Gonna sell my XLM and XRP holding. Should i move it to TRX or LINK?
Need opinion
just go 50/50, 70/30 or whatever which project you believe in more.
>alibaba partnership
>confido partnership
you tell me op.
TRX is shitcoin
>selling xlm on a low
if you can't tell which one of those is a shitcoin and which one is a ticket to lambo land, then you won't make it.
what do you mean by Confido?
sorry total noob
Don't fuck this up user
TRX doubled in last 24 hours,
I'd put it in POE.
powerful escrow smart contract company, partnered with LINK. It's gonna be huge itself. They fly under the radar now but you can get the tokens on etherdelta.
Do 50/50 link/confido.
>XLM is on low
This. Confido will moon HARD.
you are joking right?
all I found about Confindo is scam. lol
SCAM talk is just a coordinated FUD.
people said the same thing about chainlink. The charts look the same confido just hasn't mooned yet.
join this discord
REQ my guy