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What splat is the most fun to play?
>New Geist preview
>New Deviant preview
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/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Is /wodg/ finally dead?
This is Zhyzhak of the Black Spiral Dancers, chosen of the Green Dragon, destined slayer of the last gaian king, and most powerful living garou of the Apocalypse. Say something nice about her!
Nice makeup, bitch.
I'm Ventrue
We are so cucked
Why won't you ever dominate my weak little Vampiric body, master?
I dunno, do you wanna talk about vampires vs mages again, or perhaps spend the whole thread arguing about minor things? Oh, I know. Maybe we can discuss the tremere again!
Save me
Thanks. You turned out to be a nice ashtray.
>Maybe we can discuss the tremere again!
Why would that be a problem? They've always had good storytelling potential.
It's less that there's an inherent problem with them and more that we rarely discuss anything else. There's so many game lines to talk about, but outside of a small group nothing else comes up.
I am thinking of running Dust to Dust as the first story for my self and my group.
Is it good? If not what's wrong with it? Anything I should know or anything I should add that the book doesn't mention?
Also general advice for running VTM20 would be appreciated
What do you think of Cappadocians? (Besides "pasta'd")
What kind of monsters would you put onboard the Titanic?
Demons and angels? Prometheans?
I'd like to do a small campaign centered around the Titanic, looking to get fresh ideas.
CofD, of course.
I'd suggest Tzimisce monstrosities-
I actually homebrew Tzimisce into CofD by making them an ancient Ventrue bloodline with Protean as a 4th discipline and Domination/Protean/Resilience devotions that allow them to fleshcraft, and that has to sleep in their "native soil" as a bane. Works like a charm.
However, I don't really see how Tzimisce fit in the Titanic.
Thoughts on Montreal by Night? Just finished reading it, had some cool ideas but I think it was a bit too edgy. I mean seriously a vampire who's entire background is just "a pedophile abused and turned her?"
Gangrel is still a clan in cofd and since you don't seem adverse to homebrewing then maybe take inspiration from these fuckers.
Underwater vampires who sneak aboard the ship at night.
Angry, territorial ice spirits.
>What splat is the most fun to play?
Deviant, because it'll be new.
Be honest here: just how good/bad was Kindred: The Embraced?
>Isolated area
>Lot of paupers to experiment on
Why even bother when you had Xfiles at its peak
>Underwater vampires who sneak aboard the ship at night
I think the Mara from Circle of the Crone could be a good fit too.
>Angry, territorial ice spirits
Well there's at leats going to be the ONE.
eh, I mean, you're not wrong
>Watching beyond Season 3
Doesn't one of the Beast books have a creature that actually sunk the titanic?
So, how about them Horrorspawn? Now my giant can jerk off in some retards nightmare and make babby Horrors. Or diddle one of his brood members' Horrors for even better results. ;^)
What? Aren't they just supposed to scare people?
Beast is the most cucked shit ever, who the fuck even plays that shit? Inb4 overton window faggot
If you want a Horrorspawn take one as a Merit instead of making one during the game, even if it's just a single dot. Horrorspawn bought with Merits don't decay over time.
Who knows what Beasts are supposed to do.
>Inb4 overton window faggot
who know? Will rape and gas lighting suddenly be okay in the future or something?
Sinking boats is pretty scary for the people on the boat.
It was what it was. An adaptation, not a 'THIS IS VTM BUT TEEVEE'. It has some good moments, and some bad moments, and it sucks that it was cancelled really when it was getting to find its feet in the last couple of episodes. Don't go into it expecting OH JUST LIKE MY VTM GAME because it's not. But it's worth a watch.
I preferred the Spanish Mage the Ascension show, Paradigma
>Spanish Mage the Ascension show, Paradigma
Yeah this. It's a bog standard vampire drama show that occasionally namedrops some terms from VtM. That's about it.
It was a shitty Mage the Ascension show. It looked like it had a budget of about $1000 and looked like it was filmed on a college campus with some Mage LARPers.
>Mage LARPers
Are they better or worse than vampire and woof larpers?
It was great, and it made more sense then Kindred and didn't have a bunch of vampires running around in the sun.
Here is a link to the full series w/ subtitles.
My city now.
I just use to wear googles, a labcoat, and carry weird crystals and knickknacks with me.
Lots of variety, I think. I met a sixty-something year old dude dressed in purple and gold robes his wife made him. Best wizard ever: beard, voice, gestures, guy was fucking nuts.
>mixing paradigms
What the fuck are you smoking? You don't mix paradigms!
I need a link to changeling 20. Pastebin doesn't have it.
Scribd does.
I mostly just used the crystals to attune the vibrational frequency of weapons to be able to hit spirits and ghosts, which I injected drugs into my spinal column to be able to see.
My experience with Vampire LARPers has been on the 'normal' side of the Shittacular LARP Spectrum, so I'm in the minority. I'd say worse than some of the Vampire LARPers, but better than some of the Mage LARPers I've gamed with.
Should have taken a picture.
Scribid requires a cc to make an account. I'm not doing that.
>changeling 20
I've seen a few people make this claim, so I'm curious to find it out from you anons:
Just how common are in groups where these members are dictating the direction of the LARP at the cost of everyone else's fun, and the cronyism that comes with this?
You can upload documents to download off of Scribd in return. I suggest using empty character sheets.
I always wanted to try this wildwest larp.
upon retrospect though id be worried thered be gay cowboys everywhere...
