Post your maps, fellas.
>previous thread:
Post your maps, fellas.
>previous thread:
How do they make these crispy nice walls!?
Another problem that really kills the mood is the size of the files. You can't even make a decently sized map without it going up in the 1-2 gb realms.
Don't just post the same ones over again.
Use dungeon painter studio, even my biggest maps (100x120) are under a gig if I tweak settings right-- not much quality loss, too.
So i'm looking for a map of a small town with a keep, something that's between a large village and a small town. Any help?
Bit resource intensive isn't it?
a small map isn't available from what I can see but how's this?
Anyone got any Grassland areas with Roads? I want to do an ambush. Need something a bit bigger than this.
I guess I just prefer this kind of stuff because it gives more room for your imagination, and makes it feel less like the board is the most important part of the game, and more that the board is just a tool for figuring out what's going on in our fictional world.
>tfw I have a metric fuckload of maps, tiles and pieces, but every game I'm a part of is ran by a DM that can't be assed to ever actually use visual aids
We just have to take their word for it when it comes to moving distance, range and who is flanking who. Can't stand it.
>Tfw you manage to force your DM to use maps
>He makes a 10 second attempt before calling it done
Ah yes, a square with 3 smaller squares inside it.
quality maps
I haven't seen them, so this is new to me.
>children of nearby farms start to compulsively and uncontrollably spin in place
>parents are desparate
>the party finds more and more swirly things
>tracks down a small monolith in the center of a large spiral on the ground
>a fey appears on top of it
>roll initiative
Where are you getting these from?
I roll to fugg
2 minute tabletop
Thanks to Starwars Legion coming out today, I want to try to get a few Star Wars ships interiors. Anyone have a good place to find them, or a good program that does space tiles?
As an example, I want to make a scale battle mat for the Tantive IV
I dunno if I got many maps inside ships but...
>good program that does space tiles
Any editor program should have a mosaic or grid option. In gimp and photoshop its basically all up to picking the square option. If all else fails I guess just google Star Wars battlemap ships
I'm looking for something a little specific if anyone can help.
The interior of a castle, or a map like with the exception that the hold needs to be a coast-based one.
I could try, but you're not gonna get much thanks to the size.
Also while I'm at it anyone else got any requests?
a detailed throne room would be nice
тьн, I’d never have an issue with this. positioning is the only thing I wouldn’t want left to the theater of the mind.
Any more modern stuff? I run Delta Green and occasionally like to use them for combat situations.
Doing these, might be done in a couple of hours, if the threads still up.
Anyone have any medium sized (anywhere from 30x30 feet to 60x60) wooden/stone towers (with interiors).
Those, wastelands/deserts that aren't empty/flat, modern that isn't office or shopping buildings and good cavern maps are really hard to get by.
question: is there an archive of these images in the same way there's a pdf trove for books?
I got a folder that I'm keeping the thread alive with but I don't know a good place to put them up.
Other than that, there's some imgur collections.
Would love this with the boat and the tentacles as separate files.
How different do you want the castle? a 1.1 scale replica or do you want me to take it for a ride?
Also you, how detailed are we talking here?
Down to the rats on the cheese or do you just want some banners and a lot of clutter around the place?
Anyone know where i can make good space stations/ships maps?
I hate the limited nature of some of them but others require you to cobble together your own textures/assets making it moot to use the program.
If all fails, hand draw them.
Do it like this guy You know how you want it and the simpler it is the more it leaves for the imagination.
I would but 30mins of my players asking what ______ is or saying that ship looks like a icecream machine has taught me my art is on a 2nd grade level
Could you give an example of your art?
I'm sure simple linework isn't that bad.
And players playing 20 questions is a good thing, proves interest and character.
I don't think those links were shared last thread. Thanks dude
Hey guy, update on the whole coast castle and throne room. Shits hard and took way more time than it should.
Here's a wip, because at least I managed to get one kinda nice.
Post any changes if you feel, I'll be back in like half a day if the thread is still up.
Is it just me or are maps of things like inns or houses ridiculously oversized considering most times a square is supposed to be 5 feet?
Why even post these? Any hack can draw them in roll20
just so it's authentic-looking, couldn't find any serviceable throne room battlemaps online
Why not?
They're maps and Im proud of my shitscribbles.
bump for interest
Don't you die now.
Is there more to this map? A lower/upper level?
Yeah there is, Veeky Forums is just being a cunt
look at this shithole
Hope you guys don't show your players the whole map when you use these maps.
I draw the map on a whiteboard, as they discover it. prevents metagame and allows realistic exploration.
I am autistic and want to sperg out with map making. What are some good programs for it?
roll20 fog of war feature is a god send
dungeon painter studio
Before the whole shadow/FoW thing came into online play apps I usually cut out a bunch of black hexagons and laid them over the map, then gradually manipulated them to create an fov.
Good ol photoshop, look up any mapping packs or tile packs.
just get a boat that looks similar.
your players won't even notice that the boat they were on changed its layout a bit.