You're a safe DM, right? That must mean you use Safety Flowers in your game! Otherwise you might as well drive without a seatbelt for how much damage you're causing!
I wish this wasn't a thing but apparently it is. The sad state of the hobby.
You're a safe DM, right? That must mean you use Safety Flowers in your game! Otherwise you might as well drive without a seatbelt for how much damage you're causing!
I wish this wasn't a thing but apparently it is. The sad state of the hobby.
Other urls found in this thread:
So what's the problem here? Are you upset that someone is using certain tools amongst friends to make themselves feel better while gaming? Why?
You don't need physical mediums to say you're uncomfortable with something. Omitting things and off camera actions will be enough once you've talked about limits with your players. If something new comes up, they can just physically say, this isn't cool, and if its necessary to the plot move it off screen
Oh hi Lofn, long time no see you half-breed freak.
What's that image in the OP?
It's cute a f
Did you not read the article? They want to mandate use of this shit in LGS and Convention play
Lofn, an old OC based in a 40K fanfic named Love Can Bloom where a Vindicare assassin falls in love with a Farseer during the events of Dawn of War: Dark Crusade.
She is a cute bugger who has a hippie aura, which explains how she can pet Tyranids, squigs and other nasties without issues.
That's a tryanid? ..... jeeez 2 cute.
Also i was only asking because in OP pic it didn't look like a female.
Frankly, the X-Card isn't a bad idea at all.
Not everyone plays DND, and quite frankly in shit like I dunno, Night Witches it should be pretty mandatory.
My rule for X-Cards is if you want to use one, you have to announce it like you're a character on Yu-Gi-Oh
>You just activated....... MY X CARD!
I'd roll with it
user that would make it mandatory for the person to actually speak up about what they don't like instead of just shutting everything down with a hand motion.
At that point one might as well not have X-cards, if people could just be expected to act like normal human beings.
>act like normal human beings.
>shouting YOU TRIGGERED MY X CARD is "normal"
Okay, here's what you gotta do:
>prerecord voice announcing your triumphant usage of the X-card
>rig a device to play recording
>get triggered
I mean at that point they are already talking.
That's more normal than just shutting up the entire table by raising a card.
>Old OC
God, I feel old.
it'll never last people who play won't really care or should care it'll be dead by tomorrow
The absolute hypocrisy of the "safe space" movement is disgusting. I blame the failing education systems for not keeping up with the evolving social movements for equality.
Too many fucking retards have been produced who know nothing of philosophy. They only want what pleases them, and any challenge to them is perceived as a slight. Everyone is good and happy to have positive emotions injected into their games, but positive emotions are only meaningful in reference to negative ones.
>You naturally fall in love with an NPC in the game
>Romantic couple has child
>Child gets run over by a carriage
>"Thats crossing my safe space"
Fuck off with this shit. If you don't want to be emotionally challenged, why the fuck are you roleplaying in the first place. Anyone who complains about their safe space or emotional triggering in my game can fuck right off. Keep running away from your problems instead of confronting them.
Picture perfectly related.
>hypothetical about dead baby
Took me a second
How will they enforce this? Answer: they can't. At conventions they can push it, but ultamately they can't do jack. At LGSs it'd be easier to just not.
I'm pretty sure that most squigs would be fine to pet, like a parrot squig.
Since we're on the subject, i need to have a questioned answered for my autistic ass. Are the posters who complain about "sexualization" and "problematic" things being serious, or did I just fall for a really, really elaborate troll? For quite a while now there's been a lot of that stuff and I honestly can't tell whether it's real. On one hand, no one on this site could ever actually be like. On the other hand, I'm not sure this is actually the same site anymore. Am i braindead?
Its a bit of both, buddy. Sorry.
How do I know which is which?
those who enjoy the game won't care about such things. those who care don't really play
Does it matter? One is an idiot with shit opinions that make you mad and the other is an idiot with shit opinions pretending to have different shit opinions in order to make you mad.
But as a general rule if they call you sweetie its just shitposting.
You know what these are?
These are safewords. These are literal fucking safewords. I practice BDSM and this is EXACTLY what a safeword is. And in BDSM, they're important. If I'm causing physical harm to you for the purposes of stimulation, then hell yeah I'm going to need some way to know when that minor physical harm is going to cross over into major physical harm, and I need to know that fast.
