Age of Sigmar General /aosg/

HI user! Am i cute?



Previous Thread: New Books have been added

>A Traveller's Guide to the Mortal Realms

>Malign Portents: Behind the Scenes


> Core rules

>General's Handbook 2017!C5BSgTDK!Sx74f87D86frlU0NZ1XKyGP0WEgar52X1Hatj1OA5y0

>Legions of Nagash!L44kEbRJ!VooTlhCe_WTmf5SFEds_wni8Z0EQDfBBsB1KBY_8ZW4

>Malign Portents!7x5hgZZL!l3KcjIUfNjDbEhjFeH31M9mRFfPf03yUFuN-jMU1JBg

>Army and Skirmish Warband builder

>City Generator

>Warscroll battalion blank elf photoshop template.psd

>Malign Portents Stories

New books

>Callis and Toll The Old Ways!JNJiwSLZ!HM0fIa9VjF2hWWpJOS0fymB6kd944VYdHmrk7yKQ2N4

>The Tainted Axe!QRx1gIwS!X3bvo8LQgV6V1Q12C2Y5dnM3m4lF5IkvxTKMzdQuazs

>The Witch Takers!5URyAJTZ!edeqlJAaUNRXsDVBHyGuyL5g3JXlbLej0Ug_oY7qtao

>Thread Question
When do you think we will get the model pre-orders and Battletome for Deepkin?

Attached: PRETTY EEL PAINTJOB.jpg (900x415, 185K)

Other urls found in this thread:

More femcast when?

Attached: AdepticonPreview-Mar22-SurveyHeader.jpg (1024x544, 84K)

I hope to god they just go off the rails with the sea creature theme.

Attached: Unbenannt.png (598x648, 179K)

Fourth for underwater Sea-aelf menagerie SOON

So they literally hire tumblrina for their SMM team?

Is this fucking real!?

>AoS team for FW finally made
Furnace Kings when?

Attached: 753049C0-AD17-4FA7-A0BF-CE7C18135C55.jpg (569x412, 50K)

I want more options for my FEC...


Attached: 400px-Settra_Rules.jpg (400x513, 26K)

sorry but no

Nope turns out it is lol

So with the hype for the death faction what do you see happening there? More of nagash and nobody else? Or perhapse bringing in other elements again like TK, or as one user pitched brettonian revenants?

What might you add?

Does GW count all warhammer fantasy sales as Age of Sigmar sales since they killed off the setting?

>What might you add?

Attached: Abhorash.jpg (300x454, 48K)

That would be awesome.
I love old silly models.

Attached: 2018-03-22.png (242x189, 35K)

Don't fall for it, don't reply to it etc

Attached: deepbait.png (625x626, 70K)

I am happy you post that every thread user. I hope the meme magic will give us the Death sub-faction we deserve soon(tm).

it would be nice if night haunt got more developed and had more options,
It would also be nice if there were new skellies, like re-sculpts of the grave guard
same for negromancers, them sculpts be old
But, I would settle for some FEC release, maybe just one new monster or a new unit of range attack (ghoul rock throwers or something)

I like it, but where's the giant hook-spear?

>aos does a new thing in a new way: conflicted reception
>aos does an old thing in a new twist: good reception
>aos does a new thing with an old inspiration: good reception

Really makes your head go nog and then ging again

[/spoiler]Should I start Bloodbound, Ironjawz or BCR?[/spoiler]

Attached: rdhbdfsdgbfgj.png (721x504, 1023K)

Bring back Bretonnia, GW.

Attached: The_Dark_Ages_of_Bretonnia.png (766x795, 516K)

I really like the mawkrusha model, go with dat

Numbers for Deepkin

fug, wonder who got it


I'm surprised they haven't gone for vamps yet. New blood knights would be pretty schway.

whichever you like the look of best

why? you already bought 4000 points of them so GW wouldnt make any money.

Then may be they should release better version of them?

There are things I like and dislike about all of them. being indecisive is the worst.

