hey Veeky Forums is Magic still worth getting back into?
Hey Veeky Forums is Magic still worth getting back into?
it's way more expensive, the art is way worse, and the game has become measurably more political. the "gatewatch" sucks and they're not going away. that said, it's still very fun, especially older formats and draft (cube, chaos, and flashback drafts specifically).
well shit. guess I'll just play with some of my old stuff. that's what I do with YuGiOh at this point. such a shame
also it sucks that every game is being infested with politics
get a group of friends that want to play, and play with proxies. it is still a good game, but the absurd cost of a decent deck in any format (except pauper) is my #1 'fuck off'. if you like drafting, proxy a cube. any other format you and your friends can get whatever decks you want printed out for like 15$ a pop counting sleeves. I personally cant stand the people at the LGS, so even if I could afford the cost of the cards I avoid that place. kitchen table is still comfy and fun.
Get a commander precon or wait until April and buy a challenger deck.
Don'y play anything new, just play commander/EDH or Legacy / 95
Also proxy out the expensive shit if you don't own it.
I love how "too political" is such a huge dogwhistle for "the game has characters that aren't white and women in roles other than 'romance prize for man' and 'slutty evil chick', how DARE they ruin my white male escapism with representation of other people!"
Fuck off back to wh40k with this shit. It isn't "political" to have characters that don't look like you (if you had a better diet and went outside ever) getting spotlight time. It's how the world is and will continue to be.
7/10, maybe a lil too obvious tho
dude chill the fuck out, no one is out to get you. the game has always had black characters, strong women, etc - Mirage had some of the best art design in the game's history and was an Africa analog.
Kaya, for example, was designed under the eye of a diversity consultant, and she became the most sideshow-like stereotype of a black woman in Magic. Teferi, on the other hand, as well as Koth, Sisay, etc., were all characters of color AND depth, but predated the game's liberal turn. The game had strong women as well, see Radiant, Belle, etc., and no one ever complained.
Nobody's "dogwhistling," we're just pointing out the obvious. The game's still fun, and I still play as do many others, but it's not perfect. The creators should focus more on the game and the fantasy world it's set in and less on outside distractions.
I too enjoy seeing HQdrones foaming out of their mouths in rage, but you need to step up your game just a bit.
legacy format is very good rn, very wide rage of decks playable. Modern is uber shit like usual. Standard idk since it's reserved for cucks.
EDH's always fun. Overall it's still worth getting back in as long as you play old formats my dude.
There is a set coming in a month designed by Richard Garfield that brings back a lot of forgotten characters and places. Go to pre, or draft a bit and switch to EDH or quit afterwards. Everything else for the past few years was one disaster after another and the future doesn't look bright either.
i know it's a bait but..
>It's how the world is
but user the game is supposed to be in a fantasy realm, you know.. the opposite of what reality is
So I am gonna be playing my first game in months in a while and I have a couple questions.
Have there been any rule changes since the removal of planeswalker uniqueness?
Have there been any scandals since Zach Jesse?
Judges have been pedos
Oh piss off
I might just look into that. thanks
They're too fucking stupid to step it up nigga.
That sounds like a juicy scandal although I find it difficult to care much about pedo stuff anymore.
Suck muh dong scrub.
It's dry as your mammas fat vagazzle and nearly untrue. Guy called Ross Prazjner got done for pedo crimes and was immediatley removed and DCI banned. It was one guy. That's it.
The funny thing is, people were complaining just yesterday that 'all the humans were black' in the card arts shown.
Said humans were Sisay's descendant and Teferi.
Unfortunately. We need to deal with these idiots daily now.
Remember why you left to begin with. You can't just sit down and play casually with friends because there's always that one faggot who netdecks and drops $500 making some bullshit full of banned cards to fuck you, then your friends start doing it too, then you have to spend a shitload just to catch up, then you might as well go to FNM and everyone there is just insufferable and it smells and nobody has fun but everyone keeps coming back because they've just spent too much money to quit at this point.
Free yourself.
yeah bcuz of course they had to cherrypick exactly thoses 2 legends. fuck off
BITCH 40k is beyond race politics yea their is racism but too like space elves and shit and thats ok.
yeah I would say modern is fine to get into and maybe legacy if you are willing to shell out like $3000
Standard should probably be avoided until we see the full Dominaria set
that said very little looks like it can actually save standard
WotC unwillingness to print actual good answer cards and a continuation of printing overpowered game dominating threats results in games being decided by who can windmill slam their big boss before the other, which has been one of the largest problems with standard for the last 2 years.
