GW just announced live at Adepticon Sisters if Battle will have a codex and plastic line in 2019...

GW just announced live at Adepticon Sisters if Battle will have a codex and plastic line in 2019, and a beta codex in the winter 2018 Chapter Approved.

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Dumping SoB pics to celebrate

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Truly? That's wonderful news, if so.

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Who cares? There's a new stormcast chamber coming

I've got two sources in Chicago that just saw it happen.

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Why are Sisters so beloved when they've got no decent stories?

Actually, their books are low key really good

Maybe I'm just an idiot then? Wanna recommend me some decent ones so I can stop being an idiot?

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>mfw I bought the Raging Heroes not!Sisters
>mfw I get the best of both worlds if any of the GW sculpts look good

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I've been hearing that for almost 20 years. I'll believe it when I have codex and said plastics in hand.

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Don't fall for it anons.

Adepticon doesn't start until tomorrow (March 22nd) and it's only 3AM over there right now.

Don't you see user? Put their heads on the stormcast and you get SoB's and femcast at the same time.

>I've been hearing that for almost 20 years. I'll believe it when I have codex and said plastics in hand.

this time its different
official announcement (scroll to bottom)

I loved Faith and Fire and Daemonfuge.

The sister lives on, wielding the Fleur-de-lis for both of them.

Is this ACTUALLY that good? I love Kev Walker from MTG and a little bit from his subpar work on Marvel Comics. Does it give you a good idea about why Sisters work the way they do? What makes them great?

Did April Fool's come early this year?

Sauce on the image

War games exclusive recently brought in some non pinup sisters too that look pretty good, so you are going to get the lions pic of sisters variants

It kinda does, albeit in a kind of microcosm way.

because they are a fresh breath of air in a all male hobby. plus they look really cute to!!

Some edit made in the Vermintide general on Veeky Forums

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Would also like

>decent stories

el oh el

girls in armor are cute

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Break out the banners.

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>Sisters if Battle will have a codex and plastic line in 2019, and a beta codex in the winter 2018 Chapter Approved.
Pic very related.


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I'm pretty new to warhammer 40k, what's the difference between sisters of battle and adepta sororitas? I thought they were the same

One is the actual name, the other is what idiots call then because they're new and don't know any better.

They are the same thing, one is the colloquial term for it and the other is the fancy, trade marked term for it.

Other examples are the Imperial Guard, who are officially called the Adeptus Militarum, and the Space Marines, officially called the Adeptus Astartes

I am so erect right now.

Sister of Battles is the military branch of Adepta Sororitas, officially called Order Militant. Other branches are for example the Order Famulous which serve as diplomats to the nobility, or Order Hospitaller which are nurses and doctors

It's irrelevant enough that you can use both to describe Bolter Bitches, like Space Marines and Adeptus Artates

wait wtf, I just saw the Adepta Sororitas on the GW webstore like an hour ago and now its gone... was that the old line or did I find something odd?

Adepta Sororitas means Sisters of Battle in High Copyright.

Here's a trick for getting some SoBs together for those who can't wait til 2019.

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That would be the old line, the stuff they've had since the 90s. This announcement probably coincides with them beginning the process of taking down the old pewter presses used for those and replacing them with new plastic presses for the new models.

Doesn't matter anyway, the old models where pretty bad.

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huh, thanks for the info

The James Swallow books are particularly bad, my man. Hammer & Anvil is basically a fucking advert for nuCrons.

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Reminder that Anvil Industries has a Kickstarter coming

And Shieldwolf is doing pre-orders for October.

If GW didn't do it themselves, they'd quickly be swarmed in affordable proxies

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>Sly Marbo
>Plastic Sisters

Fantasy died so that 40k could truly live again

No way. I refuse to believe it. This year is going to be a write off.

>Sisters if Battle will have a codex and plastic line
Do they finally get a Primarch?

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Where can I grab the SoB novels?

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Nothing but fetishists. Someone asked in an old /40kg/ if they would be okay with non-sexualized sisters and everyone chimped out.

What does non-sexualized even mean? The boobplate is iconic and the rest of their armor looks fine, and if you mean just making them unfeminine that kind of takes away from the point of an all-female force. It's like when that one person made their weird art of a more masculine Samus.

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>Franken Fran
She's a biotech fit to be Fabius Bile's equal if a bit easier on the eyes and much more charismatic.

Pacifistic to the point of uselessness in a firefight, but great for keeping people alive afterwards

DO NOT for the love of the Emperor, in any way withhold information or lie to her if getting an operation done.

Not primarch material
Top tier waifu material however

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>What does non-sexualized even mean?


It is flat-out impossible to make characters both female and non-sexualized, because all depictions of females are inherently sexual (and therefore sexualized). No matter what you do or how you depict them, women are going to get sexually objectified, and the only way to avoid that is not to depict women at all.

>all male hobby.
What are sisters of silence
What are female guardsmen
What are female cultists
What are female Tau firewarriors
Who is Lotara Sarrin
Who is Shadowsun

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Want me to blow your mind?
Men are just as sexualized to women when they appear powerful, competent, or wealthy.

