A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying Game.
This is a thread to discuss this roleplaying game, the setting and events that happen in the game.
Who is the best king in the war of the 5 kings?
A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying Game.
This is a thread to discuss this roleplaying game, the setting and events that happen in the game.
Who is the best king in the war of the 5 kings?
>Best king
Renley, probably. Statesman, amassed a huge army but open to diplomacy, not a cunt like Joffrey, naive like Stark, a duped fanatic like his brother, and not Iron Islands scum. Too bad best does not mean legally viable.
>Who is the best king in the war of the 5 kings?
Stannis (memes aside he would probably be the most capable at bringing peace to the realm) > Robb (lack of experience but have potential) > Renly (he's charismatic... but that's it) > Balon (muh old ways) > Joffrey (Joffrey...)
I'm a Starkboo but I agree with this ranking.
Everyone likes the house creation system in the RPG, but how do you guys like how they handled skills / abilities and the intrigue combat system?
I think the abilities are pretty good, but can be a bit much, while I'm bringing in the intrigue combat into my own system (which means I kind of have to port in the abilities as well).
it's not fair bros, she'd be the best queen...
Northern girls make the best waifus but I'd say Jeyne is an honorary Northwoman.
In my limited experience it works just fine, but the game seems to assume you'll make a character who's more balanced or with a social focus, it doesn't handle purely martial builds well. At character generation I made a guy who could absolutely body a standard Kingsguard, run down a horse, then carry it on his shoulders. And with more XP I'm going to get into the brawler advantages, it's so breakable.
Was this the Game of Thrones edition?
I know they supposedly buffed up the stats of characters like Jaime Lannister and Gregor Clegane to make it unlikely that ordinary PCs can take them in a fight.
I've seen Gregor's stats, he's a more rounded fighter than my build (I avoided any mounted stuff) but my character is already stronger and faster on his feet.
>>My character is stronger than the fucking mountain
And with Blood of Heroes, he'll only get stronger. The Brawler advantages add Athletics as a flat bonus to Fighting rolls when unarmed, that means I'll have test results so high that the damage I get through degrees of success will be higher than what I could get from swinging a fucking great axe.
GODS I was BOAR back then!
I would cut off a fucking toe if it would get Martin to bring Robert back, but as his younger self to terrorize the fuck out of Daenerys, like a wight that retained it's memories.
>robert you cant kill a child
>what about when the bitch shows up with a shitload of dothraki?
>lol bro thats never gonna happen
Renly desu, if Stannis didn't cheat with magic he would have crushed king's landing and would probably even make peace with Robb. Stannis is second just because he's the best strategist and most experienced. Robb was great, he was a natural ruler and strategist but he was a dumbass kid who destroyed an alliance with one of the most important allies he had, just because some random girl drugged him and fucked him so for some reason he felt the need to marry her.
Brown girls, man. Not even once.
I don't think any of the kings are particularly great, and I say that as an Starkboi.
I lean towards Stannis because he is experienced and fair. But he's also a tyrant who alienates everyone around him. Someone--probably the Tyrells--would rebel against him very quickly. But Veeky Forums loves him because we have a hard-on for authoritarian moralists. Ironically, if Veeky Forums existed in Westeros Stannis would probably execute all of us.
Renly is better at working with people. But he's also a fop who likes larping at Renaissance Festivals instead of ruling. Plus he would allow Mace Tryell too close to the Throne. Remove Tyrell.
Balon was a retard who was straight up offered exactly what he wanted but said no because squid god says life must be played on Dante Must Die Difficulty. Euron's pretty cool though. I hope he drowns all the Tyrells.
Robb was a little kid and acted like one. And that got him killed. On a side note I remember right when the show came out and I was really confused why Robb and Jon looked like Aragorn.
Joffrey deserved to die. Tommen is a good boy though. But he also comes with Tyrells.
Best scenario imo is Aegon takes the Iron Throne and legitimizes Jon into Jon Dayne.
Are you exploiting the circumstance of shorting out your non-combat abilities to a 1? My GM only allows us to do that 2 times, which I think works far better.
You would be nowhere in Westeros without Status, or knowing how to actually talk. There are people stronger then the mountain, since there are people who are half-giant literally, but they are unknown and therefore never talked about. Dunk was a complete fluke, and that is why a lot of tournaments are restricted to knights-only.
So I don't see how you would get so far unless your GM is D&D-style friendly with the experience, or you exploited the game to the point where the setting breaks?
