Vanguard Thread
>Image a word where greed machines that are card game companies one company just goes " you know what guys we messed up let's try again"
> Image previews formats being supported simultaneously with new.
> Image chronojet dragon V in 3 years
Vanguard Thread
I'm cautiously optimistic. That said, vanguard has a reputation in my region as a sacky lolicon game. I would still love to support it. I'll talk with the powers that be about giving it another chance in middle TN.
the fact that this game is so luck based is what I liked about it, that anyone has a somewhat ok chance of winning.
Personally my thing is the card layout
The good news is that they're shrinking the effect text based on the translated card in the OP.
Alfred Early
G3 13000 FORCE
AUTO VC: On-place [CB1] Chose a Blaster Blade from hand/soul, call to RC, it gets power +10k this turn. If you called, draw 1.
At face value, they're stopping with the "you may pay the cost. If you do" nonense
It also seems to be stronger than the previous version
The reboot is more like a new game plus version of the game all things considered.
Can you elaborate, OP?
>people claim reboot is healthy
>make even stronger power cards with even more consistent power values and trigger numbers that may affect the whole front row
Sure no more triple drive which im okay with but it just seems like a different evil.
They also increased shield values.
>Draws still suck
>Heals up to natural 20k
>Crits are at 15k
>G1s at 10k
The goal of the reboot is a faster, simpler game anyone can jump into.
>Vanilla G2s at 10k
> Chrono jet dragon V
>G3 1300 accel
AUTO V C : CB1 GB1 When you G unit stride chose1 of your opponents rear guards and retire it then add 1 zodiac time beast among your blinded units to your hand.
It's not getting a stride effect considering GC is probably coming out in December and that they've given no indication we're getting new strides
We 'll get stride eventually( I hope)
Strides were good at the start but they're the reason the game had to reboot.
While they started as a useful toolbox, the game turned into "stride or die" and their design was "nowhere, but up"
Agreed, let me retraced it
Hope we'll get balance stride
Strides would have to be nerfed like crazy.
The best way is just to retool them into regular G4 rides that also use the gift system.
I was thinking in retraining them to have harsher requirements for their skills, limit the g zone to 10 and boosting legion ( which would happen naturally) should suffice
Legion's already getting a natural boost since front triggers affect both units.
Also while it's not really important to this discussion, there is the possibility they change the path of development for the game such that we don't get legions, strides or LB
True but I really like stride.
I Dream of a meta with stride, LB, and legion on equal footing.
How does imaginary gift works ?
Different clans have one of 3 attributes.
When you ride a card that has a gift icon on it, you get the gift.
The types are:
Get an additional front row rear-guard circle that cannot be boosted apart from your current circles. That circle gains +10000 power on your turn.
Choose a vanguard or rear-guard circle to place this marker. The unit in the circle gets +10000 power on your turn. It will get +20000 power if there are 2 markers.
Add this card into your hand and it functions like a “Perfect Guard” ability (the unit cannot be hit if you discard a card when playing this card). This card has to be revealed.
Retrain your favorite units for the V era
Dragslay Luard
G3 13000 Protect
AUTO SB3 RITUAL X During the beginning of the stride phase do not pay the cost for your next stride , reduce 1 SB for every grade 1 in your drop zone.
AUTO CB1 GB1 When you G unit stride retire 1 rearguard then look at the top 7 cards from your deck call up to 2 grade 1 units and if they have ritual they get power 5000 place the others at the bottom of the deck in any order.
At that point why remake them
That's the idea.
Even though I joined in during the G era, remaking strides when they were what led to the downfall of the game isn't a good idea.
Personally I want them to take a divergent path with the development of the game instead of going through each specific era all over again
So my brother has a cupboard full of booster boxes for this game, he seemed to just buy them and collect the cards. Are any of them likely to be any good/useful? how would I go about figuring out what I could build etc?
The first thing I'd do is sort by clan and then by rarity.
Also there's going to be a format split in 3 months
What boosters did he buy?
Yeah the improved shield value is a good thing but they couldve slowed on the power increase and +10ks through gifts/triggers, we can all agree the game is already fast enough.
I didn't get a look at all of it, I know he had several boxes of.. let's see
Seal Dragons unleashed
Blue Storm Armada
Breaker of limits
Catastrophic outbreak
Clash of the knights and dragons
Binding force of the black rings
I'll dig through em when I get a chance
Things there you should look out (in terms of value and usefulness anyway) for as far as I know are:
Seal Dragons Unleashed: Mecha Trainer, Chappie the Ghostie, Gattling Claw Dragon, Gust Jinn
Blue Storm Armada: Ultimate Dimensional Robo Great Daiyusha, Lily of the valley musketeer rebecca
Breaker of Limits: Anything with Nociel in the name, especially the Grade 1 (Battle Cupid)
Catastrophic Outbreak: Tidal Assault
Clash of the Knights and Dragons: Supersonic Sailor
Binding Force of the Black Rings: Nothing
Cheers dude
So I got Rebecca and Daiyusha here, all I have on hand are RR and up so if any of those are lower grade I'll have to look next time. seems like random collections of different clans. dunno if anything viable here. Don't actually know how to play the game anyway just thought since they were sat in a cupboard it might be a good start point.
Youre going to need 4 copies of rebecca to play musketeers
Chronofang Tiger
G3 | 13000 | Force
CONT [Active only while you have at least 3 face-up bound cards] Whenever you would CB or SB up to 2, you may bind a card from your hand face-up instead.
AUTO On-place (V) [Bind 1 card from your hand face-up] Your opponent returns RG to the bottom of the deck equal to the number of your face-up bound cards (or all of them, if you have more face-up bound cards)