im currently invested in both but if you had to choose to invest in only one, which would it be?
isn't that girl like 16 or something
even better
Who dat is bruh
Dont believe it. Would be better though. Source pls
who the fuck is this?
you fags better get Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums if you want a girl like this.
this girl is in the squat rack every goddamn day with a lower half like that.
and I will tell you, she does not want to date a guy that she out-squats
>365 lb squat masterrace
15 year old girl #193857, just got picked up by mommy from ballet class, sending nudies to dirtbag hs bf #958572
this is one of the reasons you don't post girls on Veeky Forums. microdick pajeets will focus on them only and not answer OP's question
>and I will tell you, she does not want to date a guy that she out-squats
girls care more about upperbody on males though
and this is where youre wrong.
you want to be proportional you mong.
and you want a thicc chick or some anorexic little white girl? the former is gonna want a dude that has a built upper and lower.
>tfw when hook ups and gf's squeeze my ass and grab my shoulders then do the lip bite thing
Send me ETH and i'll tell you
>and you want a thicc chick or some anorexic little white girl
I dont want fat nor skeleton
OP pic related is great.
Also youre fucking gay, faggot.
Skinny whey girl please. Don’t need some hulk bitch. Also you are a Fucking tool.
give me ETH
thank you to those who answered the question
Both are good but prl will give way more gains at this stage
Also post source you mongloid
>nogains detected
OP's girl in pic lifts. all im saying is if you dont lift, better start lifting. and not even for grills. dont do it for them. do it for yourself and the positive feelings you get from it. but w.e, this is /biz and not /fit, even tho one day you might realize they go hand in hand
Realistically PRL, undervalued solid project that will solve real world problems, but DYOR. All XRB fags are like... MUH transactions per second.
xrb and don't tell them shit. let them learn how to use google
So at what point does omisego double in value in a matter of days like everything else is?
I'm in both and getting mad gains. Started with 3K back on christmas, now I'm up to 25K.
PRL if you want long HODL, XRB will get diminishing relative to it, but it moon much faster here as it gets to binance and rebrands to nano