Attached: oigit.png (685x649, 1.19M)

> re-sculpts for blood knight
> vampire blood hunter on terrorgheist (ranged hero)
> neonate infantry (elite infantry)
one can only dream

bring back the knights for free people , the rest can fuck off

Attached: glott-5.png (750x980, 1.3M)

terrorgheist a shit

zombie dragon or bust

behind you

What sales? No ones buying the books and legacy armies look like ass compared to anything new.

I know right, there's an entire black guy in that picture. fuggin SJW's

>tfw you’ll never have art like this again

Attached: 63109C0C-E8C7-4AD2-8276-8A6BE9C222D9.png (300x250, 32K)

He's not black, just Swedish.

Desu if GW were to rerelease Bretonnia/Knightly Orders or something like that I'd buy it in a heartbeat. I got those 4000 points for a rediculously good price, so I'd be open to expanding the army with supported GW models. (which is why I added in some Demigryph Knights and a Freeguild Griffon General for flavor)

Attached: whutevah.jpg (726x789, 72K)

There's not enough cuckolding for that to be right

BCR, and some Ironjaw GoreGruntas that count as BCR in that one battalion.

These threads could always use more BCR bois

Attached: E93B62AB-DBB2-4484-97F2-080930A58C45.png (400x395, 272K)

I have a few models I got before the End Times but I would like to finish without having to buy some fucker's shittily painted and put together minis.

>not buying the box set that was made for you
no one to blame but yourselves for the lack of support for the thing you say you want when you wont even buy it.

Attached: 99120299045_Hammerhal01.jpg (920x950, 137K)

well personally, I think unless you definitely love the look of an army, it isn't worth getting

>>not buying the box set that was made for you
>no knights

so what are demigryph knights then?

technically it does have the demigryph knights

But you can just buy those on their own, without the eleven golden turds.

Time to update the tome rankings:
>humans 5
>elfs 3
>demons 3
>goblins 0
>dwarfs 2
>orcs 2
>undead 2
>ogors 1
>rats 1
>lizards 1

>so what are demigryph knights then?
SCE neophites?

>Bretonnia/Knightly Orders
no chance
it steps on the toes of SC territory

that ship sailed boys, time to let your dream die.

I actually made a deal with some friends, we bought that specific box together.

I took the knights, my other friend took the guardsmen and hurricanum and the last dude took the stormcast.

I also got to keep the gryph hound, who's now my kings puppy.

That actually doesn't look like a bad deal. I don't know why I didn't bother looking at those box sets before.

Oh wait. I saw Stormcast and my eyes glossed over before I even got to that box.

Still gonna check eBay if it's on sale.

Plastic Sisters are confirmed, user, the Squats are back, anything's possible now.

Attached: truth.jpg (886x505, 186K)

Just gimme some plastic Chorfs

>153 on ebay
>+15% back in eBay bucks right now

I don't need it and I have enough garbage to work on, but hell if I'm not tempted just so I have some Soycast in case I want to make order soup.

Who am I kidding, I'd use Skinks as battleline.

>love the fuck out of Deepkin
>the models will probably be fragile as fuck
kill me

>anything's possible now.
Of course since Fireforge now producing Brets

to spoonfeed the fantasy fags into picking up an army GW intends to continue supporting moving forward (at least they tried)

>things that wouldnt step on the toes of a signature product line are being released
yeah but bretonnians would step on the toes of a signature product line so they wont be coming back

also flesh eater court (they think they are bretonnians)

also other things like probably the molds for the models are gone/broken/whatever

Lads, what if that Purple Sun of Xerxeus model is actually from a forthcoming magic elemental army?

Attached: 1291420491425.jpg (864x594, 304K)

>mongoloid problems
pic related might be more appropriate for your skill level

Attached: idiot proof.jpg (700x700, 93K)

>express legitimate concern about models

kill yourself and leave

Nah it’s the return of magic lores which will release aside AoS2 starter with death v ???

