>literaly freefalling
>just a glorified kuhcoin ponzi share
>sjw infested
ripple will eat this thing alive in 1 week
>literaly freefalling
>just a glorified kuhcoin ponzi share
>sjw infested
ripple will eat this thing alive in 1 week
Other urls found in this thread:
it is really anoying seeing it go fro 92 cents to 82 cents then back to 93 cents then back to 84 cents
Join this discord for easy gains
you faggots are getting out of hand
thanks i joined and stellar is already at 1$
Please let me take your bags!
>trading xlm/btc pair not xlm/eth
whats up gramps? want a nice hot milk?
Well fuck its back down to the 70 cent range. Hodl or gtfo?
BTC pairs have more volume newfriend
what is more volume and more pairings retard
They call it sideways coin for a good reason
Sell and buy trx
it just x4 you utter faggots it's going to correct
and then go back again.
you don't know shit about what your doing right? this is the perfect opportunity to daytrade and accumulate more.
this, sold @0.99 yesterday and bought the dip to accumulate...
Thanks senpai for steading my nerves
>you don't know shit about what your doing right?
I just said it was annoying.
You sound like a massive douche. Wanna try to educate me about day trading and arbitraging? Fuck off
The fuck? It changes senpai to senpai?
binance is slow so im scared to daytrade
Hahaha it does.
sell at 92, buy at 82, sell back at 93, buy back to 84.
btw welcome to Veeky Forums leave your feelings at the door faggot.
Jesus how many fucking newfags are there on this fucking board
Haha so it switches F A M to senpai
so when its 90+ i will sell? but what if it keeps rising? then im fucked
You walk away with ur gainz, ur not fucked
but i believe xlm will go 5$ in the next time+
isnt hold better?
sell n Buy, sell n buy
if only Binance wasn't such a fag with their constant freezing and crashing
>welcome 2 4chins we is anonumuss, hackers of da world hurhurhur let me repeat myself on some basic bitch shit, I am duh high IQ mustard
back to redd.t it goes
if you don't have some knowledge about how to read a trend just hold. you're going to get burned and then come back here saying how Veeky Forums fucked you up.
bought last night at .90 thinking surely it would be 1.00 by the time I woke up, too bad. I have no doubts it will get there though.
you were probably playing with your shit when i started browsing Veeky Forums. kys faggot.
My hands are starting to shake lads...
yea sure, You couldn't even pick up on the satire in my last post. Get real larp.
i'm french though, faggot.
Don't have weak faggot hand, user.
same shit happened to me when I bough 1000 of those faggot tron coins at 0.003
>Burger brain
>Claims to be french
Stop lying.
>bought TRX as the dogs were released
>does not move at all, XLM dos 2x
>"fuck this XLM where its at"
>TRX 3x, XLM goes down
si tu le dis.
>sjw infested
yeah i sold right after they tweeted that they believe niggers are human and all that. sold, deleted it off my blockfolio, and will never look back.
they're going to diversify and hire incompetent women and shitskins so they can virtue signal about it on kikebook. meanwhile, other crypto dev teams with all men are going to run circles around them while their product becomes shittier and shittier (see: apple). get out while you can
lurk moar, reddit nigger
Should have sold at .99 yesterday ;-;
sjw shit is mainstream though.
easy for normies to adapt
and easy do dump my massiv gains on them
it will go to 5$ after fairx bro 15$ eoy and 100$ eoy 2019
The normiefags epidemic makes me want to kms
These aren't even newfags, they are only here to make gainz and have no intention to learn how it works here, instead they just bring their facebook mentality with them and shape this website into their domain.
Veeky Forums is close to kill.
Cant even login to binance, blockfolio not working, coinbase 404, biz full of pajeets
nothing to do now
fuck reddit
>and shape this website into their domain
i know of a tried-and-true way to drive normies off
gore + redpill dump when?
actually I just ate the loss at .82 and bought ether because this is going to be alt hell day
4chin has always been an ocean of piss
Yeah if you're a brainlet.
