What do you hate most about TTRPGs?

What do you hate most about TTRPGs?

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The fact that, for so many people, all of their knowledge of what is and isn't socially acceptable goes at the window. I'm talking completely obvious shit that anyone who's not autistic should know.



When groups get stuck to one system because it's all they know and they're too lazy to put in any effort with anything else. So the Pathfinders trash addiction my group has. Send help, I keep trying but nothing cures it.

Having to use my imagination

Sounds like vidya is the thing for you

>le ebic 'I only talk about how I love DnD and played it once in college for social credit"
I know, I know. I don't have any ill will for people with a genuine interest in game, new people included because without them the hobby wouldn't be able to stay alive. But I just hate these kinds of fucking people who only know one thing and don't even do that right. People have every right to have fun in their own way and do their thing even if I think its fuckin dumb or annoying, I just don't like them.

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the effort it takes into getting people to sit down and play them

Trying to get people to actually sit down an play every week

everyone is really, really nitpicky. you could be the best gm in the world and still get nitpicked and yelled at by some neet. i am guilty of this, but hey, this is why im here right? whispering about what i hate most in ttrpgs in Veeky Forums

People have their own idea of their perfect setting and try to force it upon you. An example we’ve all seen are gun fags pushing firearms on high fantasy fags.

Also people assuming we’re playing in Europe and REEEEEEEEEE when NPCs harvest crops in spring and stuff like that.

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>I'm talking completely obvious shit that anyone who's not autistic should know.
There's your problem, most people playing these games are genuinely autistic.

The rules. I'm not a brainlet and neither are my friends but the rules for the average system are so dense that it's difficult to get any of them to play with me. So I just get stuck running games for novelty casual games like Risus or Everyone is John.

Unironically, players. I'm sick of people wanting to create le ebin wacky meme in a game, or using the game as self-therapy and wish fulfillment because their job sucks, or being contrarian because "Muh agency". I have played RL, I have played in Gamefinder stuff. I have GM'd and there's always 1+ chuckleheads wanting the game to be THEIRS to the exclusion of other players/ the GM.

Finding solo games was the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

That people get uppity if your character art is just slightly non-standard.

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Nobody I know wants to play indie ttrpgs. I've always wanted to play Polaris since I'm a fan of Clark Ashton Smith but the interest just isn't there among the gamers I've found.

Recommend me some solo games.

Inefficiency of time

Many hours spent at the table cringing, sighing, fake laughing, and rubbing my face in frustration have made me realize that TTRPG's just aren't for someone like me. I seek ridiculous levels of escapism in other worlds and rolling dice and making constant awkward jokes just doesn't cut it for me anymore. The same way I stopped playing vidya cause it's too limited in scope. Now I just read and browse this board for ideas on how to maybe write something decent one day.

talking to other people.

Try meditation.

Either that or wait for holographic imagination capture.

Watchu want, fampai?Fantasy, Scifi, freaky shizz like GURPS? Big Nigga's got what you need.

...In all honesty, I use two different tools with whatever rules set catches my fancy. First is the oracle from Scarlet Heroes (you can get this in the OSR Trove), second is the One Page Solo Rules Set attached here. You'll find lighter, more abstract stuff harder to do, while games with more concrete rules are easy.

Attached: One Page Solo Engine.pdf (PDF, 673K)

Feeling Masochistic? Add on the Player Emulator for extra insanity. Be sure to set stuffies, animu figs or funko pops to help visualize your players.

Finally, check the PDF Share thread, there's a whole collection of solo RPGs.

Attached: PlayerEmulator.pdf (PDF, 72K)

Wowza. It's a whole world to explore. Thanks, user.

First hit's free baby. Welcome to the Jungle.

