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Tok is my husbando
Update 1.1. Last content update; tweaks will be considered if feedback on certain aspects warrants it.
Same-sex parents friendly for those of you who are concerned about that.
* Option to be the child was added. (I think this will be desired by many)
* "Ending" section added; Some more image work; Rewording of 7 mystical description
Added clarification in Personality section about how qualities and traits interact.
Added six new pairs of positive/negative traits; Introspective has become a positive, rather than neutral trait; Two positive traits now free, rather than one.
Removed Cultural Roots; School of Hard Knocks now has no prerequisite.
Friends in High Places $$$$$ requirement removed as redundant
Early Years: Mastering Manners, Overcoming Handicap, Rich & Doting Relative, Simple Living
Young Child: Musical Gift, Red Cross Youth, On A Dare, Helping Family Business.
Teenage: Meditative Activities
Since I discovered the lazy method of using CYOA Studio and just adding in doodles later the creative process has gotten 3x more fun.
Someone asked for an advanced version of the old one some time ago; I didn't really plan on doing it, but I said what the heck today and did it for some reason.
The advanced part is sort of false marketing, because it's mostly the same with just a few additions; I could go even further and call it OC, but that would be pushing it.
hey dude do you think you'll ever update altering history?
A question I ask myself often. Well, not that often. But I'm not sure. I don't really have much more passion for the form it's in now. I've said before that I'm proud of it, and I stand by that, but it's already so... bloated, for lack of a better word, that I don't think I'd want to add more.
If I were to come back to it, I may do a 3.0 version that is much more streamlined. But even that I don't know if I'll ever get around to. I have other CYOA projects that will take priority, at least for now.
Was going to post the images, but then remembered that there are five images, like 10000 pixels each, and two of them are literally nothing but text. This is a rare case where I will support the pdf instead.
I've always wanted to write up a build for this! Do you have the DLC?
Any of these images too suggestive or not cropped well enough for a blue board? I don't expect it to get used much but figured I'd check.
man I wanna make a build but I'm too tired for this level of complexity right now
I'll give it another shot tomorrow
Fuck Tok
could someone post the soul weapon cyoa? i can't find it...
reddit does cyoas? wtf?
What an odd thing to say. No, reddit doesn't do CYOAs any more than Veeky Forums does CYOAs. anons and namefags and redditors make CYOAs, though, yes. If an author posted a CYOA on both tg and reddit themselves, would that be "reddit doing CYOAs"?
Unless you're not aware that CYOAs are posted on reddit at all, in which case that much have been a very secluded rock, and welcome back to daylight.
Hey guys, this is a WIP and my first project. I'd like some input on the writing and whatnot, and critique in general.
The last sentence in the intro feels like it doesn't fit, might be better to put it somewhere else. Otherwise, looks pretty good, looking forward to seeing what you do.
Small House
True Sight, Healing Touch
Curse-eater, Der Freuschütz,
Irene Anderson, Sophia Eklund
One Last Ride
I'm all for unarmed, punching stuff is fun but how is it efficient against ranged enemies?
I was thinking of Unarmed characters having enough toughness to defend against arrows or bolts, or straight up tank them.
Ah I see, well sounds good to me.
>Big unarmed tank bullying cute magic shota
That is a good question, how do magic and physical damage types interact?
My idea is that each type of damage had to strengths and two weaknesses. For example, a Melee character is strong against Unarmed and Elemental, but is weak against Ranged and Divine.
I don't know if it's too much complex for a CYOA, so I left it out for now. A
Are you Advanced Chess Guy?
Because someone needs to explain to me how En Passant is supposed to work.
Right now if doesn't seem to do anything.
>Someone got shot
>Less than a mon ago
>You are capable of stopping.
Wait! I used my special pick on that ability, I can fix this!
>everybody still remembers him being shot
>the effects of me originally not saving him are not undone, so he is still bleeding out.
>Melee: Picture of a sword
>Ranged: Picture of a guy using a bow
>Unarmed: Picture of a guy using his fists
Why is there no picture of a guy using a sword? Your pictures are suppose to represent your options. Since melee is not an artifact, it makes absolutely no sense why you choose to use a picture of a lone sword, especially when all other pictures show someone using said weapon/attack style.
You're right. The original idea is to have every damage type be illustrated by only the weapon instead of someone using the weapon, but I couldn't find any knuckles/bow art without anyone. Thank you for your input.
Have the weakness/strength triangles be independent of each other.
