Prepare you anus Commander players for a new way WoTC wants your money!
This card is a Buy-a-box promo ONLY. It is not printed in the set or are in booster packs.
Prepare you anus Commander players for a new way WoTC wants your money!
This card is a Buy-a-box promo ONLY. It is not printed in the set or are in booster packs.
It’s not even a good card. Fuck off to /pol/ and take your Jeremy baggage with you.
>Boros players lament that they mostly only get combat orientated commanders
>finally get a breath of fresh air
>it’s behind an actual paywall
I know there is a secondary market, but a kick to the balls is a kick to the balls
Being a Boros commander player is suffering
>nip card games do this all the time
>people here just shrugged and buy the card
>mtg does it
>when i first started i was torn between buying a boros precon and a gruul one
>fuck i am glad i went with gruul
It probably isn't good enough for Standard or Modern but it's interesting enough and juuuust good enough for Commander players to want it.
There was no rg precon
Whats the matter goy, this is the R/W non combat Commander you goys always wanted, all you have to do if pre order a box and hope the new set isn't complete shit
Just buy the single, guys. It isn't hard.
I don't like it when weeb games do it either.
it's not like a box is a bad investment. this is fucking dominaria after all. this is one of those sets that'll sell for $700 easy after 5 years or so.
Wanted to buy a prerelease case to binge open but missed it because the distributors in my area (not in murrika) sucks.
>6 drop commander in boros
>They didnt make it so simply gaining any life even from lifelink will also bolt
He looks fun but he will probably just be okay.
Big fan of the art however.
One is a game people care about. The others are played by a total of fewer than 5 people.
Does it really happen that much in weeb games?
Sucks lad, where you from?
Way too easy to break. Give him lifelink and he goes infinite.
nice reading comprehension
Not giving him lifelink, but making it so anyform of life gain also bolts, not just spells.
So instead of just casting a bunch of burn spells you can stack your deck with lifelink weenies or effects and shit damage onto the board or onto someone.
Seriosuly if its a 6 drop in boros it has to be good its so fucking difficult to get anything done with those shit colors much less ramp into a pivotal 6 drop.
Pay more attention to the post being replied to.
Right but if he had that effect and THEN you gave him lifelink from Loxodon Warhammer or something and you've gone infinite.
This is genuinely terrible and I hope this is the only time they do it.
WotC should be doing everything they can to improve the experience for players with how bad the sets have been recently. Not actively making it worse.
Firesong & Sunspeaker only deals damage when an instant or sorcery gains you life
We're talking a hypothetical retard.
Some shithole country. Basically the distributor called my LGS in the morning, told them that preorder is open and will be closed at 5 on the same day.
you wanna suck my dick you faggot
fuck you
>WoTC wants your money!
did they ever not?
this is the quality of poster who makes these kinds of threads
Yep, some even have multiple buy a box promos. You'll get one randomly in each box.
But he only lifelinks from Red instant or sorcery spells.
It would simply make it so any form of healing is also a bolt.
It would go like this
>You swing and lifelink gaining life
>The effect triggers
>You deal 3 damage to target creature or player
>Because its not an instant or scorcery it doesnt proc the first damage effect
>The chain ends
>literally every commander group will let you play with proxies
Sure is comfy in the bunker.
>I hope this is the only time they do it.
you're more than two decades too late but it figures people like you talk shit about things they have no fucking clue of.
Buying a ten dollar magazine isnt the same as buying a 100 dollar box
>links your life
>>Because its not an instant or scorcery it doesnt proc the first damage effect
Regular lifelink gains you life off of any damage, not just combat damage. So you swing with this hypothetical alternate version of the card, you deal combat damage, gain life from lifelink, his hypothetical altered effect triggers and bolts, which gains you life from lifelink, and you've gone infinite.
