>in my wurrld elves are made of living rocks!
>well in my setting dwarf Aztecs fight indigenous birds
Who fucking cares? Why it this type of mental masturbation so common on Veeky Forums? Most of it is either Tolkien copypastas or some nonsensical shit that’s different for the sake of being different
In my wurrld elves are made of living rocks!
Other urls found in this thread:
Because gotta subvert those tropes and be totally unique and interesting :^)
Instead of making lame complaint threads, make cool OC threads!
OC is Reddit
At least it's something different than /whg/ #103989320392019293
You mad just because you can't think outside the box, user?
That’s what this thread is complaining about retard, people who either can’t think outside of the box or subvert tropes for the sake of subversion
>shit that’s different for the sake of being different
I think in a hobby where things are done for such nebulous concepts as being cool or entertaining, most things that are being criticized as being different for the sake of being different are most often just being genuine. It is a very toothless criticism.
I know...
>le cool!
>le fun!
because DMs enjoy world building and want to have some fun trying something weird and different?
its not that complicated man
yeah its not always good, but then neither is most of fiction, wade through the shit and find the gems
oh for fucks sake, did you just seriously criticise fun?
why the fuck do you talk about or play tabletop games? out of fucking spite? what unending rage drives you to play a game you dont enjoy?
Yeah, it would be much more valid to criticize failure in these aspects (failure to be fun or cool), however subjective the judgment may be. But instead the complaint is just about something being different.
>weird and different?
>Dwarves but not dwarves
>Elves but not elves
If I have a bird with tiny wings, a long neck, a small head, very long legs, and a large body, and call it a duck am I really being unique and interesting? What does my game gain by calling an ostrich a duck?
1 ducks are real
2 ostriches are real
3 neither dwarfs, nor elves are real
the non-real things can be altered and rewritten as need and presented in different ways, thats just how fiction works
>Dwarves but not dwarves youre used to
>Elves but not elves youre used to
Man, what is with people on Veeky Forums who love to shit on any attempts at creativity? That's literally what this hobby is about.
Aw fuck boys one of them /v/ermins crawled its way here
I disagree. It's rare that somebody makes a genuine work that is different for the sake of being different. More often, it's done as a jab to "Tolkien-esque" fantasy because they roll their eyes at tropes that have been staples of the genre for decades. If we were to use OP's example, it's one I would avoid. Why even use dwarves and elves then, if you really want to be different? Because you don't just want to be different, you want to stand out from the crowd of all the other dwarves and elves, so everyone knows how unique and original your ideas are in comparison. It's very masturbatory, and people forget to actually add depth to their work, so busy they are with being """subversive""".
Birds exist unlike fantasy races and unlike what the avarage neckbeard says there are no set rules in fantasy
>Man, what is with people on Veeky Forums who love to shit on any attempts at creativity? That's literally what this hobby is about.
See Veeky Forums has been around for more than 11 years at this point. 10 years ago we used to slurp up OC, even if it wasn't very good. In the last few years, the site's demographics have shifted, and now any attempt at creating something original is "cringe", "reddit", "tryhard", or "agenda-pushing".
yeah, because its better to wank someone elses dick rather than your own right?
dont shit on people for trying to do different things man, atleast they give some effort rather than posting "wat do" threads
On the one hand, it is funny to think that their are people set enough in their ways that their idea of a creative fantasy setting is to make orcs dwarves, dwarves elves, and elves orcs.
On the other hand, the only metric in this hobby is enjoyment, and if people weren't enjoying that shit, they wouldn't keep doing it over and over, they'd have learnt that it doesn't make the game more interesting if it didn't do that for them..
Players/consumers with less adventurous tastes are more accepting of something brought into relation with a familiar label.
So your gain safety at the cost of innovation and creative freedom. And you get to draw associations from the old concept for free.
Also what he says, there is no authority regarding imagination.
but shitting on creativity or atleast the effort of creativity is more "cringe" than actually trying something
Nah, man. Elves and dwarves are good touchstones, good shorthand. It's a lot easier to explain "they're elves except they're also X and they Y, but they don't Z" rather than giving them a spiel about a completely different, 'original' race, especially if they occupy the niche elves/dwarfs/etc normally would.
just look at how much flak Asari got for being "space elves" but not admitting it
I'm not shitting on people try to do different things. I'm shitting on people who want to be considered "original", and use the backdrop of existing fantasy tropes to easily rewrite some of it and call it a day, and then expect to be praised and validated for how "unique" their ideas are, when they aren't.
Well yeah, but we’re bitter nerds who resent people with a modicum of success in their lives, so we need to trash anything that could potentially remind us we’re wasting our lives on a Mesopotamian snow fort forum.
but then how the fuck am i meant to get anything accept mass produced mainstream shit churned out by big labels if i cant rely on the usual gathering of misanthropic cunts to producing new and weird ideas?!
Except that's not being different.
Which is really pretty sad. There are probably a lot of people who's creative efforts will never improve because they're too afraid of exposing them and being cringeboys or soylords or whatever, and so they'll just keep it under their hat until the fire dies
Not according to the modern Veeky Forums zietgeist. Veeky Forumss native culture is dead, we've been colonized by /vpol/ and outsiders aping what they think Veeky Forums is, so enthusiasm , creativity, and making things are bad now
"they" dont want to be praised and validated for it, usually theyre asking for ideas on how to flesh them out or new concepts to include
most of the the time the "elves but" or "dwarf but" is a better shorthand () thant himanoid living golems made of rock that lvie for ever and are tied to nature
>Has dwarfs and elves
>Has dwarfs OR elves
>Doesn't have dwarfs or elves, or mixes them up a bit
>not being different enough for my tastes
is what you actually mean, as evidenced by others who disagree
>Why even use dwarves and elves then, if you really want to be different?