And you know what? I never ignore a safeword, even if I know for certain that my sub is going to be perfectly fine. That's because ignoring a safeword is a violation of trust, and in a healthy sadomasochistic relationship, trust is paramount. If I ignore a safeword once, how will she know that I won't ignore it again? Not only would it be bad for our relationship, but that fear and doubt would also get in the way of the experience. It'd make the scenes less fun for her, and if they're less fun for her, they're less fun for me.
What this is is applying BDSM logic to roleplaying games - even the idea of "lines and veils" is analogous to the ideas of hard limits and soft limits, respectively. The "green/yellow/red" system he mentions is also a BDSM thing. And while it's kind of silly in that when I'm running a game I'm not physically harming you, safewords aren't just for physical harm. They're also to stop things if a scene is getting too "real", or is otherwise going to seriously distressing for one reason or another. Maybe it's an actual PTSD flashback, or maybe it's just a panic attack, but either way it's no joke.
There's one big difference between a safeword and this type of RPG safety mechanism though, and that's that safewords are FUCKING WORDS
In BDSM, communication is extremely important. To a lesser extent, it's important in RPGs, too.
But you know what the number one best tool the human race has at its disposal for communication?
You're right.
Absolutely right.
But you know what?
The type of people pushing this stuff are the type of people who don't want to use words out of fear of offending people. They're so fucking terrified of interaction that they would rather proxy that interaction to try and either shift the blame away from themselves, or try and white knight for others.
They have built themselves into a hypocritical corner. Their only two options are to admit that they have gone too far and are wrong, or keep pushing the idea ever forward in an attempt to destroy actual communication.
In any case, the people who wish to use these devices are the types of people who you would never want to play with anyway. The fact that they need to rely on a communicational crutch means that they probably can't even properly communicate in the first place.
you lot are missing the real goldmine of the comments
watch this man dance his magic dance around arguments in a condescending manner and your blood will get pumping till you realize it's a lost cause
I guess I can see using these things in a con setting - sitting at a table with four strangers does not really do much for trust. Otoh, I can't fathom using something like this in a home game where you're supposed to be among friends.
That pic is the best I've seen since Donut Day
You mean the magical realm shitposting? That's (mostly) just people looking for a fight.
If people are crossing the line at a con, I seriously question their social awareness. The expectation should be that you don't bring up triggering shit like sexual abuse in such a public setting, regardless of how much you could learn from it. Save that for the people you know and trust.
I'm kinda of the opinion that if you are going to go to a convention and play a one shot with strangers you should be mentally prepared for the possibility that you might not get along with them or see eye to eye and if the possibility of playing a short session with a person you don't like could be do more than just annoy you then maybe you should consider not doing it.
But what do I know? In over a decade as GM i've run games for loads of people but they have all been people I was already friends with and i've never invited someone I wouldn't want to play with in to a group, so its kind of hard for me to actually empathise with people who act like they are one RP scene away from a traumatic event.
The idea presented is good, but the condescension and expanded rationale is nauseating. I can see in a con environment with a bunch of strangers playing together, a deportment card of some kind could be helpful, but the X card is a goofy complication. How hard could it be to say "Okay, so you have three colors, keep it green if you're having fun and it's a good time, flip it to yellow if something is bothering you or things are going too far and turn it red if something is fucked with the game and we need to work it out before continuing". Then the GM can quickly and quietly assess the table's mood and realize when a break or discussion is necessary.
Like, this quantifies exact procedure for table talk and can help with the socially awkward, but fantasy or other roleplay isn't a counseling session. People need to be able to confront things they find offensive, disgusting or disturbing with poise and maturity. All I can see happening with these table props is a show theater of how inclusive and sensitive the Gm is to the precious and fragile feelings.
TL;DR: The safe word is "What the fuck?"
>Con games
Follow There is a troll in the comments section about a guy getting triggered over alcohol. Disregarding the facts of true or false, it comes down to the fact that people are fucking retarded. A much more realistic example would be some fucker getting triggered over a dog dying in a game. Nothing adult like rape or sex, just a fucking dog dying. He cries "Safety!" What the fuck are you going to do? Of course you fucking ignore him and tell him to fuck off. The other people in the group will probably be a bit sad, but when the sperg cries out, everyone will look at him in fucking awe.
