How would they differ from their fantasy setting equivalent?
Drow in a modern setting
They're mostly in finance now
Which fantasy setting drow and which modern setting?
Scorpion Drow from eberron in Dresden Files are going to be different from Mystaran Shadow Elves in Bright.
Also explain how they got there so we know what societal track they took.
We had this thread a million times and I think you just wanted to post that picture and aren't really interested in that topic.
That said: they would probably not be drow, because their whole culture is entirely dependant on Lolth and you have to take her with you in this setting. Or else they aren't drow.
They'd probably be an eviler version of the Nosteratu in V:TM
>tfw no shinobu gf
Porn, they'd do a lot of porn.
They can change their gender at will
Assuming the most common, well known kind of drow - that is, the Forgotten Realms and to a lesser extent Greyhawk standard - then personally what I'd do is have them being a recovering civilization still wracked with internal problems as a result of their long struggle to leave behind Lolth and the Matriarchy.
There's still Lolthite cultists (read: terrorists) and probably one or two cities where the Matriarchy of Lolth is still in power, but most of drow civilization has thrown off the yoke of the Matriarchy and is trying to organize itself into a legitimate society. Meanwhile outside powers are trying to move in, in order to promote their own agendas: Surface elves want some reconciliation or reunification, dwarves want to keep the drow weak and divided, human kingdoms mostly just want to open trade, etc.
You could probably draw some inspiration from the Arab Spring, or the collapse of Tsarist Russia for something less recent.
Given that Drow society is pretty much the SJW end goal, the two groups would end up devouring one another.
are you proud of this comment?
Why wouldn't he be? He's not wrong.
Don't reply to applesponges.
A weird reverse Saudi Arabia equivalent where they're the only stable and economically influential "Evil" nation in the region so everyone cow tows to their wants and demands in order to maintain a strategic foothold, despite the fact they're just as bat shit crazy and have all the same ultimate goals as the other evil nations which would ultimately result in the subjugation of humanity to their God.
>arrogant religious fanatics with weird sex customs who think they're better than everyone else
The real world has like...ten varieties of that already.
this. responding to bait is just as bad as posting bait yourself
but only femdom and ball-busting, the worst types of porn
the actual fuck?
stop talking about the applesponges.
I'd fuck it, then again I'll fuck damn near anything once.
Imagine the feminist buttblast.
Are they mad that you sound so /pol/ or that you have you've so succinctly countered all those posts about Drow society being "unrealistic".
the fuck is an applesponge?
Supposedly a way to mockingly address the members of the alt-right and similar movements. It's identical to "soyboy" in use, save for belonging to the other end of the political spectrum.
Personally, I think it lacks spice, and will not survive to become a full-blown meme.
I knew this thread will be shit the moment I saw it in the catalogue, but I must say I'm impressed at how quickly it happened.
For something to become a meme it needs to be spread and used among several people, in this case it's lonely tranny pushing its use
>Elf with body hair
Gross. Elves should have no hair below the neck. And also incapable of growing beards.
good god this is such a reddit tier reply
So it's exactly like 'soyboy'.
I only ever see the same assblasted tg poster using applesponge when someone makes fun of insane sjw ideals
>worst kind of pork
You take that back.
Except one caught on and the other is only posted in select threads on Veeky Forums
Poor taste.
soyboy makes sense because if you picture the kind of person who consumes vast amounts a soy products(mocha lattes, soymilk, that gross soy juice that molds up) you will probably picture the person whom the word refers to. Applesponge tells me nothing from hearing it. They absorb apples? apples are european like they want europe to be? Its just pure nonesense
Not at all, soyboy has several people using it on several boards constantly as well as different image collages and gifs dedicated to it.
Spongebob is solely located on Veeky Forums and used by a single poster, a janitor yes, but only one person.
>Except one caught on
It's a /pol/-specific meme that I've yet to see used outside of boards /pol/ overflows into. Furthermore, I have yet to see it used in any thread that isn't plummeting towards merciful oblivion.
I see you don't go to any other websites ever lol
That's probably the estrogen fucking up your perception of the site, over half of the boards in Veeky Forums use it, it's well on its way to becoming the new cuck
Technically SA isn't really, it's just way bigger than, say, the UAE.
Still, it's doable. Make them isolationist that don't give a fuck about what their clerics do, like SE, and we're set.
I'd imagine a fantasy setting with numerous races that are nocturnal would require most businesses to be open 24/7, being staffed by humans and the like during the day, and drow and such at night. This would make doing maintenance difficult, because places are never closed, and if you do it at night, drows might bitch about racism, which is accurate, because fuck drows.
>estrogen meme
>/pol/tards only stay in /pol/ on Veeky Forums
Take your time coming up with witty replies, I won't bother continuing this.
thank fucking god
now we can have a proper thread without the tranny shitting it up
He's cute, source?
Wait, it's supposed to be mocking the alt-right?
The only other time I've seen it, (a couple of days ago on Veeky Forums), I thought it was being used by some /pol/tard as a new name to call trannies
Although I only skim /pol/ posts and false flag /pol/ posts
Just a deluded tranny, it's his calling card
Applesponge works because it pisses /pol/fags off and derails would be /pol/bait threads into arguments over the word applesponge
Make her albino and even darker and you have a drow.
Definitely too THICC for a drow.
