Tell me, friend, when did Veeky Forums the wise abandon reason for madness?

Tell me, friend, when did Veeky Forums the wise abandon reason for madness?

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WotC started pushing for the diversity crowd

DnD showed up in some mainstream media

Tumblr noticed

/pol/ noticed Tumblr noticing

The 2016 election happened


Every board is now a homogeneous flamewar between /pol/ and Tumblr; we are all conscripts in the war even if we don't realize it. What board you're on is at best a gentle suggestion for what the OP should be about and maybe what reaction images to post.

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when it was made

When Thulsa Doom could no longer be our mascot.

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When it failed its SAN roll.

Noticed it becoming more and more like /v/ lately. At least there's still /hwg/.

When I realized GW is still as evil as ever.

>tfw you will never not be cancer

> A bunch of dads shitposting about the soviets seven days a week
> Last legitimately good thread on Veeky Forums
Someday we'll have more than one good thread. Someday we'll be back to the glory days of three good threads.

That thing up in the top is stupid, that just means the site will die a miserable death as all the fags die off. Better to recruit the newfags.

>not even remotely close to porn
thats it lads, thats the day Veeky Forums died

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Fucking hell.
I've heard nazimods, but this is what, autismods?

Speak for yourself, I'm a newfag. Joined up during project chanology.

holy shit you frogposters don't know the good ol' days when LURK MORE was a common response instead of spoonfeeding

>first visit in... 2008 I think to download DnD manuals and 40k codices from the dedicated sharing tool, can't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure it was a button near the archive
>started lurking for real in 2009-2010
>first post in 2011 maybe
>started really contributing to threads in 2013
I gave up on determining what the hell I am a long time ago.
All I know is that as far as I remember, there have always been people complaining how Veeky Forums was not the same as before and/or was about to die

Are you talking about >>>/rs/

Rings a bell. I remember browsing a list with no pictures and clicking everything DnD and 40k a few times

September 10, 2016