Yeah, it seems a little weird, which is why for I kept the overall abilities, skill checks and intrigues, and ported in The Riddle of Steel combat system
Hot opinion: Robb's mistake wasn't breaking the marriage contract with Walder, it was making it in the first place.
He should have agreed to it only long enough to get access to The Twins and then promptly had Walder thrown in chains for the treasonous action of trying to block aid to his liege lord (Hoster Tully) and defying the will of the Iron Throne (which had declared the actions of the Lannisters in the Riverlands to be a violation of the king's peace).
It's harsh but it's what it's what someone like Tywin would have done. And seeing as all the other Riverlords (and pretty much everyone else) hate Walder Frey I doubt the diplomatic penalty of doing so would have been severe, if any- especially after Robb rode in with his armies to save their asses.
Actually I have no 1's in my stats, I even threw some points into awareness, will, survival, etc. The rules just make it easy to make a highly powerful combat optimized character. So far the character is doing fine because there are other people in the group who handle diplomacy, I just like playing the guy the face can point to when he says "or else." He's also been manipulated a few times because he lacks social savvy, and I'm fine with that.
Starting a campaign soon.
Players rolled an ancient house in the Riverlands. Pretty interesting actually.
>Who is the best king in the war of the 5 kings?
1: Renly because he actually understands how feudal politics work.
Stannis is the polar opposite. He is just the wrong person to be the King in a political system that is based on personal relationships and loyalty.
Not a bad thought actually. The Freys were bound to make trouble and placing a puppet as Lord of the Crossing would have immensely improved Robbs standing with the Riverlords.
Wat? He was just the pawn of the Tyrells.
>It's harsh but it's what it's what someone like Tywin would have done.
Tywin is not a man to emulate in any situation.
And sure, attack the Twins. Nothing like opening a second front before you even get to the first one. Was Walder out of line? Definitely. But Robb wasn't in a position where he could just take the guy down, much as he wasn't in a position to get rid of Roose Bolton.
So? Out of the 5 he's still the best to have on the throne, because unlike the other 4 he's not A: a cunt, or B: a fool.
You realize how feudal politics work?
He would have married Margery essentially stabilizing his rule with the fucking region that feeds the Realm and has by far the most military power.
Stali...äh Stannis had no powerbase and Joffrey actually was a puppet off Tywin. Cersei just fucked it up by not controlling him properly.
Get out of here Mace. The Tyrells are objectively the worst family in the Realm. I would unironically rather see Dany sit the Iron Throne than let your fat flabby mouth anywhere near the king's ear.
I would rather have Dany on the throne than any of them, that doesn't change the fact Renly was the best choice of the 5 kings.
Renly didn't, he basically admitted that he didn't give a fuck about claims and would have opened up to any number of claimants and rebellions, especially seeing as how he took military advice from a guy who's biggest achievement was losing Robert's Rebelion for the Targs.
Moreover, Renly could have made the smart choice to back Stannis and tell the Tyrells that they'd just place him as next in line given the lack of a male heir. But people forget Renly wasn't really smart of even especially cunning or charismatic, he was just a pretty face and was hanging with people who wanted to use him.
Renly was a fool, a huge fool, but he was a likable fool with the breadbasket of the continent wanting to sink their claws into controlling the rest of the kingdoms.
How exactly would the Tyrells manipulate him when everyone already knew he was a faggot? It's not like Margery can use sex to influence someone who's not into pussy.
>It's not like Margery can use sex to influence someone who's not into pussy.
In the words of Ray Gillette: "nobody's THAT gay".
That begs an interesting question, would a gay man who's had to go without for a long time, be willing to fuck a woman in the ass?
>Tywin is not a man to emulate in any situation.
Politically, he absolutely is. Tywin might be one of the biggest assholes in Westeros but it always gets him results. If the guy wasn't such a terrible parent he'd probably still be the most powerful man on the continent and in a near-unloseable position.
>And sure, attack the Twins. Nothing like opening a second front before you even get to the first one.
What second front? As soon as he enters The Twins with his army he seizes Walder and any of his sons or soldiers who try to defend him. It would probably be over in minutes. The only chance of starting a larger war is if the Frey's allies march to The Twins to liberate them but, as I said, the Frey's don't exactly have anyone who like them (aside from some minor houses sworn to them in the Neck).
>much as he wasn't in a position to get rid of Roose Bolton
Roose is a different story; I agree that there wasn't much Robb could do about him.
Bear in mind Margaery and Loras were almost identical. I'm sure Renly could have just pretended she was Flowerboi whenever he had to do his duty.