Okay maybe I wasn't clear before but I'm not talking about the actual effect Firesong and Sunspeaker has, I'm talking about this guy's hypothetical alternate version of its effect that bolts whenever you gain life.
custom card faggots should fuck off and create their own thread.
this is magic is deeeeed thread.
>>finally get a breath of fresh air
No, it's just another homage to Lightning Helix. We get one every three sets or so, because despite R/W's popularity, the designers don't care about it. Their babies are G/W and B/U.
it's much worse, I remember some of them even having buy-a-case promos with shitty cards going for 50$
Am I being niggered around right now or can you actually not read?
That still doesnt work.
>moving the goalposts
I accept your acknowledgement that you ran your mouth and came off as retarded
>or can you actually not read?
Can you?
>>They didnt make it so simply gaining any life even from lifelink will also bolt
Or you could just, you know, buy the single card for $10 on eBay.
so they want war
Why not?
Creature deals combat damage, instant triggers and heals, than creature triggers and deals damage and it should go on infinite from then on.
Am I missing something?
I don't think this is going to go for only $10. Probably not as much as Mana Crypt, but still a decent chunk of change. Maybe $20.
Hah. Well, at least the set looks good so far.
>standardfags open boxes like addicts
>promo isnt even playable outside of edh and as a commander only
thank you jews of the coast for killing magic!!! !! ;^)
Isnt that the reasoning they use to justify the Masters sets?
>Dont buy the set if its shit just buy it from the card stores lol
You're delusional if you think these guys aren't gonna get tossed in the bargain bin
are you seriously implying that that card is going to go for anything more than $5? are you retarded?
I will not underestimate the secondary market's ability to jew Commander players.
it's gonna be 5$ at the most on day1, you have to realize that there will be one for every single box opened in a WPN store and the demand is gonna be really limited, only commander players that want to play boros and collectors are gonna keep theirs and most of those guys would probably buy a box anyway, only reason I would be mad for is that it's gonna be foil only and we all know the quality of WotC foils
Any commander player who wanted this has already convinced their playgroup to let them run Tamanoa
Never underestimate people who play can't cast a spell until turn 6 format.
If this wasn't a card for Commander, I would agree. But Commander players will eat this shit up like candy.
But this just sets the tone for future releases. I'm waiting for functional reprints of eternal staples when they continue with this.
do you even know how the secondary market works? the supply of this card will clearly be way beyond its demand. no one wants that card but collectors and some edh players.
t. Rudy
>But this just sets the tone for future releases.
there was an entire set based in Africa too by the way.
The plot of Onslaught block was two overpowered special snowflake women merging into the literal goddess of mana and I don't remember you fucks complaining about that.
Probably because Akroma and Phage were both villains.
>Their babies are G/W and B/U.
You meant anything green, right?
Yes it does. Once you resolve it targeting Minotaurbros and have them deal damage in any way, Spiritulize (a White Instant) gains you life, triggering Minotaurbros again, gaining your life again, etc.
Chinaman will have them at .3 to 1.5 as always, so I dont care
Wooooo, that minotaur thigh!
As it should be. BR and RW are pathetic.
I'm more mad that this is just another card that is "foil only" - come on WotC you have one fucking job and its making sure that every card has a regular printing...
Whatever happened to that user who said he was doing "something" there?
Yeah how was Elaine Chase's microtalk?
Oh shit nigger I am retarded.
>Have kess commander double sleeved
>Its already staring to curl a little
Triggered abilities on the stack have text, in this case "Gain [however much] life," but no other characteristics, like "is an instant" or "is white."
I don't know how the fuck you guys even let your foils curl, my cards usually get a slight bend after a week of riffle shuffling
I dont riffle shuffle specifically because I dont want to fuck my cards up.
Rule 603.7d If a spell creates a delayed triggered ability, the source of that delayed triggered ability is that spell. The controller of that delayed triggered ability is the player who controlled that spell as it resolved
I dog ear book pages to save my place too
I honestly think well worn in possessions are more valuable than pristine ones
Triggers don't have characteristics, they have sources, and the source of it is Spiritualize, which is a white instant.
