How does everyone feel about this? While I presume it's not something that's going to just be popping up everywhere, I'd still like to discuss how people feel about using tabletop as a teaching tool.
How does everyone feel about this? While I presume it's not something that's going to just be popping up everywhere...
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it's bullshit.
i want to be OUT OF SCHOOL to enjoy my hobbies. i felt the same way in high school. i feel the same way in college
I think it be great. I did more studying of the Roman Empire for a DnD game I made in that setting than I did taking a history coarse on it.
Semi-related did you know Roman Brothels used coins with sex acts on them for currency, since Rome was such a melting pot of cultures not all working girls or patrons spoke Latin, so this was a easy solution to insure that Patrons got what they wanted without having to explain it to someone who wouldn't understand them.
I learned that in prepping my game cause I knew one of those fuckers would want to go to a house of lady favors and I wanted it to be authentic.
How about instead of bullshit electives we give kids time and resources to pursue projects and research of their own?
No? Still going with rigidity and structure that leaves no room for creativity in learning? Nevermind then.
D&D studies? Come on. Another worthless elective? Why are schools in such a bubble? Most of what you are taught is worthless in the real world or the exact opposite. Money management is probably the most important day to day skill a person can have regardless of occupation. And yet schools might offer maybe one half assed elective on the subject, that doesn't even cover taxes.
Do middle schools not have after school clubs for kids to do things in anymore?
nerds are way more likely to get bullied and their stuff ruined if that have it with them all-day, and "show off" that they have it, rather than just keeping it in their bag all day and hanging out with it after school
Apparently the dude ran an after school D&D club already, and got approached by the principal to do this.
People complain about budget cuts to schools, yet this is what the existing budget is spent on. Somehow I am not surprised.
I feel like school is a lot like piano recitals: Some kids like it, it's good for some kids in some ways, but fundamentally it's more about adults needing to micromanage children than it is children wanting or needing to learn certain things.
this is what your country on bread and circuses looks like
What a scam, even in Middle School I hated taking the dumb superficial electives and would have preferred to have gone home early. Why play D&D at school when you can play at home? School sucks the fun out of everything.
>oh I know lets teach kids about D&D by talking about it for an hour instead of playing it
>oh we can play it now? cool! you've got an hour and 45mins to play until you have to go to your next
surely this will be the new style of play boys
How about a “learn taxes and personal finance class” instead?
I'd probably have signed up for it when I was in middle school
Of course you would. That's the point. A dose of something that seems fun here, an insanely powerful injection of cultural marxism there and you've grown up to be a pliant little soyim.
>Alright kid, you're already 12. Time to pay taxes and balance your checkbook.
Stupid. I don't send kids to school so they can play games all day. I want them to learn math, literature, history, and discipline. Like it or not, these things are better learned through rote memorization and reading and not through rolling dice.
I say that as a teacher myself, who often has to see coworkers hide their incompetence by playing games during class time.
>alright kid, you're already 35, time to get your first job and start studying for your driver's license which you will never pass because you skipped it to go wait in line for a nintendo switch
fucking kill yourself
The whole school system needs to be overhauled badly but it's such a mess that doing so would just cause more problems.
It must be an exciting to live a life in which you see some sinister conspiracy behind every stupid thing
>the extremely obvious truth is actually just a conspiracy theory
Ignorance is Strength, eh?
A class where you practice math, creative and critical thinking, problem solving, and social skills. I think it's a great idea.
Eat shit and die fascist.
Thanks for proving my point
The extremely obvious truth is that you are a retarded faggot
Seems to be working out for you
So your point was that you are stupid, ok then
Says the guy who drank the Cultural Marxism Kool Aid. And yes you deserve to die along with all the rest of your kind.
>neocommunist bucket brigade desperately defends m'lady cultural marxism
Mandatory strenght training? No way, let's teach them how to play pretend with some rules. Oh wait even chimps can do that instinctively.
Such vitriolic seething malignant hate for the sake of opinion. This is exactly why we're having this problem as a society, there's no attempt to understand or emphasize on your part, only the purest unbridled malice imaginable. If you had the slightest upper body strength, an ounce of bravery or a pinch of honor in your brittle soy-fed body, you might be worthy of Khorne.
>/pol/ retard acts like retard.
Damn, that's neat
Back to /pol/ faggot
Suck my nuts and go back to /pol/
>commies start screeching
>get told to fuck up
>start telling everyone else to go back to where they came from
The only ones screeching here are /pol/ retards like you fag lord.
Good thing this guy works at what seems like a private girls' school.
I can't imagine having to do this with a class of disruptive boys who just laugh in your face if you suggest anything.
This entire thing is just such a horrid idea.
And me, and likely two dozen lurkers. We're not a minority.
>continues screeching to prove that he isn't screeching
Cry harder libtard. This is our board now. No degenerates allowed.
the fucking soy on this one, jesus christ
>projects about projecting
Said the retarded /pol/ faggot that smells
the pic in the OP was for a middle school.
