Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Big sisters ass in my face in 1 year Edition.

>Breaking News!

>Choppy Necrons

>WHTV Tip of the Day:



>Old Black Library Mega:


>Tau Codex:

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for no word on an inquisitor codex yet

I promised I would guys
I'll eat the sisters kit

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>mfw Orks are getting squatted

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All of the official 40k official artwork and models change to match the anime aesthetic, courtesy of Games Workshop. How do you react, Veeky Forums?

>he didnt see the looted knight in the ork preview in white dwarf

Welp, looks like it's time to quit visiting /40kg/ for a week until the waifufagging dies down.

They're going to have to massively update the army or something. Like 90% of their shit got moved into separate codices.

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stop buying new models. everything about anime is terrible

Celebrate Anons! You've earned it!

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Reminder to use the proper thread at

>this level of grasping

>How do you react, Veeky Forums?
I find the nearest GW store to hold up with a bread knife until they change it back.

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>MFW they released plastic sisters.

>MFW they RE-release metal sisters

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reminder that orks are getting the last codex because theyre getting a model range update

new boyz incoming

>> If sisters exist then the only thing less likely is Kroot codex
So it’s totally happening right?

They should have waited until sisters were ready announcing them. Hype will die down and the memefags will move on.
At least the regular update will let us know if the fuck it up in advance.

>mini warlord knight
>the missing link between cerastus and porphyrions
>big plasma cannon tits right in my face
I feel the chivalry overtaking me

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I really hope they bring back power armor, or at least the option to take rosarius invuln.

How much you wanna bet that they’re going to be GK tier?

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"Kroot codex" was just code for Sisters
I guess you guys can meme about that now

>plastic sisters is gonna happen
>casca got her sanity back and guts got off the boat
>serial bomber stopped today

this is a good time line to be in

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Why do you keep fucking up the Duncan link, user? There is more to thread than copy and past iPad edition

Clowns will probably be done by Phil "Eldar-fucker" Kelly and be at least good. IK don't do well in 8th due to rules benefiting hordes, and DW are just going to be shit.

>new sisters units
Fantastic news. Been too long since I’ve been able to cum on one

One miraculous day does not safe this otherwise still-spiraling-into-madness darkest timeline.

>Plastic Sisters of fucking Battle when?
>never, SoB dont sell

Plastic sisters soon HAHAHA

Memeing aside I would enjoy that. or at least a shinier and brighter aesthetic. Air out the old stale setting and bring in some new fresh blood.

Doesn't matter if they sell, as long as I can buy them

The boyz kit is great and overflowing with bits, I hope they leave that alone.
New big gunz/tankbustas/kommandos/generic warboss would be fantastic, though.

I kinda think that the momentum is with AOS, all the new armies they release are unique twists on familiar things.

The new stuff for 40k is basically just variations on what we already have now.

>Knights, but different sizes!
>golden bois, better than silver bois
>Space Marines, but bigger and marine-ier

Just feels a little stagnant compared to fish elves riding eels, I gotta admit some of those models were really cool

>3 micro-factions get an update before Orks do

Shouldn't really be surprised at this point.

i too have shit taste

I hope they give us a warboss, some tankbustas and new kits for buggies and so on.

Yes but the setting isn't as strong. Now that could be due to time, but if you reset any setting you sacrifice the setting for new stuff.

>> They released 4 AoS armies this year.
Nurgle. Then 2 elves and now death.
>> Is age of Sigmar poised to overtake 40k? Lololol

Meanwhile in nu-40k we got marines..... and new knights. Also trash new lore in every dex. Unless I see Kroot or something amazing and new for 40k I feel for the first time ever it’s lost to age of Sigmar.

>Big sisters ass in my face in 1 year Edition
An Ephrael Stern mini would be...very exciting. But either way GW better hurry, because as far as I'm concerned Raging Heroes are eating their lunch.

>orks are getting squatted
-15/10, user.

>I hope they give us a warboss, some tankbustas and new kits for buggies and so on.
After the SoB the Orks are the faction I'm most rooting for, update wise. They're fun.

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>Plastic Sisters of Battle
Faith has been rewarded

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Setting is getting fleshed out a lot more. They've focused on the background a lot since Roundtree took over and it's definitely helping the universe feel much more fleshed out.

More of this.

A huge gigantic universe with each realm being a giant ball of magic and essence from the old world is pretty sick.

Not to mention the global campaign is actually showing results with new models and teases. 40k’s have done jack shit.
>> We live in a universe where the red headed step child of GW might surpass it as the game of choice.

They are, but its still very empty.

The fact that they can essentially pull out totally new factions out of their ass shows weakness, not strength.

Imagine if there was a new 40k faction, it would most likely be an existing faction. If they just added a new piece of shit, it would detract from everything and from the setting. But that's what the Sylvaneth, Kharadrons and Idoneth are in AoS.

A lot of the setting is vast and empty, which leaves you freedom to add and create your own stuff but then there are no stakes and no reason to care.

Nothing, I already fit in.

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The fact that AoS has better list building than 40K is frankly a damning indictment on the current state of 40K.

You know bloody well that if GW wanted to introduce anything they liked into 40K they've left themselves enough wiggle room to do so.

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That's exactly how Tau were added though and they are one of the most popular factions in the game, the most popular after loyalist marine flavors I believe

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>Plastic Sisters.
It's here, after all this time.

