First they came for the Ork Boyz, and I did not speak out because I was not one of da Boyz
Fuck you
Posting outdated pic
When I see the models and confirm boob plate and round butts
Then I will consider a apology
Nope. Male feminists have taken over. Get ready for flat chests, sensible armored boots, and girl powa all around.
Much too little, much too late.
>> Only when we see a new xenos race release, Farsight Enclaves sub-faction with models, and Kroot.
Good fucking luck getting that apology and money Gw
>sensible armored boots
You mean like the actual SOB models? Seriously, did you ever own any, they have flat boots.
Reposez en paix, Brettonians. We you shall not be forgotten!
>8th ed is still shit
>AoS still exists
>all quiet on the MESBG front
Nah they can still shove cacti up their collective prostates.
No no no no, you got it all wrong.
I accept GW's apology.
Most people who whinge about Sisters don't own or play with them and really know very little about them outside of internet memes.
>most people don't own the army made almost entirely of ancient models that cost a gorillion dollars per squad with only sporadic rules support
Ya don't fucking say.
It's pretty stupid to bitch about the evil feminists adding stuff that the SOB have already had for 20 years.
Good job for meeting the minimum standard of engagement with your community only when starting to circle the drain.
You want a cookie?
>I accept GW's apology
>implying a successful international games company owes you an apology
Now we just need plastic greatcoat infantry and the gates of hell will open and swallow the world.
this kinda inspires me for a SoB army...
The game can get to fuck, as long as the models are good GW can eat my money like the disgusting consumer-of-wallets it can be.
>The game can get to fuck
what did he mean by this
They will be exactly in the same style as Celestine and her bitches, and Verydian.
Imagine if they'd been this friendly for 20 years, I might still play their games.
At least they're making an effort now, but I cannot see myself investing £300 in a modern 40k or AoS army, just seems like a dull load of dice rolling.
"get to fuck" is another British way of saying "fuck off", I'm sure you can grasp it yourself now.
>When I see the models and confirm boob plate and round butts
You think you want it, but you don't.
Yes, GW, apologize for this shit.
How bout this
Apologize GW.
This isn't female, looks more like Dark Eldar trannys made
>This isn't female, looks more like Dark Eldar trannys made for feminist faction
work on your bait
Where is the bait? Proportions and face are male.
>flared hips wider than waist
>standard angular elf girl face
>>standard angular elf girl face
How does it feel to be a blind, numale?
There is literally minimal difference between the two. I noticed you didn't respond to the rest of the points either
Enjoy your last (You) for now
>There is literally minimal difference between the two.
1) Bodies
2) Faces
The painting is the only simmilarity.
AoS Has objectivly better models, seeing that i dont really play and mainly paint imho AoS ia much better. Also aos is making money, fantasy did not
th ed is still shit
name a better edition of 40k aside from 3rd
>AoS Has objectivly better models,
You've asked for this
Literally any two pennies company can release better cad shit.
>name a better edition of 40k aside from 3rd
4th edition
Right is better.
So why have they not done so. Face it, gw makes the right calls if they did not they would not be the only mini company that natters
>So why have they not done so.
>what is Ragging heroes
>what is Infinity
>what is Perry
>what is Scribor
>they would not be the only mini company that natters
They are still smaller than Asmodee-FFG
They have, its only morons than only buy GW, than are the majority of this board btw, than don't know about them. Popularity and quality are hardly linked too in the modern world user.
AoS is all over the place, some really nice models and some really average ones.
He’s probably from Northern Ireland. Get t’fuck. Get the fuck. Get the fuck away from me.
Are you about 12, mentally?
All the technology in the world and yet so much of their output is "grand, but bland".
These days they have too many cheap digital artists on temporary contracts in a heavily moderated Design Studio, and not enough free creativity from experienced artists and sculptors.
For what?
