The women of Edoras made it safely through the caves, but the battle of Helm's Deep killed almost all the males. They had to repopulate the city somehow, so, ...
The women of Edoras made it safely through the caves, but the battle of Helm's Deep killed almost all the males...
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They invited men from allied countries.
Most of the men were fighting at the border with Isengard, there was only a small garrison in Edoras when they left for Helm’s Deep
>when you see all those damn horses come down the side of the mountain at the end of TT, thats all men. not to mention the likely few hundred or more scattered throughout villages that did survive.
Although the movie confused things slightly by making half the rohirrim women in beards.
Please take your magical realm and leave this board.
They did it the exact same way Paraguay did after they lost 90% of their men in a war (but none of their women. So much for women "fighting" for freeodm, eh?): polygamy was temporarily reinstituted.
This is also why (weak) men are willing to throw their best friends in front of a speeding buss for a whiff of pussy: the less men there are, the more the remainder gets to fuck.
Are there any women here today?
Quiet, the men are talking about the necessities of survival.
Seems to me that the bulk of the humans survived but every last of those elf reinforcements died, OP. What do you make of that?
Women aren't anything to be afraid of, bro. Most of them want to get laid just like you.
God fucking damnit, masturbate BEFORE you post on Veeky Forums.
It always pissed me off, literally only the main characters survive. That boy aragorn tested the sword with, dead. All the elves, dead. There should have been some survivors
this, there were only 300 men defending helms deep in the books, and only 1000 men showed up to relieve them.
To be fair you wouldn't even know that unless you watch those behind the scenes videos.
>Most of the men were fighting at the border with Isengard, there was only a small garrison in Edoras when they left for Helm’s Deep
Thread should have ended here.
There are enough men if the women share.
Not sure what the survival rate was in Gondor, maybe Gondorians can take unofficial second wives and extend the blood of Numenour a little.
Mail order husbands from Umbar or some such.
That PJ isn't the most consistent guy around? That scene was pretty disrespectfucl to ME anyway.
dont be a whorselord user
>yfw the entire battle of Helms deep committed about 1/5 of the full Rohirrim muster.
>yfw Saruman's "brilliance" can't beat Rohan on ezmode.
Nah, in fact, most of the men already at the Hornburg when Theoden shows up to reinforce them, as well as the troops of Erkenbrand that Gandalf rallies, were guys fighting at the Fords of Isen. Rohan simply hadn't mobilized much.
Why do people say this shit? No, that's PJ retardation.
When they leave Edoras at the end of chapter 6
>At the gate they found a great host of men, old and young, all ready in the saddle. More than a thousand were there mustered. Their spears were like a springing wood. Loudly and joyously they shouted as Théoden came forth. Some held in readiness the king's horse, Snowmane, and others held the horses of Aragorn and Legolas. Gimli stood ill at ease, frowning, but Éomer came up to him, leading his horse.
And then when they arrive the next chapter.
>The host passed through the breach and halted on the sloping sward above. They now learned to their joy that Erkenbrand had left many men to hold Helm's Gate, and more had since escaped thither.
>'Maybe, we have a thousand fit to fight on foot,' said Gamling, an old man, the leader of those that watched the Dike. 'But most of them have seen too many winters, as I have, or too few, as my son's son here. What news of Erkenbrand? Word came yesterday that he was retreating hither with all that is left of the best Riders of Westfold. But he has not come.'
>elf reinforcements
Read a book
Aaaayyy! someone brought up my country!
a lot of women also died during the war, and the the whole 90% is an over estimation. truth is no one really know how many of us died. However there was a lack of men for a long time. just so disproportionate
To be fair I think Saruman's plan was to rekt them at HD while razing the rest of the country. Then the orcs dun goofed when they didn't prepare for a longer siege.
>Most of them want to get laid just like you
>just like you
Don't underestimate how much I hate them, bro.