AoS setting is vast and empty.
>Magical planes of existence

40k's setting is literally a galaxy filled with Random Planet #5233240XYZ where you fight for


I don’t get why they don’t add completely new 40k factions more often. Key word is new not a reflavour. God 40k sucks when I see what could be. :(

What's bait about it? Tau are the best selling xenos faction and rival Chaos for sales I believe

and dont forget that malign portents is a MUCH better competitive system than command points and stratagems

They are but mentioning that here will trigger them. I know they are the 5th most owned army and nearly surpassing orks in terms of most xenos ownership who are the most owned currently.

>age of shitmar faggots shitting up 40k threads because they have no playerbase to talk about their dumb ass lazily hacked together easily copywritable shit with

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>whfb refugees in my /40kg/
back to plebbit

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Literally magic: the warhammer

They have trouble supporting what they do have.

Moar you say?

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>it would detract from everything and from the setting. But that's what the Sylvaneth, Kharadrons and Idoneth are in AoS.

This sentence makes no since since these are new factions being introduced into a new setting with enough narrative space to embrace them.

40K on the other hand pulled two factions out of nowhere and crammed them into the narrative doing irrevocable harm to the narrative. Even now they struggle to find their place in the setting. The Tau and Necrons.

You post comes from someone mentally ill.

>I don’t get why they don’t add completely new 40k factions more often.

Realistically there are lots of reasons. Aside from the obvious costs in developing concepts, designs, models, rules, too many factions leads to bloat. Imagine if 40k had another 10 Xenos races; would the game be significantly better, or would most of them be undersupported and irrelevant?

You know you can play both AOS and 40k, right?

Criticism or praise for one or the other doesn't necessarily mean anything.

And yes, AOS clearly has the superior army composition system. Or do you like spamming HQ choices?

(checked for dubs of the void)
>God 40k sucks when I see what could be. :(
I know that feel user.

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Starting my new *not*t’au sept dudes, what color should I do for their fatigues?

Left is just base, obviously, but I like them both. Which would look more different? Also what might be a good way to make these guys look more unique? Was thinking more grey, black for all the bands and leathers, and white for all the sept markings. Any help is appreciated

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hi /whfbg/

>dude le random fish aelf (tm) army!
>dude le random burkah wearing snake woman aelf (tm)!
yeah... about plebbit...

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Fucking called the pastic sisters and knight codex.

Question is will SOS get a codex first or not.

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>3 years later people are still assblasted
i dont give a fuck about AOS but the death of WHFB is the gift that keeps on giving, laughing at you fags is so much fun

>Question is will SOS get a codex first or not.
im guessing theyll just be rolled into inquisition 2bh

>he made some sisters niggers

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>dude le random burkah wearing snake woman aelf (tm)!
are you capable of saying anything not filtered by facebook groups

OK, i get the other two, but whats wrong with the Switch controllers? Is it just the colors being non-standard or something?

>finally sisters of battle

I'm happy for you guys, I really am

Remember when WHFBfags though they were superior and talked down to 40k players?

I remember. Fuck em.

Soyboys love Nintendo.

Yeah, That or astra telepathica could get it's own book considering they also have that keyword.

>but whats wrong with the Switch controllers?
>Remember when WHFBfags though they were superior and talked down to 40k players?
we will always be superior to you 40kids 2bh

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Child like men love children's toys?
You don't say?
>He says in a thread about plastic army men.

stay off of Veeky Forums

There are many insults to call people in this thread, soyboys probably isn't one of them.

Do I need Abaddon to run a decent Black Legion army? I hate his topknot

how do I into WH40k if I don't have a group to play with? I'm willing to play with myself

Hey friends I'm making a new chapter and I would like to know if some of this themes had been covered before
>Big booms
>Greek shit
>Naval heraldry/legend

Sorry but I'm not that good with the fluff

>Wasting precious plastic on SJW/fapbait factions
Squat them instead you pussies.

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Go to your local store and talk to people.
I believe in you, user.

Dead setting

How did you keep the faces from looking like shit? Whenever I try to paint any female models it always comes out looking like a Chinese bootleg toy.

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You can use scatter dice and random enemy behavior cards to make an NPC, perfect for a 'Nid swarm

Buy the models you want to start.
You can find people at GWs or LGSs looking for games. Go on facebook and find a 40k group.

It was a comfy setting poorly sent off, replaced with a lazy, insipid, horribly insulting, accidental satire of themselves. They shat the bed, rolled around in it, smeared feces on their faces and then did a minstrel show.

Some of the new art is appreciably creative, and I really wish it felt this happily corny when it started, but after years of bullshit it's all too little too late. I just don't want it. Open a warp portal back to ten years before the end times and just carry on again.

Would Tempestus Scions be a good army for one with a small model count that is still effective and, well, competitive?


Do you have a local game store? Check to see if they have a games night or club. If you have a GW store in the area they normally have a beginners night, though they're normally a bit cramped to play in and you gotta deal with the dudes trying to sell you stuff.

>mfw all attempts at discussion for at least the next week will be glossed over while sister spam gets thousands of (You)s

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>mfw more brettonian knight conversion bits than youll ever have
kneel 40kid peasants, gw hath returned mine wench rightfully to me

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They are definitely competitive but the slightest fuck up means failure, its like playing on hard mode

I hope they have helmets in the plastic kit, I like the Sabbat pattern gear.

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wow im so interested in this unique perspective about a fantasyfag that doesnt like AOS replacing his shitty dead game for morons, tell me more i havent heard this opinion before

Big Booms and Greek shit yes

The rest no, off the top of my head.

I'm kind of a lorefag so that was my main reason for getting into it.
Surely there's some stuff online for nerds like me, r-right?

I like doing things the hard way.

don't worry it won't go away till the end of the year.