His relationship with Loras is how the Tyrells had so much influence on him in the first place.
Controlling someone through a fuckbuddy is tenuous at best, he wasn't married to Loras, the second a better piece of ass came along their influence vanishes. It also assumes Renley is too stupid to see they might try to control him that way to begin with.
My group tends to only bust out intrigue combat every now and then. It's more cumbersome than it's worth for small things compared to the combat system for a small battle.
Skills/abilities have been fine. The divide between Acrobatics and Athletics is kind of strange and sometimes the DCs seem low for the kinds of dice your average PC is throwing around, but it's functional enough. The only thing I explicitly hate is how the language skill works in regard to picking up multiple languages.
None of the northern lords nor the riverlords would have liked that action and its retarded.
Guest Rite IS a thing. Robb would be just as rivaled as Walder is for abusing it. He would be offered into his home, making a pact... And then destroying it? How would that even work? Walder is super paranoid, he'd never let Robb's army into his walls, and how would Robb communicate the attack? How would he even get into arm's reach of Walder, without Walder's own guards killing him?
You have the political acumen of a potato and clearly do not understand the setting.
Too add: the Twins is the WORST castle you can do this with. I realize that you meant while Robb's army was crossing the bridge.. But again, he'd have no way to communicate this unless he actually planned it and there would be a huge contingent of people against it as it SERVES NO PURPOSE and robb has NO WAY of knowing that Walder would betray him.
It's like saying he should have imprisoned Karstark after the battle of the whispering wood. On what grounds? What the fuck?
And even if he GOT the army to agree, the Twins are two different castles (with a third keep inbetween). So while they're crossing, the bridge could be closed on either side to allow the defenders to completely stop the crossing, he'd need his army to be so spread out that he could attack all three stations at once. Impossible, like I said, Walder is super paranoid and would sniff out such an action instantly. Add onto that, that 100% of the northern army has never even BEEN in the twins, so operating an assault from inside the walls would make them sheep to the slaughter and a huge Pyrrhic victory considering they'd have to make their way through the actual castles first.
One thing which really bugs me about people who say "Robb shoulda just killed/imprisoned Walder from the get-go" is they think the Red Wedding was a given. Nobody, not even Catlyn, thought Frey would stoop so low.
He wouldn't have even done it, if Baelish wasn't corrupting Lysa not to listen to her banners or even go out to help her family, or if Tywin hadn't given him an assurance of safety and Riverrun, or if Roose wasn't such a scheming bastard. So many things had to fall into place, that it worked out perfectly.
So, what's your twist for when running this game so it's not just the books/show?
Mine was the Renly assassination failing.
I usually put it in a different timeline then the books, there's so much lore there you can really do anything.
My twist is I use the Chronicle system to run campaigns in completely different settings.
Yeah this. I've been playing around with running a game set during the Conquest.
My problem though is of my usual group I'm the only one who's at all familiar with the setting. Most of them don't even watch the show all that much. Except my brother, but he stopped watching after Season 4 because it just depressed him too much.
Is that supposed to be Robert?
I thought he was fat.
At least he got out before the Sand Snake arc.
He only became fat after winning his crown.
Young Robert was xboxhueg and one-shot Rhaegar with a hammer.
IIRC he it was Oberyn's death which really bugged him. My bro loves characters like that and he was really annoyed with how short the Red Viper's role was.
>prince kidnaps betrothed
>sperg out rebel against the crown
>become new king because your ancestor was the bastard brother of aegon the conquerer
>betrothed dies before you can marry her
>get depressed, start drinking and whoring, get fat
I wouldn't be suprised if young robert could 1v1 the mountain
I like the fundamental setup at least. Feels like something WEG Open D6 could have done. It's easy to become a beast at whatever you specialize at. Depends on the gamer if that's good or bad but I play a courtier who is like a cruise missile in social combat.
Reminder Arthur Dayne did nothing wrong
My GM is setting our campaign during the Blackfyre Rebellions. Right now we're a PC generated house exiled to Braavos rebuilding our forces because we got wrecked for siding with the rebellion.
Mind you I'm playing a guy from Braavos working for the house who isn't particularly history or nobility savvy because I'm both a filthy secondary and terrible with name. It's still been a lot of fun. We even stream it.
h*ck yeah
He didn't become king because of his ancestor (if I remember correctly the bastard thing was never *technically* proven) he became king because his grandmother was a Targ.
