/aosg/ Age of Sigmar general

Rad Wavechad edition

Previous thread: NEW STUFF


New Books have been added

>A Traveller's Guide to the Mortal Realms

>Malign Portents: Behind the Scenes


> Core rules

>General's Handbook 2017

>Legions of Nagash

>Malign Portents

>Army and Skirmish Warband builder

>City Generator

>Warscroll battalion blank
nofile.io/f/EbyKWbMJVbM/dark elf photoshop template.psd

>Malign Portents Stories

New books

>Callis and Toll The Old Ways

>The Tainted Axe

>The Witch Takers

>Thread Question

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do you have any house rules for cover?

I fucked up so here's your proper
>Thread Question
Do you believe the Shyish teaser is related to the rumored next Starter box? Or do you think it's a new faction?

New starter

Just finished callis and toll

Expanded Nighthaunts would be good, new faction would be better. Have to see how Malign Portents wraps up, but Nagash as the new Big Bad would be fine by me, and would warrant Death in a new starter.

Attached: ynot.png (869x599, 934K)

Expanded Nighthaunt faction, part of a starter, along with more Stormcast.

What the fuck is the purple ball

My left nut

>a new faction?
what fucking death subfaction is left to exist?
we already have ghosts, skellies, fleshy skellis (zombies), wannabe zombies (ghouls), vamps, bone golems, and big daddy N and his m's

Essentially a spell marker.

Skellie Horses and Chariots

There is plenty, but GW have shown us they’d rather spend time making golden faggots

if the horses is a skeleton then it belongs in deathrattle
if the chariots has ghosts in it it belong in night haunt, if it contains vamps it belongs in soulblight

name one death subfaction other than tomb king which doesn't yet exists even if only through a single mini (deathmages' necromancers)


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Mummies, corpse patchworks, living cult of Nagash.

Plus, for some reason, we only ever have dead humans.
Never orc skeletons or dwarf zombies.

Death constructs
Voodoo themed Death
Death cursed humans who have a black spot curse and do anything to buy themselves more time
Possessed puppets


mummies are mostly tomb kings, i wouldn't mind seeing them return and serve under arkhan
>corpse patchworks
deadwalkers, those you mention are basically lego zombies
>living cult of Nagash
this is the only one which comes close to being a thing which could exist in AoS, it already exists somewhat as deathmages and (some) ghouls but yeah there could be clerics and warriors and whatever. given nagash's disposition towards living beings (which he cannot directly control) he might not like using living troops
>orruk skeletons, duardin zombies
they would belong in deathrattle and deadwalkers, respectively
I would like GW to re-sculpt the zombies to reflect this, but I don't think an Ogorr or Bullgor skeleton deserves a subfaction apart from deathrattle
for that matter, I would like vampire aelfs and ghoulified Ogorrs

>Death cursed humans who have a black spot curse and do anything to buy themselves more time

That's actually cool, basically they sold their souls for immortality and have to do Nagash's will or be doomed to super hell (an even worse one).

Leaders would be really old cynical assholes and chaff would be fanatics who praise Nagash as a benevolent god for making them immune to the ravages of Chaos when Sigmar and the pantheon failed/abandoned them.

Where are the fucking mermaids.
Do I really need to cut up one of these trident realms ripoffs in half and then make my own?

>Voodoo themed Death
Houngans and Mambos fit in deathmages, zombies are deadwalkers, spirits are night haunt
> Death constructs
we have morghast, I wished Ushatbis and necrosphinxes returned, dunno why GW didn't just subsume them under death soup
> Possessed puppets
that's bordeline chaos
> Shadowmancers
that's something Ulgu's aelves would do

I'd love to see human cultists of Gorkamorka too

Digganobs are 40k exclusive.

I would love a living cult of Nagash.
Mortal human cultists, lead by necromancers, not entirely realising what they're worshiping, Lovecraft style, with the most fervent followers being blessed with various states of undeadening.
There might be too much thematic crossover with Chaos, but I think given the right aesthetic it would be the most interesting way to further expand Death outside of its Halloween monsters vibe.

>living cult of Nagash
These would be awesome, especially since Arkhan already has the black disciples which is already a structure similar to the cult of the Damned, with mortals obsessed with overcoming their own mortality/ascending to a higher undead consciousness.