Also Commander is a huge problem for the game since there is this really bad impression WotC is getting that commander players are growing because they like commander and not because standard sucks ass. So they print more and more cards that are made only really for commander into standard sets which makes standard worse and worse.
so as a matter of principal avoid playing casual baby mode commander, avoid playing standard, play modern and maybe legacy
Your link is broken and what was the magic the bad Facebook group that got hasbros nickers in a twist?
ED goes down very often. Take the site with a grain of salt since it's intentionally written to piss people off
Huh? A couple cards were leaked yesterday (the ones shown today). Most showed nonhumans, the two of eight that did were the card 'Shanna, Sisay's Legacy' and an Opt reprint showing Teferi contemplating a rock. Someone bitched about all the humans being black, despite the usual lack of problems with Teferi and Sisay.
So no rules changes then?
ok elaine
Wowee, because everyone should care about the opinion of a bunch of autists who write essays about obscure internet people.
They had female strong characters who werent only romantic love interest you white knight cuck. Sisay, jeska, akroma, etc. They also had black characters who werent black for the sake of bring black like sisay, teferi, crovax, etc. Just because they are distracting retards like you from modern bad story telling with muh token minorities doesnt mean the story isnt shit or politicized.
>Muh token minority
Go back to /reddit/
Yeah, most of the whining is just that - whining.
That said, maybe see what Dominaria looks like before committing. What the community has seen so far has been pleasing, but you never know.
why we can't have nice things everyone
Better to listen to /ourguy/ Jeremy, and just believe in everything he says!
No, play Netrunner or any LCG instead
40k/30k is actually far more 'diverrse' than MTG. Has always been.
of course it is, everything was more diverse back before "diversity" meant "anything that tears down the existing status quo and helps implement global communism"
Whoa, shit, someone who actually knows what they're talking about.
Yes, magic right now is actually getting much better, especially the community and tournament scene. Don't let /pol/tards and fool with with bullshit like "worse art" and other hallow complaints. They just hate seeing black people and women on their precious cardboard rectangles. Magic is doing just as fine now as it always has been, ignore /pol/tards and racists.
This. The only politics in magic you should be concerned about are the unfair banings.
bring back stoneforge and ban 1mana planeswalker pls
No. Sell anything you still have and watch it die screaming.
No, it's dying fucking fast.
Ugly SJW control everything now so the art has become "angry minority women" on everything. The design is garbage now with shit like ravenous chupacabra that even pros complain about being shit design.
I meant the dci banings chucklefuck. One mana planeswalker was pure bullshit and I am glad I never have to deal with it again.
This is like the worst time to get into the game ever, not even considering the drama and political bullshit. It is primarily the card prices, which they aren't doing anything to fix.
If you want to play Modern, then either shell out 1K to play right now (one deck) or buy piecemail but only play next year or so.
Standard suffers from a different problem because while the price is 1/3 of Modern or so, you need to constantly update your cards due to rotation and cards are so underpowered their value crashes after that. Challenger decks are welcome to try and fix that but we will see.
And Arena looks like horseshit too, and the card accumulation system looks to be the worst.
If you really want a paper TCG, just go to Destiny, Pokemon (which requires surprisingly tight play at higher levels) or some LCG. Online even Hearthstone offers a better experience. MTG is fucking impossible to get into right now.
go back to /reddit/
No, the state of the Standard right now is disgusting. Modern is starting to feel the weight of these recent bad sets, but is still playable. Legacy and Vintage are still the same, just need money.
As for the game itself, the company is virtue signalling out of its ass. Honestly I wouldn't have a problem with it, except it is so blatant and the writing behind it screams of lazy. The worst part is that WotC is using Virtue signalling as an excuse to print horribly balanced cards with cheap card board. All in all the game is getting hit hard right now from all sides because of all the bad decisions that the company is making.
Check back in 3 years to see if it has gotten better, luckily the writing is seeing SOME improvement so there is hope.