I mean that and the fact that he fucking smashed the chest in of the bloke who was supposed to be king.
The Iron Islands ain't free. The stones of Pyke gotta be litterd with the blood of the green men. Robert "Bobby" Baratheon is not my king. He is fat and probbaly drunk as well :DD. REAVERS and the drowned god not knights and the SEVEN ok. What is dead may never die.
This is how I kinda imagined Lyanna Stark
>Dark hair
>Grey eyes
>Long face
Yeah I see it.
Arya is supposed to look almost exactly like her. While I don't hate Maise Williams I think she was miscast. Contrast with Sophie Turner who looks like Sansa Stark actually walked straight out of the book.
Maybe, maybe not. While Robert was probably at peak human strength when he was in his prime, the Mountain was beyond that. He was a freak of nature.
When he was young Robert could eat Cleganes for breakfast, Ned could barely even lift his old hammer.
I mean, Oberyn 1v1'd Ser Gregor and by most standards won. He just got cocky.
Robert was much bigger than the Red Viper.
ASoIF is an extremely overrated series but
If I’m not wrong that’s the same guy who made Shadow of The Demon Lord which is pretty good. Maybe he can redeem that shit setting with good mechanics
>ASoIF is an extremely overrated series
>dump a handful of stats into 1s
>14 athletics
>could kill a giant in one punch
>borderline untouchable because athletics also get counted into defensive stats
>More Targshit history
Why does the fatman thinks his fans care about this? Or at least write something more about pre-conquest history of Westeros or Valyria.
Stannis of course, but Stark is also a great king outside of that case of the retards he caught from a passing whore. Renly is shit but he's the least shit of the shit kings. Joffery is fuckin joffery, and Balon somehow managed to be an even worse option.
Targs have been the fan favorite of show watchers since Emilia Clarke first waved her tiddies around in 2011. Gurm's just following the money.
My hope is Fatty is just stalling because HBO doesn't want him to release TWoW until the show wraps up.
Y-y-y-you c-c-can't be b-b-b-better th-th-than c-c-c-canon ch-ch-characters!!!!!!
Until Sophie Turner grew and became 7ft tall
Stark genes.
>Jeyne Westerling
>A passing who
None of the canon characters are particularly good though. I think the most physically capable PoV characters are Victarion, Asha, Brienne, and maaaaaybe Jon and they're all well within average PC parameters.
are there rules for using magic in any asoiaf rpgs?
>he thinks magic is real
oh sweetie..
Preston, pls.
Renley would probably have made the best king but him claiming the throne could possibly have destabilized the realm even further in the long run by effectively getting rid of the order of succession. So the best possible situation then would probably have been Stannis as king with Renley as his Hand and heir.
Really though, I think the point Grum was going for was that all candidates were shit for different reasons.
>Robb (lack of experience but have potential)
Robb shows potential as a general. Every political decision he makes is absolutely retarded which is to expected when his historical inspiration is Charles XII.
Only for wargs, I think.
Kings in best to worst order.
Experienced, patient, strategic genius, doesn't take shit from anyone, dislikes the corrupt court status quo and above all the best definition of just. However, as desirable as these qualities are, they could be catastrophic as his unwillingness to bend could probably lead to more post-war conflict with his vassals.
Has next to no actual experience in terms of running a country, particularly one which suffers from such natural issues like the hard weather. That said he's kind, honourable and just. In time he'd probably have made a good king.
Charismatic with both the commons and lords. However, aside from his innate charisma, it's unlikely he would have been a good king. He showed no interest in uprooting the problems innate in the system and rather than replacing the establishment he simply sought to lead it.
Malicious, sadistic, stupid and generally speaking, a smarmy cunt. That said his disinterest in actual rule could have been beneficial for the realm as the small council and vassal lords (like we saw with Tywin) would actually run the country. Not ideal and could lead to conflict but while Joffrey tortures animals in his palace the country could be at peace.
A literal meme. Has no value or worth to anyone. The Ironborn honestly trigger me that they think they're such god tier warriors when in fact they're probably the worst fighters in the Seven Kingdoms.
Might have gone different in a fair fight though.
>killed his daughter on blind faith
>zero experience with/head for politics, breaks his word for brown pussy
>A literal meme
An alliance with the north, the wealth of the westerlands to conquer and lands to gain that can actually be easily farmed and mined (something the ironborn struggle with at present).
Surprise surprise Veeky Forums is filled with GoT watching normalfags
Stannis did things because some cunt said a god wanted him to. That god clearly has power, and the cunt gave good directions, but he wouldn't BE king would he? Melisandre would, because she makes all the decisions.
