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it's over
WTF? When I open the link I get redirected to mt.gox??????
never trust china.
you don't spreak asian?
谢谢白猪 !
>never trust dumbass FUD anons
Stupid gwailo
this exact same shit happened at this exact time yesterday.
WHATS GOING ON I can't relog
Works fine for me, but i moved my BTC just in case
why the fuck didn't i just use livecoin, fucking chinks
Binance is HK?
Twitter says network issues.
why cant i withdraw monaes?
guys serious question, I'm unable to login using browser, says verification failed each time (tried chrome and edge so far), sometimes the sliding puzzle won't even load and I just get an error
what am I doing wrong?
Id let her beat me up tho
every 5 minutes
My mom is an escort, and one of her clients told her he works for Binance. He said they had been hacked.
their volume doubled in the last 48 hours
they need more servers
lots of kucoin shills out and about right now
is hong kong different from regular china or something?
Cant get cucked by goverment, yet anyways.
why not?
Pick a fucking book you un-cultured faggot