The guy in the article is suggesting that it doesn't matter what sort of trigger someone has, they should be able to reprimand the DM in some way. He claims he "researches his movies", but you can't do that in a game beyond simple standards like "adult" or "not adult". If the game is being played properly, not even the DM might know what the fuck can happen.
If a DM does shady shit, he will earn a reputation. Nobody will play his game. The faggot who wrote the article is suggesting for a method to allow one person to ruin other's fun because he is asocial.
>If people are crossing the line at a con, I seriously question their social awareness.
they likely have absolutely none, with that said, it also goes that the best way to get across to these social morons that they are acting out-of-line is to say something, preferably loudly enough to get it through their thick skulls.
So honestly I am quite the introvert, I don't like to draw a lot of attention to myself and generally am awkward around people if I don't have a specific reason to talk to them, and I can get flustered if I'm put on the spot without forewarning or if it involves having to do something I think might seem like I'm being a jerk. But even I would just say something if another player/GM was saying or doing something that I really and truly found unsettling or disturbing, I'm going to just say something, usually to the effect of "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"
Yeah, if you are triggered by alcohol it is your own responsibility to avoid being triggered by it. Its like a nut allergy.
>You don't need physical mediums to say you're uncomfortable with something. Omitting things and off camera actions will be enough once you've talked about limits with your players. If something new comes up, they can just physically say, this isn't cool, and if its necessary to the plot move it off screen
I don't need a fucking card to know if something is making a player uncomfortable because I expect my players to respect me like not only an adult, but a friend, and fucking tell me when they have a problem, just as I would for them.
A card doesn't do that. A card is not how adults communicate. A card is just a "No." It's a shutdown. It's explicitly a disinvitation to talk about it. And if I was getting to know a player and they told me they needed me to respect their having the right to stop the game at any time so they can be safe, I wouldn't play with them at all because fuck that shit, why should I play with someone who basically wants a license to disrupt the game.
Ah yes I love these threads. We have them every time somebody makes a random article or post about some form of SJW schtick.
>SJW: Here's a thing you can use to appeal to us!
>SJW roleplaying groups might use this schtick
>non-SJW groups will not
>These are safewords. These are literal fucking safewords. I practice BDSM and this is EXACTLY what a safeword is. And in BDSM, they're important. If I'm causing physical harm to you for the purposes of stimulation, then hell yeah I'm going to need some way to know when that minor physical harm is going to cross over into major physical harm, and I need to know that fast.
Well, I always thought it was more about the fact that most types of BDSM involve objection or struggling that could be mistaken for play. For instance, if you're into rape fantasy, you need an agreed upon way to say "no" for real when pretending to say no is part of the game. That's even more the case if you're physically restraining someone, gagging them, et cetera. Physical restraint can evoke a very instinctual, monkey-brain fear right out of the blue sometimes, so I know what you mean.
Oddly enough, the most common safeword is "Red." I have no idea why. Is a red card really different from saying "red"? The difference isn't so much that the safeword is spoken - after all, if you're into being gagged it by definition can't be a word I hum the national anthem - not even kidding. The important part is what comes after, which is, exactly as you say and for the exact reason, communication.
There is no need for an x-card because a player at a table is perfectly physically capable of saying "Hold on, I need to stop." or, if need be, just getting up and stepping away for a second. The reason for a mutually-agreed-upon and immediate call to end the scene is not there as it is in BDSM. You're not gagged or pretending to object in an RPG. At which point they should do what they need to do to calm down and then explain the situation to the GM - or preferably to the table, but whatever, I know this shit can be sensitive sometimes, but the GM has a right to know what not to do at least. That's leagues better than throwing a fucking card down.
Honestly, at a con game or with strangers, you probably should have SOME kind of boundaries. you don't open up with a hardcore rape scene with strangers in a public con. I'd keep things PG-13 just for the sake of being polite.
But for really specific "triggers" like the guy in the comments talking about alcohol, no. That's your fucking issue and when a trigger can be anything, GMs can't be reasonably expected to not include anything.
And we get these replies in every one of these threads. Here's the short version: Fuck off with your strawman.