>Priest of Nagash:
>Disciples of Nagash:

I dunno, I feel like Warhammer lacks some sort of hulking Frankenstein's monster/Flesh golem.
An ogre-sized bag of flesh with a big butcher's cleaver in hand.

Attached: 12_HulkingAbomination.jpg (516x400, 167K)

>Death cursed humans who have a black spot curse and do anything to buy themselves more time
This would be a cool way to do undead pirates maybe - (once?) mortal humans given the task of sailing between the realms on some magical energy outside of the realmgates, nominally in order to save themselves, but really just collecting power or spreading Nagash's influence. Getting progressively more spectral as all the energies from between the realms wrecks havoc on their structure.

I'm thinking more Reboot than the Warp, here

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A gorger?

yeah I think so too, but they would fit within deadwalker, I also think we are missing liches, since necros are kind of in between being alive and being dead

>those deepkin

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Honestly despite the memeing, the strength of AoS is its willingness to go balls to the wall with its army themes. Typical undead tropes like liches and Frankenstein monsters that aren't rats are about as interesting as orcs (but bigger) and dwarves (but naked) turned out to be. Which is not very.

Es ist ein schwarze sonne.

Sieg Heil

Hey friends, I've got some questions
>Release dates
When are the Deepkin coming out? 2019 with plastic tit sisters or earlier?
How do you get the Undead back? Do you have to use an action of your general and revive them?
I've got Malus Darkblade Omnibus, The Rise of Nagash Omnibus and The Sundering Omnibus. Anything else I should get?

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So Nagash is the one true path to Moksha?

Escaping the eternal cycle of life and death... I could dig it. Sign me up.

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currently deadwalkers have no heros, a zombie construct made from stitching several zombies would be cool and balls to the wall, fitting AoS over the top aesthetic
it would not be a frankenstein's monster, since that monster was actually alive and not undead
as to how such a being would come to unlife, well "nagash did it" seems good enuff
similarly, liches need not be traditional fantasy liches, I just want a deathmage wizard who is a proper undead.

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>Do you have to use an action of your general and revive them?
yes, you activate the warden, if he has not charged, and he brings back one dude, same with the skaven

>yes, you activate the warden, if he has not charged, and he brings back one dude, same with the skaven
And he can do it multiple times in a round, right?

once per activation if need be, each time they dunk one of your calcium men they get a glory point so keep that in mind

Yah. I've never actually played it before, but I've got 4 armies and I'm just reading up on shit before I play my mate in 5 minutes. Battle Without End and the activation/awakening powers had me confused.

>Death cursed humans who have a black spot curse and do anything to buy themselves more time
Reminds me of pic related

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I have been buying all Shadespire shit, at the beginning it was just to support my LGS cuz I don't actually buy anything there but usually spend 6 to 8 hours a week there

KEK that's awfully nice of ya.

are deepkin coming out in april?

maybe, I'm pretty sure they'll be out before the end of May

well, I eat their snacks, drink their water, use their bathroom, take up a parking slot and a gaming table, and unlike my buddy who introduced me to the store I have never bought anything from them for a whole year until I saw shadespire and thought "well, this is the only fucking place in the city with tables of the right size, they have enough wooden chairs for everyone, and they have terrain too, and the bathroom is not a deathworld pit" so why not
turns out the game is good, and now that the competitive circuit is about to hit the ground player numbers have increased

>>When are the Deepkin coming out? 2019 with plastic tit sisters or earlier?
Deepkin are rumored to drop next month, and that timeline works with how Daughters of Khaine were released.

I mean, Nagash is already in charge of AoS Not!Nirvana. So yes, I guess he is.

>Deepkins are just reskined ugly elves when they could have been cool sea monsters

>Hit the ground
English isn't my first language. Am I right in saying that's a good thing? Because hit the ground running?

well anons its been a wild two days
glad we have some not shitty elves finally
looking forward to seeing the warscrolls whenever they leak

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Should I start Deldar or deepkin


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Here, use this instead.

