I'm trying to come up with a cool end-game antagonist for dark heresy...

I'm trying to come up with a cool end-game antagonist for dark heresy. I was thinking something that wasn't the bog-standard warp hijinks and something more alien like the rak'gol, either that or a ass-crazy perpetual whose posing as a false god

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Dunno how you defeat a perpetual without him just coming back to life, but a daemon or a daemon prince posing as a god could work, maybe rak'gol warlord could work too, although rak'gol don't do much in a way of planning as far as I know

Theyre smart enough to be a space faring technologically advanced race, I expect they can plan somewhat well

what about that thread where user came up with a way to defeat lucius' ability to take over the bodies of those that defeated him?

If in doubt add more C'tan

I've just learned that Q'Orl are a thing.

Endgame and non-warpy you say ?
Why not go for the one true worst enemy of mankind, then ? Itself.
Choose your poison : Rogue inquisitor (their own, preferably) is dead-obvious but efficient. The corrupted, crazy and insanely powerful rogue traders are a good alternative. Both can bring a fuckload of xeno abominations to the battlefield, seems like that is what you are going for.
If your party is high-level enough, unleash the space marines. Not the chaos ones, the truly terrifying ones : loyalists. Now is the true test for their allies, few will remain true to their friends when faced with literal angels of death. Everyone will bend, and no military in the imperium will oppose them openly. Time for hide and seek, influence games, and terribly hard battles. What better final boss than the posterboys of the setting ?
The Admech makes for a perfect opponent too. More than their raw power and the sheer amount of heretical archeotech they can bring to the battlefield, the fact that every piece of vital technology can be turned against them will bring the party on the verge of the mental collapse.
If your players have committed a sizeable amount of atrocities in their quest to save mankind (they should have, at this point), time for a retribution. Set up a justicar, a truly holy man/woman with a pure heart and a burning hatred for them, dedicated to punish them for their crimes. No matter the reason that pushed them to such extremities, they are far beyond redemption and they have to face their fate, or murder someone who is undoubtedly a better person than they have ever been.

Or, if you are lazy, just go for an imperial assassin.

The end line is : humans are a very thematic last opponent, and they are in no shortage of eldricht bullshit to throw at your player, whether it is archeotech or scavenged xenotech

the logicians were so fucking cool when I first read about them in the dark heresy threat books. I'd definitely would use them or a more fleshed out unique version of them. kitted out with tech-heretic skitarii and rogue knight houses.

The Perpetual thing was me wondering what if a perpetual turned himself into a cyborg or something using archaeotech and become something I called "the antler king" a tech-god that tech hereteks worshiped. I threw it out after I read the part of perpetuals regenerating abilities making a cyborg perpetual impossible. Still, archaeotech is crazy and maybe a normal human used super advance human or alien tech to become a proto-tech priest of some sort?

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Lucius is Lucius, he just takes over the body of one who killed him if he enjoyed that kill, I think, meanwhile perpetuals just regenerate from death

When it comes to utterly monstrous end game opponents, there's always the Enslavers.

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I haden't included the DAoT survivors turned posthuman demigods, and it was a mistake on my part.
DAoT humans were basically necrons-tier, so feel free to pull anything out of your ass. Just remember a few things :
- Give them a good reason to fight the players (avoiding clichés like "muh peace through hivemind", more like "wtf, I thought godtech had granted us paradise, but I wander 10000-something years enjoying posthuman immortality and the galaxy has turned into a shithole ! Let's get this goodol' not-warp-corrupted-at-all cloning engine and repopulate with ubermensch while our still-functional men of iron do the dirty work for us... They're still functional, right ?"
- Give the players a good reason to fight them. They will have a more modern mindset, better tech and overall better tech to back it up. They have to have some critical flaws that are really dangerous for mankind, and don't just make the players retarded witch hunters

About the perpetuals, I kinda dislike them (nufluff, me being autistic...), and they are easily replaceable by aforementioned transhumans.
I mean, just look at the imperial assassins. Now think about what one could do with even better techs. Humans can be eldricht monsters if you want them to be.

Second or third stage Halo Device implantee, that still retains some of the power and influence that they had before their change...

when you think all these barren planets are the work of tyranids but its actually grandpa and his rusty army of super eldritch kill-bots.

plus the tech-god will need resources to keep all his evil shit up and running and will soon try to awaken the local necrons for some of that sexy green stuff

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If you're going DAoT and tech-gods, why not cut out the weak part? The humanity.