What we're worried about isn't what SJWs do in their own game, but that it will infest the hobby in spaces we do care about, like for instance, cons. We're also concerned with the mindset behind them and what that mindset implies about table responsibility and the social dynamic of a tabletop group, which is, well, exactly the sort of thing I'd expect Veeky Forums to discuss commonly, you fucking retard.
Like fuck that's gonna happen. Why are people so committed to not owning their own fun and game sessions. You do what you want. They do what they want. Everyone is entitled to their own modest peculiarities. There's no real problem here.
>We're also concerned with the mindset behind them and what that mindset implies about table responsibility and the social dynamic of a tabletop group, which is, well, exactly the sort of thing I'd expect Veeky Forums to discuss commonly, you fucking retard.
People who actually care about the hobby don't want an entire generation of new entrants, at least some of whom might have been good players worth playing with, being poisoned with shitty ideas and misunderstandings of who takes responsibility at a table, how appropriate it is to interrupt the game and for what reasons, and the general social dynamic between the players and between the player and GM.
Not to mention, the fucking inventor of the x-card explicitly advocated using it at the table once early on to "break the ice" over it even if it's not really necessary. Meaning any faggot who wants to join but carries x-cards with them is primed to interrupt the game for no fucking reason with no explanation needed.
Source on that, in case you don't believe me:
>Use the X-Card early, even on yourself, to lead by example, and model the behavior.
>The X-Card does not have to be a tool of last resort. The less special it feels, the more you use it, the more likely someone will use it when it really is badly needed.
>when it is used, respect the person who uses it and don't ask why or start a conversation about the issue.
>When you X-Card something, no explanation is needed.
This is nothing more than an excuse to interrupt games at will and call anyone who thinks it's annoying an intolerant bigot. Why the fuck would we NOT fight against this being shoehorned in and introduced to new players as something common rather than something as disruptive and disrespectful as it is?
>and sometimes even talking about certain topics could cause someone to trigger themselves.
>trigger themselves
>he literally advocates X-carding yourself
These people are legitimately fucking insane. I don't understand. You're using a card to tell yourself to stop for your comfort? Jesus christ, if someone did that at my table i'm not sure if I'd ask them to leave or be too busy staring dumbfoundedly and wondering if I'm playing with a legit schizophrenic.
>when it is used, respect the person who uses it and don't ask why or start a conversation about the issue.
>When you X-Card something, no explanation is needed.
I'm actually having trouble with these two points, aside from the whole concept being ridiculous, how does he expect this to work in practice? Is the GM supposed to just drop the entire scene/plot and move somewhere else and never again use any of the elements in that scene, because he doesn't know what the trigger was? How is the GM supposed to actually make a coherent story like that? How is the GM supposed to do anything at all like that?
I think this is supposed to be a resource for dnd with people who have ptsd or serious issues. I mean, nowhere do they say you have to or should use these, just that this specific(and suspiciously archived) blog runner does and that they play with people who do. no offense dude, but it seems like you really dug for this shit.
He games in bad faith. The x-card isn't about his game, his game is about the x-card. He literally plans excuses to use it so he can acclimate people to using it.
>I will usually X-Card myself early on in the game. Say I describe a gory fight, I might say out loud, “whoa John, relax there” and lift the X-Card on myself to show everyone it’s no big deal to use.
As always, SJWs care less about the hobby and more about how they can use it to signal some virtue they want other people to see them as holding. It's not about having fun with friends or about playing a game, it's about social capital and identity politics.
And anyone in this thread dares to ask why people on Veeky Forums react negatively to the subject? This shit is exactly why. It's not something that can be dismissed as being some private group's private business. This is about identifying a shitty, bad-faith behavior and calling it out for exactly the disingenuous bullshit it is.
And, just to be clear, in case you have any doubt whatsofuckingever that the x-card is an entirely bad-faith attempt to use an enjoyable hobby as a springboard to talk about identity politics,
>The X-Card talk is more important than the X-Card itself.
It's literally an excuse to broach the subject. That is directly from the mouth of the guy who invented it. The most important thing is to talk about the x-card, not to use it when sparingly needed or, you know, to have fun with the fucking game.
