>combat usually has absolutely devastating random crits that can undo any tactics any side could come up with
Combat usually has absolutely devastating random crits that can undo any tactics any side could come up with
>critical misses are so deadly and frequent that the best strategy is to hold still and hope the enemy cuts his own head off while trying to attack you
>most random crits tend to dismember rather than simply kill
>setting has plenty of crazy-ass artificial limbs available
>if you manage to limp back home you can rebuild yourself stronger
>implying this doesn't happen in real life
>no plan survives contact with the enemy
>Play a warrior
>Roll above average on physical stats
>Work with the DM to integrate my backstory into the game.
>Excited as fuck
>First session
>Roleplay phenominally
>Everyone's characters get along well
>Travel along the road
>Encounter goblins
>This is the moment I was waiting for!
>Jump out of cart
>Run over to closest goblin I can hit
>Make an attack roll
>"You trip over your own two feet as your weapon flies out of your grip."
>Now prone and unarmed
>Rest of the party mercs the goblins easily thanks to spells not requiring a roll to succeed
>Feel like garbage the rest of the session
>Wish I'd been a caster
real life has shitty game design
Considering literally anything that went down during the 100 years war or the War of the Roses, I don't think that's much of a stretch. Reading some of the historical accounts of those battles is akin to reading clownshoes antics with blood and gore instead of balloons and streamers.
what system
the 40k RPGs for one
>The last 3.5 game I ran was in Eberron
>I like rolling in front of my players
>Players decide to "take a shortcut" by indimidating a city guard in a dark alley
>It is actually working
>Players gets tired of roleplay and attacks the guard
>Guard defends himself, combat starts
>Guard goes last
>Players go in melee and attack
>Everyone rolls 1s or 2s
>Caster uses a spell, guard success save with 20
>Guard makes two attacks, 20 and 20 to confirm on one attack. 19 and 20 to confirm in other.
>Hi instantly kills 2 players
>Next round goes almost exactly the same
>Season ends with everybody confused and not wanting to play 3.5 never again.
>playing with people who like combat to work like that when you could just play with people who don’t
>what are spell attack rolls
>what are spell saving throws
>what are spell damage rolls
Spells absolutely fucking require a roll to succeed.
What random crits do those games have that tend to dismember?
thanks, bro, I'll look into it
>what are spell attack rolls
Shit that only affects a fraction of all spells a caster could use.
>what are spell saving throws
Shit that the enemy has to worry about that will fail or succeed based on the enemy's rolls, not your own abilities as a mage.
>what are spell damage rolls
A waste of time if your mage is the one rolling damage for anything.
Give me shit like Tiny Hut, Fog Cloud, or Mage Armor any day of the week.
>>combat usually has absolutely devastating random crits that can undo any tactics any side could come up with
Thats usually developers not nowing what more than exact 0% of chance means
>playing a level 3 fighter in 3.5
>can cause 2d6 damage two times per turn, can cause an extra 2d6 every time an enemy is defeated
>max damage of 216 per round if all attacks of opportunity and cleaves were critical hits
Maybe you just need to build your fucking fighters better?
Not the same think, anonny.
Retarded, this better be fucking bait I'm replying to you rancid little moose cunt.
As in life.
No, it's not.
"absolutely devastating random crits" are something you can build strategy around just fine
>not having your players roll new characters and using that lowly city guard, now promoted to captain of the watch for taking out a band of pernicious disturbers of the peace single-handed, as the BBEG of your next campaign
Most tables that aren't plasma, melta or psychic attacks can dismember you.
Obviously you can roll head and then usually you're just gonna become a servitor.
>His system doesn't have general casting rolls.
>His system doesn't have miscast charts.
This is why 1e was better.
Tell that to Solid Fog.
Sounds like you'd like 4e, crits just do max damage there.
>combat is too random and shallow to actually plan for
Yes, 1e was better with its party of tech priest, tech priest noble, tech priest diplomat, tech priest warrior, and psy- oh the psyker died.
Or rocks and bricks taking out Space Marines if you're lucky enough, throwing power levels out the window and just focusing on weapons with more dice.
Hey, its not like it has never happened in real life. In my head I'm picturing one of those guards in Runescape destroying low level pickpockets
Tell your DM to stop watching Critical Role and read the fucking rules.
Literally Infinity. Would be a perfect miniatures game if the damn crit mechanic didn't work the way it does. It's the one thing ruining it.
Don't play DnD.
That's how it should be.
Talk shit get hit
>everybody confused and not wanting to play 3.5 never again.
Everything went better than expected.
your max damage might be tweaking the numbers a bit there. Want to roll out the odds for ~8-10 attacks all critting on a 10% chance (assuming greatsword and not maul with x3) AND rolling max damage?
Such odds that I am comfortable saying that has never happened, anywhere, for anyone.
Its like presenting the wizards max damage at level 5 as rolling max damage for each goblin sufficient to fill the radius of a fireball. (~1302)
>he doesnt know about the techpriest who has more stable warp sorceries then psyker's powers.
>not your own abilities as a mage.
The saving throw DC is determined by your own abilities as a mage.
>Fog Cloud
deprives you of the same visibility as the enemy.
>Tiny Hut
is not going to help you solo goblins.
>Mage Armor
Yeah a 16-dex investment to get the same AC as the fighter in scale or the paladin in chain is totally great.