Is 7th Sea 'virtue signaling'? Me and a friend had a long discussion about changes between the first and second edition, if it more 'politically correct', and if so, is it more of a detriment to the game as a whole.
Is 7th Sea 'virtue signaling'? Me and a friend had a long discussion about changes between the first and second edition...
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Literally all I know about the new edition is the designer recommends the GM outright killing a PC with no save as punishment for immoral behavior.
Also I'd always be skeptical of what Veeky Forums claims as "virtue signaling".
Why are all the goons white men. Why are goons always white men in tabletop art, now that I think about it.
Virtue signaling does not mean what Veeky Forums thinks it means. Being politically correct does not mean virtue signaling, and encouraging people not to be dicks is not being politically correct.
In our discussion, we argued the differences between simply being politically correct, and making it more forefront than it need me. My friends argument for this was two images in the core book, one of two men kissing, one of two females. While he pointed out this is fine and dandy since 7th Sea is a fictional setting and likely has different laws and social norms than the real world year it is based on. However he felt they were 'overcompensating' by feeling the need to include full pictures of both, rather than some fluff text.
I had also read that some NPC character's from 1e had been genderswapped for 2e, although I wasn't sure if this was true. I couldn't find a source.
>Also I'd always be skeptical of what Veeky Forums claims as "virtue signaling"
There was a brown woman somewhere, time to cry about it!
I was curious about this so I looked it up:
The author is careful to point out that Wick has changed baby, he's different now, it won't happen again baby he swears, but holy fucking shit.
>To nail a character with Immunity to Disease/Poison, Jefferson creates a special disease that targets metahumans (and somehow overcomes the Immunity), but Mr. Immunity is immune to the cure.
>He tells the story of his game, how he drove people to quit until he got a crew of regulars that wouldn't give up, including the infamous example of a player that spent six weeks waiting in jail for the other players to break him out.
>"Now, I don’t know about you, but I have a rule in my games: you don’t get to make another character until the one you’re playing dies. That means, Bob gets to play his perfect combat machine in an 8x8 cell for the rest of his natural life."
>What you do is use a GM screen, and then arrange some dice as a powerful critical hit. Then, after giving the powergamer a tough fight against a combat monster you've designed, you sigh, shake your head sadly, and reveal the critical to kill off the character.
>How to deal with rules lawyers: "First, take away his character sheet. Then, tell him if he doesn’t remember how many dice to roll, or if he rolls the wrong number of dice, or if he forgets something on his character sheet... HE FAILS. It’s all about emphasis."
>So John wants us to remove hit points to make combat more REAL. And gives us some ways to do it. The first is basically a two-hit solution. You take one hit, you're wounded, you take two hits, you die. Oh, you don't like it? Well maybe you're just not brave enough or smart enough, Wick says. Realism, yo!
Apparently the angriest autist on Veeky Forums can not only run multiple games, he can become a professional game writer somehow and smugly tell other people how they should be running their games.
Post the art.
I feel like 7th sea, at least in my opinion, does cross the line from "representation" into "virtue signalling". It has plenty of lines talking about how its cool to play whatever you want, but the way it straight-up inserts modern sensibilities into the swashbuckling fantasy setting comes across as a little desperate.
Two long-haired dudes kissing in a crows nest seems like it fits the romanticised themes of the three musketeers and so on quite well. My problem is that by making this stuff universally accepted you lose out on a lot of potential plot hooks and interesting developments for the game, just for the sake of scoring a few diversity points.
The good way to do it would be to write "you can play a gay musketeer if you want, but you'll have to keep it hidden in certain kingdoms by climbing out of windows and up vines to their balcony, in keeping with the themes of the game."
>What you do is use a GM screen, and then arrange some dice as a powerful critical hit. Then, after giving the powergamer a tough fight against a combat monster you've designed, you sigh, shake your head sadly, and reveal the critical to kill off the character.
Quick question: How many gay people are there, anyway? I've lived in Singapore all my life, and I've never met one.
What dark corner of the earth do they come from? And how do we drive them back into it?
I mean, I know they don't breed.
You have probably met a gay person senpai.
>I've never met one
You probably have, but didn't notice. Most people don't advertise it, even in gay-friendly places. Only a small percentage are obnoxiously vocally gay.
I mean of course nobody is going to tell you they're gay in Singapore. It's technically illegal there.
The stats are that it's between 3-5% of the population. It really depends on what your definition of "gay" is. Some people do more homosexual activity than others.
I know a friend who dated a trans guy. That's about as close as I've got.
>I mean, I know they don't breed.
