Well fuck. Was gonna start daughters of Khaine when blood coven came back in stock. Guess I'm gonna be painting albino elves and turtles and shit.
They have a very simplistic, oldschool vibe for some reason.
Cartoony proportions and not too convoluted in details.
Did the promo say who they're throwing their lot in with?
I expect order, but something else would be cool too
>another army without any kind of armor
I could be work for DoK is the weren't so ugly, but not this.
They have armour
>magical lether is armor now
See kids, that's why DnD was a mistake
Other units are in armour I'm talking about the army as a whole. Plate armour
>Other units are in armour
Their cavalry literally wears Namor suits but with helmets
Their chests are painted metal
goddamn those look characterful as FUCK
>blind deep sea elves
>They live under-water
>They use bows and arrows
They are sea raiders and they come on land too to make people pay the iron price.
Eh, I might be able to make a mermaid out of this.
of course he has an eyepatch
video with the rest of the teased models
These half naked archers are about the only models in this range I kinda like.
And even then it's only 'kinda'
Aw well.
Mistweaver is already Order.
So who's ready for the purple sun's return?
First Squats, now Mandrakes.
AoS merged with 40K when?
They look evil as fuck though.
They look like a mixture of Lorthern Sea Guard and Black ark corsairs
>That Octopus with a knife
>Lorthern Sea Guard
He also has a mace.
Octopus Bodyguard is the hero the Deepkin need.
The Heroes and the Turtle riders as well as the big tidal wave guy have a much more High Elf feeling than the Eyeless dudes and the eel/shark riders.
I might need to convert this to a bad moon
You know, I'm actually kinda digging the recent trend toward nautical themes with the sky dwarves and now this.
>The Heroes and the Turtle riders
Looks more like DEldars.
>big tidal wave guy
picrelated is much closer
>Mixture of Dark Eldar and Eldar designs
>Tries to use that to disprove me
>Dark Eldar and Eldar designs
>Lorthern Sea Guard
>wet elves
>not actual fish men
This actually looks cool, but then I remember it's AoS bullshit that WHFB died for, and I stop caring.
You know what I really dislike?
When merfolk and mercreatures suddenly hover on land like they are swimming underwater. It's just looks so fucking stupid, I'm lost for words GW made a whole range with that design decision.
Agree, it's seems like they made fishes and turtle because "well it's elves so they need jetbikes and some grav-tank"
In all fairness it’s literally bald Asur with fish
That's why these guiys have nothing common with Asur design-wise?
Order is the grouping of "Lawfull" factions
SCE, Dispossed, FreeGuild = Lawful Good
Kharadron, Fyreslayers, Slyvaneth = Lawful Neutral
Daughters of Khaine = Lawful Evil
And so on and so forth
If you
>Don't want to be dead
>Don't suck Nagashs bony dick
>Don't want to exalt the Chaos Gods
>Don't want to corrupt or destroy the world
>Don't want to fight for a fights sake or to eat everything in your path
>Build Cities
>Have a culture
>Have a modicum of Free will
>Spread Civilization
Then you're order
WHFB literally had nowhere to go without making radical changes to the setting plot or themes
There was nothing else left to do or make that could turn a profit and be in the same theme you love it was essentially already dead and btw you can still play it in numerous forms the only thing you can't do is officially play it which isn't that much of a loss as the three most recent editions were shit
I mean that's okay to have all flavors of order, but why don't get some flavors of the other factions in between destruction and death, but that seems to be changing later this year, are awfully underrepresented
Nice DeepWars army.
I mean you're not wrong.
It would have been nice if they'd found a way to make either DoK or these guys Destruction. Or Death, DoK could have taken the whole blood magic and worshipping a dead god thing in a Death-y direction I guess.
Phil Kelly says you're wrong
No fuck elves polluting my destruction, updated. Give us a some new ogors/ a actual footslogging ogor battletome.
Also give the ironjawz some love with new units, they are so I carried it hurts. We have 3 kits, 3 heroes and a big beasts, meanhlwhile I look at stormcast and weep
Gashunk you say?
But user, elves are destined to join the Destruction
How would you pull that off if even the raiding and bloodthirsty elves are part of order?
Easily, AoS progenetor already did it
>No deep ocean troggoths
Knife ears are a mistake
Is the tidal wave guy Teclis?
Order isn't the good guys. its the guys who hate chaos.
WHFB is dead. Get over it.
This, the setting was spent.
Literally the first elven model I like. They should all wear these helmets instead of the ridiculous conehead
Is that.. a sea unicorn? Boss as fuck.
Can't get over the fact they used the Space Marine menu theme in the video.
>WHFB literally had nowhere to go
>only 3 continents and 1 island was involved in the game
>. They should all wear these helmets
Chang, please
That ain't a Chinese style, nigga
The models and theme are amazing. Just too bad AoS rules are a fucking joke.
>see the initiative roll rule.
>Mhu fun, mhu whimsical games
>Strategy? Why need strategy when the game plays itself and you dont need to think!
>That ain't a Chinese style,
It's exactly chinese style, just like rest of the heroes
>WFB go to Far East
>New factions!
>Old fags cry about updates for their armies
>Lets enjoy old metal models without updates for another 20 years.
Im glad it died. Now I can use Blood elves and Sea elves as conversion packs for my chaos.
All Hail the Great Mutator! All Hail Lord of Change!!
>>Lets enjoy old metal models without updates for another 20 years.