Currently they are, but the main problem is, like pointed it out, is how does the interaction between physical and magical works.
i wish people would use some battlemage or summon or enchant weapon classes on their cyoa
i like to use hybrid builds
Those are good ideas for Crests, thanks a lot!
>welcome back to daylight
thanks, it honestly never crossed my mind
>but I couldn't find any knuckles/bow art without anyone.
Wow I had this exact problem with my CYOA, I just coudln't find decent art of a bow without someone holding it I even asked here on /cyoag/. I ended up just cropping the guy a bit to make the bow the main focus.
I remember this CYOA, It used to be really good, until it got revised, and now it goes out of its way to make me feel like shit.
>Lets go back in time into the ice age and make legendary places like Lemuria, Atlantis, and Mu real by teaching people magic!
BadWrongFun CYOA
>Optional Rules
>A Magic People - This rule makes it easier to imbue magic to people, as in Version 2.1 and earlier.
>This is NOT a recommended option
>Why are you doing this? I was having fun with my single player imagination gameover here in the corner, why do you care.
BadWrongFun CYOA
>drops mike
My that is one pushy CYOA. And the think he used to be cool.
Requesting a background image for a weird small town CYOA. The only pictures I can think of that would be suitably large and thematically fit are all panoramas, rather than vertical shots that fit CYOAs better.
That's some hardass strawmanning you're doing user.
>Weird small town
Aw hell yea.
Posting something somewhat similar
If it helps at all, and it may not, I only cared about that change for the multiplayer. As I recall, I literally only said "not recommended"; if I'd wanted to say "fuck you user" as you seem to have interpreted it as, then I wouldn't have left it in even as an option. The intent was to make what I believed to be a positive change in the balance of the CYOA, while still leaving it in as a legacy option for those who preferred the older version.
In any case, I'm sorry it seems to have ruined your fun. One of the many reasons I don't plan to touch it again, unless it was to completely start from scratch.
You can always use a cloudy sky with some different shade in. Skies tend to be quite good in a "village" setting.
Hey guys, just checking in with some of what I've been working on.
I'm turning Lavender into a triptych! The first CYOA... isn't. It's a solitaire cult management simulator. The rules are there, I just need to flesh out the events and actions.
The second is a more traditional Kingdom Builder CYOA set after the events of the first two games. I intend to add tree diagrams for each family of choices, but not until I've got the choices themselves done.
I'd like some suggestions on this one, namely on more options and suboptions. I was going to make fetish-themed trees, but that way seems to lay madness, since I'd have to cover practically every contigency...
>I can't find decent art of bows
Can someone post the full version of this? Someone posted the first page last thread, and it seems interesting.
>choose sacrifice
>get hired to perform abortions
Literally no reason for this to be two separate pages.
You could have just kept the old pricing as the default, and added the changed pricing to the Multiplayer section at the bottom.
Did you ever finish your other cyoas?
This doesn't look like Carls Comfy Trailer.
Post Carl's Comft Trailer.
>when you complete something asked for you and no one cares too much
thus is the life of galleries, short lived.
I'm thinking of making a reverse version. A monkey paw where all the options lead to bad end's but you'll still probably pick them over your current life. Monkey paw if you will.
>This doesn't look like Carls Comfy Trailer.
Nope, it's something better!
Yeah. The current versions of Post-Eros and Stock Show are 'complete'. Not all the features I wanted to include are in either, but both are playable and finished.
>don't post this trash, post different trash
>I can't find decent art of bows
eh, I don't really like that picture either. Wouldn't of fit my cyoa either. This is what I used and cropped it so bow was in the middle, this of course being the original.
I really like the meta-option (compatability mode) in your Messed Up Waifu cyoa. You should really remake or update that, by the way. Add some more quirks, maybe some more tiers for existing quirks. Maybe seperate the sexual and non-sexual quirks into different sections.
Lot's of options for multiple "play-throughs", I guess. Big fan of your content, but some of your stuff feels like it's missing a page or two. D&D is almost perfect.
Its a WIP that never got finished user
Post both
This is all as far as I know, like said it was never finished.
fuck you tok, zynthia has exactly the same personality as my ex and it hurts.
Hey man what did we tell you bout sticking your dick in crazy
>eh, I don't really like that picture either. Wouldn't of fit my cyoa either.
My point is that it's not that hard to find pictures. How about this one?
What are the search criteria that you used? I couldn't find anything, and I've tried lots of variance to "bow art".
