>nd against those that cannot feel pain like the undead, the axe is excellent because it disables them rapidly and causes a lot of wide-area trauma to make parts unresurrectable
The axe is arguably the WORST weapon to use against the undead, because it's so slicey that it ends up chopping off limbs and heads all the time. Which wouldn't be too much of a problem, except that those separate limbs and heads can also then be resurrected as well.
What is it about axes that makes them so under-represented...
Thats why you slice down the length of the limb, not the span, turn their arms and legs into splinters.
Yes, I know that.
Except it is a black sun, you willfully ignorant Neanderthals. If you did more than 10 seconds of googling on the subject you'd know the kolovrat and black sun are derivatives of the same basic shapes and symbology. And yes, they had meaning before the Nazis, and yes I knew I'd trigger you faggots by pointing it out because the number of armchair historians here is hysterical. I'm sorry I quipped that the axe might have been made for/representing something that polluted some ancient symbology, and also mentioned said symbology in the same breath being reclaimed by neopagans, which of course you ignore because it doesn't fit into your complaint.
Neck yourselves.
An axe was a tool as well as a weapon. A sword is purely a weapon and usually better made than an axe. You point out how a sword is a status symbol. There you go. The swordsman can afford a slightly higher quality tool that is purely a weapon. The axeman's weapon is a multi-purpose tool that is of slightly lower quality.
Waraxes are certainly not a tool. If you're trying to chop down a tree with an axe built for war, you're gonna have a real bad time.
This is true to an extent. There are several utility axes that can be used as tools, but several designs of dedicated ones that should not be. But yeah, cutting down a tree with any axe is tough on it, so imagine how hard it is on one that's been purposely lightened for battlefield use solely.
"polluting ancient symbology" HAHHA
So using a symbol your ancestors used is "polluting symbology"? Go back to r*ddit
Keep on calling anyone who agrees with you a nazi, typical leftist behaviour.
>muh kolovrat and black sun are derivatives
And? Perun and Thor are derivatives of the same indo european pantheon, they're still different
Phew lad, do more to contain your butthurt next time.
While I agree and all, the swastika and any of its related symbols are forever going to be associated with one very specific usage and no one beyond Veeky Forums autists and historians are going to know any different. That's the pollution. Those symbols can never really be used anymore because of one thing.
wow nice argument against all i've said. maybe because you got BTFO and you don't have an argument?
Yes they can. the germanic tribes drowned sodomites in bogs and hated "degeneracy", it's not like you'll make the swastika into a symbol of hippie peace because it wasn't.