>implying any army in AoS except SCE will get actual update
In this case AoS even more fucked.
Perfect. I'm totally stealing this for my mechanicus.
>>implying any army in AoS except SCE will get actual update
Would you like to have some salt?
>Would you like to have some salt?
Nah thanks, but I cannot see how GW supposed to give updates to all their microfactions of GA like Fireslayers, KO, DoK etc if they still focusing more on 40k.
They won't. AOS is about just relasing new mini armies
>They won't
So that was my point
Devs at GW lowkey implementing old unofficial army lists from years ago
im not that dude, I wasn't disagreeing with you.
I actually like AOS too. I just can't justify it with how uncertain the fates of the armies are
I'm fine with that, as long as the rules get updates. You can actually finish a project now and start a new one, if you feel like it. If they release a finished faction there is no need to add new stuff. I'm not an autistic kid that needs a new release for my army every year.
I am happy with new books but I don't think they will get that. Also 6 unit armies are a joke. 3 heroes 2 - 3 units
>t. It's too hard for me to add more than 2 units into my army
>ever thinking highly of iron
Exactly like GW"s "huge 40K announcement" today was 90% Imperials.
Plastic Sisters is pretty huge.
Yes, Fyreslayers, Wildorcs and Ghouls definitely need another release. Snakes and Sky dwarfs are fine imho, though at the absolute minimum.
The problem with new releases for 'finished' armies, like in whfb8th or 40k in general, is that they have to resort to retarded (most 8th ed warmachines, uber uber eilte shit like the archaon cavalry guys, space marine centurions) or unfitting (flyers and everything bigger than a dreadnought) concepts. Most of the factions in whfb 6th and 7th were complete and only needed updates to plastic, but GW needs to sell so they force all this shit. Now you get an up to date, all plastic faction. The material/detail level won't get that much better anytime soon and the whole range of a single faction is on the same level. So why bother with forcing shitty new concepts when you can't come up with anything good, but you have a good idea for a whole new faction?
tldr: If the range of a faction is coherent in terms of design and quality, there is no need for additions/updates for another 10 years. Obviously you need a certain minimum of units though.
They needed to release elves and because elf fags are actual faggots, they needed to make them 'good' guys. DoK could have easily been destruction. And the Derpkin have a nice neutral kind of aesthetic. Also order can ally with SCE...
Sure, Plastic Sisters is a big deal. Of course, they showed no models, and it's not coming until next year at best, but it is big news, I agree. What isn't big news is another Knight and three mini-faction codices. It's like when they announced Custodes: it fell flat because it was just another Imperial army.
>Sky dwarfs are fine
>one core unit
>one elite
>one flying unit
>3 ships
fuck are you that guy from the /aosg/?
>No armour.
I suggest you watch the video with your eyes open this time.
They are ugly as sin.
the longears are ugly but the animals especially the octopus are cute
Bleh, I'm keeping with my elf snake witches.
Sadly the fishes don't seem to have any vivisble breasts
What the fuck is this abomination
Why GW
Decent chance it's the Avatar of Mathlann.
And common sense reveals you to be a Brainlet
I'm sorry
Except there was nothing they could release that would interest new players into playing the game
There were how many armies at the point of its death?
Not to mention there was very few ways to expand any armies with the way the setting worked atm that would have also not caused low fantasy but not really grimderp fags to reee and still buy nothing as they were doing for decades
Imagine they just update all the models cool neat why would that make anybody who already didn't buy into it buy into it? Them Empire dudes now are a centimeter taller and have new shirts surely everyone would have pored their wallets I'm them
40k and AOS have something that WHFB could never have an that's an exaggeratedly long life. There's like 50 different eras in 40k that could be explored and have models released for there's almost an infinite lifeline going forward too
AoS Is a toddler and I need not even say the same when it's obvious there's millions of things that could get updates and new models for not only because how the setting works but because it's young with potential
Look at the shitshow that the 9th age or any of those other weird fan continuations and tell me WHFB had somewhere to go that wasn't the apocalypse they were talking about for over 30 years
Hell having the old world come back would be even worse as well l
Technically 2 flying units
Personally I'm quite okay with the selection of units, but I'd prefer if Thunderers or Skywardens were a battleline.
the elf skin looks unfinished, it's literally just flat unshaded white. Are they meant to be spectres or made of coral ro some shit?
>Except there was nothing they could release that would interest new players into playing the game
What about good rules and fixing price policy? It isn't rocket science you knwo.
>There were how many armies at the point of its death?
13 (14 if you count CHorfs).
>There's like 50 different eras
Lol no, there is the reason why imperials and Chaos gets more attention then any other faction, the setting is totally about IoM vs Chaos
>Look at the shitshow that the 9th age
Still better than AoS with broken balance and shitty doubleturn mechanic.
>Still better than AoS with broken balance and shitty doubleturn mechanic.
Yea, the initiative rolls are stupid. On the account of 9th Age. I'm really happy it exists since now all the cancerous hyper-competitive players play it instead of any game I play
>it's obvious there's millions of things that could get updates
That's one of the good reasons why it's a bad setting, technically it's hard to call even a setting just a random mess of worse examples of generic fantasy designs, from Moba to korean MMO (but without hot girls)
>it's young with potential
It's called emptiness user.
>I hate good rules so much
>i want to play ERPG instead of wargame
I fucking guess you have mlp collection
What's an ERPG?