>I really like the meta-option (compatability mode) in your Messed Up Waifu cyoa. You should really remake or update that, by the way. Add some more quirks, maybe some more tiers for existing quirks.
*Looks at MUW page 3* I actually have space for 3 more quirks, hmmm might add something if I get any good ideas. But it's more likely I will just make a new CYOA, I don't like to dwell too much on old CYOAs.
>fuck you Tok, zynthia has exactly the same personality as my ex and it hurts.
I bet it does, must hurt like hell to know that you had perfection within your grasp, but somehow messed it up and now you are left without your goddess.
>What are the search criteria that you used? I couldn't find anything, and I've tried lots of variance to "bow art".
The trick is to search for "bow concept art".
>Showing up in her room, sitting in a chair as she comes back from school
>Watching as her face freezes in shock, as I start to read one of the poems
>Rising from the chair and coming closer as tears of joy fall from her face, saying "All of those are beautiful".
>Hug her as she bursts into inelegant tears, assuring her that it's going to be fine
Happy life.
>power source
my senpai irl has a history of involvement with esotericism, in britain and germany, and so this kind of fits in with that I guess. plus it'd be comforting knowing I'm not the only one who's dealt with this stuff
>no change
I already have borderline pd, I don't need supernatural stuff messing me up any more than I already am
>sickly (37)
>sharpened (34)
>reset (29)
>no change
I already have about five years missing in memory, from like 8 to 13, so I don't think messing around with my memory would be a good idea.
>magnet (34)
>telekinesis (30)
>remote viewing
>scrying, using a mirror (29)
>quick step
>indirect sight (19)
>empathy (17)
>psychometry (16)
>friend of nature
>animal friend (10)
>specific (8)
>wide barrier (3)
>siren tongue (0)
>control and source pyrokinesis (-11)
>miraculous self healing (-21)
>bound (-11)
>insomnia (-2)
>eyesight (+3)
>Ally guardian
>Yarrow Falls
>Danny Glass
>Kate Fox
>Carl Knight (bound, guardian)
>Julie Slater
>Eric Strickland
>armed perk
>apprentice perk
>Slater is my teacher
I'd be an aspiring cryptozoologist, and my powers synergize well with that as I can gather data remotely, talk to local animals to see what they know, and in case something goes wrong pyrokinesis/handgun/barrier should be enough to at least keep me safe until I can teleport away. Kate would be my bff, and eventually end up dating and marrying Danny. Carl, at first, would be a bit of a bully towards his new sibling (especially with his control over me) but when he sees me getting attacked by a wendigo he'd beat the shit out of it and start acting protective towards me. Slater would be a fair yet strict teacher, and Strickland would cover for me and my friends if we ever got into trouble trespassing while looking for cryptids. pls r8
>that fucking cat and his spaghetti is accountable for the violent murder of my sides.
Dank you
This is a shoutout to mah nigga Lone Observer - The Metropolis CYOA is at last written, and I need your feedback.
To my bro PartPoint from years ago - I hope you're OK buddy. I finally finished the Dark City CYOA... for us. Stay safe.
This ones good actually.
But I was looking for something plain, just a normal bow and my image is that.
Didn't mean to click submit on that first post
bls rezbond
For eons, I was not
The next moment, I was
>Old Mansion
This body was strange to acclimatize
But stranger was the scene before... my eyes
A dilapidated fleshling of dimensions three
Striking other, solider fleshlings with ferocity
And tiny strings all over the floor, were alight
The fleshling screamed: "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE"
And my body rumbled: "GO HELP MRS. GAUSS"
Might as well, I reasoned
Identity crisis procrastinated
I felt anger rise within me
As their screams finally died out
And Mrs. Gauss bemoaned her gout
She passed me a key
Said the house belonged to me
And out of nowhere, passed out
I mimicked humans imperfectly
Yet none of the mourners questioned me
When with this suit I attended
And with short answers amended
That no, I am not a widower
The cultists that summoned me
Wished to summon HE
At night, when my eyes close
Or when I talk in prose
I hear HIS laughter
>True Sight
It took me a while you know
To learn what magic can show
Is not what's hidden
When I was forcefully bidden
To a police station
HIS laughter unsettlles
Chatters the teeth, and quivers the jowls
And that is for emotionless I
So imagine if I try
To vocalize it
>Hell's Clock
Emotionless best describes
But oft it belies
What I am capable of
When push comes to shove
I summon Hell's Clock
When she touches me, I feel funny
They all say "s'ok to feel that in your tummy"
What they do not understand
Is whenever she's close at hand
HIS laughter grows clearer
>Gabriel Garcia Hierro
His mother asked me to clear
Her basement of rats so sheer
In size, I was dwarfed
But with guile, hair was plucked
And I earned my dollar for the day
>The reappearance of Sumiko Akiyama
'Twas that day I realized the horror
Of not knowing what lay in store
Underneath supernatural guise
When I looked at her, my eyes
Showed me an ever-shifting form
>Relationship Troubles
I care not for their ridiculous plight
What I want is to know, alright?!