I was the first person to post applesponge, and I can gurentee you that there's more than one person posting it
I agree that it's not that funny, but it's most definitely not a forced meme
Also, why do you people always assume that everyone that disagrees with you is a singular tranny? People who disagree with you browse Veeky Forums, you know that right?
What the hell does it mean then? I literally do not understand what is insulting about it.
>I can gurentee you that there's more than one person posting it
your desktop and your cellphone? lol
It gets a pass from me only if it can be described as caring, loyal, and gentle. Which drow don't do well.
The fact that /pol/ gets triggered by it. Nothing else. It could have been any ridiculous combination of words, but applesponge works.
Oddly I could see both working, I can see them fitting in REAL well in management and finance positions, the sort that sociopaths gravitate towards, I can also see a lot of them moonlighting as porn stars, amateur or professional it doesn't matter but more often than not as femdoms cause it'd give them an outlet for their sadistic and dominant desires
That's an odd way to spell best user
While she's hot I gotta agree with , darker, more greyish or purplish tint, either less clothes or something more fitting for a dom and you have yourself a good drow
Eh, I'm fine with thicc drow oddly enough, they make a better dom if their ass/chest is big enough to smother a man
from what I saw it just derailed a normal thread into a /pol/ thread when someone used it. thanks I guess.
>a matriarchal society where the men are sex slaves
>all the women dress like sluts anyway
My dick likes it, but I don't get it.
Some pixiv account, these two pics are all there was of the character.
Seriously, this thread might have had a chance, but it was derailed by this shit. I'm liberal as fuck and I'm still annoyed, if only because I hate seeing "my side" argue stupid fucking shit. Like when they argue guns.
This is clearly degenerating into lewdposting so I'm just going to post my favorite drow story.
Please read it and be happier than you would be if you were constantly arguing about politics.
You guys shouldn't have let the trannies into your camp, if not even the gay community wants them then why would you?
Because equality of all people is a core liberal tenet, but goddamn, I think the hormone replacement therapy wrecks their brains at time.
Lolbert here. I think slicing your dick off is extra retarded, but it's your body.
Is it true that many drow are lesbians?
Elfs need to be slender.
It's actually becoming pretty common in the trans community to maintain original gentiles , because the surgeries for changing gentiles is still pretty awful, and anyways, chicks with dicks are pretty popular, and strapons are an easy solution for FtM
I think drow sexuality doesn't have much to do with gender.
Genitals not Gentiles, fuck autocorrect
I'm pretty sure drow sexuality is just a form of caste enforcement.
Most drow are doms
Gender is irrelevant
'We only accept transsexuals who are sane and can pass' is not a catchy slogan. And as you are no doubt aware, politics is 90% catchy slogans.
Can confirm. Most trans people nowadays seem pretty content to take their hormones and dress in a way that makes them feel more comfortable. Haven't ran into anybody interested in getting an operation in fucking ages.
FPBP. Finance, professional dominatrixes, pornstars/Instagram models. Can't go above ground without sunglasses and extra special sunscreen.
I only ever use the City of Shelolth drow in my games so they would be exactly like Saudi Arabia.
This warms my wretched black heart.
Soyboy is posted all over fucking normiebook. Plus it rhymes which will help it catch on better.
political lesbians mostly. Most of them are attracted to men, they just think they are lower than dirt.
>Haven't ran into anybody interested in getting an operation in fucking ages.
Good. Actual gender reassignment surgery is useless butchery.
I've yet to see "applesponge" trigger anyone except for autists offended by how nonsensical it is. I think it's good evidence for the claim that the left can't meme.
Soyboy has gotten large enough as a meme that it's being said in real life by at least some normies. It's had explainers published by the LA Times and take downs attempting to discredit it posted in relatively mainstream leftwing outlets like Medium.
Unless they rolled back some of the gender relation issues they have, they'd have to be as isolationist as North Korea to not lose a huge chunk of their menfolk.
On the other hand non-productive western feminists would probably attempt to flood the place, only to all starve in dungeons for crimes like loitering.
>male drow refugees flooding the west
now that's something interesting
There's a thread on the archive called "Letters from Gri'Gori" about drow being reimagined as Eastern European immigrants. It's fucking hilarious and 100% worth the read.
Do drow become gopniks?
>I think it's good evidence for the claim that the left can't meme.
You're still on about it, aren't you?
>he's still reacting to it.
Tell me again about how applesponge doesn't trigger you.
I think soyboy is just has stupid insult then applesponge. The amount of soy in order for any case of feminization would be a huge amount, it's akin to calling someone with narcolepsy a turkeyboy.
Soyboy rhymes though which gives it more esoteric power.
Aleister Crowley knows his shit.
I think they're both pretty stupid, but at least soyboy has some twisted logic to it as opposed to the literal wordsalad of applesponge
Soyboy conjures a very strong mental image. It's like c u c k. It doesn't have to make perfect sense, it just has to be a good insult.
Huh, are they filtering cuck? Hiroshimoot like watching his wife get fucked by men wearing regular moot like a condom?
They were at one point. I guess not anymore, going by your post.
If you wanted to fap to this pic, you could have just asked in an art thread.
Got any more like that though?
qt blutee a best.
The purple/blue skinned drow are the fucking worst.
Whats the proper coloration for a drow? Based on the first result on google for "proper coloration for a drow", this is what it looks like. Basically black and white, with red in the eyes.
Not really, Drow have high sex drives and would partake in all sorts of deviant acts.
Basically correct.