Joke's on you, some former senator or something once came out as gay after the fact. He was married with three kids.
Note that these figures are for raw, unadulterated fags. Bisexuals or people who have gay sex sometimes seem to be far more common, and people who display "some homosexual behavior" is through the roof in most studies.
>outright killing a PC with no save as punishment for immoral behavior.
From the picture and name, isn't it a pirate game thing?
Is this game like Disney's booklets for kids?
I don't have the cap, but the excerpt was discussing how to handle what we call murderhobos. Problem is the example of behavior was just torturing a captured mook for info, which is 1) not innately disruptive and 2) kinda expected in a pirate game
In this example, the GM's "consequences" came like ten sessions later when a couple random thugs jumped the player and dragged him down an alley. Wick advised the GM in this scenario just act cagey and say no one knows who the thugs are.
If it has women in the setting who are adventurers, leaders, or allowed to be anything but weak baby factories and cock sockets, it's SJW.
If it has women in the setting who are oppressed, treated poorly, or forced into a life of marriage/baby making it's SJW for feminist historical revision.
If it has lots of diversity in the character's races, such as having white, asian, black, or others for the human style race in the game it's SJW for pandering and being historically inaccurate.
If it only has white people in the setting, or at least only white people depicted in the art, it's SJW for type casting every villain and bad guy as a white man.
Everything is virtue signalling, the SJW have infected everything. Stop playing tabletop games.
>I had also read that some NPC character's from 1e had been genderswapped for 2e, although I wasn't sure if this was true. I couldn't find a source.
I mean, there is entire countries now existing that didn't exist before. The leaders of some groups being different genders it not remotely the biggest change between editions.
That's really retarded. I mean sure, the mook's friends and gang would surely get mad enough to try shit against the players, but a PC unable to defend himself against two mooks is retarded.
the figure I always hear is 10%. I assume that includes bisexuals though.
That's from Kinsey who was definite accurate. The 4-5% LGBT figure usually does include bisexuals.
>definite accurate
Definitely INaccurate
Easier to roll on a d20 in any case (5% gay, 5% bi), so that's what I typically go with in the context of an RPG.
Depends a bit on how you classify it. It's not uncommon to hit 8-9% if it's 'Have you been attracted to people of the same gender' as the qualifier but a lot lower if you actually get 'Have you had sex with someone of your own gender'.
That was in L5R 4e, which was not written by Wick.
>genderswapped NPCs
I believe this is also referring to L5R with FFG's new LCG.
Wait, is it universally accepted among pirates, or is it outright stated its universally accepted everywhere?
Because pirates could be remarkably socially liberal for their time, so the pirates not giving a shit while certain kingdoms are prissier about it than others would make sense
Obsessed but unironically.
>leg pop
>just fired her pistol in the air
I've definitely lived the wrong kind of life, I've never been kissed so hard I want to fire a weapon in celebration
>I've definitely lived the wrong kind of life
Well here you are posting on Veeky Forums, in a thread about "virtue signaling" in a game.
Some shitposter in a /co/ got butthurt about Harpee Gee getting an animated short because it's about a tan elf. I couldn't tell if they guy was trolling or not.
>Well here you are posting on Veeky Forums, in a thread about "virtue signaling" in a game.
You're here too, and you're not even making humorous comments like that guy was.
>That was in L5R 4e, which was not written by Wick.
Could sworn it was 7th Sea. Regardless, shows Wick has some obvious problems.
Somebody screencap this shit plz.
What the... Is that man able to lead his life without ambulant assistance?
Is this really what triggered you? Looks tame as shit.
We get this reply every time.
Let me ask you this.
How would you react if a year down the line, you get a new player who obviously has talent for roleplaying - but he's ridiculously hung up on these things because they're "standard" in roleplaying games and games that don't do it are either ignored by the media or only showcased as rape simulators.
Ten minutes into a hypothetical game of Grognards and Grinding, he pipes up.
"Where's the representation? You have to have representation!"
And this isn't ridiculous. People believe this, because people learn from experience and they assume what they're told is usually true. Considering that the main RPG-oriented news sites are all as one very "progressive", you'll end up with a whole generation of these people. 80% of everyone who's been introduced to roleplaying games between for example 2015 and 2020 will have that misconception, and it's not an easy one to fix.
The problem is that a political faction is actively trying to make a hobby they barely engage in into a showing ground for demonization and political witch-hunting, for no other reason than that they can't take differences in opinion.
The problem is that this kind of content is being included not as artistic freedom or setting detail, but as a required part for a game to not be sexist or racist.
