would have been too reduced in number to threaten the city or Turalyon and Stromgarde would have backpounded the Horde.

Instead of 300 with knights and wizards we got a slimy king ordering his troops to stand down. Fuck Perenolde.

Perenolde's a hero of the people ensuring safety for Alterac.

Perfect opportunity for him to beef with Danath and Calia

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We should present her to Sylvanas, break her will and turn her into a banchee. It's the best for her people.

Sylvanas's opinion is no longer relevant now that Lordaeron is about to fall into our hands

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Now that's what I call real justice for Arthas.

>choosing sides in a lore general
mcneck yourself lorelet

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Hope you enjoy plague, we need more fresh material for our research. (:

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>t. Perenolde

>not choosing sides in a lord general

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I see we're getting an early start on the shitposting

Outrageous! Sylvanas swore to never use the plague, and now that she's warchief, has even less reason not to deploy it more.

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This general belongs to the Iron Horde. Any talk of the Alliance or Horde or the Warsong shall be done by way of insults.

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They really should've made Blackhand the Warchief of the Iron Horde. The Warsong were total jobbers, the Blackrocks carried that whole faction.

Only because WoD was so botched.

>The Alliance is on their last legs, champions! Our tactics have wiped out more than half of their soldiers!

>The Alliance gains no victory if the Warchief escapes. Capturing her is the only way to win this war.
>The blight is far too dangerous, my king! We must focus on the living!
>The dead are rising! We must evacuate the wounded!
>Our siege machines are lost; we have not yet breached the wall. My king, I...
>Father, help me. I need your guidance. I need... a miracle.

>Step 05: Blighted Grounds (New) - Evacuate wounded soldiers before they are infected by plague gas.
>Step 06: The Light is Fading (New) - Fall back with King Anduin Wrynn.

Attached: cryingalliance.png (225x225, 5K)

Gents, recommend a race/class combo if I want to play a big girl.

Plus he just looks badass as all hell.

Orc Warrior.
Tauren women are pansies and probably have udders instead of nipples.
Nelf Women are too thin to be proper big girls.
Troll women smell of fish and feet.

Orc Warrior
Tauren anything
Pandaren Monk/Warrior


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Nelf warrior. See past their given models and imagine something better.

“Lesser, greater, middling, it's all the same. Proportions are negotiated, boundaries blurred. I'm not a pious hermit, I haven't done only good in my life. But if I'm to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all.”

Thanks, Geralt.

A world is supported by four things ... the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the righteous and the valor of the brave. But all of these are as nothing ... without a ruler who knows the art of ruling.

>tfw you invade the enemy capital on your continent to avenge the nuking of your capital on their continent except all you manage to do is kidnap a single officer of moderate significance while the enemy obliterates half your army and denies you any territory by turning their entire capital into a diseased crater
>and the only reason why you retain custody of the officer of moderate significance is because he doesn't want to be rescued when the rescue party shows up
so this is how it feels to be alliance...

I don't recognize that one.
How about... No one is born a wizard. And no one should be born one! Conscious of the gravity of what I write, I answer the question posed at the Congress in Cidaris. I answer most emphatically: each one of us must decide what she wants to be -- a wizard or a mother.
I demand all apprentices to be sterilized. Without exception.

Is that Arthas mother? Or just some pc with a clever name/guild

Now that's some dumb paintjob.

She was missing for 13 years because Metzen forgot she existed

She was mentioned in the Arthas novel in 2008.

>Anduin is a braindead retard.

Oh cool, so she's gonna be in bfa then?

Yes. She reappeared in Legion with Alonsus Faol.

Appearing with the enemy??????
I knew you could never trust another Menethil.

orc female warrior or dk. female panda if you enjoy mommy posting

Oh, where at? The last raid i did was the one where you kill guldan

She's a part of the Priest Order Hall

Neat, I'm Leveling a priest so I guess I'll see her. I'm also guessing she's a priestess too?