Every single primarch is sexualized to women

>Who is Lotara Sarrin

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Ask me how I know you post on /pol/ and /r9k/.

>Want me to blow your mind?
>Men are just as sexualized to women when they appear powerful, competent, or wealthy.
>Every single primarch is sexualized to women
Yes, and? Of fucking course the Primarchs are sex gods incarnate, that's part of the fucking job.

Then aren't all male characters sexualized, and if so aren't you making an utterly trite statement that ignores the issue people are talking about when they talk about over-sexualized female characters?

>Every single primarch is sexualized to women

Those are sexualized. Those are male power fantasies. You can't sexualize men in the same way you can sexualize women.

When did Veeky Forums get invaded by tumblr?

>Every single primarch is sexualized to women
Horseshit. Most straight women don't go in for that. Bara behemoths wrestling each other is more of a gay guy thing.

Not your safe space, Jeremy

>The /pol/-poster is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a racist, a shitposter, a redditor, an amerimutt, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him /pol/ and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

Pornstar Veruca James

>Do they finally get a Primarch?
That's Matriarch, shitlord.

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Why shit up a SoB thread with this gay shit? Why the fuck would you do that? There's plenty of other shitty, bait-ridden threads for you to ruin right now, so fuck off to one of those.

We need a re-edit of that image once Sisters get their release.

>it's a politics debate
Abandon thread, seal it off, now now now!

I visit both boards and have for years. I'm not going anywhere. Suck it soyim


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>/pol/shit gets posted
>/pol/shit gets called out
>S-stop making things political guise!

>Sisters if Battle will have a codex and plastic line in 2019
2019?! I'm not even sure if I'll live that long!

you can just admit it user, its okay

Careful now, don't fall for it.

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The Brets got to come back in Warhammer Total War which is pretty much the best they could get given WHFB is dead. Now Sisters actually get plastics.

Best timeline confirmed again.

Please the Big E made all his 'sons' asexual or gay becasue he thinks girls are icky.

>Wasting time and plastic on worthless fapfaction
>Which everyone knows will be SJW'd out of any attractiveness anyway
Absolutely shit.

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Because unlike men woman don't think with their sexual organs.

The problem with the "oversexualized" thing is that 40k uses heroic scale, the bread and butter of which are hyperbole and an emphasis on 3-foot recognition. The features on every Warhammer model, Fantasy, Sigmar, 40k, 30k, and so on, are all exaggerated and blown out of proportion so they look both good and recognizable on the table.
The guns are huge. The sword are huge. The axes are too large for a regular human to hold in one hand. The muscles are massive. The tanks have cartoonish features and bighuge weapons despite not being large enough to carry any damn crew. The space elves look like they're wearing spandex. The space elf clowns ARE wearing spandex, and get painted in gaudy colours. Pauldrons are big. Arms are small so the weapons look bigger.
The body proportions of human 40k models are so fucked up the people who make Barbie action figures and He-Man dolls crack a smile.
Because you have to be able to tell that THAT guy there has a bolter, THAT guy has a power sword, THAT guy is actually a hybrid alien/human cultist, THAT guy is super important and high ranking, and THAT guy only has a pistol, THAT guy is in my army, THAT abomination against nature is in your army, and THAT model there was probably left here by Jeff because he always forgets something so we should probably put it aside so he can find it, and all from a distance of at least 3 feet without difficulty.

Female 40k models are as subtle as a Michael Bay movie out of necessity.
The only reason Forgeworld gets away with models like Krigers looking almost realistic is because that is rare enough in the game to be distinct.

SoBs were never attractive outside fanart.

>GW hasn't shown any pictures of them
Their sculpt will look worse than the old metal ones CONFIRMED

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This to.

This desu, it's an exaggerated ginzo style that's part of the settings make up, no matter how much GW tries to make it stands bsnss

That being said I don't mind the idea of losing the titplate, there are a other ways to do it

>news sisters of battle

You mean Sisters of Silence and their SoB flunkies

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You mean not all the time, just a few days of the month.

Black Library isn't canon, so that's fanart.

>Sisters if Battle

That's a big 'if'.

why did you post a night goblin?

No one really cares about the rules. People just want the models. As long as we get basic Sisters in plastic then mission accomplished.

Welp, guess I'll have to buy a set of them and finish painting my Celestine's Gemini to celebrate the occasion.
I don't even play Sisters but this is wonderful news and I'm genuinely happy.

So, think they'll piss off the old school fans by making Terminator Sisters?
Can you think of any other way they'll fuck this up?

>Can you think of any other way they'll fuck this up?

All infantry models are sold in individual blisters at $18/model. They're still plastic.

Sweet, so it would be cheaper than usual for us Australians.

Budge to the SJW crowd not actually playing the game and removing their classic boobplate and vamp/dom designs.
That's the absolute extremest they could fuck up, though, and incredibly unlikely since this isn't a WotC IP.

30 dollary doos for Australians

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Faith and Fire, Hammer and Anvil and Tempestus