It's entirely dependent on the group. I have seen this be more common in 1. hyper-insular LARPs who don't know how to welcome people into their dynamic, and 2. the large interconnected organizational LARPs, specifically the Mind's Eye Society. But the cronyism and pushing for 'my way only' happens based on your group. My last LARP group (I was running Masquerade, currently we are playing Apocalypse and I'm not running it thank god) is more of an OOC family. We hang out and do other stuff than LARP, and we actively try to be inclusive of new players, rather than just 'giving the cool stuff to established players'. Myself, I've been LARPing for 14 years this August, so... I've been around that block a time or two.
Also, should put my trip on.
Resident LARPfag here, AMA.
What if Pentex pulled a Weapon Plus and made a superhero team to kill yiffs?
Which line brings the best goth girls?
pls respond.
Not LARPfag but the answer is Changeling the Lost.
Changeling -> Vampire -> Mage -> Werewolf in that order. I guess. I'm a fag RL so my concept of 'best goth girls' is really 'which line ends up having the most insane costuming'.
Though the Mind's Eye Society is officially doing a fucking Beast-supporting cross-venue game, so it'll probably be that. But the MES is a shitshow anyway, so.
I think Beast probably would've been better if Matt hadn't gone with "Beasts need to teach a lesson" and instead went with a kind of Freddy Kreuger-esque "Beasts need to focus on terrorizing anyone and everyone and feed on their fear" type of deal. Reading parts of Beast and seeing named NPCs killing their victims strikes me as a bit arbitrary. Unless Beasts need to feed on life force, which would just make them worse Vampires.
Yeah, the gas lighting lessons really turned me off of the final product.
Do we have any idea when to expect some concrete material for GEIST 2E? Either a playtest document or the actual release?
How exactly did the Hermetic Order get curbstomped at Mistridge by people with cannons and pitchforks when they can immediately summon numerous Angels and call down righteous heavenly fury?
No. OPP doesn't do schedules because they don't have employees and hate paying people.
Sweet child.
They were really good technocratic Pitchforks.
Is it gas lighting or is it victim blaming?
I was going to say thematically that Hunters are the biggest assholes in the World of Darkness (Becoming the monsters you hunt), but then Beasts comes along and it comes off with this "Wow it was just a prank bro, I'm so misunderstood, why is the world so evil!" vibe while they chase innocent people with chainsaws.
It's both!
Because White Wolf thought it sounded cool or something
Damn, is it really that nebulous? How long are these 2E's usually in development? I haven't kept up with CofD much; last time I played it was still NWoD.
If Matt were smarter it would've been neither hopefully, but instead he pulled the retard move of claiming that female victims of harassment are always correct and then getting accused of molestation.
It fully depends on how quickly their freelancers work, since they don't give them a concrete due date. But, didn't it take them 3 years to get Exalted 3rd edition, and 5 years late on Wraith 20th Anniversary?
I like to imagine that most NPC mages usually only hit rank 3 spheres, or 4 if they're leaders of some kind.
And when you think about it they're quite human in terms of squishyness.
I still don't even know what beast is supposed to be. Werewolves, Vampires, Wizards, Fairies, Demons, Ghosts, Mummies, Hunters... And beasts are supposed to be what, exactly? Not one type of creature, but a catchall for several completely differing types of creatures? And they scare people to teach them lessons, despite half of the ones in the book killing people for no real reason.
That'll be trannies.
Can you post pics? Of hot goth girls and cool LARP characters.
Beasts are people chosen by the Dark Mother, a nebulous entity from possibly Abyssal origin, to fill in the place of monsters from old stories. They are basically catch-all monsters that don't fit into the other splats. Gryphons, the Kraken, stuff like that. They're supposed to satisfy themselves *somehow* by scaring folks just like monsters did in their tall tales but a lot of NPCs in the book usually do some dumb shit like killing their victims or playing out revenge fantasies. I'd say it's the most schizophrenic splat of them all.
Supposedly the Beast player's guide improves things. Don't know how but it's what I've been told.
I can post pictures of cool LARP costumes, at any rate.
Attached: Three Invictus from a Requiem LARP from 4 years ago attending a ball.
It doesn't.
Nosferatu clan from a Dark Ages convention game.
Elder Toreador and Elder Tremere at a Halloween masque (where all the Tremere turned to goop, incidentally)
whats with the no faces
Its to defend their anonymity you dip.
Cutting out faces at the request of people in the pics, mostly.
Winter Monarch from Changeling the Lost (Wizened Chatelaine)
Cool costumes.
user, next time, if you see a big titied goth girl, remember Veeky Forums.
Night, friend.
Invictus Nosferatu/Galloi, one half of a creepy twincest twins with a good friend of mine
How would I make a mage who also has great martial power, how can he disarm another mage or supernatural then beat the crap out of them with his bare hands
This is awful. Sorry, man.
>larping is so faggy they need witness protection
k have fun in the yiff pit
It's relatively easy to out melee even a werewolf using Awakening. A mod over at OPP made some cool physical mage builds.
They look like office workers
Building a Tzimisce for a Masquerade tabletop game. I need a good name.
Nah. They're ALWAYS merits and all decay over time. The difference is that if you get them IC, the ST *may* decide to give you the merit at a discount or for free.
>A mod over at OPP
Disgusting why would you allow that sjw filth at your table?
Invictus are like Ventrue in some of that respect, I'll admit. The Changeling one would've been better if I could find the full body pick with the rest of the snowy coat ensemble.
>great martial power
Life and/or train a lot.
>disarm another mage
Prime, mostly.
>or supernatural
Depends on the supernatural. Prime may help.