BR here, the whole conflict was fucking retarded. Paraguay would be in a much, much better place, had the country not be shat on as it did.
Meanwhile, Brazil is in utter shambles without needing three countries to gangfuck it. Go us.
Jesus Christ go outside you faggot
Or at least take your shit outside of a LotR thread
What war was that?
>I'm gonna be a white knight faggot and nobody can stop me!
Why can't they do a helicopter dick trick then huh?
>Meanwhile, [my country] is in utter shambles without needing three countries to gangfuck it. Go us.
Pretty sure everyone knows this feel on their own scale.
The fact that Solano López kept the War of the Triple Alliance going for so long even though it should have been blindingly obvious that he had lost is what puts him in my ranking of the top 5 mass murderers of all time. Though in 5th place since his was more an act of stupidity rather than a deliberate effort to kill his own people, which is why Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, Stalin, and Hitler occupy the 1st-4th spots (respectively).
>yfw the entire battle of Helms deep committed about 1/5 of the full Rohirrim muster.
What this user said. The third chapter of ROTK is literally "The Muster of Rohan". There are so many men gathered in the Hold of Dunharrow that Merry isn't even sure how many there really are.
oh quiet you
it's the most important thing that ever happened on that backwater shithole you south americans call a continent
But nobody lives at Helms Deep. And the longer the siege lasts, the greater the chance that you'll get a full muster. The entire "plan", such as it is, seems to rely on being able to take over the whole country while hoping Theoden is simultaneously too incapacitated to do anything, but strong enough in his rule to stop any of the regional lords from effectively leading the country.
My personal suspicion is that the plan is really Sauron's, not Sarumans; and impressed into the latter's mind through some sort of Palantir mind-link mental domination. A fully mobilized Rohan cleaning up bands of Uruk-hai along their own borders and possibly ineffectually laying siege to Isengard isn't helping Gondor out, and at the same time draws the fangs of a fellow evil maia that might possibly be a problem in the future.
*tips Edora* m'lady, shalt we repopulate the kingdom of Rohan?
>I hate women!
>dude this is a lord of the rings thread calm down
Here's a (You); give it to a pretty girl you know.
That's easy. There were no elves in the battle.
The women, the true victims of war. They're the one who suffer the most in those times.
Shouldn't you be rigging the DNC?
>get chopped up by orcs by the thousands
>some cunt that wouldn't even cook or let you fuck her in the ass is the "true victim"
fucking elfs and their feminism man
It can't be helped. This is the only way for them to survive. It would be a shame if they liked it and made it a lasting tradition.
I hope that goes where I think it goes...
yeah, thatd be just horrible
>Something something fantasy setting
>Something something magical lamarkian evolution is a thing in setting
>Something something whole generation of men wiped out
>Something something /ss/ becomes necessary
>Something something nation of shotas/men with VERY youthful appearances and their wives
Poor Mash, master is too busy doing the homosex with Astolfo and she can't even rise his jealousy.
you cannot blame him
why was this post deleted?
Is there more user? All I can find is that image
There was no shortage of Rohirrim men. Several villages didn't bother to show up when Theoden called them to Pelennor.
Also the Helm's Deep battle isn't even all that significant. They seemed like such a big deal *because* they had such a shortage of men. Saruman had all the other settlements subverted to weaken Rohan as a whole.
the whole point of subverting Rohan was for easy travel routes for the Orcs, which is why Grima was so annoyed with Eomer hunting them down. Grima and Saruman needed Rohirrim to at least be as passive as possible, which they succeeded for the most part.
1) Divide the forces of Rohan in two -the marshals weren't that close anyway, IIRC
2) Destroy one first
3) Destroy the second
4) No (other and complete) muster
6) Profit!
Saruman basically couldn't think of shit like the Huorns or Erkenbrand helping the siege. The latter I think was basically rerouted thanks to Gandalf, if things went right he'd have been fighting orcs/dunlendings far from Helm's Deep.