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deepkin converted to be deldar

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yes, tournament season for Underworlds are just starting, the crystal trophy looks real nice so WAACs from 40k and AoS are taking a second look at the game. it can be a deep game, though they should really release an upgrade deck to get people who bought only a single warband to a competitive level (certain cards like Duel of Wits, Spoils of Battle, Shardcaller, etc. are essential to some or all playstyles), if they want to push more merch they could bundle the deck with something, but having to buy all the shit to be competitive is pushing even some WAAC's out of it

codex WHEN

You're voting Skull and saving your soul, right? Be reasonable and make a deal.

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What are you working on /aosg/

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Helping my dad put together some models.

I just finished assembling my Blood Queen box. Now I'm going to wait until Saturday where I'll bum my friends' greenstuff (for a Grave Guard I fucked up) and paints.

i see that errant questor in the back, finally another user with good taste. GARRRREENNN!!

Nagash has to win or we'll be stuck with Soycast vs. Chaoscucks in everything forever,

I'm still with you, brother.

What’s he working on?

Some Skitarii Rangers as of right now.

>tfw have to wait at least a month and a half until I know what exactly is being teased here

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>> chatter says April might trail into early may for the rest.

>Aelves riding moray eels
>Giant seaturtle
>Dragon seahorse
>Just an octopus with a knife

>tfw have to wait at least a year and a half to see if any thing destruction related shows up

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Not even going to talk about Wavechad?

mein nigger

What's point in talking about chinese fantasy hero?

human barbarians from the plane of beasts would be kinda cool

You take that back or he will send his school of minnows to come nibble on you.

Nice I love smell of burning fishes and gooks

>Anything besides Order or Chaos

user, races are locked into their alliances. No border crossing.


How hard will this be to paint

>tfw jokes about your faction being NPC start becoming true

Attached: sad.jpg (248x203, 11K)

So hard that i will probably just play with him unpainted next to my turtles and eels.

So I've been working on my bonezone list and this is what have come up with for the final project. I think it's the strongest that it can be, keeping the theme of all bones and no skin allowed. What do you guys think? I'm also mulling over the idea of doing Legion of Blood, but that's a much more expensive project. Also pic is my WIP skeleton spear champion.

Allegiance: Grand Host of Nagash
Necromancer (110)
- Artefact: Ossific Diadem
- Lore of the Deathmages: Fading Vigour
Necromancer (110)
- Artefact: Grave-sand Timeglass
- Lore of the Deathmages: Overwhelming Dread
Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade (120)
- General
- Trait: Lord of Nagashizzar
- Artefact: Deathforged Chain
Arkhan The Black Mortarch of Sacrament (320)
- Lore of the Dead: Amaranthine Orb (Vampires)
40 x Skeleton Warriors (280)
- Ancient Spears
20 x Grave Guard (320)
- Great Wight Blades
10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Blades
10 x Skeleton Warriors (80)
- Ancient Blades
5 x Black Knights (120)
1 x Corpse Cart (80)
Mortis Engine (180)
Deathmarch (110)
Lords of Sacrament (70)

Total: 1980 / 2000
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 134

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>implying they were jokes
>implying it hasn’t always been true

it looks like silver washed with thinned down greenshade since it's geedubs

the water is doable as it looks, just do thin highlights working up from some kind of turquoise

how are you going to paint your deepkins user?

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I admire gw for being outlandish but the models look worse than Fyreslayers. Hard pass.

I got a guy who has communication with the 'eavy metal team, he's gonna get the recipe for that sexy blue metal for me. I'll probably end up painting them like the box art unless the Battletome has cooler schemes.

even In death I still surf

+1 to the fact that i won't have to paint eyes very much with my new elf army.

>According to the Critias of Plato, the three outer walls of the Temple to Poseidon and Cleito on Atlantis were clad respectively with brass, tin, and the third outer wall, which encompassed the whole citadel, "flashed with the red light of orichalcum".
I was thinking of going with reddish-gold metallics to tie in with the whole Atlantis shtick they got, but I'm worried that it'll look too Khorne-ish. The sharks would be dolphins to also tie in with the Greek theme.

Attached: test scheme.jpg (1000x750, 248K)

Shit the atlantis theme sounds rad. Just give one guy a beard and a trident hand

>:lammelar and plate

looks sick user


What part of Greece is Guangzhou?

"Greek" is very open ended, I could also go with the Byzantines here. Crossbows work too, because Greeks used the earliest example.

Attached: Two Greeks fighting.jpg (750x497, 503K)

Red, black and gold