For me it's the GM's who think they're writing a book or a movie. They focus on getting good moments and pacing the overarching plot line (act 3 of which they have planned before session one, by the way) when they should be focusing on making the world and the people in it feel alive.
Granted, plot has always been the least interesting aspect of storytelling to me, style, narrative, and theming jumping out much more.
Regardless, I feel that planning too much around cinematic moments you want to have happen causes immersion in the game to fall apart. It becomes clear that the game is about these moments, and player actions that lead away from these moments are subtly, or not so subtly, made irrelevant in service of the plot. It feels awful as a player to realize that you never had a choice in what happens.
Realizing I feel this way has caused me to change my approach to writing for games.
Try something dramatically different. Play some Fiasco, Fate, or maybe even Ryuutama if you can get them to try it. Maybe introduce some heavy homebrew to your game. The goal is just to show them how wide the world is.
If you mean you're looking for more immersion, that will depend on the people you play with. If you mean you want to indulge in more escapist fantasies, there are systems that facilitate that very well.

If you struggle with something like dnd then you might actually be retarded

faggots like

Check out some PBTA games.

Almost entirely narrative/character focused, very sparse rules stops them from bogging down the storytelling.

The very real limits to all our imagination.

Honestly, this. It's really grating when I want to get a bit immersed in a game and some chucklefuck brings up the latest meme or something. The month after the Deadpool movie came out stands out as particularly annoying in recent memory.

I've come to hate the phrase "Relax, bro, it's just a game."

the people who play them

Less about TTRPGs in general, more about my group. Most people on this board seem to run into their group not wanting to ever move away from D&D. Well, I've got the opposite problem: my group refuses to go and do something fantasy. I just wanna be a fantasy hero man, I'm sick of WoD and sci-fi games.

How the need to attract new people in the hobby lead to a drive to dumb down and sterilize it.

I'm all for inclusion, I'm all for getting new people into the hobby, but couldn't they do it without stripping their respective properties of everything that made them good or interesting in the first place?

Use risus or lasers and feelings (or its clones)
There is no excuse to no try a system that fits into a single piece of paper

>read it
>see that it sucks
that's all the excuse I'll ever need

Needing to rely on other people to show up.

But it doesn't suck so you don't have any excuses

>But it doesn't suck

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The players

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The people who play them

The (((((fans))))) who have strong opinions about them despite having never played them

People not taking it as serious as I do. Nothing inherently wrong with having a not so serious campaign, I just like to have serious fun.

That one guy who hates guns, magic, and even fucking bows or anything that gets in the way of swords and armor fights.


I've said it once and I'll say it again:

The Great Impossible Thing to Believe Before Breakfast: that the GM may be defined as the author of the ongoing story, and, simultaneously, the players may determine the actions of the characters as the story's protagonists. This is impossible. It's even absurd. However, game after game, introduction after introduction, and discussion after discussion, it is repeated.

Consider the players who were excited about the vampire concept for role-playing. What happens when they try to play Vampire: the Masquerade? Well, they try to Believe the Impossible Thing, and in application, the results are inevitable.

The play drifts toward some application of Narrativism, which requires substantial effort and agreement among all the people involved, as well as editing out substantial portions of the game's texts and system.
The play drifts toward an application of Simulationism in which the GM dominates the characters' significant actions, and the players contribute only to characterization. This is called illusionism, in which the players are unaware of or complicit with the extent to which they are manipulated.

Illusionism is not necessarily dysfunctional, and if Character or Situation Exploration is the priority, then it can be a lot of fun. Unknown Armies, Feng Shui, and Call of Cthulhu all facilitate extremely functional illusionism. However, it is not and can never be "story creation" on the part of all participants, and if the game is incoherent, illusionism requires considerable effort to edit the system and texts into shape.

Most likely, however, the players and GM carry out an ongoing power-struggle over the actions of the characters, with the integrity of "my guy" held as a club on the behalf of the former and the integrity of "the story" held as a club on behalf of the latter.

I have the attention span of a gnat. I love roleplaying and coming up with characters and doing all the stuff but when it's someone else's turn or the focus shifts away from what's happening to either my character or the immediate group I lose focus and zone out to my phone or something.

It's starting to become a serious problem in general and I really don't know how to fix it.

