Rat-like people are called ratfolk

>rat-like people are called ratfolk
>cat-like people are called catfolk
>humans aren't called apefolk

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Go away, frogposter.

dumb frogfolk

Bad post

Clever post

A forced meme is worse than a dead one

You're not funny

Humans are the default.

Attached: 534510df9406a315ebeb73da710cdae2.jpg (1017x786, 148K)

Races have a name for themselves and an Xfolk term for other races

Maybe in your setting OP. In my setting, there's a species of tiny fast-breeding, notoriously violent, and staggeringly stupid hairless chimps that infest the jungle lowlands called Hu's. Calling someone a Hu-Man is tantamount to a grievous insult, they prefer to be called Haum, Haumic, or Haum-Folk, in memory of a Haumik, the heroic demigod that sired the race when he went a century-long star-dust fueled incestuous fender-bender that left millions dead.

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fuck off frogposter

dumb mon'keigh

X-folk are out of universe names for sake of convenience, because no one know what an "Hu" is until explain his setting.

Grug no like frog folk
Frog folk make speak on not broke thing

Attached: oogaboogaaa.jpg (800x450, 38K)

>Tiny, fast-breeding, notoriously violent, staggeringly stupid hairless chimps infesting the jungle

No, I already knew what a Hue was

Attached: hue.png (482x329, 23K)


Ok, bad example, but you get what I mean.

Jesus fucking christ what's your issue with pepe? It's as if he genuinely offends you.


>rat-like people are called ratfolk
wrong, they're called Skaven, Wererats, or Kobolds
>cat-like people are called catfolk
wrong, they're called Tabaxi
>humans aren't called apefolk

Attached: inb4 pol.jpg (940x627, 55K)

>humans aren't called apefolk
Not the white ones at least

>people who study the blade and wear fedoras aren't called hatfolk

No, ape folk would be planet of the apes all over again...

please shut the fuck up
you can stay

humans are twicelings

this kind of garbage is what makes people unironically go HFY


Wouldn't they be Wholelings?

lizard people in my setting call humans and elves "altobas", which roughly translates to "small trolls", trolls being horrible omnivorous gorilla things.

Human-like people are called humanfolk.

probably thought it was her turn.

Some context,
>His High Elves are like aliens or the wizard illuminati or something and they run on drugs.
>His regular Elves are surgically/magically uplifted human, but it's shoddy work with easily torn seams.
>Neither show up in history books past like eighty or a hundred years ago.

>not humanoidfolk

>humans aren't called apefolk
depends what people you're referring to

Wrong, those are called furfaggots.


Skerples, we know its you. you don't need to hide from us.

No, that's just me. If it were Skerples, he'd have posted an image and a paragraph of text.

No, that's just me. If it were Skerples, he'd have posted an image and a paragraph.


Why aren't bird-like people called eggyolk?

>Frogpeople are called frogscum because they're once-human scum that willingly turned themselves into abominations for attention purposes

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