I wasn't talking about any particular execution, which of course can be good or bad, succeed or fail by even judged its own design goals.
I just raised objection at criticizing something solely because of it being different, as if it was a flaw in itself, or inherently pretentious.
The actual work should be judged, not what we smugly assume the creators motivations to be.
And god beware if someone feels satisfied about his work! Masturbation I say!
I hope you get banned for this one senpai
Work on your OC if you want people to give it attention, faggots. Or keep crying about how the problem is with the people who just can't appreciate your work.
The bad thing is that there are people who basically think that way.
Living rocks with extreme lifespans was already done in a unique and interesting way.
well thats just how i want to have Lizardmen in my setting, deal with it
A thread died for this post
>we've been colonized by /vpol/ and outsiders aping what they think Veeky Forums is
This goes back way further than /pol/. People hear that Veeky Forums is the asshole of the internet and come here to be assholes to fit in, when in truth it's just a place for hobby discussion.
in my world elves are cute and dwarves don't exist
Strange, I've heard that Reddit's supposed to be the ones for normies but it's filled with assholes.
What next? Tumblr turning out to be filled with non-SJW?
It subverts my expectations
in my world elves are hated for no discernable reason and dwarves are mythical boogeymen that murder miners when they infringe on their borders
It's because /b/ is where most newfags land because it's the board with the most notoriety. Being newfags they then fail to realize /b/ is just a subset of Veeky Forums.
In my world, cute dark elves wage war against cute light elves and humans to capture, kidnap, and rape as many tentacle monsters for sexual pleasure
In my world the cutest dwarves band together with even cuter gnomes and hobbits to wage a campaign of love and frienship against the slightly less cute frost giant race so that they may finally be picked up and carried by them.
>>in my wurrld elves are made of living rocks!
>>well in my setting dwarf Aztecs fight indigenous birds
both of those sound interesting though
Tumblr is mostly about crafting your own echo chamber no matter what your beliefs are. It's a shit place for discussion but an ok place to share art and ideas for that reason.
>Someone has an idea
>OP loses his shit
I mean, sure if you don't mind nobody wanting to play with you, go ahead.
He almost certainly doesn't actually play any games. He's maybe interested in them conceptually but can't bring himself to actually get involved. Too 'cringe'. He'd also probably be an awful player, the sort who gets really mad if you deviate from the written setting/module, because the GM isn't a professional elfgames writer so he should just stick to what's already written and stop being a fag
Translation: I love Stagnation.
It's certainly ironic when someone complains about copy pasting when using a copy paste
Legitimate question: what are some all-new fictional races that caught on with the fantasy genre as a whole? I'm speaking in a scale analogous to Elves, Orcs, and Dwarves. A race that seeps outside of D&D's endless variations.
>most things that are being criticized as being different for the sake of being different are most often just being genuine.
they are done to prove you're better than others
Based OP BTFOing Veeky Forums snowflakes
You sound like a retard trying to be le ebin four chan guy and not care about anything
>he can’t even reply correctly
It's called not giving people (you)s, you mongoloid
But you’re still replying to them, this isn’t reddit there’s not some counter keeping track of your imaginary points
Close I’m being le ebin Veeky Forums guy who always holds a contrarion opinion
And yet people like OP desperately crave them.
It ain't the newfags, it's the dumbshits.
Somewhere along the line we stopped even trying to teach Newfags how to do things correctly and left them behind. Some never left and now there's a vocal subset of total assholes who never grew out of newfaggery because people just told them to shut the fuck up without ever explaining why they were faggots.
Now people just complain about the way things used to be without really thinking about why things used to be the way they were or trying to actually bring back that sort of culture.
The OPs don’t get (You)s you’d know this if you weren’t a newfag redditor
Also, people haven't used "le" since 2011, and it pisses me off when people still use it
I think its people who have been artificially over-exposed to fantasy and media in general. For whatever reason "jaded know-it-all" is a hip thing right now for """"geek culture""""" even though most of those people have only ever watched vlogs or read wiki articles about it. I suspect many of the people today going for 'lol orcs are just people but funny dumb, elves are trees and dwarves actually live in the sky' settings have played very little actual tabletop or read any great amount of fantasy novels.
Its the same thing as the "LOL NAT 20!!1" fad, it seems like a bunch of people who read articles on 1d4chan or screencaps but have never actually had any zany shit happen.
Or the "theoretical wizard" posters who make threads that are more or less "what if i chained these expensive high level spells from conflicting schools of magic" and are made by someone who clearly has no practical grasp of the rules involved.
Also conversations like
>yeah but EVERY tabletop game has elves..
>what tabletop games?
>like ALL of them!
>like what, games you were in?
>no like Criticle Role!
This show sucks
I've never watched it, and I suspect I would agree with you, but do not misconstrue opinion for fact.
I mean, those are all valid concepts. Orcs as the inept butts of a cosmic joke, elves as dryads, and dwarves in flying castles that migrate from mountain top to mountain top sound rad.
I don’t care what you use or call something
But anyone who mistakes “different” for “good” should be shot
>even my ideas that are trash are treasure to someone
That shark/wolf furry hybrid.