We're always looking at our range of options, listening, and trying to figure out what we can offer to all of you that our game is currently missing.
We offer many different formats to play competitive Constructed Magic, including Standard, Modern, and Legacy. They all include different ranges of Magic sets. If you're coming into Magic, you probably aren't starting with Legacy. You certainly could—but it makes a lot of sense to learn the ropes in something like Standard instead. These formats all encompass different periods of time, so people with varying collections have a way to play using them.
And it's not just about collections or experience either; different players simply prefer different kinds of gameplay. Legacy, for example, has all kinds of crazy mechanics and interactions, from aggro decks with the best cheap creatures ever printed to combo decks that can end the game on the first turn. Standard, on the other hand, has a small card pool—which means more different things get to shine. There are plenty of players who have been playing for years and years who prefer Standard for that reason.
Ok. That's competitive Constructed. We have plenty of different formats there.
If you look at casual Constructed, though, there isn't that same kind of variety. It's usually just "almost everything is legal, go nuts."
Commander is probably our largest casual format. Now, I love Commander. (I would sure hope so, given that I led both Commander 2017 and 2018!) And I want to assure you, Commander isn't going anywhere at all. But at the same time, it's a bit daunting to hop into. All your new cards have to compete against the weight of the past 25 years of crazy cards we've made, and there are all kinds of ridiculous combinations and abilities going on. Even if you've been playing Magic for years, maybe you just don't want to play in a format full of the many, many years of these cards.
But if you didn't want to play that way, what were you supposed to do