So how would a eldritch horror feel if it got it's ass kicked by something that seemed to be human or outright was...

So how would a eldritch horror feel if it got it's ass kicked by something that seemed to be human or outright was human/a group of humans? Such as say for example, a really fucking high level exalted party in terms of seemed to be human. I mean actually got it's ass kicked, not a hallow victory where it was only delayed. The eldritch equivalent of being stomped into the ground to the point where the being's arms and legs are basically pretzels.

Attached: Cthulhu.png (706x418, 369K)

You ever get your ass kicked by ants? And not even like fire ants, just some regular ass ants. It would feel like that.

The entire point of eldritch beings is that they are unrelatable to us on every level. What it 'feels' would be nothing like anything we can comprehend.

the feeling of utter failure is universal


>You ever get your ass kicked by ants?

Yes. I was running around barefoot at the park and
some ants bit my feet. I ran away. I was like five or six.

Are we sure eldritch horror was even awake at the time?

Isn't part of eldritch horror the hopeless feeling of inevitable doom? Making the "eldritch horror" would make it by definition not eldritch.

You know that weird feeling you get when you know you dun goof'd, but you don't know exactly why or how?

That feeling.

>eldritch horror

It would probably reflect on its worldview and pre-conceived notions and conclude humans or "mortals" if you will are more deserving of respect and relevance than it originally thought

Or it would become extremely butthurt and make genociding humans its top priority

And this is the context in which humans can beat an eldritch horror. When all they really do is irritate or surprise it so it leaves. Like I got stung by a bee once, it hurt a little, I had a sore spot, and I was scared of bees for years after (still am).

That bee still fucking died stinging me, I live on millions of generations later from it's species perspective, and it didn't really accomplish anything really except this one time I got stung as a kid so now I don't wanna get stung again.

though, there is that thing where successive stings can produce more severe allergic reactions, even if separated by wide timeframes. It'd be neat to have a story where a once almost-invincible outsider foe had actually become more vulnerable to conventional weapons due to overexposure/repeated defeats.
And could you imagine a setting where terrible monsters run from us out of irrational fear of this happening to them, even if they were not subject to the same vulnerabilities?

>round 1: eldtritch horror is walking through fifth dimension, feels a sting, getd worried and flails around all 10 of its dimension, tidal waves earthquakes and shoggoths appear out of nowhere, feels more stings, runs like hell away from that weird dot
>humans see the giant tentacle in the sky retreats, clearly our nuclear weapons were sufficiently powerful

>round 2: eldritch horror is killed by an 11-dimensional super robot armed with rocket fists

So Demonbane?

>You ever get your ass kicked by ants?
>That bee still fucking died stinging me, I live on millions of generations later from it's species perspective, and it didn't really accomplish anything really except this one time I got stung as a kid so now I don't wanna get stung again.
>>humans see the giant tentacle in the sky retreats, clearly our nuclear weapons were sufficiently powerful

Ness... It hurts.

Attached: pacific rim old school.jpg (500x566, 186K)

As much as I hate to agree with Nice Daemonette, this. From our 'perception' we're winning. When in fact the thing probably didn't even notice us before we stung it.

They would think another elderith things aided humans.

Attached: (1024x575, 169K)

What's more, if you take this interpretation, revulsion could be a learned response towards humanity -- either instinctual avoidance or unthinking, disgusted eradication.