This has already been taken further in for example Monsterhearts, where a character who's gender-special is literally more powerful than other characters and can change other PCs' characters' sexuality on their behalf, and it's all packaged with a nice demonizing of the people who balk at having their character made to shag a blue-haired abomination and forced to roleplay liking it.
It might be that the problem isn't total and all-enveloping yet.
But if you only react at that point, it really will be too late.
The problem is that these people are being taken more and more seriously by the mass media/normal population, and that it's an active political effort, inconsiderate of the impact on the game, made to not only shame people but also pin them as criminals for not sharing SJW opinions.
The core problem, here, though, is one of treatment.
Do you think a Tumblrkin who didn't agree with you during your games would be unable to get you in legal trouble? Do you think that, even if you don't actually land in the slammer, that friends and family will not react to being told you're a "racist and sexist running a rape simulator"? Do you think that players will pop up who were completely uninfluenced by modern political agendas in gaming but are still good players, and who also won't crack under social and legal pressure?
They can't get all of us in prison yet.
We're past the point where someone who doesn't think that game rules and narrative should be defined by a real-life political opinion gets hate mail, faces faked rape/pedophilia accusations and has his friends and family victimized if they don't break ties.
It'll be you sometime.
This, but louder and in caps
So this but in louder and in caps.
>This has already been taken further in for example Monsterhearts, where a character who's gender-special is literally more powerful than other characters and can change other PCs' characters' sexuality on their behalf, and it's all packaged with a nice demonizing of the people who balk at having their character made to shag a blue-haired abomination and forced to roleplay liking it.
Sounds entertaining, details?
kill yourself commie shill rat
Find the fucking PDF.
If not, this thread will become a war about misquoting.
>It might be that the problem isn't total and all-enveloping yet.
>But if you only react at that point, it really will be too late.
So basically 'A writer can't control his own setting, in case he helps the SJWs by doing so'?
>This has already been taken further in for example Monsterhearts, where a character who's gender-special is literally more powerful than other characters and can change other PCs' characters' sexuality on their behalf, and it's all packaged with a nice demonizing of the people who balk at having their character made to shag a blue-haired abomination and forced to roleplay liking it.
...I mean, I don't LIKE Monsterhearts (The buffy meets high school romance thing really, really isn't for me) but that's not actually how it works in the game (You can't change someone's sexuality because the game assumes that the characters don't have a set sexuality until it comes up in game and collapses the possibilities). It's also literally a game made for doing those sort of supernatural young adult stories with vampires, who are pretty god damn emblematic of 'Forbidden love'.
>How dare people agree with someone who isn't me!
>Oh, I was confronted with a set of straightforward arguments that brook no room for waffling or strawmen! Better result to an ad hominem!
No you /pol/ butt crab.
Basically: Because being a teen is about discovering weird shit about yourself, the player doesn't actually decide what the character's sexuality is and it's up to them to decide in game (Based on the dice rolls) to help with 'Wait, what? I wasn't expecting this' as you play them, since it's entire theme is about your character discovering themselves rather than already knowing who they are.
It is.
It means that the player cannot decide their character's sexuality until someone uses a fate point or what it was called to change it.
Gender-special characters receive more of these and can use them to sway both genders. In addition, they get encouraged by the book, being a mechanically superior choice as well as other players being told they aren't allowed to have problems with the character.
Straight characters receive fewer and can only sway one gender.
You're arguing semantics. The outcome is 100% identical.
But gender-special characters receive more chargen points, a special editorial on how refusing them is rape and can sway literally every person they should wish.
In the end, this system was inserted intentionally, which proves a bias.
>You're arguing semantics. The outcome is 100% identical.
No, I'm really not. Since the entire point of it is 'The player doesn't get to decide everything about the character, much of that will be up to chance'. It's not about changing sexuality, it's about it being not known until then. That's rather a different thing.
>How dare someone thinks whining about SJW boogeyman is stupid
Retarded whining about SJW boogeyman just because some game is not 100% /pol/ bs is not any of that
It’s more like 2%. People throw out 10% because that’s the smallest round numbers they can think of for a minority estimate when they don’t actually know the number.
2% will give you a 1 or 100 on a d100 roll
Argue why its stupid then, you nigger.
Your little shitfit here doesn't hold water against some actually well stated arguments.
You explicitly choose if your character is not cis.
Then, you receive points.
How is this not special treatment?
Go over every line and explain why it's meaningless and why it can't happen.
See you another day.
Chargen points? It's a PBTA game, you don't get chargen points, you have a set statline and a move.
I don't have anything against more complicated ways of determining one's sexuality, including societal pressures and sex and whatnot, but in most games all of that is so irrelevant that two simple d20 roll tables suffice.