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Hatred for things slightly outside the norm. The wizard just created an explosion that could kill a whole village, but all of the sudden realism matters when my fighter is wielding an axe the size of a giant. It's fantasy, things aren't going to be normal, so stop freaking out when things are slightly outside your expectations.

>What do you hate most about TTRPGs?
Autism; a lot of games would improve immesely if every spastic with something to prove got excommunicated from the hobby entirely.

The tumblr reddit bearded nu male faux nerd who screeches about critical role and game of normalfags because they only got into the hobby within the last three years and are only here to score social points

Go to the cyoa threads

My DM starter frequenting the D&D reddit, and I could pinpoint almost exactly when he did because his sessions began to dramatically decrease in quality.

Basically what I'm getting is that if you redefine words constantly you can make any nonsensical argument you want, here.


Play Dungeon World. It's very narative focused and thanks to the way the moves are set up, only the DM needs to actually know the rules and they are pretty intuitive. The players only need their character sheet and maybe a handout with the moves for reference. Character creation is done with printable play-sheets with just a bunch of check-boxes and filling in a couple of words. Entire character including spell and ability descriptions fits on 3 pages.

>Help me I'm retarded
>Here even a retard can understand this
>Fuck you that's shit help me I'm retarded

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That they attract sperglords for some reason. I'd unironically prefer it if tabletop were a niche of like a thousand people globally but totally unappealing to nerds, speds, autists and dewpissers.

In less pretentious language,
>Did you ever gatekeep so hard you tried to put a minimum time playing requirement to be a (((((real player)))))?

I don't see what's wrong with that. PF is probably good enough to your group so they see no reason to change. Learning new systems takes some time so I'm sure they'd rather have a month full of sessions than lose a few weeks learning, creating characters and waiting for the GM to create the system. What I did when my group didn't like the systems I wanted was find a second group to play with, much easier.

The rolling mechanic is also extremely simple, it's always 2d6+mods with static target numbers for success.

Consider the d6 system as well. It's extremely intuitive, your stat number = number of dice you roll. So you just add up attribute + skill + 2d on advantage - 2d on disadvantage and that's what you roll with some abilities granting extra dice or resources that can be spent to increase your dice pool. On static checks you roll against a DC, when rolling against someone you simply roll against the roll of the enemy, the higher one gets to do whatever they wanted to do, like attack for example.

You can also modify the system easily, we have tons of our own rules to the point that it could be classed as a separate system.


This board.

And bugmen. And people who can't into medieval history or Tolkein. Just read some fucking evola and learn some shit, fuck.

Idk ummmm I don’t know to be honest

Care to explain why gatekeeping is bad?

It's one thing to foster respect for the traditions of your hobby and try to stop behavior that will kill it.
It's another thing entirely to say that you get to be the arbiter of who is a true fan and who's in it for the lols.

Turn based combat. Its a nice solution on how to dumb down fights to make them digestible, but it adds so many other issues. Probably the biggest in my eyes is focus fire being the -only- tactic worth using. It's fine if your game revolves around solo monsters/boss fights, but otherwise it just feels cheap and gets old fast.

It's easy to say that, probably having been immersed in dnd for several years, but dnd has a fuck ton of things to keep track of and rules that are essentially isolated from every other rule, like spells and spell levels versus AC versus feats and so forth.

You might have an easy time with it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's an inherently bloated system.

What game does not use turn based combat?

That's true only for some of the dead ones. 5e is potato tier and so popular because it's simple enough anyone can get it.

Well it's number crunching, tactics, and writing. You don't get a much more effective bait for nerds than that combination.



I'm not kidding, just turn the damn thing off and leave it in your coat in the hallway. Anyone who sees you fucking with a phone during the game has every right to beat your face in with a shovel.

You also forgot why it's retarded: if you want no new people in your hobby/game/whatever then it will eventually die. So you need at least some new blood.

He's not talking about minimum playing time, you dumb fuck, he's saying that the last few years have seen an influx of a brand new kind of autismo.

>user complains about a core component of RPGs, not tg as a whole
>second user points out that given visual representation is more closely aligned with vidya
>user is mad about this

Except I've literally never met the person described. Is this like a Veeky Forums boogeyman? Veeky Forums has a lot of boogeymen lately.