>Is the GM supposed to just drop the entire scene/plot and move somewhere else and never again use any of the elements in that scene
Yes. "Triggers can be anything," after all, and it explicitly states they do not have to specify:
>Call for a break and have the person running the game or a close friend speak privately with the person who used the X-Card. In general, we tell people that no explanations are needed, but if they want to share, they are welcome to. It's their choice.
>suspiciously archived
It's so we don't give free clicks and ad revenue to shitty websites while we're directing traffic there to laugh at them.
New to Veeky Forums?
The type of triggering he's referring to is self-programmed neurosis. People who have actual PTSD issues wouldn't be caught dead in a situation like that, and if they trigger themselves, it won't be something like some guy saying "I'm triggered!" or some woman flipping up her X card.
If they're lucky they'll go into a fugue state, and if they're - and you're - unlucky they'll go into seizures or screaming fits.
For then longest time I couldn't handle or touch white towels because they triggered me reliving an experience that involved having someone shove a towel against my throat so I didn't trucking bleed out or drown in my own blood. I wouldn't have time to do something like flip an X card up or say " that triggers me" before I was trying to control my breathing and not suffer an outright paralytic panic attack. It took a lot of therapy to get over it, and now that I am, I just avoid dealing with them.
Someone entering an RPG can and will warn the GM if thy have a particular issue that might cause someone to call a goddamn ambulance.
I know full well triggers are a real thing. I grew up with family who had combat-related PTSD and I have nothing but sympathy and respect. I know it can be a weird thing and not at all how SJWs bastardized the concept.
It's one thing to inadvertently blunder into someone's trigger. He gives an example of a rape victim being triggered by snow because it was snowing when it happened. And that can actually happen, the example itself is fair. But an actual PTSD sufferer is not going to quietly hold up a card with dignity and poise when a GM gets halfway through a long scenery depiction of a snowy winter, wherein the GM instantly understands what the problem is and quietly changes it to a warm summer's eve with no narrative issues or disruption in flow or immersion for anyone involved. That's just not how it fucking works for anyone involved.
>nowhere do they say you have to or should use these
But it does say that he hopes everyone uses it, and makes allusions to seat belts, which are mandated.
There's also:
>Imagine that you got in the car with your parent driving and they did not tell you to put on your seat belt. You would feel put out as if they did not care for your safety.
Which really makes it seem like he thinks that his players are children and the GM is solely responsible for their mental wellbeing. They're not independent adults that can make decisions about their safety on their own.
I think we all agree X-cards are stupid, but can we talk about how stupid O cards are?
Don't get me wrong, I'd love my players to tell me more, "Hey, this thing was awesome, can we do more of the thing?" I love it when my players come to me with an idea they genuinely want to do. GMing doesn't get easier than simply doing the exact thing your players just told you they wanted to do, and it shows how invested they are.
It's just that holy shit is an O card a stupid fucking way to convey that. Is this really something we can't put into words anymore? It doesn't even have the conceit of being uncomfortable or private like X-carding triggers, it's just straight up replacing a good and useful feedback with a less useful, more ambiguous form.
It never gets better. Leave while you can.
>nowhere do they say you have to or should use these
I agree it never calls them mandatory, but it does proceed to pretty much say "It's optional, but if you want everyone to have fun and make things easy on your players you'd use it. You don't hate your players, right?"
everyone is talking about triggers, but pic related.
>other bullshit
The writeup itself is acompositional mess. It repeats simple shit while glossing over other shit. It brings up questions and then doesn't actually provide satisfying answers to them. And the guy is a fucking hypocrite. Observe:
>Don't use the X-Card as an excuse to push boundaries. It's not a Safe Word.
>By knowing people can easily flag and edit any potentially problematic content, you can be even braver with your choices.
I thought it wasn't a fucking safe word or an excuse to push boundaries, so why can I be "braver with my choices" by knowing people can easily object to "problematic" content?
>Use the X-Card early, even on yourself, to lead by example, and model the behavior.
>The X-Card does not have to be a tool of last resort. The less special it feels, the more you use it, the more likely someone will use it when it really is badly needed.
>By using the X-Card frequently, you demystify it. You normalize it. It becomes second nature.
>The more you use it, the better.
I don't get it, does this guy get paid every time someone uses it or something? Does he sell disposable x-cards? I get the theory behind them - not saying I agree with it, just that I understand the concept - but he seems weirdly invested in making sure they're used as often as possible, like he actively wants people to use it - not in the sense of having them at the table but in the sense of actually using the cards themselves.