NPC table: 1: gay, 2: bi, 3-20: hetero
PC table: 1-20: you decide or roll on NPC table
I really don't feel like finding the book again, but yeah, not chargen as much as whatever they called fate points.
You receive numerically more, only if you choose to be a character championing a specific political agenda.
I guess it wouldn't be so bad if the entire argument wasn't couched in an outright hatred of a small portion of the overall population. The intersectionalists hijacked any sort of politically viable motive and turned it into a racist movement, then redefined "racism" along the lines of power and privilege, which is so stupid even those apes at RationalWiki had to make an article explaining exactly why it's a stupid argument.
I feel like all of this became toxic the second it was used to attack white males. I think the vast majority of white males are perfectly fine with two girls kissing in a crow's nest, but the implication that they wouldn't be and that the image is somehow a strike against them creates this confusing hostile environment that turns everyone, not just white males, away from the whole thing.
>we've come to the age where red-blooded straight men no longer want to see attractive women make out because le Sockjuice Boogerman also wants to see that
You're a bigger faggot than any SJW
No, no you don't. I have the PDF open right now (Turned up very quickly with a google). It has no FATE points or chargen points. The only points it DOES have are experience points and you don't get one for being non-CIS or anything like that.
>Have you been attracted to people of the same gender'
If that counts, then like 70% of human population are pedos.
Maybe if you don't want that sort of stuff to happen, you shouldn't be playing a game that literally describes itself as 'messy melodrama' as the type of game it it? It's like complaining that there might be killing in a D&D game, it's sorta what the game opened with and wasn't exactly subtle about that being a part of the game.
>Intelligent reply to a MH strawman
Your "arguments" are more or less you retards shitting your pants about a pic of two girls kissing being in some game you most likely don't even play then going on how it's part of some plot to drive white men out gaming or some nonsense.
You may of had some kind of point if there was not morons in this thread throwing a fit about said two girls kissing in a crow's nest in this thread.
Allegedly, discharging a firearm during intercourse was seen as valid cause for divorce in Texas in olden times.
Well, that's just common sense, really.
Wait, there is a time it's not good to fire a gun in Texas?
>We get this reply every time
Nigga, who is "we"? Where do you think you are?
At least in some counties, I guess.
But what if it's really, really, REALLY good sex and you just have to fire your guns from sheer pleasure?
I mean, I'm sure some of us have been there?
I mean, let's not go overboard here.
Some minor thing, a drawing of a gay & lesbian couple kissing; mentions that there is no sexism compared to the real 17th century and that if a pc is acting with to much immorality he "must" become a villains
But what is wonderful with ttrpg is that you can twist any rulebooks and setting anyway you want, even if its virtue signalling or talking about transgender elves you can rule it out
>So John wants us to remove hit points to make combat more REAL. And gives us some ways to do it. The first is basically a two-hit solution. You take one hit, you're wounded, you take two hits, you die. Oh, you don't like it? Well maybe you're just not brave enough or smart enough, Wick says. Realism, yo!
I don't mind this, so long as a few things are made explicit: First, everyone always hits. No misses, no parries. Maybe shields are an expendable resource, otherwise no shields. Second, you have to accept that you've now created combat as a puzzle game. Tell your players when they walk into being killed. They should only die when they have worked themselves into a 1HP situation with no way out.
Similar to Hoplite.
Well, that depends if the ship tips too much.
>people who display "some homosexual behavior" is through the roof in most studies
What you mean like knowing a few show tunes?
Sure as hell not where you came from.
Go and stay go.
If the galleon's a rocking, probably best to just get in a launch and wait it out.
If you were more concerned about safety than getting laid you wouldn't have chosen a life of adventure and danger on the high seas.
Do you fags every have an argument other than "muh slippery slope"?
You can find Salon articles right now defending pedophilia so do they actually need another argument?
Until it's disproven.
The slippery slope fallacy is something entirely different from "I've seen X lead to Y, and now X is happening so Y might also".
The latter is basic human logic which allows us to survive and indeed create a society in the first place.
The former is the actual logical fallacy that A leads to Z, just because both are in the alphabet.
You're showing that you just use rhetoric as a weapon. People with experience know that if it looks like you can solve something with one argument, you're probably the one in the wrong.
If you can't pinpoint any other arguments than the slippery slope, too, you might just be cherry-picking the parts you think you can counter.
As someone not particularly invested either way, idk what's so wrong about the concept of one thing setting the stage for another. The legal system of most countries is heavily built around the idea of precedents, but suddenly when its in a debate saying X might encourage Y is off limits?