Unless by "social points" it means people who don't enjoy players RPing rape and include brown humans in their games.

Try an OSR game. Tell them it's like Pathfinder, but character creation takes like 15 minutes and combat also takes like 15 minutes per encounter

>I've literally never met the person described
Good for you! You lucked out. Are you actually so shallow that you don't believe a problem or type of individual can exist that you haven't personally witnessed? If you find other people complaining en masse about fake nerds, maybe your proper course of action would be to listen with humility to their experiences and taking their problems seriously, rather than yelling I'VE NEVER SEEN SUCH A THING? What is even your motivation for denial in such a case?

>people who include brown humans in their games
There's no such thing as brown humans though.

I would probably let them know that most OSR games, and some other variant d20s like Shadow of the Demon Lord, have a much higher difficulty/lethality.

Pathfinder and 3.5-5e D&D have a strong emphasis on being powerful heroes where TPKs are possible, but rare. Most OSR games (not all) have a higher lethality and players from 3.5e/PF might get upset when their character dies.

>fake nerds

What's a fake nerd? What is the person "scoring social points?" It still wasn't even explained. It's not that I've never met them, it's that I don't even know what person is being talked about.

Are they like people who play D&D but hate it and are only playing because its cool? Where do you see them? Where are they common to?
It seems like they would be quite rare.

THe fact that every single game I ever DM'd was just murder hoboing PCs

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Underappreciated meta comment

Player: "I killed the guard and laughed hysterically, what do you mean 20 more guards are coming to arrest and/or kill me? This is bullshit railroading!"

play online then [and invite me to play]

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People complain about normies invading the hobby, about it becoming dumbed-down casual babby shit, about how simplifying the rules limits customization options, but I think those are sacrifices worth making if it means I don't have to deal with a greasy hambeast who only showers on the rare occasion when he's outside in the rain, whose character is a half-fey half-celestial half-fiend half-dragon half-unicorn half-kitsune with levels in classes from eight different splatbooks and who has no backstory to the character other than "I wanted to see how hard I could break the game."

I'll take an entire group of bazinga-shouting Game of Thrones-watching normies over even one more of those miserable fucks any day of the week.

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I've never heard of anyone other than that pink haired Adam guy who fits this description. People keep talking about these people, but never actually seem to have examples of who they are.

welcome to Veeky Forums

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exactly, Veeky Forums in a nutshell

it's just a way for people on this board to feel superior to someone because they can't have that feeling outside of this board.

every group has that one dude who thinks because someone is new it's worse and bad and the only way is their way and new people are cancer to the community.

You forgot the opposite end of the tabletop hambeast fuck face traditionalists: they can usually be spotted when someone new to the table chooses a non-human race, even something as mundane as a Dwarf, and they get annoyed or even freak out because HUMANS ONLY.

Is it so bad to have some normal well-adjusted people play our games?

What do I hate?

the people who bitch and moan about having to deal with people different from themselves in a prominently social medium.

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The people assuming we're playing in Europe are pretty fuckin' bad. Thankfully I've never actually had any in my games, but I keep trying to bait them out by including potatoes in various meals.

Is it really so difficult to understand that the world in which the game takes place is not Earth and the various cultures don't follow the same paths that real-world humanity followed?

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Nah bro, my problem is that I have to deal with people the same as me. It's why I prefer groups of fresh-faced blank-slate normies over grognards and neckbeards.

getting a group of anti social retards to actually roll play or make decisions, and how every time someone trys to roll play they get laughed under the table

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The fact that the industry is filled with faggots and trannies.

And before you bitch about /pol/, I've never been there.


It's because the internet made if fashionable for autistic people to be transgendered.

By "industry" I assume you mean the companies and designers themselves. Who is a tranny in this? I can't think of a single one.

I can only think of a couple gay devs but I'm not sure being gay makes you innately bad at design. Just by the sheer number of people in the industry a few are bound to be gay really.