I am in the process of getting back. There is only one thing that is important for this question and that is how your local community is like. Go to an openhouse event, or the next prerelease for Dominaria see for yourself. If its a nice community then all the online drama is irrelevant. Dominaria looks nicer than the last couple sets and you can allways play cheap modern brews or EDH and ignore standard. If you want to play standard getting one of the challenger decks and just heading to the next event is probably fine. Most of the players in my store wouldnt know what you are talking about if you mention muh politics, our modern FNMs are a mixture of budget brews and tier decks, and one day a week people bring their kitchentable decks and play each other for fun. There are regular Legacy tournaments and standard is pretty irrelevant, if you are in Europe this situation is not that unusual.
Magic in North America sounds horrible, shitty cardboard, everything is focused on standard, exspensive cards and way more speculators.
Standard is actually fine at the moment, and modern is great. Pauper is still delver-centric but it has way more variety than a few months ago.
Magic's in a weird spot.
Standard is currently a bit of a mess and bannings have helped a lot, and Dominaria is coming with the hope it'll fix standard. They've also announced an EDH-lite format called Brawl which is 60 card, 30 life, standard legal singleton which is something you can do with your standard cards if you start and bore of the format.
Modern is modern. It's basically Magic marmite and you have to want to enjoy it to get anything out of it. It's actually fairly diverse at the moment though.
Legacy formats are currently great, those being Legacy, Vintage and EDH. They just have a fairly big barrier to entry in price, that being different with EDH due to the annual precons.
With the other stuff, I do think the card quality has decreased, and some of the art isn't great but that's always been an issue with most sets imo
If you've got friends who play and will lend you decks to test thats what to do first ideally, then look at the formats you enjoy and see what it'd be like to buy your entry to those. With the challenger decks coming out soon for standard and the EDH precons coming out in August they're gonna be the easiest ways to get into the formats. When it comes to everything else there is budget options, but they usually take form in some form of aggro or tempo deck.
>even Hearthstone offers a better experience.
Woooh let's not get hasty
>ravnica was supposed to save MtG
>alara was supposed to save MtG
>theros was supposed to save MtG
>w-wait dominaria is gonna save it, I-I promise
Sad but MtG is on a downside road for a long time, and the bottom is near.
>nobody is talking about EDH, the only format that matters
also lol @ ED the most irrelevant website in 2018
reddit you keep trying to invade Veeky Forums it won't happen no matter how hard you try, nobody cares about you and nobody ever will, make nooses because none of these beta woemon will ever let you in they're fridided cooch no matter what you want to keep thinking.
OP, play Commander or budget legacy/cube, thats my advice.
stay far away from standard.
Hearthstone's new player experience is shit but even there it looks easier to make a top tier deck than in Arena, let alone multiple ones.
Standard as a format right now is decent enough, problem is that it is too expensive for a rotational format.
While we're apparently typecasting people, let me take a wild guess that you're pro-mass migration, pro-"women's choice", anti-death penalty, in favor of legalizing drugs, pro-'equal wealth distribution', and think that Islamic terrorism is the result of western intervention in the middle east combined with the 'right wing media' scapegoating Muslims?
Yeah, you lot are predictable sheep too.
Aside from anons shit spelling this.
Also buy fakes from villa zheng, look im up on youtube for contract info.
Oh no, it's like a disease. Thanks faggot.
all this LGBTQIABC+ and we still can't get our boi back
lol your welcome :^)
Don't forget Gurruk.
>Play Modern and Legacy
WotC/StarCityGames shill detected. Modern has a roughly 500-600 entrance barrier and legacy is about double to triple that. Meanwhile you can make a commander deck for 30-40 dollars and not have to eat ketchup sandwiches and ice soup to justify your purchase.
t. soyboy
I’m thinking of getting into magic and this thread echoes the same thing about every franchise/hobby:
>the “fanbase” is absolute trash
>they hate everything new and love everything old
>they hate the makers
>the truth is actually that things now are about the same as they were before
Seems that the worst part of every franchise/hobby is the userbase.
Find me an example where this is not true.
>the truth is actually that things now are about the same as they were before
that isn't how it is with mtg at all son.
You’re right. I shoul have said: “the game is the same, the players are shit”.
aren't there like miniatures and shit now? i got out whem Mirrodin dropped ages ago. i could see the writing on the wall.