What happens to man
When he sleeps with what japan
Would consider hot
What does being immune to air even do?
Reposting my build
>Spirit Gift: Death
I love the concept of persisting beyond mortal limits solely on my stubbornness. I also have less to fear of death, because I understand it more than most
>Time Wound(+3)
This'll suck, but won't be very dangerous with the right powers
>Bad Blood[The Artificial Intelligence](+3)
I'm gonna butt heads with this thing sooner or later due to my irrational love of my fleshy and magical bits. May as well drop all pretense.
>Other World(+2)
Silent Hill is looking good this side of the millennium.
>Powers (30 +4 +8 = 42)
Mostly for Toughness. Whether I need it or not, I'll be glad either way.
I love the smell of phoenix fire in the morning. Also, these kinds of abilities (mushroomCloudFillipingTheBird.jpg).
Sorry Silent Hill, but you no longer arouse despair within me.
Balance on a dragon's head even as it tries to shake me off while shooting off its scales one millimeter at a time.
What's not to like?
>Density Control(40)
Everything-proof ftw.
>Sixth Sense(39)
Illusions, stealthed assassins, and hippiness, begone.
Ensures that Time Wound won't kill me by dropping me on a star. At least, not instantly.
Stand straighter the more enemies I fell.
Fanatics may be useful, but they don't question orders. I don't want that. Also, don't need a bigger head than I already have.
Same as above.
>Scanner2(Magus Gem)
I've got plans...
Ensures that Time Wound won't kill me by dropping me in a nest of vipers or a vat of acid.
Like I said, I've got plans...
Taking this for the increased language learning speed. Extra languages are a plus.
I'm the new Jason Bourne!
May take a while, but will be very much worth it when I'm done.
Also part of plans...
Sleep is for the weak.
>Evolve2[Piercing, Slashing, Blunt-trauma, Heat, Electricity, Cold, Energy](18)
Extra resistance to most kinds of attacks.
>Instant Transmission3(15)
Time Wound won't affect me for more than a second at a time.
Another part of my plan, plus a well-deserved ego boost.
>Regeneration3, Toughness3(6)
pic related
This+Coordination=Bullet Time.
Incarnates will quiver whenever they see ink.
My plans' timetable just got extended and appended.
Was any one else planning on lewding their half-dragon siblings? cus that's the build I was gonna make...
>Patron: The Conquering King
May as well start somewhere, and this guy offers a good, non-morally deficient deal.
Technically a companion, but still a part of me. I have no idea what this will do to my soul, and I'm very interested in finding out.
More on that later...
Will cut down on the time needed to achieve my other plans.
>Extraordinary Vehicle(0)
pic related
>Golden Seal Ring(free)
And here I was planning to buy a set of lockpicks...
>Magus Gem[Scanner2](165)
... plans...
>Red Wondrous “The Future of Tomorrow… Today!” Fridge(153)
A Star Trek-esque replicator -food only- is essential for having 100,000+ followers.
>(4 + 1 free) Blue Crest Seal(93)
The Conquering King helped me meet some people...
>Ammo Vault(Heimjall)
One of them handed me a map. Following (teleporting to) it took me to a vault with the number 34 on its door.
>Spiritual Fetish(90)
If christians can choose a cross, and buddhists a buddha statue, then I'll choose almighty Allah's holy Quran.
>God Seal(60)
... I dropped some artificial dark matter on it.
>Megastructure (Mobile Planetoid Station)[Spiritual Fetish discount](4)
I was really lucky to find a fellow muslim in the bazaar. He offered me the station cheap. This will be my home-base and factory. More on that later...
Dean kindly offered me his ship so we could inspect our new home. He never asked for the keys back, returning them whenever I put them in his hand.
>Galgalim Water[2](2)
Need this for the mentally unstable companions.
>Nimbus Bread(1)
No more brushing my teeth!
The last can be kept as a bargaining chip of some kind.
>Drone #8603-4597(9)
Our mascot.