Have everything suggesting some form of daemoncult, and it turns out to be an abominable intelligence.

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Whatever you do to him, don't kill him. Simple as. The inquisition have proven they're pretty fucking good a juuuuuust not killing someone. Shouldn't be an issue for them.


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or Langoliers

like a warp tainted skynet

R'lim Shaikorth or Ubbo-sathla? Rhan-tegoth?


Sorry I was meaning to suggest them as answers to your question. They're mythos beings who might work as antagonists.

No problem my dude. Would definitely give a tech-mystery cult some mythos vibes. Imagine a survivor of the dark age of technology turned into an insane metal octopus of wires and stuff with all that sexy techno religious paraphernalia.

>Someone in a position of power gets a Halo device.
>A cache of Halo devices is found on a heavily populated world.
>Those little known about worm zombie things got on a cruiser and crashed into a hiveworld.
>A traitorous Inquisitor lied to the Admech about an STC being on a planet where expirimental and highly valuable anti-(SOMETHING THE IMPERIUM DOESN'T LIKE) technologies are being developed and you're the only ones close enough to defend against them.

Dark Mechanicum could be pretty neat, lots of opportunity for unique and horrifying technology and enemies. Also since the final end game boss is going to be like 99% machine you could have him in any form you please.
>Regular sized human-like body made of gold but affording him strength and survivability far beyond that of a regular person
>A brain built into an automata
>Some sort of mechanical scorpion like body with numerous arms, claws, and tentacles
>For a Magos Biologis a massive slug like body with several spindly but dextrous arms, emitting toxic slime that has built up to coat most surfaces in his lair

Have you ever seen the movie Tetsuo The Iron Man?

A xeno race that lives on the surface of suns who are rying to bind the entire stars of the sector into one giant stellar construct to defend themselves against the emerging C'Tan.
They contacted a Rogue Trader a millenia ago and helped each other out, they gave him the stuff of the stars themselves and he directed various groups to fullfill the Kothyian's mission of surving the onslaught of the C'tan.
The rogue Trader acts as their vessel and in the last part of their plan, the Kothyian will empower him and faithful followers to superhuman level, they will be like a lesser Superman, their cells charged with soalr power and they will wreak havoc upon the main worlds to confuse the Imperials so that the xenos can focus on the stellar construct. The only method to defeat them is either a Exterminatus of the entire sector or explore a Tomb World aquire a ancient Necron stone that depowers the Superhuman and free a C'tan fragment so he may feast upon the solar xeno and leave the sector to seek revenge for its imprisonment.


make him a servitor?

better yet, he has an army of gold automata who pretend to be his "angels". he hides his giant slug/scorpion body in the depths of the heretic temple and uses holograms to project his god like image.

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Slaanesh rezzes him anyway. Slaanesh cheats at Lucius's curse.

Slaanesh confirmed poor loser. This is why khorne is cooler

None of the Chaos gods in 40k are cool and none of their servants are cool

Ahirman is cooler than Vilitch.

>Literally Mr. Fuckup Jr.
The only defining trait of the Thousand Sons is being terrible at making good decisions. The Emperor gifted Magnus and his sons with his decision making ability.

Definitly more intersting than Vilitch.
Ahirman was in the beginning a man trying to mend his mistakes, but Tzeentch corrupted him so much that he now tries to become a god via the Black Libary. His downfall is a sight to behold.

>Ahirman was in the beginning a man trying to mend his mistakes
He's a man who tries to cover his mistakes and only makes things worse constantly, Vilitch is essentially a school shooter with super powers. Both are shitty but at least Vilitch is fun.

I prefer Ahriman because he is more nuanced and that seeker character that I enjoy. He does not hope for conquest, power, material or revenge. His warband has one goal alone: To murder stars

The Slaugth, if you’re playing in the Calixis Sector, there’s already an alternate future where they invade the capital world and start collecting heads for brain eating.

Literal waves of bio drones that can take on whatever form you think would be awesome/terrifying. Freakish Technology beyond the minds of most species in the galaxy, they’re immune to warp powers, they can take the form of humans, they could have several captains/Rogue traders/folks on space stations under their thumb to send after your group by proxy.

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>that autistic dweeb being cooler than a grot

Combined with all the 30k fluff from the Horus Heresy books about the Rangdan Xenocides those fuckers are truly frightening.