Actually, I kinda like it as a concept. I feel like (especially being the emotionally stunted bong that I am) giving out compliments is weirdly hard sometimes, especially if its for something as comparatively unimportant as "man that reveal was pretty cool". Every time I've approached my DM after the game to say something was fun I feel like I've asked them to marry me or something.
Having a rock with "oh shit that was dank" written on it that I can chuck at the DM when he does something cool might work quite nicely to circumvent that.
Play it more casually. Don't walk up to your GM in private an hour later and stammer through a compliment, just end a session with "Man, that was awesome."
Or just work it into a conversation later or something.
This is not a game tool. It's a fucking "get out of jail free" card.
If they fuck up they pay the price, not get to pick a card.
>just end a session with "Man, that was awesome."
I've tried, and its better, but I still like the concept of the dank rock.
I disagree. I unironically got a PTSD from being a repeated victim of random street violence and as a result being threatened or physically intimidated made me very agitated, distressed and in extreme cases even violent.
This really fucked with my ability to play TTRPGs, probably my favorite way of passing time.
In the end we fixed it by me GMing less gritty more noblebrighty games which worked out fine. But a card system like described in your link could also have worked fine and would've allowed us to continue our campaign.
Assuming everyone you meet has a mental disorder is retarded. Taking the well-being of your friends in consideration is not.
Isn’t the concept of “Triggers” used for therapy for PSTD so you can deal with situations as they come up, rather than avoiding them entirely?
See, you and your group resolved the issue like mature adults, by talking about it and choosing to play a game that fit you better.
Stopping play with a card every time your character was accosted by street toughs wouldn't actually solve anything and would most definitely also ruin the game.
This is correct. However facing distressing or "triggering" (hate that word, tumblr ruined it) when you're not ready for it can make you're PTSD worse.
When you have PTSD you're natural ability to deal with trauma is shortcircuited and simply desentisising by facing what triggers you doesn't work anymore.
This is ofcourse only with actual medical PTSD
I don't necessarily think what he says is wrong -- do whatever works at your table and all that -- but his made up terminology makes it read like a parody.
>those comments
Jesus fucking christ.
>Be me, DM
>Setting up the campaign plot
>Noble kidnapped, which leads the adven--
X card
>Uhh, alright. Noble isn't kidnapped I guess
I guess the idea of having an Xcard is that you hopefully should never use it, but you never know. That said, while I'm not completely opposed to it conceptually, it's beginning to become a bit ridiculous with lines and veils and flowers.
Except the creator is pushing you to use it as often as possible
... this is why I tell the group the tone of the game i intend on running. If I'm going to run something where shit can get dark, I tell them before we start the game. That said, just randomly having the pc's kid get ran over by a carriage seems like a dick thing, unless its like part of an enemy's revenge scheme or something. Also, I know my players well enough to not put in something that would cause issues.
Bob's arachnaphobic, huh? Might toss in a minor spider monster here and there to make his skin crawl cause I like to mess with my players, but not going to go full cult of Lolth, where his character gets wrapped up in webbing by a drider and is left with a clutch of eggs ready to hatch stuck to his chest.
I'm not handling kindergartner goddamnit, why are people so sensible this day?
As I often play with stranger I sometimes ask if there are subjects that they don't want to tackle in game, its just a precaution as rape never comes up in game; there is just a lot of gore or grotesque shit as I often run Barbarians of Lemuria.
But so far I never had anyone complains, I will never use X card or Safety flowers; I respect people maturity to much to do that
Christ, this is why I don't play with the mentally unstable.
Dear anons.
You should know that social justice is not about social justice, or making people feel comfy.
It's about exercising power over others.
This is why in canada it is illegal to use the wrong pronoun on someone.
Because it's a way to restrict others speech, to exercise power.
Talking to someone when you're uncomfortable like a normal human being doesn't confer to you the same type of power as just silently raising a card to make the entire table shut up.
Because it's stupid and infantile, and promotes a rediculous idea that people are entitled to be anywhere they want and not hear words which make them feel bad. If you don't like a game, be a fucking adult and leave it.