He's my responsibility. I always wanted a kid with d̶a̶d̶d̶y̶ ̶i̶s̶s̶u̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶l̶o̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶v̶e̶ a lot of spunk.
>Caroline Lupine(7)
Feed her some Galgalim Water. Junior can be her punching bag, and she can be his emotional sink.
We're practically family. He's also a good doctor, bedside manner notwithstanding.
>Dean Winchester(4)
"An illogical reality is merely proof that we're missing a couple of facts in our chain of logic"; the world isn't illogical buddy, but until you acquire the needed facts, you're gonna need to make some leaps of faith.
First thing I'll ask him to make is the coolest shotgun ever!
>Exuberant Spark(3)
A good choice for our homebase's main AI. Will make for excellent mission control.
I finally found my soulmate! We'll go incarnate-hunting together, trade trophies, and dine over the corpses of our prey.
>Heather W. Ruth(1)
Clever girl. You are hereby adopted!
>Heimjall Von Klice(0)
His faction is the only one to achieve a utopia, so yeah.
Rule#1: Hate all you want, but basic decency is LAW!
Rule#2: We're not colonists. If I hear of swastikas appearing in any worlds we visited, I'll personally teleport over that world and drop your Ammo Vault with a detonator attached... no, it's not because I'm looking for an excuse to test what'll happen.
Rule#3: You may examine Heather non-invasively only. I cannot stress enough how badly breaking this rule will end for you and your fatherland.
Rule#4: Trench clearing training on Thursdays. Don't be late, you're the instructor.
>Enenra(God Seal)
They called me crazy, but I showed them all! Shadows are alive, they just never had corporeal forms before
Will round up the trio. With pic related being my usual ensemble, tales of edge, both cringy and bloody terrifying, will echo across the Glyposhpere.
>Quests(4): Some parts of step 6 of the plan
>SCP Prime Weapons Facility: Teeth for Coins(3)
Caroline disappeared one day. I easily found her using Instant Transmission. After a little talk (and more than a little scolding), me and my companions teleported to the facility and laid waste to it. Heimjall's CQC classes were very helpful.
>Reward: All my friends are monsters
>Xurel O: Big Bug Hunt(2)
Drone was acting funny. An unproductive visit to the Vet later, I tried hugging it better. One astral message later, me, Enenera, Hayden, Drone, and Junior started a Yautja hunt. Hayden planned, and we executed. They had no experience fending off those that would hunt them.
>Reward: Brood's Blessing
>Vega Twin Space Station: A Cry for Help? No, a Warning(1)
I was actually on my way to the station to "browse" their tech so I could replicate it. Portal f@#!$% made Instant Transmission useless in this venture. The trip may or may not have ended up with me molting like a phoenix while my companions ran away from pic related with a xeno egg fused to a contained mini-black hole.
>Reward: Orbus Portal Technology
>The Blood Wars: Siege of 10,000 Hells(0)
I came with my own army, all armed with buzzsaw launchers. Hell was a tinge redder after we were done.
>Reward: Solomon’s Ring
>Final Tally:
* Army of 3000 X-men. I have no idea how this wasn't nerfed.
* Horde of 3000 xenomorphs. The best spaceship boarders; one per ship should be enough.
* Army of at least 30,000 expert soldiers with top of the line training and equipment from the Legion-Army.
* A Death-star's load of weapons and armor, vehicles, ships, space ships, and mechs made by me.
* A bound demon in my Solomon's Ring.
* All my armies can instantly teleport to and from anywhere and anytime using the replicated Orbus Portal Tech.
I control Tyranids, Spacemarines Tau and Eldar, Psykers and Orks, and a Chaos God.
1- Browse through the catalogs, using Scanner2 to analyze everything, Master2[Engineering] in conjunction with Mentality3 to understand how each and every device works.
2- Send some of my Legion-Army to several uninhabited planets and asteroid fields to mine them barren.
3- Use Alchemist3 to continuously generate extremely rare materials.
4- Use my Mobile Planetoid Station as a factory staffed by the rest of my Legion-Army, with more followers coming each day.
5- Spend the next decade or so passively building a grand army consisting of every vehicle, ship and weapon on the catalog, from hypergiant ships, to tanks, to titan mechs, to nukes, to robots...etc.
6- ???
7- Profit. Hiring myself out, selling my easily built but expensive nonetheless products, actually engaging in warfare of my own accord, or any mix of the previous. AI will be a piece of cake.
Come at me universe no homo.
I've got you, guy.