>I live in a country where homosexuality is illegal and am a gigantic bigot
>I've never met anyone admitting to be a homosexual to me
You are justifying overreacting to some jackass making his own niche role-playing game because it will create a trend of players holding political views you don't like and somehow forcing then upon your own game group.
It's not just slippery slope, it's a whole host of hypotheticals you made up to make it sound like pirate lesbians are an attack on innocent white gamers.
You should really take up a hobby other than shitposting? Why not traditional Games? You might even learn to make better bait.
You're reading into it.
The question is, "Is this picture posturing for good boy points or no?" That question is adjacent to, but not identical to, the discussion of whether or not good boy points are a valuable commodity, whether they have a positive or negative effect on society, and so on.
You're trying to have a bigger conversation than OP is actually proposing.
>I have no argument so I'll just deflect to make it sound like my shitposting is just innocent questions
Here's the last (you) I'm gonna give you, it shouldn't impact your bottom line, I fully expect this these to hit the bump limit.
If you think that, you are mentally ill.
Psychosis is the state of seeing reality but judging it according to illogical or excessively personal norms, often coupled with instinctive defense reactions when the worldview is threatened.
People are being hazed, framed, beaten, imprisoned and generally demonized by association to the third degree by people who proclaim, and take actions to ensure, that game companies are bullied, threatened and manipulated into publishing politically slanted games.
They're not above outright infiltration, as WoD and SR show us, nor (do we remember things now?) engaging in quite literal false-flag libel attempts, rigging false evidence of molestation or harassment in order to get people who don't share their opinions fired and replaced with agreeing people.
If you don't see this shit going on right in front of your nose, and how "normal" people are being steadily more guilted and pressured into accepting these beliefs and victimizing non-believers by media in all its forms, you have serious damage and I can't help you.
There are people who believe things because they think it should be right. That's you.
Then there are people who once had different opinions, but were forced to admit they'd been deceived for ages and are now at least trying to compensate.
That's me, and a hundred thousand other players fighting for the right to do what you consider to be self-evident - being able to play your own game - but which is not nowadays.
>From the picture and name, isn't it a pirate game thing?
It's a swashbuckling game, so that could mean pirates, but it could also mean musketeers.
>engaging in quite literal false-flag libel attempts, rigging false evidence of molestation or harassment in order to get people who don't share their opinions fired and replaced with agreeing people
Even against people who aren't politically opposed to them. See Zak S.
Again, for SJWs it isn't a matter of politics.
What happens to society as a whole is utterly unimportant to those predominantly jobless, subsidy-leeching hamblobs.
If they wanted to change society, and try for it, they'd have realized that shouting complaints is just pointing out the symptoms.
What they want is a world where they never have to lift a finger except to pass the sentence of eternal social humiliation on someone they decided they didn't like because of skin color or gender.
At least even fucking Nazis worked their asses off. I'm fucking Jewish, and even I can see that a literal, Jew-hating Nazi who'd try to bash my head in if they saw me is more useful for society than the piping blue-haired meat organ currently busy eroding the philosophical, legal, scientific and purely philanthropic advances of the world.
I've been on Veeky Forums since 2008. I actually value the anonymous contributions of individuals over any kind of overriding group cultural trend. I came here from the IRC of an online living campaign world I was DMing for. Where did you find out about Veeky Forums and when did you come here? What do you think this site is for?
>Is 7th Sea 'virtue signaling'?
Nope. If you search for something hard enough you will find it.
If what you fin is "muh political correctness conspiracy" /pol/ shitters will believe you, no matter how slippery your slope is.
Veeky Forums is not /v/ and will not become /v/. If someone is running a game in a way you don't like, you can talk to them like a goddamned adult, or run your own damn game.
If you don't like that a DM/GM is making too many concessions to someone's ideology/comfort, talk to them and the party involved like a goddamned adult, or run your own game.
If you can't find a DM/GM or anyone to play in your game, then maybe you're the problem.
Go back to the containment board from whence you came.
And if we shoot all the obnoxious ones, as well as the obnoxious feminists and trans people, 90% of the people who hate them will stop. They bring it on themselves
Dude, do you into NRX?
This is exactly what the people who defined the term defined it as.
Everything is 'virtue signalling'
The term was defined by the need to describe the modern social technology by which people use anything to gain social approval by projecting ingroup opinions into the ingroup.
OP is virtue signalling as well, just to different people. The term is morality neutral, it is used to describe patterns by which people arrange socially. Calling out bait threads is 'technically' a form of virtue signalling.