>As for not wanting to play with people who don’t care about my safety. Yea that is right. So if that is a problem for you…then in the places where I game I have two choices for you… Evolve or Die. I don’t need you in my hobby. I have been here for a long time, and you are not doing anything to make it better. So Evolve and consider that taking peoples feelings into account is not a sign of weakness, or Die off…and get out of the hobby.
Haha what the fuck is up with these guys?
This is retarded and everyone that uses those tools is gay
The weak should fear the strong.
>If people are crossing the line at a con, I seriously question their social awareness. The expectation should be that you don't bring up triggering shit like sexual abuse in such a public setting, regardless of how much you could learn from it. Save that for the people you know and trust.
I dunno, playing a game with such themes with total strangers could be a fun, or at least interesting experience.
Of course, at that point you should make it absolutely clear what kind of game it is going to be during the sign-ups, so you shouldn't need x-cards then either(although I could see having them anyway, at that point).
This is the gayest fucking thing I've ever seen and I've seen hardcore twink on twink action.
>I've seen hardcore twink on twink action.
That's not too gay actually.
Cute if anything.
Twinks are closer to being androgynous or sexless than anything.
Really gay would be two masculine muscle-bears going at it.
You are a sociopath
>Safety Flowers
At least some commenters call him out.
>Congratulations on watering down the word “safety” when you really mean “comfort.”
>People like you, who are extremely white and too privileged to interact with society at large have no concept of what it means to truly be “unsafe.”
>Enjoy your table-top children’s games.
>The rest of the world is on fire.
Seems like the perfect way to shut down an sjw.
I may not like it, but this is what peak rusemastery looks like.
>Enjoy your table-top children’s games.
This is not an argument against it IMO.
For me this would be an argument for it.
Especially combined with
>The rest of the world is on fire.
This hobby is escapism, unless you're exclusively a rollplayer dealing with war simulation, or card games.
>trying to communicate intelligently with someone who used the expression "sjw"
You will not succeed.
People who hide their obnoxious monism behind a smokescreen of fake compassion. The compassion that far left SJWs claim to be motivated by is every bit as shallow as the tribal sentimentality on the far right.
Empty condescension just makes you a twat, user.
SJW is a term generally used for extreme "intersectional progressives"
They themselves sometimes use that term.
And it's a completely valid thing.
I do think that SJWs are a bad thing, and a blight on modern society resulting from both the destruction of the family unit as well as a generally inhumane and hostile environment with superhuman expectations in adult life, coupled with insecurity in general - and highjacked by powerhungry social-marxists.
That is just sad, it sounds like somethibg I would say when I was an angsty teenager explaining stupid kid gang wars.
I have to agree with you
I've always found overt sexuality in D&D and other systems to be an uncomfortable subject, but I've never complained about it unless I got roped into it, in which case, I'd just say out of character "Guys, I'd rather not, thanks. Can we do a fade, or a retcon?"
Slapping your hand down on an X is just as disruptive, and you're likely going to become center of attention regardless.
Isnt the idea of an x card turning the attention to yourself without explaining why?
>>People like you, who are extremely white and too privileged to interact with society at large have no concept of what it means to truly be “unsafe.”
This statement makes me unreasonably angry.
Fuck you' you SJW faggot. Every one of you lives in self imposed misery, and then you have the gall to demand we come down and wallow with you.
If they alfeady are afraid of using words to communicate displeasure, what makes you think they'll have the guts to grind a game to a halt using these tools?
What happens if youvinfringe on somebody's safe space, but you don't agree you infringed anybody's safe space? An easy way to test this: would you halt your game if a Christian holds a red flower because he takes offense to a demon saying "God sucks cocks in hell!"?
What if it's a Muslim?
sorry to interrupt your serene and blissful life, guy who gets mad at people on the internet all day
I'm posting this by the seat of my pants. No editing, no thinking.
Muslims suffer from infantilism. Whenever I see a Muslim with a leftist mindset, I see a child and a diseased mind that needs to be coddled and protected from all challenge or virtue of (I lost my track of mind here)
Whereas a Christian is still the "normal" state. They can take it because they've grown to take it. Manly and prideful. Death to all (lost my track of mind)
They are not equal, just a baby. I can see them as baby nothing more. Needs to be coddled. Is not the same to insult a coddle baby as a grown man normal man.