Should i sell it or not?
I found this on my Binance acc (Old One)
lol sorted on quantity and not in the right order, bad fake
Share it with your bros
You a millionaire bro
"so i just found 30 million USD"
No its a bug (I can send you another pic ) it is loading and Laging so bad...
Can i borrow some xlm
If it’s real try to sell all of it and crash the price lol
And i give 1000 Coins Free wehn someone rolls trips whitin the next 10 Post ;) Im Dam happy now Fags
P-please I have to watch after my wife and her son
HEre we go!
I would be funny if i rolled it myselve
300 of what? stellars?
Its over but it would be 1k in Stellars
re-roll again
get jewed again.
nothing new anyway
To late, sorry :/
c'mon :(
will you pay? here is your trips, gl user
thought my poorfag life was over, bamboozled again hahaha
Thx senpai
Well OP, if you happen to change your mind or are in a good mood and wanna help a poorfag student;
Memo: 1039800354
If not, it's ok also, thanks for the opportunity anyway, atleast I rolled trips :)
So what sould i do now? Wat till BTC is on 19k Again (This will never happen) i dont know what to do whit this money i was a extreme Poor fag and now 2185 BTC Wtf
Trips you soyboy
send me a couple change my life thx
Give me 1 btc so i cna help my mommyy
i rolled trips and he didn't, don't expect anything like that on biz lmao
Checkem lada
Fucking retards, ever geard of inspect element cunts?
Hmmm say me a good coin and i invest 10 BTC in it when it grows il give you 1k $ Worth of it in coins is this a good deal?
Invest in ven.
holy shit man you made it, i would say cash out a couple of bitcoins, keep a majority of them in bitcoins and spread a part over other coins. Like fun, xlm and such coins that are going to do wel q1 and one in 2018
Stellar was a good coin man, you shouldn't have converted all of it. It will reach $1 really soon
REQ is also still a good choice.
TRON was great but it's going up way too fast now, will correct soon I guess
VEN is my favourite right now, keeps going up slowly but steadily
ICX is solid too.
Rolling trips
Here is the Late fag
just send the 12 people in this thread 1 each
share the wealth with your biz brothers :^)
Check em
This please...
BTC deposit address: 1JhnZinmCnYtfgqHTB5uJzTGb2zRWDvQs6
12 BTC dude im a good man but i made it whitout an "Free" Btc. i had at the start 1k EUR, il give some of it to fags who are in real money need. sorry :/ but ceep goin (And yes fuck my fag english im an German Leberwurst who lives in Swiss
Ripple has reached the 'normies' and is showing no signs of stopping. I think it is might even actually flip Bitcoin. It might get listed on Coinbase, and I also see a lot of websites using it as a trading pair equatable to Ether, BTC, and LTC.
If you choose my suggestion, I'm this person:
Actually just go with VEN, I am all in on that with the little money I have right now myself.
I doubt you're gonna come through with how this thread is going, but I'm poor as fuck so hope helps
VEN: 0x13322eac86017173f05e0a4eff11ea6dc93c1238
BTC: 15YjbUfXdyFxJH5NzZSaB2C1VCsVa6R63d
Good luck user
OK send 0.1 BTC to them and show you're not LARPing then.
gib to trips
all these fags
Ripple address:
Ripple tag:
how the hell you got 39m Stellar?
Another check em
Rolling, my dude
he aint giving you shit bro just stop
Thats preposterous. At ATL stellars were at 300 sats.
39M stellars would have ben more than 100BTC, no way one would "forget" about them
Il invested 105k in 2014 and then my friend tolld me i should not sell it till 2018 and he also had the Google auth Code from Binance (ir later tradet it to Binace) and now he is back from Africa whit his phone and we both unlucked it.
And jes i not realy Forgot them, but did not cared about them till now ;)
hey, send me one btc pls mate, share this happiness with fellow biz/raeli :(
If real then massive congrats, you are completely made.
1-tell absolutely NO ONE, def not friends and family because it will change everyone around you in bad way.
2-get a financial advisor, a real one, like at fucking goldman sachs, not some shit tier guy in the local strip mall.
3-protect protect protect. if you really literally have 30 million dollars you are set for generations.
Buy pbl
OP you're a genuine fuckwit for leaving those on an exchange for 4 years.
IMO you should dump that shit. Message just before you do please.. *rubs hands jewishly*
1 BTC for quads?
won't come through for his inital trips so don't think so :(
Elixir dude. It's growing nice and steadily, it's a legit product by a dedicated team. You have to put some bitcoin in this. Easy 10x medium term
cheers cunt
Kys faggot
What are trips/quads?
So now what
nothing lol, i hit it first and he didn't come through
magic 8s quads for 1 BTC ROLLL!
I've been putting 100 into btc every month or so and I'm trying so damn hard to raise my portfolio. I'm playing it safe and not doing crazy shit that'll lose my coin. If you give me a boost I'll be sure to not pajeet-sell it. I'm taking it and trading it up and up.
Anyone who believes OP is a gullible retard.
Roll from Argnetina!
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles
so damn close, anyway, i will try it, im so fucking poor:
It's not real
I started at 40€ and made it to a bit over 200€ now. Nowhere enough for rent though but I'll keep on trying :D
You cunts will literally believe anything
stop posting your wallets you gullible fucks.
jesus christ you really have to be retarded to buy into this shit.