Sup Veeky Forums, how old is your character?
Sup Veeky Forums, how old is your character?
Old enough to answer such question by pretending not to hear it.
As old as you can be without being disqualified for Solar Exaltation (sixty or so). By far the oldest guy in the party.
this thread made me realise I play characters the same age as me almost exclusively
Merfolk bard, age 53.
Severosi hound, age 31.
Most of my characters are usually no younger than 28, by human standards. This is, of course, in contrast to the many, many players that only ever play characters in the range of 18-19 or 20-23, because that's either close to their own age or they don't understand that a thirty-something-year-old is still a young person, comparatively. Like , my characters are almost always the oldest in the party.
Yukari can't be on Veeky Forums, she's 17 years old still!
Is it true that Suwako is the only canon non-virgin?
Sanae takes after her in that regard.
- Iliira Ii'ilmerias (D&D, Forgotten Realms, drow elf thief): 27 throughout the campaign, 28 in a recent cameo appearance as an NPC in a later campaign. Will be 58 during a flash-forward.
Sofya Falkonichna Oronova (D&D, Ravenloft, dhampir cleric of Ezra): 25. Haven't played her yet.
- Evelyn Moreau (Spycraft, CONTROL sniper assassin): 29 in 1983 at campaign start, 35 in 1989 at campaign end.
- Zoraida Rascón (Vampire: the Masquerade, 11th generation Toreador): 23 in 2015 at campaign start, had been Embraced 3 years previously. Then she died.
- Adrienne Molyneux (Vampire: the Masquerade, 8th generation Caitiff): 22 in 2015, had bee vamp'd slightly less than 1 year previously. Managed to survive the entire chronicle. Will not survive the next chronicle, I think, thanks to a 5-point Enemy flaw.
- Skye Adarin/Mandalore the Forge (Star Wars Saga, Soldier/Officer): 34 or 3,994, depending on whether or not you count 3,960 years frozen in carbonite.
- Relena (custom King Hearts campaign, Keyblade wielder): 14 at campaign start, 15 by the end as her birthday happened. Anagram her name and add an X.
Cyborg Jedi, 47 if I remember correctly. The GM has all our sheets on file, but keeps forgetting to send us copies. I haven't looked at mine in months, so I've just memorized the dice pools I have for common actions.
Dimension hopping mech pilot, 20
>Adrienne Molyneux (Vampire: the Masquerade, 8th generation Caitiff)
>5-point Enemy flaw
Side note, I took this flaw because I knew how gamey rolling up an 8th Generation Caitiff was, so I wanted something to balance it. I figured my character's sire could be the Enemy, who's a 1,000 year old 7th generation Caitiff who embraces childer, sets them loose for a year, and then hunts them for sport. I actually statted him out myself (I'd played Vampire before, while my Storyteller was new to it) and designed him to be a party-killer, as dangerous as I could, who would require basically blind luck to survive against.
Then I looked at the Enemy flaw again, and realized that this party-killer vampire was NOWHERE NEAR powerful enough to represent a 5-point enemy.
I became just a little frightened at that point, especially since I felt honor-bound to tell my Storyteller this fact.
>they don't understand that a thirty-something-year-old is still a young person
Yeah sure thing Gramps/Old Hag
About 27 in human years.
>5e Human Rogue Lawyer
>5e Human Barbarian Speed Demon
>5e Goat Obsessed Elf Druid
>Cypher Carolean Musketeer in the Wrong Setting
The current one got infected with a hive-mind virus only to end up with the rest of said hive wiped out. So the question is do you judge the age of the original person, the hive as a whole, or just since the conversion that bought about their new identity.
No ;_;
Which one? Youngest is 13, and looks it, oldest is several thousand years old, but that one's a god that looks like they're in their 30s.
Most of the others look their age and are 20-40, barring cybernetic augmentation.
5E Warforged Cleric, who is four but still has committed his fair share of war crimes
I typically role play characters similar to people I know, like a 19 y/o Iruvian Cutter based on my younger brother, or a 61 y/o gnome Artificer based on my dad.
One was 28, the other 116
I've created most of my characters as a DM.
>Son gets killed in moody affairs with moon god
>Become so angry you become an embodiment of anger, a vengeful spirit.
>Literally grudge powered
>Still not angry enough
>Purify your soul so it ends up being NOTHING but anger
>Dedicate the rest of your existance to revenge
Is she the most hardcore 2hu girl?
17 year old ratfolk witch who just left her coven to bring back treasures and become experienced enough to teach the next generation of witches.
You forgot:
>Is friends with a weirdo who just happens to be the most powerful canon character and a literal hell fairy who's dressed in an american flag
>Made the oh so perfect Lunarians of all people flip their shit and evacuate in panic by just existing with her friends near their capital