Slow your roll autist
>teaching personal responsibility and civic duty is a bad thing because muh childhood
Worst American meme of all time.
Christ it's your whole damn website now. Moot fucked up hard trying to contain your verbal diarrhea in the /pol/ toilet.
Go suck your girlfriends cock
It's you who are the infestation, reddit. If you can't deal with casual racism, gtfo.
Literally cultural marxism. "children need to be children!! working is wrong! rules are bad!!" all part of a "critical theory" (cultural marxism) attack on traditional parenting, one of the many values that neocommunists continue to subvert as hard as possible
Just ignore this obvious b8.
>inb4 le liberal XDXDXD
You'd love that wouldn't you, you cuck?
Yeah, you guys are smelly
We're not addressing the real problem here, which is that D&D is a bad system and they should be playing GURPS instead
If you want to fuck your mom go ahead sir fagalot
Yeah. Let's stop the political shitposting and summon that one retard that unironically thinks that the people who shit on D&D are trolls instead of people who genuinely dislike the system. That would make a great thread.
How much do y'all think it would take to bribe hiroshimoot to delete /pol/? We could do a kickstarter
>what do you guys think of D&D in schools
>sounds cool
>sounds dumb
>sounds like A SINISTER PLOY
This thread got real weird real fast.
It would be an improvement on the current situation
More like real typical as fast as you'd expect. /pol/ sees devils everywhere and anti/pol/ sees /pol/ everywhere. When two opposing groups with persecution complexes get together, the result is always the same
>Having sex with a woman makes you gay
Have to find out how much he's making in ad revenue first so we know how much is worth his while.
I disagree on that as shitposting is still shitposting, but it would be refreshing though. I wonder if that retard still lurks here, haven't seen him in a while.
>takes up 1/4 of a school day
I guess if that's what it takes for kids to come to school.
I would say leave it as an after-school class and have real subjects in its place, but then again I took two periods of orchestra every day (high school, 9 periods a day) plus practicing during lunch and after-school orchestra. So I can't really talk about distracting from 'real' academics.
But yeah I guess if it's just an elective you might as well have a bit of fun with it, you know? If people can make clay pots and call it an elective, they might as well be allowed to learn to play games too.
When that faggot does it it's really gay
This. I guarantee the class includes a focus on pic related.
Is school not fucking mandatory?
Of course it will. Look at this guys picture. Pic fuckin' related. Extremely obvious leftist pedophile
>Homosexuals are gay
That's not a very inclusive thing to say. I'm going to have to report you to the thought police for further examination on whether your comment offended anybody.
This joe biden-grade child rapist piece of shit works for an all girls school and is "roleplaying" with the students? Jesus fucking christ.
Or it's focus on your love of taking it your stupid ass
Or you are obvious stupid faggot that has B.O
>Of course it will. Look at this guys picture. Pic fuckin' related. Extremely obvious leftist pedophile
Looks more like a grown up soyboy. A soy man?
Wow, guess you "people" really do always project.
On paper, sure. In practice, what you gonna do about it? Suspend him?
How can you be bald and have a "fellow kids" mohawk at the same fucking time?
Childish insults from a childish mind, I expected nothing less and you delivered. Congratulations user.
Or maybe it's you that is projecting fag lord
There's no difference between a soyboy and a rapist/molester, that's why every single "male feminist ally" always eventually pulls down a rape or harassment charge. Just look at the disgusting pile of shit who made reddit and morty.
Have the police stop every student age kid on the street and ask him why is he not in school? Is this not how it is in america?
Good job finding yourself
Probably rubs his wife's boyfriend's nut sweat on his hairline to borrow some extra T
>Just look at the disgusting pile of shit who made reddit and morty.
Wait, what? Was he targeted by #metoo too? What did he do?
Programs like music, arts, and other extracurriculars are proven to help attendance and give kids more enthusiasm to succeed in school. It's like, if you love drumming but have to maintain a GPA to play the drums, then you'll do better in class.
Also, because some of them haven't yet been brainwashed into doing things they hate for the vague promise of future money, it helps to make school less of a miserable slog.
poltards please leave my elf games board
Just google whatever that michael moore looking motherfuckers name is and you'll find out I'm sure.
Don't worry user, you won't recognize us outside of this thread. At least, I should hope so. I've always kept my shit in my pants, don't know about the rest in this thread.
Fantastic rebuttal, truly jaw-dropping.
It's real and quite recent too
Maybe it's something off of mutt school but I have no clue what a GPA is.
Of course it is. He's the type of piece of shit who calls everyone who disagrees with ideals a nazi while he attempts to rape people who work under him. He's That Guy. He's a soyboy.
Half the reason video games suck these days is because they feel like homework now when you play them, this chode is gonna ruin his shit.
Grade point average. You might hear about it once you get into high school.
And a legit assburger according to his Wikipedia page which, strangely enough, contains no mention of the harassment case.
>Here's an hour for you to do whatever you want with no real system in place to grade you.
>What? You just dicked around for an hour and didn't bother to learn, how could this happen!?