his nurgle is actually tzeench, nurgle isn't about decay as much as he is about the things not changing
that's why even his lowest servants are still tough as fuck and basically immortal
Tzeench would be the god of decay more than him because decay is, after all, a form of change
While nurgle's followers are decaying in some way, they also stay that way (rotting horribly) until they croak, so no real change going on
lemme try this
>god of uncertainty, courage and desperation
Any time you question what you were meant to be or to do, everytime you hesitate, it grows in power
That time you didn't talk to the girl you had a crush on?you were feeding it. They mean that you either act or you don't even think about doing it.
And when there are a thousand men serving under you, it takes a lot of courage to not hesitate while you gamble their lives away with the enemy
>god of survival, war, cowardice, and treason
No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. And when it's all up in the air, bullets all around you, missiles flying over your head? when that happens, it's every man for himself and stabbing your best friend in the back is the only way to make sure he doesn't do it to you first
>god of despair, kindness, and sacrifice
A desperate man is a man without any hope, But to some, it's in their greatest time of need that they find it in themselves to help others. But above all, a desperate man is a man that has nothing. And even a man who has nothing can still offer his life.
yes that last line was stolen, but it fits and sounds cool as fuck as well
>god of decadence, carnal pleasure, love, and life (in the childbirth sense, not in the metaphysical sense)
The pleasures of flesh are a temptation, but a necessary one. Be it the purest pleasure or true affection, it's only natural to crave it...
Just be careful not to give in to darker and darker thoughts...
I tried to give them good parts too