Was going to say that WHFB was let down by the age of some of the ranges, where AoS is let down by completely uninspired generic MMO design, but largely I lost track of fantasy around 7th when I moved away from my old club and I largely play historicals now. I don't really know if all of AoS approaches the deep pit of anti-inspiration that is the Sigmarines, so I image searched "Age of Sigmar" expecting miniatures, but I got lots of illustration instead. Holy fuck I had no idea things had got to the point where everything looks like the worst of Black Library covers. I'd seen some tat posted here but not so concentrated. It's fucking awful.
those are 50% great and 50% terrible, much like AoS
I'll always love the Tzeentch Champ with the big hand though
I actually had that Slaaneshi dude in the top corner when I first started collecting at about 10-11 years old and I chopped him up for conversion parts
Oh God, how I miss the old models, especially the old Bretonnian and dark eldar ones.
For what? They do shitty thing, I say they're shit. They do good things, I say cool. I don't owe them anything.
22 years late
They need to apologize to young me and older me for their super bad shipment.
Let's not even talk about their failcast, I've spent more time asking for refunds and replacement than assembling those shit
Shitty, you mean?
Warlord? for 40k?
Same. I'm collecting an old chaos warband and holy fuck have they gone up in price.
Except bretonnians are getting rules
I have many regrets and that is one of them.
Its a new Knight, but yeah the design is pretty much a shrunk down Warlord
reminder that you'll be able to buy bretonnian stuff as gw cycle through made to order things on the website
>reminder that you'll be able to buy bretonnian stuff
But for what reason if we already have Fireforge fantasy?
Old Hammer is getting more popular and pushing prices up.
That said as usual with second hand if you can find stuff not specifically labeled as old hammer, or take a close look at job lots you can sometimes find stuff that is going for much more on it's own for less or at least with a bunch of other stuff for cheap.
>This isn't female
As a fervent lover of the Brettonians, this makes me sad
Could be worse, I'm sure the Perry Agincourt to Orleans range will get some plastic cavalry at some point.
>evil feminists didn't exist in the late 90s
And this is how I know you're still in high school.
>can't even make it to the top 5
>beaten by warmachine and hordes, two dead games
>models are all overpriced monoposed cadshit with only the DoK looking passable and that is probably just my magical realm seeping out making me accept them
>rules are a steaming turd
The moment I say AoS has okay models is the day they remove the stupid float dwarves and make more female stormcast.
Perrys use CAD?
>We want the world of warcraft audience!
Look lad I know you mean well but Age of Smegmar's models are fucking awful.
Germaine Greer and her ilk were around, but not in the same numbers, nor with the same influence.
>and make more female stormcast
>being gay
Compare that to anything raging heroes has out and tell me if you think GW isn't waaay more conservative and censored than it used to be with its sculpts
What the hell does Raging Heroes' more cringeworthy cheesecake shit have to do with GW then and now?
>Are you craving my... mcnuggies?
Raging Heroes models are great, they have varying levels of sexiness.
I use these gals myself.
Raging Heroes is pathetic cheesecake waifubait that doesn't git with the 40k aesthetic at all, bar very few exceptions.
>flat chested bolter bitches with pixie cuts
my brush is ready
Look at all this bait.
Not until they admit it was a cluster fuck and a mistake.
el goblino de las americas...
They vary, but I love their demonettes.
I fucking hate the SoB armor, too exaggerated
>Compare that to anything raging heroes
Why would I? Most of that makes no sense in 40k.
You know it's right.
>all this same
>all this aversion to exposed breasts on females
>all this ignorance to GW having revealing miniature back in the day
>literally wanting sisters of soy and hermaphrodite daemonettes
I expected better bait from reds but here I am responding all the same
Ugly Korean MMO design where everything looks like cheap leather or foam, like a cosplay.
The rules are still bad and the models are still overpriced. I don't see what you are expecting. That said I will probably buy some Chinacast GW models and use them in better rulesets.
Really? Korean mmo's have the problem of being grindy as shit because the gooks love it apparently, but being ugly is not one of their faults.
Escher are rather fat compared with other punk looking models
I don't think accuracy is what that user was going for.
Just wanted to bitterly shit on a company that knows how to sculpt female faces and bodies better than GW ever could hope to
>plastic ronin
Since when was this a thing?
It's "ma cheri", "mon" is the masculine term
Second from right, what model is it?
A bit fucking late.