603.7d. If a spell creates a delayed triggered ability, the source of that delayed triggered ability is that spell. The controller of that delayed triggered ability is the player who controlled that spell as it resolved.
603.3. Once an ability has triggered, its controller puts it on the stack as an object that’s not a card the next time a player would receive priority. See rule 116, “Timing and Priority.” The ability becomes the topmost object on the stack. It has the text of the ability that created it, and no other characteristics. It remains on the stack until it’s countered, it resolves, a rule causes it to be removed from the stack, or an effect moves it elsewhere.
Local bro's Angus McKenzie proxy that is literally just a sharpie drawing of a pig on a piece of paper is so comfy it hurts.
What are some good ways to break this card?
Mizzium mortars seems pretty good if the board state is already really big.
It would state source like Gisella does.
I agree that beat up shit has more meaning. It means you value it for its content and not the fucking idea that you MIGHT sell it in the future. That's what I don't understand about people who want their cards in pristine condition - it means they plan on cashing out or not sharing the game with anybody in the future, which would be fucking retardation of the highest order.
And it WOULD be retardation of the highest order if it wasn't a rational line of thought because of cards being so fucking valuable.
Off of the top of my head? Twincaster Mage seems like a good place to start. Monastery Mentor seems pretty good, too. Outpost Siege for more "card draw".
WoTC going to start doing this, I'm going to start playing with counterfeit cards. Fuck you Mark Rosewater.
Unless you're dealing in reserve list cards "lightly played" condition barely impacts the price
At least you'll be playing Mtg instead of just shitposting about it
I don't know why the words: only, exclusive, and limited are words that we tolerate from a company. Especially from Wizards. The fact that the card is dogshit isn't an excuse.
God, I would be ashamed to affix my name to OP's article.
Whatever, I got my fakes, having a good time and compensate my store. Fuck Wizards.
blasphemous act
start of extinction
basically any red board wipe and then toss in some payoffs for having a retarded life total
>This card is a Buy-a-box promo ONLY. It is not printed in the set or are in booster packs.
And? We can get it on the secondary market if we want it, which most people won't because Commander is a format where you only make the shit you want to make.
You're missing the point. The point is that this is a repulsive delivery mechanism for an exclusive card. A card purported to appear nowhere else EVER AGAIN reeks of Reserve List garbage. Sure, they could print it in the future in another product, but as is it seems like a level of fuckery that they shouldn't engage in.
Do these guys have any credibility left with their core fanebase?
Honestly, no.
>Do these guys have any credibility left
Of course they fucking do. Shit like this doesn't offend their core. In fact, I doubt a single decision of theirs in the past five years offends their core.
Shit practices like this are only noticed by people who have the ability to pay attention, something the Core, which can't even fucking use Gatherer, can't do. If decisions like this ceased to exist it would mean that the core demographic has smartened up to a supernatural degree.
>it's not like a box is a bad investment. this is fucking dominaria after all. this is one of those sets that'll sell for $700 easy after 5 years or so.
Jesus fuck right off, an unsealed New Phyrexia or RoE doesnt even hit $550
not to mention that this set is going to be overly printed, b/c of the hype
I think i'd rather deal with all the transgenders wotc is trying to appeal to at fnm than you guys, like god damn chill it's just a promo for a set you may or may not buy.
>a set you may or may not buy.
you mean a set everyone will certainly buy but say not buy on Veeky Forums.
And I'm going to speak with my wallet and continue to not buy a box, which is a dumb idea in the first place.
Even ignoring the shitposter or botposting, it seems unlikely that anybody on Veeky Forums buys sealed product anymore. Maybe boxes for drafting but outside of that nothing. If everyone's not on singles or counterfeits they haven't been around here or playing long enough.
And not even one minute after i posted this ...
kill yourself shill rat