AoS2 will see magic lore system back thank Fuck

>legitimate concern
your inability to not smash your own toys isnt a legitimate concern

QT 3.14 Hysh elfs

Attached: hysh elf.jpg (858x493, 196K)

i know that you are butthurt about flying fish but you shouldn't lash out at others

>fish elfs
I like them
Im on the fence about either committing to these or holding out for light/shadow elfs while i play my legacy elf soup.

Attached: seahorse unicorn.png (1449x1625, 4.7M)

>>Im on the fence about either committing to these or holding out for light/shadow elfs
I play Death but I"m in the same boat lel. I was hyped for Deepkin and love the look of them, but I'm also really intrigued by what we know about Malerion's aelves.

same, but now I know new goblins are coming I'm gunna hold out, albeit tortuously. got the money but not the time to paint another army.


Does no one know what a hippocampus is?

yeah its a part of the brain that has to do with forming memories. not sure why you think the Capricorn thing is a brain part

>I know new goblins are coming
>he actually believes this

Have they said anything about when light/shadow aelves will be out?

Light elves most certainly not coming ne t year too much elves competes with sales so 2-3 years.

The only reason I think Malerion's aelves might come late this year / early next year is we're sure to get a big War of Shadows event involving Slaanesh's return, and given the name it's going to be based in Ulgu. T&T's aelves might be involved but yeah I don't think we'll get them for a while yet.

Light and shadow elves are atleast a year away senpai these two elf releases are it for awhile I guarantee it

Nighthaunt when?
I would collect some ghosts

Attached: 848586113707396_1647022395616971_1263538458_n.jpg (640x640, 55K)

So Shadowblades, huh? 2000 points

4 Assassins

7x 10 Dark Riders

...Do you know where that name comes from? I mean, it is "seahorse," but it has a mythological meaning as well.


Attached: Hex-Girls.jpg (284x213, 13K)


Attached: soon.png (1920x796, 1.44M)

the model they tease is probably Black Coach man, that's not the Nighthaunt faction update
yes, bro?

Your pic just gave me a color scheme idea, is all.

Id fuck the shit outta them

>>the model they tease is probably Black Coach man, that's not the Nighthaunt faction update
While I agree, I really doubt they're making this big a deal out of just a Black Coach recast. I'm sure it'll come with several new Death models.

Which subfaction though, i would really like Nighthaun ghosts.
I am not that much into skeletons

Yeah looking at the video I think what were seeing is probably a few different kits, i expect something like the daughters of khaine treatment, old models with a few nice new ones to fill them out

I would like to be optimistic but not sure if i believe in a big faction update right after whole new faction reveal

This is supposed to be a fluffy list.

Suggest additions to this that might fit the theme of "Magical Research Expedition". So far I have the Wizards and their Freeguild Escort.

Currently at 1480, looking to end up around 2000.

Amber Battlemage on Griffon

Grey Battlemage

Bright Battlemage

Jade Battlemage

Celestial Hurricanum with Heavens Battlemage

Luminark Of Hysh with White Battlemage

3x 10 Freeguild Handgunners.

Attached: its-magic-i-aint-gotta-explain-shit2.jpg (720x479, 79K)

That's what I think as well. Potentially a totally different faction like Wraith Fleet (though I doubt that since there's no water themes in that teaser), or a fourth Legion, which would make for a good excuse to bring back new models while not using an entirely new range.

Dude last thread posted one

Attached: 1521744362202.jpg (736x910, 109K)

You're gonna need some infantry to tie down the enemies, get Freeguild Guard or Greatswords

the turtles and sharks look like ranges weapons platforms... the eels look like fast cavalry. I wonder how good at shooting and melee they will all be. Super hyped for the inevitable warscroll leaks.

Attached: turtles sharks and eels.png (2649x840, 4.53M)

man they look so fragile, please let them be sturdy

when do you think we will get shown the death stuff?

I hope that i won't be forced to use the eyeless pale elves. They look so stupid.

Usually the gap is 6 weeks or so (e.g. nurgle to snakes to deepkins), but for the death stuff it may depend on timings of the Malign portents story.