I was going to buy earlier but thanks to coinbase being slow I didn't. Should I? When?
what the fuck am i watching
desu senpai cuck eat my asshole new fag senpai
It will recover soon, just patience.
literally the last chance youll ever have to buy at 5200
What killed crypto?
I bought yesterday SO HIGH
I sold low and bought high yesterday.
Th biz way
its ok user i just bought another 300 lumens with some leftover bitcoin i had at 5300.
my buy ins are now
most at 1550
some at 3100
a little at 5300
Ripple will be following it down
>sold at 250.8xlm
>got 254.4 xlm now
Hey, does this count as daytrading. lel
at about 0.75
male to """""""""female""""""""" sex (((reassignment)))
gee I wonder why Tron is pumping and xlm, ripple, ada are all getting dumped..
I'm gonna hold. I'm already up as it is, no point in selling just because my gains are getting shaved off a little.
it's gonna go back up anyways, there's really no point.
>bought at 1550
>sold all at 21xx
>panicbought at 22xx
>sold all at 5350
>bought all back when it was showing brief reversal at 5320
Hey, 30 pips is 30 pips.
pray tell, why?
Should have bought today dummy. I got in at 10 cents. Don't care about this dip. Might buy more.
Xlm on sale. That was a nice 240% gain for me. We in orbit boys, preparing for the translunar injection. NOW IS THE TIME TO ENTER XLM IF YOU WANT 3X GAINS IN A FEW WEEKS.
If you didnt get in early, HODL. I am here to calm your nerves, XLM has the most potential out of any coin right now with fairx.io
You think normies are gonna ignore this? They are buying up normiebase as we speak, they are gonna be like "wow so expensive... what is the next buttcoins?" And look at stellar lumens and be like "OH! THATS THE COIN I SAW ON CNBC! ITS SO CHEAP!" And buy that shit up.
Eth dump once it hits 1000 and then alts are gonna dip back up.
Bought at 0.03. The more it dips, the more interesting for me. If it dips to 0.5 I'll x2 next week.
I wonder what it's like to be a /pol/ cuck?
I mean Veeky Forums and a few other places are the only places they can vent their dumb shit lmao since any public forum or space would get them dragged.
Must be a sad life
It's already bouncing back up.
you sound like you have a tumblr blog and use the word "yikes" often unironically
I need it to dip lower, I need MORE
that's what it's like
classic Veeky Forums. never change.
>since any public forum or space would get them dragged.
What's it like to be part of the herd, sheep?
wow thanks for the dip!
What are you going to do when this type of insulting/public humiliation attempt doesn’t work any more?
Oh you’re going to cry crocodile tears.
>/pol/ cuck
complaining about pol is the siren call of the redditor newfag
LOL sold XLM invested in TRX just w8ing just want deep to cum in and buy
I’m actually excited about this dip. The gains came too quick last time. This’ll be a nice opportunity to get more lumens
Really tempted to switch to day trading these crazy as fuck bouncy coins XLM, LINK, ENG. Why the fuck am I hodl? Oh right yeah, because I'm shit scared I'll miss a moon mission
i bought 100k yesterday at the absolute ATH, but its ok, it will go up within the week. And I'm happy today because I also loaded up a fuck ton of TRON 2 days ago. XLM is solid
when is it ever going to stop working, neet snowflakes are forever going to be an easy target that everyone agrees should be picked on
>if you were not bullied in school, you cannot buy into /pol/ ideas
this is undeniable
you can't predict the peaks and valleys, when it starts going up you buy, when it starts going down you sell
if it starts going up and never stops you won't miss a moon mission
Damnit, most of my stack is in XLM and I try to avoid too much day trading so I just held, and now I'm losing hundreds by the second. Wtf do I do? The worst part is I traded this back and forth with TRX, was going to leave it in TRX overnight but said fuck it leave it in XLM
>/pol/ ideas
>ideas from every part of the political spectrum
It's just a pnd for fuck sake
>this is undeniable
ad hominem + begging the question
lmao @ lefty """""logic"""""
I hope you fucks panic sold
Your “logic” is full of holes and fallacious. Your entire argument boils down to as hominem. Pathetic.