>brown pussy
Showfag pls go and kys
>he thinks this is a GoT thread and not a ASOIAF thread
fuck off back to /TV/ gimpboy
Its kinda amazing how robb is considered a mid tier king when he was only 14-15 years old during is reign. I have to imagine if he either got someone to balance out his politically naivety or just learned how not to have such an abundance of it he would have turned into a The Great type of king, But who knows now i guess. we can only imagine what would have been in fanfiction. most of which is shit sadly.
I've personally always backed that Renly should have played the long game. Stannis has been married for 12 years and never made a son. His wife and him didn't even like fucking. He's also 13 years older than Renly.
Renly should have sided with Stannis against the Bastard Joffrey, and proposed to his brother that, should the Seven not grant him a son, that he be named Heir Apparent, so as to continue the rightful line of the Baratheons.
Then, have him serve in essence as Stannis' chief diplomat, negotiating with the Tyrells, Braavos, and Dorne, all places where his flamboyant personality isn't a draw-back, he's at reduced risk of attack (preserving the line of succession), etc.
Boom. The Unification of the Baratheons makes their side much more legitimate to the smallfolk and many nobles, since the brothers' distaste for each other serves as evidence of the veracity of their claim. Renly smooths over Stannis's autism, Stannis reins in Renly's foppishness. Also, we get to use Melissandre's shadow demon to kill one of the other kings. (Probably Robb, sadly. I don't know what the range on Shadow Demons are, so whether one can ice Balon is iffy, and Joffrey's succession line is too clear, killing him just puts Tywin and Cersei in more control faster.
There is nothing wrong with a specialized character being good.
Stannis literally offered to make renly his heir "Until a son be born to me".
Cat suggested him, stannis and robb call a great council, something renly would win easily as he's loved by the lords for being a great diplomat.
Renly rejected both suggestions, because he had a huge army and would've easily won. Stannis didn't even have a 10% the men renly did. Robb maybe had 30% the men renly did. The lannisters, less than 20% and were too busy fighting robb.
It kinda makes sense for renly to just say "fuck it, lets war". His army is huge, Randyll Friggin Tarly leads his army and shadow magic killing him has never been heard of before so why would he expect an assassination?
>killed his daughter on blind faith
Fuck off, showfag.
Renly - Duke of Clarence
Stannis - Duke of Gloucester/ Richard III
Bobby B - An interpretation of Edward IV
Joffrey - A less redeemable Edward V
Balon - No idea who Balon is supposed to have been, probably a fantasy addition.
Aerys II - Henry VI (Slightly unfair to the man)
Tywin Lannister - Earl of Somerset/Warwick (Tenuous)
As a guy who used to run an aSoIaF quest, I can tell you there is some irritation in the LEVEL of good a specialized character can achieve with relatively little difficulty.
Depending on how you manage the XP (and the book is kind of bad at explaining exactly how you do that), and how your character builds, it's not hard for a character to have surpassed the "once in a millennia" tier talents wandering around by the end of a few month's sessions.
I mean the game doesn't seem like it was made with combat monsters at chargen in mind. My character could single handedly take down 2-3 standard Kingsguard at once, the damage recovery rules and his high Endurance and Athletics means I can keep knocking them down, take an action to heal as they get up, then just beat on them until I need a breather again. My Fighting test results are so high I get enough degrees of success to one-shot people unless they take an Injury, and that imposes a penalty on all their rolls for the rest of the fight. After that if they do manage to hit I have so many dice to roll for recovery there's no real chance they'll damage me in return. His only weakness in a fight is the fact I could only afford medium armor and not full plate.
>wahhh the players are too strong and i cant railroad them easily
True. But at the same time, Renly's claim is expressly inferior to Stannis's. By aligning himself with Stannis, he would have re-legitimized himself, and his brother.
I know WHY he decided not to, I'm just arguing that if he had been a little less selfish, he would have taken the easy route and not risked any more lives than necessary.
Selyse's age is unknown, but her actress was in her mid-40's. The last 3 sons Selyse "bore" didn't make it. The last CHILD she bore had a disease that would make a kid very unlikely to succeed as King.
As you said, it makes sense to take the fight, as long as you don't care about the lives lost (and, of course, why would you?) but if you're willing to wait a bit, it also makes sense to just let Stannis rule, and when he inevitably suffers a heart attack or aneurysm from all the shit he deals with, just step up and take what's rightfully yours.